Using Eagle/Hio/Other in game animations in lounge

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Junior Spellweaver
Feb 8, 2011
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I'd like to know how do i enable (and what command) to use in game animations in lounge.

Like those:

[Jump to 1:20]

And oh, does anyone know if those .paks with anime outfits used in ekoro8be videos were ever released?
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If you're using the english thailand.dat, see the command list .

The PAKs you see in the video haven't been released and won't be released from what I understand.
If you're using the english thailand.dat, see the command list .

The PAKs you see in the video haven't been released and won't be released from what I understand.

Those you gave are the known ones.
I'd like to know some that aren't in that list. Some that she uses in the vid, like powershot, double powershot, kooh eagle, hitting with the club, putting...
(And how to activate/change/use them)
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