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Small anti-cheat idea

Experienced Elementalist
Sep 4, 2009
Reaction score
I started to look into the MZFile::Open function, and decided to look into what Linear88 & Guy said on the Innovation thread.

Also, for Gunz's loading time before the Login screen, it reads system.mrs many times. It increases loading time greatly. The fix would be creating your own file system.

Or just caching it....................

Unless you meant "filesystem" - in which case, a whole new FS isn't necessary.

Looking for commands in OllyDbg that calls MZFile::Open, I found CheckFileList and thought of an idea.

000002c6, bool __cdecl CheckFileList(void)
FuncDebugStart :   static, [0x00087359][0x0001:0x00086359]
FuncDebugEnd   :   static, [0x000875d5][0x0001:0x000865d5]
Data           :   ebp Relative, [0xfffffaa4], Local, Type: class MXmlDocument, aXml
Data           :   ebp Relative, [0xfffffab0], Local, Type: class MZFileSystem *, pfs
Data           :   ebp Relative, [0xfffffee8], Local, Type: char[0x100], szTagName
Data           :   ebp Relative, [0xfffffa98], Local, Type: class MXmlElement, aParent
Data           :   ebp Relative, [0xfffffa90], Local, Type: class MXmlElement, aChild
Data           :   ebp Relative, [0xfffffab8], Local, Type: class MZFile, mzf
Data           :   ebp Relative, [0xfffffde8], Local, Type: char[0x100], szCrc32
Data           :   ebp Relative, [0xfffffce8], Local, Type: char[0x100], szContents
Data           :   ebp Relative, [0xfffffaa0], Local, Type: unsigned int, crc32_current

When this function starts, and it does catch a file with a mis-matched crc, have it set a "tick" in like an array or w/e. After the user logs in, have it store their username, and execute a .php script that will ban the user or w/e. (The tick is used to remember there was a mis-matched crc.) Though, you would have to make it not close GunZ or have any other adnormal effects.

This can help prevent users from editing "system.mrs", and have them banned also.

Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
No need to add PHP in here, hell just write a proxy like I did, lol. Also, anti-cheat side, here's a list of banned packets you should use:

            m_dOperation.Add(0x3E9,  Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x9C41, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x9C42, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x9C43, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x9C44, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0xC351, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0xC352, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0xC353, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0xC354, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0xC355, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0xC356, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0xC357, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0xC358, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0xC359, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x1F41, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x1B5D, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x791E, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x792C, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x7D18, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x7D19, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x7D20, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x7D21, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x7D22, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x7D23, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x7D24, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x7D25, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x7D26, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x7D27, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x7D28, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x7D29, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x7D2A, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);
            m_dOperation.Add(0x7D2B, Hacks.OnBannedPacket);

Also, check if 3EA is sent from server or client. Server = Legit, Client = Kore.
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Sep 10, 2007
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Yes, they are from the protocol.

Force Create Stage Patch:
using System;
using Envy.Core;
using Envy.Prototypes;

namespace Envy.Packets.Handlers
    class Stage
        public static GunzPacket OnStageCreate(ProxyConnection pClient, GunzPacket pPacket, bool bClient)
            MUID uidChar = new MUID();

            if (!pPacket.Read(ref uidChar))
                LogManager.Write(LogLevel.Error, "[{0}]Invalid packet sent.", pClient.m_szClientIP);
                return null;
            if (uidChar.uidHigh == pClient.m_uidPlayer.uidHigh)
                return pPacket;
            LogManager.Write(LogLevel.Error, "[{0}]Force Stage Create Detected.", pClient.m_szClientIP);
            Database.getQuery(string.Format("UPDATE Account SET UGradeID=253 WHERE AID={0}", pClient.m_nAID));
            return null;
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Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 4, 2009
Reaction score
Wow man.
Phail you have given out a lot of helpful information here!
Thanks for sharing :)
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