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[RELEASE] Swift Emulator - Fixes / Edits

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Skilled Illusionist
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Recommend you to use the vars released with revision 3 as I changed some stuff.

Current Revision Download [REVISION 5]

Revision 5 patch notes
  1. Fixed an error when trying to save a bot speech which contains ';'
  2. Fixed a glitch making Relationships not to show and throw a packet error;
  3. Fixed ' Remove all rights' function;
  4. *Diamonds catalog implemented;
  5. Diamonds amount now updates when buying furni;
  6. Fix for Limited Edition rares ids disappering on status update;
  7. Added support for custom duckets upper limit in configuration file;
  8. Removed bot's 'There's no need to shout' message;
  9. Improved bot's AI. Now they won't always move at the same time and to the same directions;
  10. Added swear word filter for chat messages;
  11. BOTs now move when they are placed in a room or when the room is loaded. Pretty much like Sulake's now.
  12. Room ads_backgrounds are now working;
  13. Added a query to remove furni by amount from catalogue when this furni is allowed to be sent as gift; You can remove that when you run it at least once: dbClient.runFastQuery("UPDATE catalog_items_copy,items_base SET catalog_items_copy.amount = 1 WHERE items_base.allow_gift = 1 AND catalog_items_copy.amount > 1");
  14. You can now ban an user from room;
  15. Placing pets in others room now works if they allow it;
  16. All can ride a horse now works;
  17. Removed some erros regarding guild lists not being locked;
  18. Removing admin privileges is ok now.

For personal reasons I can't further develop this. However I've promissed a Release 5 so I'm posting this, thourgh it doesn't have all features I said it would. I will complete the gifting system anyway soon.

An item can't cost both Duckets and Diamonds. If it happens to cost both in catalog_items_copy, diamonds will be serialized.

Perfomance analysis:

Fine till 1K users;​
Laggy till 1.5K;​
Will crash any point after that. Mostly because of BOTs is my guess.​

--Not finished

  • Started support for gifts in general. Not finished though. Here is the mysql you gonna need to keep deving it further:
  • Started mannequin serializing. Not working currectly yet. It only serialize the outfit when it's owner is online I think. Not finished too

Navicat MySQL Data Transfer

Source Server : weblink
Source Server Version : 50141
Source Host : localhost:3306
Source Database : adma1

Target Server Type : MYSQL
Target Server Version : 50141
File Encoding : 65001

Date: 2013-07-03 12:38:41

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `user_gifts`
-- ----------------------------
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `user_gifts`;
CREATE TABLE `user_gifts` (
`gift_id` int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`page_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '5',
`item_id` mediumint(10) NOT NULL,
`extradata` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`target_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`message` varchar(115) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`ribbon` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`color` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`gift_sprite` int(10) NOT NULL,
`show_sender` tinyint(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
`rare_id` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`inventory_id` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`gift_id`)

-- ----------------------------
-- Records of user_gifts
-- ----------------------------

Buying gifts is almost all coded. Disconnects you when sending furni such Limited Rares and Exchange. Half of gift wrapped cases are working too.

If you are going to dev this, you can change your the following packet:

Incoming.PurchaseGift = 0x0901 to 0x0900. It will enable buying gifts. Don't do that for live servers! Will bug alot


4.1 : Fixed injection exploit


(Clean database and english gamedata included)

  1. Fixed possible MySQL injection exploit;
  2. Fixed room rating;
  3. Quests are now working;
  4. Possibly fix for pets database management causing some critical errors since Butterfly;
  5. Added proper shutdown system for forced closure;
  6. Freeze is now working;
  7. Now you have the option to give an user a badge when he buys a furni. Place the badge code in catalog_pages_copy badge column;
  8. Furni-o-matic is now working (thanks to =dj.matias=). Make sure you edit your ecotron_rewards table;
  9. Fixed bots name change;
  10. Other stability stuff you don't care.

MySQL Querys for old databases:

[COLOR=#01557D]ALTER TABLE [/COLOR]catalog_items_copy[COLOR=#01557D] ADD badge VARCHAR(20) [/COLOR]NOT NULL DEFAULT ''[COLOR=#01557D];

[/COLOR]INSERT INTO catalog_pages VALUES ('1060', '9999', 'Rewards', '3', '983', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '2', 'recycler_prizes', 'catalog_header_furnimatic', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '0', '', '');

Keep in mind that the following features works only with English furnidata for now (if you are using my items_base)
  • Jukebox
  • Battle Banzai Furni
They are fully coded and functional for English furnidata sprites id only.



