aEWDMU full ajax web

ahh ok thanks for the replay

i try this

$spam[] = "wigger";
$spam[] = "cum";
$spam[] = "penis";
$spam[] = "duck";
$spam[] = "EAT coon";

044 163 160 141 155 133 135 040 075 040 042 156 151 147 147 145 162 042 073 012 044 163 160 141 155 133 135 040 075 040 042 143 165 155 042 073 012 044 163 160 141 155 133 135 040 075 040 042 144 151 143 153 042 073 012 044 163 160 141 155 133 135 040 075 040 042 146 165 143 153 042 073 012 044 163 160 141 155 133 135 040 075 040 042 105 101 124 040 143 157 157 156 042 073

how to use in php ?

echo "044 163 160 141 155 133 135 040 075 040 042 156 151 147 147 145 162 042 073 012 044 163 160 141 155 133 135 040 075 040 042 143 165 155 042 073 012 044 163 160 141 155 133 135 040 075 040 042 144 151 143 153 042 073 012 044 163 160 141 155 133 135 040 075 040 042 146 165 143 153 042 073 012 044 163 160 141 155 133 135 040 075 040 042 105 101 124 040 143 157 157 156 042 073";


Don't forget to add backslashes


echo $spam[][1];

here it is decoded php:
Hello Guys

it seems that i m doing something rong, after i install and make the rest of the changes from previous post i receive some error in index page...

untitled - aEWDMU full ajax web - RaGEZONE Forums

Warning: mssql_connect() [function.mssql-connect]: Unable to connect to server: localhost in C:\xampp\htdocs\include\config.php on line 9

Warning: mssql_select_db(): supplied argument is not a valid MS SQL-Link resource in C:\xampp\htdocs\include\config.php on line 10

wich is:

$sql_connection = mssql_connect('localhost','sa','***********');
$sql_database = mssql_select_db('MuOnline',$sql_connection);

i use xamp 1.7.1 and sql 2008 r2
Hi. aecrimch.

Can you tell me, what percentage of success, has the top vote? Because many of the Top Vote have confirmation codes (captcha), and the idea is to ensure that voting is effective to grant the credits.


you should rename include/config.phpgood in include/config.php then edit your mssql user and password in include/config.php and include/class.mssql.php


hm, rate of success depend of how fair are players.. unfortunately, you do not have any control of that
Last edited:

you should rename include/config.phpgood in include/config.php then edit your mssql user and password in include/config.php and include/class.mssql.php

i did that same problem........

i just tried and tried every way still no succes.....
Last edited:

you do not need any special program.
use notepad to edit include/config.php and edit this line:
$sql_connection = mssql_connect('localhost','sa(OR YOUR MSSQL USER)','YOUR MSSQL PASSWORD');

and include/class.mssql.php

var $Host = "localhost"; //localhost
var $Database = "MuOnline"; //MuOnline
var $User = "sa(OR YOUR MSSQL USER)"; //never connect with db owner!
var $Password = "YOUR MSSQL PASSWORD"; //password

you do not need any special program.
use notepad to edit include/config.php and edit this line:

and include/class.mssql.php

i give up ...don`t work with all that changes..maybe is something else.....tnx anyway
to debug top 5 characters, run this query in query analizer:

to debug top 5 guilds, run this query in query analizer:

if these queries run ok in analizer, you should have displayed both tops...

after fix all, delete top5p.xml and top5g.xml

about second error i need more info...

PS: this web site was design for season 4...
if you intend to use for season 5 or season 6, you should change some things in include/internal.php, and also for tops characters in rank.php, list.php, ajaxpages/rank.php, like this:

updated and decoded: rank.php, list.php, ajaxpages/rank.php for season 6: View attachment 120379

The query did not work, they released the following error:

Mens. 468, Nivel 16, Estado 9, Línea 1
No se puede resolver el conflicto de intercalación entre "Modern_Spanish_CI_AS" y "Modern_Spanish_CS_AS" de la operación equal to.

it is not equipped with the characters:

aecrimch - aEWDMU full ajax web - RaGEZONE Forums

Thanks for help me.
+1 Release! Excellent website,nice work! as for security 100% :O

You see this?: No se puede resolver el conflicto de intercalación entre "Modern_Spanish_CI_AS" y "Modern_Spanish_CS_AS" de la operación equal to.

Go to Design Table/Modify,and change collation to Chinese_PRC_CI_AS Where varchar fields.
If that doesn`t work (lol) change to <database default>
@aecrimch, release the decoded version already. If you need help decoding something, just message me here or in PM.
Also, that web you want to check out is using IonCube encoder which, as far as I know, is pain the butt to decode. Would take ages to decode 1.7 and IMO they are using 2.0 or something like that which obfuscates bytecode even more.

i haven't tested it at just mentioning this app that claims it decoded ioncube encoder.
i dont even know if its harmful or so.

Warning: mssql_connect() [function.mssql-connect]: Unable to connect to server: l27.0.0.1 in D:\xampp\htdocs\include\config.php on line 9

Warning: mssql_select_db(): supplied argument is not a valid MS SQL-Link resource in D:\xampp\htdocs\include\config.php on line 10

ffffffff - aEWDMU full ajax web - RaGEZONE Forums

Warning: mssql_connect() [function.mssql-connect]: Unable to connect to server: l27.0.0.1 in D:\xampp\htdocs\include\config.php on line 9

Warning: mssql_select_db(): supplied argument is not a valid MS SQL-Link resource in D:\xampp\htdocs\include\config.php on line 10

View attachment 131708
wrong sql the thread, this was answered already by aecrimch.
run install.php -> rename include/config.phpgood to include/config.php -> edit include/config.php mssql and include/mmsql.class.php user and password
edit .htaccess file and set folder installation


edit .htaccess and change
RewriteBase /release/
RewriteBase /
configure your apache server to allow mod_rewrite


Fix apache:


header("Location: index.html");
change to

header("Location: index.php");

i use season 4.5
if sql is newer than 2000, maybe host name is wrong....on sql 2008r2 i had this issue on different website.....setting host to "PC-NAME" solved the issue...
i never tested this website tho.