Section Rules [Read before posting!]

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Dec 20, 2010
Reaction score
The Netherlands
The following rules are specificly for this section. Before you post, make sure you have knowledge of the rules. Breaking them will result in a warning/infraction. Please note that these are subject to change without prior notice, so make sure you are always updated about the Section Rules.

General Rules
- The Global Forum Rules, ofcourse, also apply on this section.
- Advertisement is strictly forbidden in this section. If you want to advertise, do so here.
- You can not post Team Recruitment threads in this section. You can do that here.
- You may post on old threads and revive them, as long as what you post contains/contributes valuable information, if you want to ask for help , make a new help thread instead.
- It is strictly forbidden to sell your server files, you are only allowed to release them for free.
- We do allow constructive critism. However this is to a certain extend. We do not allow any kind of trolling/flaming/insulting.
- When posting help threads, please give as much information as possible. For example: Don't post "This is not working, how do I fix it?", but include what error you get etc.
- Always apply the correct tags when posting, such as [Help], [Guide].

Tantra Developments
- Give enough information about your development.
- Keep your development alive, and post regular information about the updates you did.
- When you post a development thread, you must be releasing it.

Tantra Tutorials
- Do NOT post help requests in this section. Also don't ask for help in the tutorial thread. Instead, open a new help thread in the appropriate section.
- When you post a tutorial, make sure it is understandable. The best thing is to use screenshots.

Tantra Releases
- Include information and screenshots of your release.
- Make sure the download links are always up.
- A virus scan is appreciated, however not mandatory. Posting virus infected files will result in your account being banned.
- Do NOT post help requests in this section. Also don't ask for help in the release thread. Instead, open a new help thread in the appropriate section.

Reporting Posts
If you see someone breaking one of these rules, make sure you report the post. In no case are you allowed to take the matter in your own hands, so don't comment things such as "Wrong section". This will be considered as spam.

As said before, the rules are subject to change without prior notice. If you have any further questions, send me a PM.

Thank you.

Kind regards,
Tantra Online Moderation
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Just an update reminder of the over all forum rules.
These are located HERE

I noticed a few people have been violating rule #19
MentaL said:
19. This forum is English; you must either post in English or create an accurate translation. If a staff member suspects the translation is inaccurate your entire post may be deleted.

Any post not written in english/or without an english translation WILL be deleted guys.

Regards Kallyanna
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