Let me know if you find any bugs. I didn't remove the packetlogger for this release because I was really tired. I will do that in the next one.

Revision 3:

-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for `user_bots`
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `user_bots` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`room_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`ai_type` enum('generic','guide','pet') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'generic',
`name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`motto` varchar(120) NOT NULL,
`look` text NOT NULL,
`x` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`y` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`z` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`rotation` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`walk_mode` enum('stand','freeroam','specified_range') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'stand',
`min_x` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`min_y` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`max_x` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`max_y` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`user_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`template_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`automatic_chat` enum('false','true') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'false',
`speaking_interval` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '7',
KEY `room_id` (`room_id`) USING BTREE

  • Added support handle to not handled items in database. Should fix that random glitch of BCStorm where you placed an item in the room and couldn't enter anymore;
  • Fixed alert messages;
  • Fixed an error where furniture weren't send to the currect owner when picked up. It's now 100% safe to place your furni into others room. If the room gets deleted or if the owner pickup your furni, It will come back to you;
  • Fixed bots and pets serialize. Now It won't mess up anymore because of equals virtual ID;
  • Completed bot handler. Now the Automatic chat function and the bot actions are 100% functional. Also, bots shouldn't get stucked in corners anymore.
  • Improved a little bit groups composer perfomance. More to be done about this yet;
  • Send support ticket is now working again.

~ To be fixed yet:
  1. All can ride a horse;
  2. Quests tab opening;
  3. Jukebox handler sometimes stop working. Don't know what It is yet. I might go for a full rewrite for Jukeboxes. ( Could be something related to variables as Horse dyeing too, but I don't know what It is right now)
  4. Mannequin header update ? I guess I forgot that for this revision. Might do for the next one;
  5. Football look changer;
  6. One-way doors;
  7. Apply fixes for Ecotron/Furni-o-matic and get an emblem when buying a furniture. Already released here. Only requires headers update I guess.

After all this is completed, I will update this emulator to the same release as PlusEmulator or for the one I've got cracked from may.

If you have some problem regarding dyeing or mounting your horse you should use the variables inside this revision's .rar

Note: In-game profiles doesn't work for accounts created using Illumina CMS. It's a bad CMS anyway so you shouldn't use it. I don't know almost anything about php so I will not try to fix that. But It would be great if someone could fix this. ( In-game profiles work fine for UberCMS2)

At this point I must say that this Revision is more stable than any other BCStorm edit.
Also, I'm interested in any error you may log so we can fix this and make it better.
REVISION 2 Database: http://forum.ragezone.com/attachmen...-release-swift-emulator-fixes-edits-adma2.rar
Thanks for the commentaries, I really enjoy deving Habbo for knowledment. I got some time today so I finished another core update that was bugging me alot. Since It's release the BCStorm group system was broken. It was leaky, not optimal and, as I got to know later, very ambiguous. For example, every time you request some group to load from your memory, the program used to perfomed that task twice. That is not efficient and can be taken as a bug. However I think that I figured out the whole memory consuming and low performance dilemma for this release and made I good and optimal system to dispose and handle groups objetcs. After hours of testing, I can show you this data:

For each group cached, there is a consume of 13,1 ~ 13,3 K + GroupMemberNumber*0,07K of memory. It means that if you have 5000 groups with average 100 members loaded, you should have a memory consume of ~ 100MBytes. As I don't have acess to any high-populated hotel to test It, I belive that there should be 5000groups loaded for every 500online users. That seemed a good performance. But It wasn't enough. So I also created a system to dispose unused groups (the ones that are loaded by loading a profile, for example). That system disposes about to 95% of the loaded guilds on every LowPriorityWork.Process cycle ( 30s ). It means that 95% of this 100MBytes used by 5000 loaded groups is free to be used again after 30 seconds.

With that result, I belive that I was able to fix this problem regarding BCStorm's Edits/Upgrates performance instability regarding groups, making it possible to use for high populated live servers. However, this is just a presupposition based on the data I gathered. It requires testing that aspect.

