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EVGA GeForce 8800 GTX 768MB

Junior Spellweaver
May 19, 2005
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jost bought it....
Very Good performence!
Lol replaced the old 1 ATI 350/550 Series
Costed:1250 Shekels in dolars its like 400$.
What do you think?
renhunt - EVGA GeForce 8800 GTX 768MB - RaGEZONE Forums
Experienced Elementalist
Dec 16, 2006
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i think it was verry stupid considering ati is gonne release there new dx 10 cards whitin 2 months , and for the same price u r gonne get a card that's probaby around 25/ 30% faster then that card

and u wil need a intel e6700 cpu or better or that graficks card will have a massive bottleneck and u would of been better of with the cheaper 8800 gts one
Junior Spellweaver
May 19, 2005
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Well, i still have my 10,000$...ill put this one on my bro's com...
Why u think it will be 20% faster?
A hard working geek :-)
Loyal Member
Apr 9, 2004
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Well, its very skeptical actually.. the biggest problem with the new ATI cards.. is that they will put an even larger bottleneck on the chips.. the real wait is more on whether or not you have the money for a godo one or not.. that 8800 GTX is goign to last your computer the next 3 years without a single problem, especialyl once DX10 is fully up and running and programs/games are released with it.

So good purchase, your going to LOVE it, and have some damn fun with it too ;)
Experienced Elementalist
Dec 16, 2006
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Well, i still have my 10,000$...ill put this one on my bro's com...
Why u think it will be 20% faster?

read this article
it's the first benchmarks of the ati r600 chip

A hard working geek :-)
Loyal Member
Apr 9, 2004
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Only 900 points better on 3dmark05?

And only 400 points better on 3dmark06?

If those specs are what the current market is shooting for.. ATI is doomed, especially since the R600 is going to be priced higher then the (upcoming) 8900 series.. and the 8900 series is going to blow the r600 out of the water (going by what I read in those benchmarks) Sure, it did beat most of the benchmarks, but msot of them were VERY marginal, and youd never feel teh difference between 80 fps and 100 fps in a game.. pushing 70 the game is ats lagless as it can get ;)

BTW, the quadcore sucks hardcore.. its only good for server managed groups... its support is nil, and it doesnt have the right process drivers to cope with any game sbeing written out. a dual cor eis all you need.. jsut take a look at the benchies ;)

So, in short.. unless those benchmarks get any better, then the 8800 GTS/GTX are going to be the kings fo rprice/performance still.. and most especially when the 8900 series comes out.
Junior Spellweaver
May 19, 2005
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a quate from the article:
If you just bought a GeForce 8800, especially the GTX version, you might want to return your card on January 22nd when ATI R600 cards become available throughout the US at 630 USD (MSRP Price) which roughly equals the current price for a GeForce 8800GTX.
well...they are right r600 rulz (at least from the doom test...
r600 performance gonna really pwn all g-cards..179.4 of r600 VS 165.8 of GTX..
thats kinda owning the GTX in his litele pocket lol

dude i really appriciate the advise!
Thank you:)
A hard working geek :-)
Loyal Member
Apr 9, 2004
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hehe, as soon as they come out, the GTX will probably drop down to the ~$500 range give or take, which will in effect cause a small amount of peopel to upgrade to the r600, but the smart ones will fire right up to the GTX... or for the even smarter, they will buy a GTS to tide them until the next series 8900++++'s come out ;)
Junior Spellweaver
May 19, 2005
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LMAO,Dude there is a ppl that addicted to Nvidia and will buy thier newest g-card even thought they SURLY know that ATI Will pwn thier card lol
Experienced Elementalist
Dec 16, 2006
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Only 900 points better on 3dmark05?

And only 400 points better on 3dmark06?

If those specs are what the current market is shooting for.. ATI is doomed, especially since the R600 is going to be priced higher then the (upcoming) 8900 series.. and the 8900 series is going to blow the r600 out of the water (going by what I read in those benchmarks) Sure, it did beat most of the benchmarks, but msot of them were VERY marginal, and youd never feel teh difference between 80 fps and 100 fps in a game.. pushing 70 the game is ats lagless as it can get ;)

BTW, the quadcore sucks hardcore.. its only good for server managed groups... its support is nil, and it doesnt have the right process drivers to cope with any game sbeing written out. a dual cor eis all you need.. jsut take a look at the benchies ;)

So, in short.. unless those benchmarks get any better, then the 8800 GTS/GTX are going to be the kings fo rprice/performance still.. and most especially when the 8900 series comes out.

