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How to be a game developer? (Step-By Step)

Junior Spellweaver
Sep 8, 2015
Reaction score
Hi guys. I want to make my own game network. I want start with private servers with source codes. So i want to learn how understand game codes. I don`t know how compile them and make server files or some tools for game. And how entegrate them to Game Engines like Unity.

So here is main question:

What a person need to learn(step-by-step) for understand game sources and compile them(even make server files and tools for game).
What is compile source files? How to compile codes?

Thanks for being kind.:junglejane:
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Jun 28, 2009
Reaction score
I think it depends if you are amateur or no into programing languages. I think that a person needs to know a little bit of everything including java, html, php, c+, c#. Of course game codes are different from game to game. Plus, you can explore the forum sections watch tutorials online and start playing with game source codes on your own.
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 8, 2015
Reaction score
I think it depends if you are amateur or no into programing languages. I think that a person needs to know a little bit of everything including java, html, php, c+, c#. Of course game codes are different from game to game. Plus, you can explore the forum sections watch tutorials online and start playing with game source codes on your own.

@Insomniak, thanks your answer.
Could you say: What is compile source files? How to compile codes?
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
Hey WAGGON.. As a programmer I indicates to you, programming logic at the first! It's the most important thing to think of, before even a programming language. Of course you will improve your capacity programming, but when someone have no idea of programming yet, its the best choice to do it.

Programming logic it's VERY important, how things work, which path I can take... and so on. Programming language it's a matter of syntax only. What I can do in PHP, I can "do" in C#, for example. Of course that are different languages which one with your particularity.

But the path to it is, study logic programming, then pick an high level language for easy learning and finally if it is your choice chose a low level language. In IT the sky is the limit.
Junior Spellweaver
Sep 8, 2015
Reaction score
Hey WAGGON.. As a programmer I indicates to you, programming logic at the first! It's the most important thing to think of, before even a programming language. Of course you will improve your capacity programming, but when someone have no idea of programming yet, its the best choice to do it.

Programming logic it's VERY important, how things work, which path I can take... and so on. Programming language it's a matter of syntax only. What I can do in PHP, I can "do" in C#, for example. Of course that are different languages which one with your particularity.

But the path to it is, study logic programming, then pick an high level language for easy learning and finally if it is your choice chose a low level language. In IT the sky is the limit.

@opCode. I real appreciate your advices. Thank for advice about "programming logic".
Is there any good source to get better information about it? (btw im starting surf this on google)


Developer - JS
Jul 6, 2013
Reaction score
I would say start learning programming first, when you wanna write tools, take some programming first.

I program for like 2 years now and have no clue where to look how the structure of editing tools go.. However I can write database data manipulation tools etc... But for games I doubt anyone will explain it for every single game though.
Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Want to become an indie game developer?
1.) Pick a style of game you would like to create.
2.) Pick a programming language to learn.
3.) Buy a book and/or read tutorials on that language. Study hard.
4.) Pick a game engine.
5.) Start and finish a small project.
6.) Repeat, starting at any of these steps you like. Follow through to step 5.

Edit: Continued.

After a few years of repeating the above steps, the steps morph into these:

So you are an indie game developer?
1.) Get a dead-end job so you are uncomfortable with your current living situation.
2.) Work non-stop, both at your job and on your current big project.
3.) Drink tons of coffee and maybe beer, eat poorly. Suffer from sleep deprivation.
4.) Never give up, and your project might eventually become completed.
5.) Release it, take criticism well, hope the game takes off, but if not repeat steps 2-5.
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Newbie Spellweaver
May 28, 2016
Reaction score
First, no, I'm not a Rockstar North Developer - But as a huge fanboy of Rockstar Games & Take2Interactive, i learned game development, especially game engine development.

First, you can't JUST pick up A language, it's must be THAT language that is perfectly for it. If you would use Java it will be a big failure because of the JVM, imagine running the DirectX API under it... You lose alot on performance!

So we Engine Developer pick up C++! C++ is efficient & allows OOP, it's near on the machine than any other language (except C, but it doesn't support OOP so its useless), it allows us to access really fast the GPU with the DirectX-API & perfect memory-management.
I've read alot of books about C++ & DirectX11. As a proud game engine developer, i've a math- & physicsformular book right to my side. They're important otherwise the game will completely suck.