As I did too much edits, I didn't rip the code out like I did for Relationships(zzzzz') . But fell free to use It at your own build. That also fix the problem regarding not being able to Edit your group after buying it, where I did need to reload your emulator to take acess to this function.

Download AKllX's Swift Emulator Revision 2:

To be fixed yet:

Serialize placing bots/pets at the room(client-side speaking they are the same);
Handle owner rights at public furni for :pickall and room deleting. As It is now, all furni placed in a room by some user that doesn't own the room can be picked up by the room owner;
Handle some of these weird bugs that randomly(not really) happen. I'm interested in any bugs you may find. Just post it here.

Catalog fix tool. This should fix 99.9% of your catalog problems.

$db_host = "localhost";    // MySQL Host
$db_user = "root";        // MySQL User
$db_pass = "akllxistheebest";        // MySQL Passwort
$db_database = "adma1";    // MySQL Datenbank

$connect = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass) or die("Konnte keine Verbindung zum MySQL-Server aufbauen, Fehler: ".mysql_error());
$db = mysql_select_db($db_database, $connect) or die("Konnte keine Verbindung mit der MySQL-Datenbank aufbauen, Fehler: ".mysql_error());

$data = file_get_contents("http://localhost/swfs/furnidata.txt");
$data = str_replace("\n", "", $data);
$data = str_replace("[[", "[", $data);
$data = str_replace("]]", "]", $data);
$data = str_replace("][", "],[", $data);

foreach (explode('],[', $data) as $val)
    $val = str_replace('[', '', $val);
    $val = str_replace(']', '', $val);

    $bits = explode(',', $val);
    $name = str_replace('"', '', $bits[2]);

    $stufftoupdate[] = '[' . $val . ']';

foreach ($stufftoupdate as $stuff)

        #Start main stuff
        $stuff = str_replace('"s",', '', $stuff);
        $stuff = str_replace('"i",', '', $stuff);
        $furni = explode('[', $stuff);
        $furni = explode(']', $furni[1]);
        #End main stuff

        #Start select item_name
        $nome = explode('","', $furni[0]);
        $nome = explode('","', $nome[1]);
        $nome = $nome[0];
        #End select item_name

        #Start select sprite_id
        $id = explode('"', $furni[0]);
        $id = explode('","', $id[1]);
        $id = $id[0];
        #End select sprite_id

        #Start select width
        $width = explode('","', $furni[0]);
        $width = explode('","', $width[4]);
        $width = $width[0];
        #End select width

        #Start select length
        $length = explode('","', $furni[0]);
        $length = explode('","', $length[5]);
        $length = $length[0];
        #End select length

        #Start select name
        $name = explode('","', $furni[0]);
        $name = explode('","', $name[7]);
        $name = $name[0];
        #End select name

        $idfurni = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM items_base WHERE item_name = '$nome'");
        $furni = mysql_fetch_array($idfurni);
        $furniid = $furni['item_id'];
        $update = mysql_query("UPDATE items_base SET sprite_id='$id', public_name='$name', width='$width', length='$length' WHERE item_id='$furniid' LIMIT 1");
        if ($update==FALSE) echo("MySQL error in item ".$nome."<br/><br/>");
        else echo("Item ".$nome." updated<br/><br/>");

//Removed single update references. Text went too damn long.


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Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 29, 2013
Reaction score
Everything works except 1 thing.. When I click on a user and set a relationship up it doesn't update/add it to the db. But I can add them into the db manually and they work perfectly.
Skilled Illusionist
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
nice release! But,
Missing the code for: internal void LoadProfile().....
Last edited:
Junior Spellweaver
Feb 7, 2013
Reaction score
did it all and when I loaded client made me disconnect.. I'll retry it later on incase I missed something :)
Skilled Illusionist
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
I have a bug: If you buy a group it's not showing up when you enter the room.. only after restarting the emulator

can you help me?

I didn't make any changes on groups Serialize. I believe you rewrite something wrong. In any case, I'm attaching my own version to the thread right now.

For thus who gets disconnected:
At GameClientMessageHandler.cs

Look for: Session.SendMessage(Session.GetHabbo().GetRelationship()); and delete this line out of the code.

