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Somebody help me with connection problems

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 27, 2009
Reaction score
Hi i got my pt all setup and i cannot log into game. i uploaded a few pics and i don't care about showing name and password it just a private pt. Anyhow i tried different hotuk ini for my server i got admin game hotuk and just plain hotuk for game folder and i even threw out hotuk.ini in game folder and sql.dll and still cannot connect. i edited the ldata.bmp and i got in it for private connection. i got tcp enabled what else is there. ive tried different game exes and different servers and the last one was 1997 for server and game exe and still get the same thing. is there a hidden ip in game exe. i usally find them at the end of the file in game exe and edit it with The only thing i can think of i got nothing but junk files and nothing is good to work with. if so does anyone have a complete working set of game exe and server clients i can try with. my heart is in it and ive spent days and hours trying to figure this out.

Thank You,


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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jan 28, 2009
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I uploaded you kPT set. They are using same ports.

But more things need to be done.
Go to

SQL instance name (41 characters max)
SQL username (32 characters max)
SQL password (32 characters max)
Your password to SQLEXPRESS

and copy dll's to main server folder.

Try with simple hotuk.ini

//*VERSION 3096
//*CONNECT_CLIENT_CODE -1128564151
//*CLSAFE_CODE -1128564151

*BACKUP_FOLDER_NAME "c:\databasebackup"
*BACKUP_PATH "c:\databasebackup"




In client folder copy inside ptReg.rgx:

"Version" "2428"
"Graphic" "0"
"Network" "0"
"ColorBPP" "32"
"MotionBlur" "false"
"CameraSight" "OFF"
"ScreenSize" "0"
"WindowMode" "1"
"Sound" "ON"
"CameraInvert" "false"
"MicOption" "OFF"
"Server1" ""
"Server2" ""
"Server3" ""
"ServerName" "kpts"
"Account" "  "
"WindowMode" "1"

You should be able to connect.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 27, 2009
Reaction score
thank you Vormav for taking time to help me. i got another question about the dll generator. its in the pic below. i hope i configured it right so it would generate a good sql.dll. I was wondering if i got my sql name and password i manually put in the database right. thank you for all your help. i think i am almost there but i have this silly unable to connect problem still. i don't understand how you put in your game loggin from info inside hotuk.ini admin commmands. when i log into game i enter name which is just "a" and for password "a" to keep it short like you suggested to get server running. just one letter for name and one letter for password. I will look tomorrow and see what else i need to do. i did everything you told me to do and i still cannot connect. i've been at this for over 12 hours today and now i am ready to get some sleep. I got 3 days off so i thought one of them would be for making a pt but i am still stuck. You have been a great help and i do appreciate all you have done for me Vormav. i got tcp enabled but i never thought about the server and game client using the same port. something i have to look into to when i get some rest lol. tomorrow is nothing but pt for me. i have an ata i am lvling up. its 110 right now and i need to get some more lvls up since i can't get this pt working right now. i will look back tomorrow though before i play. thanks again.

cya Wildman:):i apologize for pic quality. seems the highest it will let me upload is a jpeg file and i can barely make it out. before it was a gif and it was even worse. tried to upload it in bmp for bigger size but it wouldn't upload. said it was too big. oh one more thing. the hotuk.ini you don't need to download just open it up.


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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 26, 2007
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Yea... I can see you where using last released FusionPT client with my English PT server... different ports, and different protocols... completely. Don't mix-n-match.

DLLs and SQL stuff is only needed for Clans. Do you really need it? How many groups of 25 or more people do you have at your house? XD Just a thought.
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 27, 2009
Reaction score
Yea... I can see you where using last released FusionPT client with my English PT server... different ports, and different protocols... completely. Don't mix-n-match.

DLLs and SQL stuff is only needed for Clans. Do you really need it? How many groups of 25 or more people do you have at your house? XD Just a thought.

xd; you mean i don't need to run sql server if i am not using clans. okie thanks bobsobol i didn't understand but if so i just put my name and password in hotuk.ini to use as database to load up game exe when it asks for name and password? interesting i will try without sql server. thanks xd:)

Not at the moment i don't need any clans xd; I just want to get this thing running lol. Yeah i was using anything to get game working and i did try different servers with different game exe's. Well i will take what you said to heart bobsobol about mixing up game exe's with servers. learned the hard way but neatheless i learned something it doesn't work because like you said you will get them using the same port. But it doesn't hurt to try, just if you have alot of time to mess around with. and i did, but experimenting with different things gets me to understand what works and what doesn't lol. I thank both of you guys, you have been a great help in my understanding how this works. Well if i get it working i will let you guys be the first to know. it would be like the first time i played ept and my mage got his first dias and i could kill mass mobs. no more waternado hehe. live and learn. i started out a mage on ept years ago and learned mages sux so i don't play them anymore but i have an awesome ata that is wicked as he#$. well thanks guys cya.