"Saying something in less words, means being wise" - No on writing engines this is not true. You must work really heavy with geometry & logic.

So my suggestion:

  • Read first about maths & physics
  • Learn slowly C++ (Not about consoles) // Everything about OOP & Windows-API
  • After that start working with dynamic link libraries (DLL)
  • Start reading books about the DirectX11/12 API & Shaders etc for C++
  • Don't use & don't look into other game engines, use your brain & do your own thing
  • Start writing your first 3D-Game using dynamic link libraries (DLL)

I see much newbies using MP3-Files for Sounds... No! MP3 is compressed & messed up. Use Wave-Files (.WAV) or Audio Wave Container (Actually almost the same as Wave Files only using .AWC extension). Developing a game needs alot of time! Alone you'll need 1 -2 years just for the "skeletal structure".

My suggestions for your engine:

  • Make your Game Engine dynamic with a Studio to create missions, maps, characters and so on without rewriting the whole engine or internal lines - Use it to create game-series/episodes based on that engine
  • Seperate sections, e.g. "Graphics" just for the API, the functions & used version of DX - So you can update it one time without rewriting the whole engine - Maybe editing some parameters but nothing more
  • Work with dynamic link librarys
  • Avoid GPL licensed libraries/software

I hope i could give a little look into game development! Have fun!
Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
First, no, I'm not a Rockstar North Developer - But as a huge fanboy of Rockstar Games & Take2Interactive, i learned game development, especially game engine development.

First, you can't JUST pick up A language, it's must be THAT language that is perfectly for it. If you would use Java it will be a big failure because of the JVM, imagine running the DirectX API under it... You lose alot on performance!

So we Engine Developer pick up C++! C++ is efficient & allows OOP, it's near on the machine than any other language (except C, but it doesn't support OOP so its useless), it allows us to access really fast the GPU with the DirectX-API & perfect memory-management.
I've read alot of books about C++ & DirectX11. As a proud game engine developer, i've a math- & physicsformular book right to my side. They're important otherwise the game will completely suck.

"Saying something in less words, means being wise" - No on writing engines this is not true. You must work really heavy with geometry & logic.

So my suggestion:

  • Read first about maths & physics
  • Learn slowly C++ (Not about consoles) // Everything about OOP & Windows-API
  • After that start working with dynamic link libraries (DLL)
  • Start reading books about the DirectX11/12 API & Shaders etc for C++
  • Don't use & don't look into other game engines, use your brain & do your own thing
  • Start writing your first 3D-Game using dynamic link libraries (DLL)

I see much newbies using MP3-Files for Sounds... No! MP3 is compressed & messed up. Use Wave-Files (.WAV) or Audio Wave Container (Actually almost the same as Wave Files only using .AWC extension). Developing a game needs alot of time! Alone you'll need 1 -2 years just for the "skeletal structure".

My suggestions for your engine:

  • Make your Game Engine dynamic with a Studio to create missions, maps, characters and so on without rewriting the whole engine or internal lines - Use it to create game-series/episodes based on that engine
  • Seperate sections, e.g. "Graphics" just for the API, the functions & used version of DX - So you can update it one time without rewriting the whole engine - Maybe editing some parameters but nothing more
  • Work with dynamic link librarys
  • Avoid GPL licensed libraries/software

I hope i could give a little look into game development! Have fun!

Great post, and welcome to the forums! I see you're set in your ways already, so I'll make this short for the original poster.

There are quite a few people in the game development industry that are much better than me at math, much better than me at managing memory, and just amazing programmers. Those people have years of experience, and some of them might attempt creating their own game engines or improving on others.

Then, there are a lot of people that aren't extremely good at math, or maybe many people who might trust existing general-purpose game engines- and that will be good enough. There isn't a game engine out there targeted specifically for anything that doesn't exist yet- they are all targeted towards a more general purpose.