Swift Emulador - AKllX Revision . Compiled + Source
Last edited:
Skilled Illusionist
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
tested group buy with your emu and have the same problem...

i think the problem is in SetRoomUser wrong packet?
Skilled Illusionist
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
tested group buy with your emu and have the same problem...

i think the problem is in SetRoomUser wrong packet?

I think I got your problem now. It creates the group but You can't edit It until the emulador restarts. Does that work on BCStorm ? If yes I guess It can be easy to fix. If not, I think that a full group methods rewrite will be needed to fix that. Because It seems like all group owners are cached only once at the start. Shall take a look at It aswell, but I say again.. that group system from BCStorm is sh##t.
May 8, 2010
Reaction score
I think I got your problem now. It creates the group but You can't edit It until the emulador restarts. Does that work on BCStorm ? If yes I guess It can be easy to fix. If not, I think that a full group methods rewrite will be needed to fix that. Because It seems like all group owners are cached only once at the start. Shall take a look at It aswell, but I say again.. that group system from BCStorm is sh##t.

Yeah, i totally agree, i mean Leenster did his best to make it work, but when you choose latest badge parts, they show old ones and the badge image is messed, and not all parts / colours are there.
The group furni dont show the colours or badges. So thats another downside etc.
Skilled Illusionist
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
I think I got your problem now. It creates the group but You can't edit It until the emulador restarts. Does that work on BCStorm ? If yes I guess It can be easy to fix. If not, I think that a full group methods rewrite will be needed to fix that. Because It seems like all group owners are cached only once at the start. Shall take a look at It aswell, but I say again.. that group system from BCStorm is sh##t.

Thank you
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 17, 2012
Reaction score
Could someone please place the swfs + emu?
Loyal Member
Jul 28, 2009
Reaction score
I didn't make any changes on groups Serialize. I believe you rewrite something wrong. In any case, I'm attaching my own version to the thread right now.

For thus who gets disconnected:
At GameClientMessageHandler.cs

Look for: Session.SendMessage(Session.GetHabbo().GetRelationship()); and delete this line out of the code.

Swift Emulador - AKllX Revision . Compiled + Source
Thanks, please attach the download to your first post.
Skilled Illusionist
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Error in query:
SELECT user_relationships.relationshipstatus WHERE requester_id = @sender AND target_id = @target
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Fatal error encountered during command execution. ---> MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Parameter '@sender' must be defined.
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Statement.SerializeParameter(MySqlParameterCollection parameters, MySqlPacket packet, String parmName)
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Statement.InternalBindParameters(String sql, MySqlParameterCollection parameters, MySqlPacket packet)
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Statement.BindParameters()
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.PreparableStatement.Execute()
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand.ExecuteScalar()
at Database_Manager.Database.Session_Details.QueryAdapter.getInteger()

I'm not sure If You did some change on my code, because I didn't use any SELECT passing parameters.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 18, 2011
Reaction score
Quick Fix:

In HabboMessenger.cs
Look for
internal void DestroyFriendship(uint friendID)
and replace it with
internal void DestroyFriendship(uint friendID)
            using (IQueryAdapter adapter = ButterflyEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor())
                adapter.runFastQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "DELETE FROM messenger_friendships WHERE (sender = ", this.UserId, " AND receiver = ", friendID, ") OR (receiver = ", this.UserId, " AND sender = ", friendID, ")" }));
            this.GetClient().GetHabbo().GetRelationshipComposer().RelationshipStatusUpdate(friendID, 0);

            GameClient clientByUserID = ButterflyEnvironment.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUserID(friendID);
            if ((clientByUserID != null) && (clientByUserID.GetHabbo().GetMessenger() != null))
                using (IQueryAdapter adapter = ButterflyEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor())
                    adapter.setQuery("DELETE FROM user_relationships WHERE requester_id = @sender AND target_id = @target LIMIT 1");
                    adapter.addParameter("sender", friendID);
                    adapter.addParameter("target", UserId);
                }//non sono siuro che vada bene... le cache??

