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Brain stoping at certain HZ..

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
In school our teacher sayd that certain sound HZ can cause fear, headache and brain stopping..
when I listened to these sounds I did have a headache..

or it could of been my mind :p
well anyway, human ears cant hear under 20-25hz but your body can sense it.. try it.

-edit- found some intresting stuff:

The military use of infrasound dates back to the First World War, when the detection of such frequencies helped pinpoint the enemy
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Elite Diviner
Feb 18, 2003
Reaction score
LOL basic basses that u feel bouncing in ur chest r 7Hz woofers :p

human hearing starts as a baby at a max of 20-27 kHz and at the age of +-17 it has already dropped to a max of 17-18 kHz, due to stretching of that little thing inside ur ear ( dont know the english word for it ) and exposure to loud sounds (parties and crap :))

sound causing orgasms would be nice but i think its probably a fairytale :)

"Huney, let me turn the music up for ya" LOL

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