The fact of the matter is, if you're developing one game, targeted towards one popular system with one set of hardware (ie- a console), it might be worth your time to make your own game without using a general-targeted game engine. If you want to get something done relatively quickly in comparison, using a game engine is fine. Do know that there is a learning curve involved with every game engine, but perhaps not as steep as what is required to create your own. You will make mistakes your first go no matter what you do, but I argue it's more likely you could have something playable your first try using a game engine, as the hard parts are already done for you. Lastly, I argue you should pick a platform to target (or array of platforms to target). As someone who doesn't use Windows, I suggest against restricting yourself to the Windows API. But I think you should target whichever platform(s) you wish, even if your choice is Windows.
Skilled Illusionist
May 6, 2012
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"Start reading books about the DirectX11/12 API & Shaders etc for C++" RockstarNorth:
Why not starting with DX9? If he wants to use leaked src' of pservers or else, they are mostly not that new.
Forexample, i started with c++ in .NET ( 2003 ) switched to 9.0 ( 2008 ) and switched from DX7 to DX9.0C.
Theoretically, ( might be too high ) but i could get more players to play my game instead of using DX11 ( Third world countries etc. ).

"Hi guys. I want to make my own game network. I want start with private servers with source codes. So i want to learn how understand game codes. I don`t know how compile them and make server files or some tools for game. And how entegrate them to Game Engines like Unity."
RockstarNorth already wrote right, but if you mean it the way i think you meaned, then:

1. You said integrating source codes into game engines? :S
2. You should maybe get first a common knowledge about how a computer works. How applications work, how computers work.
3. If you understood it, you should know what you want... do you want to program? Or do you only want to make minor changes in any src?
I would say if you learn c++ you are never wrong.

4. Back to your mainquestions:"What a person need to learn(step-by-step) for understand game sources and compile them(even make server files and tools for game).
What is compile source files? How to compile codes?"

Do you mean by "make" write them on your own or compile them? For compiling anything you doesn't need to know anything. If you get any error you only need to read what the compiler tells you.
If you forexample know c++ it doesn't mean that you can write any serverfiles or else... There are libs there are functions which are used and so on. You need an understanding of the already existing stuff, everything else would be senseless.
Thats forexample why you can't create a game in UDK and use the source in Lithtech3. Technically it's possible ( if you have the time ) but noone will recommend it to you.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 28, 2016
Reaction score
"Start reading books about the DirectX11/12 API & Shaders etc for C++" @RockstarNorth:
Why not starting with DX9? If he wants to use leaked src' of pservers or else, they are mostly not that new.

So, when i start using C# i start with the .NET Framework 3.5 library because others wrote applications with that build? Nooo & nooooo (!!!) - I make my own code why should someone pollute his name because of C&P - It would be transcribed & not programmed... That answer made me a bit angry. Why starting with dirt & low-performance APIs? Doing THIS will be fatality! When he starts using Dx9 & switches to Dx11 or Dx12 (!!) he puts heavy stones into his own way to be a successful, proud & happy game developer -

Where is a difference when you start reading Dx11 above Dx9? He has 0 skills in DirectX, so there is no problem learning Dx11 directly at his first time - He will earn that skills from that book. So he knows exactly what he's doing. There are alot dx11 game sources out there.

Theoretically, ( might be too high ) but i could get more players to play my game instead of using DX11 ( Third world countries etc.
Russian players maybe, Counter-Strike buddys ^^

It's like being a mechanician & saying to someone new, "Dude why you start fixing that 21th-century bentley? Start with a 70s Fiat - Much simpler & smaller! Old but still sold some last weeks on 'old-schooler' *troll face*" - Got problems in feature cars => fired 'cause of stupidity. Developing games has a lot to-do with new technology.

When you wrote a game in C++11, the next you WILL write in C++14 because it got more safety & ... it has been improven & why should a game developer say no to something like that.
The most games are still using Dx11 because currently the most GPUs doesn't support Dx12, GTA V doesn't update to Dx12 because they aren't that stupid as you think when you talk with the support there about bugs & exploits. Biggest fail you can do performing your graphic settings: Downgrading the Dx-Verison from 11 to 9 - Not because of the graphic, because of the performance.

Forexample, i started with c++ in .NET ( 2003 ) switched to 9.0 ( 2008 ) and switched from DX7 to DX9.0C.
Do you mean C++/CLI? Bad idea going with .NET C++ (CLI) developing games. You can use it for scripts but not for more. .NET C++ is generally used for building applications to interface C# & because its a part of Framework: You lost performance (again) which you could need.
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Skilled Illusionist
May 6, 2012
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Jeah i threw away the .net stuff.. switched to 9.0 ( 2008 ), but jeah might be right what you said. i did it another way, i think the "wrong" one.