u have to consider the version that was benchmarked of the r600 is a prereleased version so its defintly not on its full potential
not even thinking about the drivers that just suck atm
wile the 8800 has been released several months and nvidea allready had several months to tune the drivers
just wait until the r600 is released to the public and u will see its full potential

and the r600 will be exactly the same price as the 8900 ull see
for instance

8950x2 600 usd
x2900xtx2 600 usd

8900gtx 550 usd
x2900xtx 550 usd

8900gts 500 usd
x2900xt 500 usd

and so on and so on.....
Experienced Elementalist
Dec 16, 2006
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LMAO,Dude there is a ppl that addicted to Nvidia and will buy thier newest g-card even thought they SURLY know that ATI Will pwn thier card lol

exactly , that's called a nvidea fanboy : )
i just watch the facts and buy the best there is
Junior Spellweaver
May 19, 2005
Reaction score
i just watch the facts and buy the best there is
Dude...im sooo agreed!
Like...Why to buy something less better (sometimes MUCH less better) if you can buy something with better quality and price.
A hard working geek :-)
Loyal Member
Apr 9, 2004
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Lots of facts to consider as well.. Im not calling myself a fanboy for any reason.. but with them being on the market, it means games are using 'their' current advances, which gives them a headstart on the competative drivers edge. Experience in the market is handy.. and the r600 is goign to be the first they make, as opposed to a company thats already had one out for several months already.
Junior Spellweaver
May 19, 2005
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A8N-SLI Asus Motherboard
Sardaukar dude,
im about to ask you....WHY?
I Think i can COMPLETLY ARGUE with you about your LOW quality MOTHERBOARD!
Motherboards like: ASUS,GIGABYTE..have Lots of technical and supportable Problems.
Well you know...its my opinion anyway...
But if you will explain ur choice and let me understand things that i dont know maybe...ill be glad^_^
BTW-i have EPoX Motherboard!
A hard working geek :-)
Loyal Member
Apr 9, 2004
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I... have never had a problem with my motherboard... O.O

The proper question would be.. "Why did I select the Asus motherboard as opposed to other brands?" Well, first off.. when this motherboard was released, it was one of the best couples with the current chip I am using through numerous overclocking results.

The fact that It's been runnign strong for a good year and a half with air cooling and OC'ed by about 30% on the chip goes to show that perhaps I made a right choice in my vigourus studies when I made the decision. If anyone wants to banter on it.. I can just tell them they havent tried the same board I've been so successful with :) And chances are, they havent ;)

And, let me update my computer specs on here.. there are a few thigns I need to chang eon it as well...
Oct 2, 2004
Reaction score
Sardaukar dude,
im about to ask you....WHY?
I Think i can COMPLETLY ARGUE with you about your LOW quality MOTHERBOARD!
Motherboards like: ASUS,GIGABYTE..have Lots of technical and supportable Problems.
Well you know...its my opinion anyway...
But if you will explain ur choice and let me understand things that i dont know maybe...ill be glad^_^
BTW-i have EPoX Motherboard!

... asus mobos are one of the best... o_O
got a p5wdh deluxe, it rapes faces.
was told to get a DFI lanparty but they just ain't available here and ordering online wasn't an option.
A hard working geek :-)
Loyal Member
Apr 9, 2004
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The choices of motherboards usually relate to what you are doing with it.. when I first purchased mine, I wanted the dual lan (10/100/1000 & 10/100) as their were no dual gigabit ports out at the time. And I wanted the onboard surround sound (5.1) plus the extra USB/Firewire inputs.

This motherboard also supports external hotswap of internal drives through the use of a PCI card. THere is a standard power inverter molex.. so I can take any internal drive, plug it right into the connectors through a hotswap means, and access it without having to shutdown/reboot my computer to recognize it. And also as a package deal, it came with a bunch of bells and whistles which really really helped. Soon I will be upgrading.. possibly to an Intel, or an AMD.. its a tough choice to make right now.. and I'm not going to blow 1500 bucks off a new motherboard/ram/CPU when the next gen chips are right around the corner. :)
Junior Spellweaver
May 19, 2005
Reaction score
Hmmmm....i understand now...
But still i preffer EpoX..
I guess i was wrong all these years o__O;
I Want to ask a question in this Oppetunity.
Look at my that i have at this moment,Should i buy new 1?
i Ecconomied a lots of money to have an Hyper-Upgrade.
and you guys the Perfect ppl to advise me.
Please help me Choose an hardware to have HIGH performance.
Experienced Elementalist
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
... asus mobos are one of the best... o_O
got a p5wdh deluxe, it rapes faces.
was told to get a DFI lanparty but they just ain't available here and ordering online wasn't an option.

indeed i have the same 1

asus and dfi r the best mobo's there r

as a mather of fact the asus p5b deluxe is the best motherboard for overclocking a c2d
almost all the best results r on that board
A hard working geek :-)
Loyal Member
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Hmmmm....i understand now...
But still i preffer EpoX..
I guess i was wrong all these years o__O;
I Want to ask a question in this Oppetunity.
Look at my that i have at this moment,Should i buy new 1?
i Ecconomied a lots of money to have an Hyper-Upgrade.
and you guys the Perfect ppl to advise me.
Please help me Choose an hardware to have HIGH performance.

Its all in the location buddy :)

There are lots of different brands on different parts of the world, and osme peopel only have access to certain ones at a decent price.

Looking at the stats of yoru motherboard, it seems like a good purchase.. I've never ever used EpoX in my life though, so I honestly can't recommend getting a better one.. it seems like it should work nicely for you.. Anyone have any information on this brand perchance?