Now look for
internal void OnDestroyFriendship(uint Friend)
and after
this.GetClient().GetHabbo().GetRelationshipComposer().RelationshipStatusUpdate(Friend, 0);

This is the right packet id for RoomError:
Outgoing.RoomError = 1671;//b
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 29, 2013
Reaction score
Thank you that works great. I can now use the clear relationships button. But I still can't add people.. Unless you have a fix for that too?
Thanks anyway for that.
Quick Fix:

In HabboMessenger.cs
Look for
internal void DestroyFriendship(uint friendID)
and replace it with
internal void DestroyFriendship(uint friendID)
            using (IQueryAdapter adapter = ButterflyEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor())
                adapter.runFastQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "DELETE FROM messenger_friendships WHERE (sender = ", this.UserId, " AND receiver = ", friendID, ") OR (receiver = ", this.UserId, " AND sender = ", friendID, ")" }));
            this.GetClient().GetHabbo().GetRelationshipComposer().RelationshipStatusUpdate(friendID, 0);

            GameClient clientByUserID = ButterflyEnvironment.GetGame().GetClientManager().GetClientByUserID(friendID);
            if ((clientByUserID != null) && (clientByUserID.GetHabbo().GetMessenger() != null))
                using (IQueryAdapter adapter = ButterflyEnvironment.GetDatabaseManager().getQueryreactor())
                    adapter.setQuery("DELETE FROM user_relationships WHERE requester_id = @sender AND target_id = @target LIMIT 1");
                    adapter.addParameter("sender", friendID);
                    adapter.addParameter("target", UserId);
                }//non sono siuro che vada bene... le cache??

Now look for
internal void OnDestroyFriendship(uint Friend)
and after
this.GetClient().GetHabbo().GetRelationshipComposer().RelationshipStatusUpdate(Friend, 0);

This is the right packet id for RoomError:
Outgoing.RoomError = 1671;//b
Skilled Illusionist
Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
Error in packet [1590] BODY: [0][0][0][0][0][0]:
TokenID: 0System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
at Butterfly.HabboHotel.Users.Relationship.RelationshipComposer.RelationshipStatusUpdate(UInt32 targetID, UInt32 newRelationshipStatus) in C:\Users\root\Desktop\emu\Butterfly\HabboHotel\Users\Relationship\RelationshipComposer.cs:line 54
at Butterfly.HabboHotel.Users.Relationship.RelationshipComposer.SerializeRelationshipUpdate(UInt32 targetId, UInt32 newRelationshipState) in C:\Users\root\Desktop\emu\Butterfly\HabboHotel\Users\Relationship\RelationshipComposer.cs:line 203
at Butterfly.Messages.GameClientMessageHandler.SetRelationshipsStatus() in C:\Users\root\Desktop\emu\Butterfly\Messages\GameClientMessageHandler.cs:line 396
at Butterfly.Messages.StaticMessageHandlers.SharedPacketLib.SetRelationshipsStatus(GameClientMessageHandler handler) in C:\Users\root\Desktop\emu\Butterfly\Messages\StaticMessageHandlers\SharedPacketLib.cs:line 36
at Butterfly.Messages.StaticMessageHandlers.StaticClientMessageHandler.HandlePacket(GameClientMessageHandler handler, ClientMessage message) in C:\Users\root\Desktop\emu\Butterfly\Messages\StaticMessageHandlers\StaticClientMessageHandler.cs:line 29
at Butterfly.Messages.GameClientMessageHandler.HandleRequest(ClientMessage request) in C:\Users\root\Desktop\emu\Butterfly\Messages\GameClientMessageHandler.cs:line 3372
at Butterfly.HabboHotel.GameClients.GameClient.parser_onNewPacket(ClientMessage Message) in C:\Users\root\Desktop\emu\Butterfly\HabboHotel\GameClients\GameClient.cs:line 136

This happens when You try change a relationship status from Null ( 0 ) to Null again ( 0 ). I did try to fix that by adding this condition
 if ((composedRelations[targetID] == newRelationshipStatus) || (!composedRelations.ContainsKey(targetID) && (newRelationshipStatus == 0)))
but It seems to be not working. Any sugestions are appreciated.

Hello, I'm still having problems getting the relationships to save , people to add them. I'm using your edit and so on... Any idea?

Need more information from logs, as from default It was supposed to work on all databases like worked on mine. Did You try using that on a empty database ? Did It ever worked an then stopped working ?
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 18, 2012
Reaction score
can someone relase this emu with all the fixes? :):
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