Wildman p.s. oh anyone got a working pt. i will buy for a million dollars. well if i was that rich i'd be on a beach somewhere with nothing but beautiess drinking lots of margeretta's. yeah im actually a peasent in the working class. too bad for me lol.
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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jan 28, 2009
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Are you still getting unable to connect or its something else (like account don't exist)?
You need to create account (even for admin login, mine is "a").
There should be some accounts reg tutorial in tutorial you where using (I forgot how to do this for MS SQL =P).
If you have c8master in ODBC than delete it, dll or ODBC... you should not use both.

I see that your configuration look OK.
If you using server and client I uploaded than you don't need Idata.bmp... its for older clients.

I did not ask you what OS you are using, some peoples have problems with setting up server on newer OS like 7 or 2008.

If everything fail you can always try something different from scratch:

bobsobol Personal Priston Tale:



If you don't go to clan part than this tutorial is short :)
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 27, 2009
Reaction score
Are you still getting unable to connect or its something else (like account don't exist)?

Wow you are a host of information. I didn't know that either about using ODBC or sql.dll. so just use one or the other. I just thought both had to be present. i am learning something my friend so whether i can put it to good use is another question. so now i know that info i won't be keeping both. i am having issues with the sql database. i go in to create an account manualy and the game won't connect to the accountdb for some reason and i have all the scripts configured in there and i did go in sql management and set name and password in here like this. DELL\SQLEXPRESS\Databases\AccountDB\Tables\dbo.0GameUser\Columns and i have my name and password in there. i know its correct there but i have that connecting issue. when i fire up ODBC it says it connects to sql managment fine and i configured it with the c8master name and pass i have in there. As far as i can see the sql 2005 is fine. oh im running this on a pentium 4 with windows xp home edition. my newer computer has vista and i tried that before a while back and it was harder for me to get microsoft sql management to run on it. vista wanted to run 2008 sql and i couldnt get 2005 sql to run on vista so i reformated this dell computer and installed a fresh copy of windows home edition i have back on here. so everything is fresh and i have microsoft sql 2005 running on my dell and it starts up good with no problems at all. Well i did start over because i had so many problems connecting i uninstalled everything i did and put back on just bobsobols Personal-PT and i am going to use that one till i get it working. No i don't want to run a server on the internet its just for me at home to play around with so i am using ip for my private connection. i went into area configuration in sql and enabled tcp and remote destop. Something tells me to just quitt. i am just wasting my time here but i have never givin up on anything and i won't start now. so i will keep doing this till i get the game running someday. anyhow thanks guys for the help and it is sure appreciated. Its nice when devs take their time to help the little guys like me who are dumb founded and never had to configure a game to run before. i am an old ept fan of pristontale. i guess thats why i will never give up till i get pristontale working. i have been addictive to this game for years and i still play but not on ept anymore. so thanks again i gotta go. Well Vormav and bobsobol you guys are great. Have a nice day.
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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
May 26, 2007
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I didn't say you won't need an SQL database... only that you don't need the DLL files (SQL.DLL and Clan.DLL) if you don't intend to set up Clans. Without them, the server falls back on the ODBC connection to the SQL database, and only really uses the user login information from it. With them (except Vormavs' version) MDAC is used as the connection to the database, not ODBC, so you don't need to bother setting an ODBC connection up.

But I guess you've got that now.

I've never used the "Columns" view in MSSMS, but I do "Open Table" That way I can see what fields are filled in with what information for each user. :wink:
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
Try manual creation but by query:

1st Lest see if you have any accounts starting from letter 'A':

Open your Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express and:
File>New>Query with Current Connection
Than past this in white page that you just open up:
SELECT * FROM AccountDB.dbo.AGameUser
and press !Execute

If theres nothing than you don't have accounts starting from letter 'A'
Now do same thing but put this inside:

INSERT INTO AccountDB.dbo.AGameUser VALUES ('a', 'a', null, null, '2009-02-05 13:13:57', '2019-02-05 13:13:57', null, '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', null, '0', null, null, null, null, null, '0', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

and !Execute

you should see "(1 row(s) affected)"

again do
SELECT * FROM AccountDB.dbo.AGameUser
and you should see your new account informations

To loginin in game:
Login: a
Password: a

Here is SS, you should see all things I was talking about on it:

gkirby - Somebody help me with connection problems - RaGEZONE Forums

PS. usually bobsobol is "host of information", maybe he have quiet days ;)


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Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 27, 2009
Reaction score
Try manual creation but by query:


I am very sorry i forgot to thank you for your help on this. it was very much appriciated you taking your time to do this. I am not quitting on making a pt. I will stick it out. Thanks for all your help.
