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[Release] Space Conflict

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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 6, 2009
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Space Conflict 3.0r thread [In Working]
Features We are in progress of a total redesign of spaceconflict
  • Scroll bar added to chat
  • Can now pm players from the statistics table once more.
  • Some unnecessary files removed

Work on Redesign
  • redesigned index and register page
  • Skin has been changed

Known Bugs
  • Missile System (hopefully will be fixed in this version).
  • suspected bugs with Interplanetary research network although not confirmed.
  • bugs with moons (hopefully will be fixed in this version).

Space Conflict 2.5 thread [Finished and Released]
Download Link:
Alternative Download Link a:
Alternative Download Link b:

Features For a longer list of features read about 2.0
  • SQL had a missing field for ACS combat. Now has been fixed in the sql file.
  • Language Dutch was actually German, The names have now been fixed. credits to Yatios.
  • Admin Panel Change Pass has been fixed
  • Admin Panel Change User Rights has been fixed so game operators cant make themselves admins.
  • Various Typo's fixed
  • Reset Universe option re-enabled
  • A button for Admin Overview was added. The page that's displayed when you first access the admin panel. You can now access it via a button.

Known Bugs
  • Missile System doesn't work
  • suspected bugs with Interplanetary research network although not confirmed.
Space Conflict 2.0 thread [Finished and Released]
Files for Space Conflict. These files are Oasis Rage 2.0 with the Alliance Combat System fix included in the sql file. There are various fixes included and two additional skins. All credit goes to Dark Oasis and his team for the work. I take none myself. I only wish to share the files which I have with others as they have served me well. I have given two separate links as I know that the links go dead after a while. If they do go dead just post here and I will re-submit the files. There is still a couple bugs which still need to be fixed, the major one being the Missile system. But it should be sorted for version 3. This was build and tested on firefox 3.5 and may have some unusual bugs when using a different web browser.

Instructions for Setup

  1. Upload all files included in the zip (with the exception of the SQL Database folder)
  2. Edit the config.php file to match your specific sql database details.
  3. Register a new user account for yourself to administrate.
  4. Go to your user in the sql database and edit your authlevel to "3" to give yourself administrative rights.
  5. Edit the constants.php with your own info and game details.
  6. Edit any remaining game settings through the administration panel in-game.

  • DarkOasis's OasisRage2.0 with his new login page.
  • MadnessRed's Alliance Combat System Files
  • Removed a couple tabs to neaten up the game
  • Removed some security leaks
  • New Skins SpaceConflict and Xnova9, including a couple new backgrounds.
  • A couple new tabs and layout features to make user-interface neater.
  • Neater player/alliance ranking tables
  • Rearranged and improved left menu for game.


Sorry about the large pics

WELLST - [Release] Space Conflict - RaGEZONE Forums

WELLST - [Release] Space Conflict - RaGEZONE Forums

WELLST - [Release] Space Conflict - RaGEZONE Forums

Admin Panel
WELLST - [Release] Space Conflict - RaGEZONE Forums


The files are still under work and I hope to have the missile system working soon and a couple other bugs in the game. The files all together are about 50MB.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 6, 2009
Reaction score
That is the default skin I have chosen but there is an option to change the skin back to the xnova one in the player options. What im trying to say is that the skin is the least of the worries as it can be changed quite easily.

Anyway, I will be doing work on this and making improvements all over and hopefully have the new version up with missile support soon. Thanks for the comment Adrian.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 2, 2008
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WELLST the language that you call dutch ingame is german, I speak dutch and german so I know the difference between them, and thanks for the release.
Jan 1, 2009
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Still I dont get it... you can just take an xnova and add 40 new features and it will be better than any release ever made here hmmm... and les bugs I can say.. But anyway I was just saying about the skin because I read you can change it... thanks for the release and we wait you to add new things

PS: Added on the Ogame HQ
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 6, 2009
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Yatios said:
WELLST the language that you call dutch ingame is german, I speak dutch and german so I know the difference between them, and thanks for the release.

OK, I will change the language asap. I am also adding a new language with help from a friend. It will soon support Portuguese.

EDIT: The language name was changed to German. Thanks for the help Yatios.

AdriaN401MasteR said:
Still I don't get it... you can just take an xnova and add 40 new features and it will be better than any release ever made here hmmm... and less bugs I can say.. But anyway I was just saying about the skin because I read you can change it... thanks for the release and we wait you to add new things.

PS: Added on the Ogame HQ

Would you like some screenshots in the original skin. :)
here's one of the overview.

WELLST - [Release] Space Conflict - RaGEZONE Forums

And thanks for the Ogame HQ thing.
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Jan 1, 2009
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I'm Planning a release soon with Xnova files and some modules (And I SAY AGAIN : No I am not the one who coded all of them I just modified them , added them , translated them and published)

And No problem with the HQ ... when I get bored I have to do something ..:glare:

I'm glad to hear about new languages coming I plan 4
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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 6, 2009
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Ok. I checked out the hq. Had a look at the bug fixes there. It seems Dark Oasis has already put many of them into the game. The main thing im looking for now is the Missile Fix. It seems that its just missing some files so I either need to find some files that will work or build them myself.

Yes. The new language will be included in the new version I submit along with various other fixes.
Jan 1, 2009
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Im gonna release some guides for new upgrades for all ogame servers. Dont forget I sad guides ;) (I say that because some people may instantly think I made all of them.. )

P.S. Now I like the skin of your release ;)

P.S.2: German? o_O Than I think most of use dont need it anymore or you want to say that german is an extra language?
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 3, 2007
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please make a complete how to install that. i have make your orders but have every time Errors
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 23, 2008
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WELLST the language that you call dutch ingame is german, I speak dutch and german so I know the difference between them, and thanks for the release.

That's entirely my fault :(: I never got around to changing it in the oasisrage files that he used :(:
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 26, 2007
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The download links dont work can someone report this please I wanna try it
Jan 1, 2009
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The release hasn't been updated for a while. I tryed to contact the thread owner but no answer and I dont have any backups of these files so I believe we won't have any new links soon
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 29, 2007
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there is a bug for me don't show me my planet why ? how to fix that ?
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
there is a bug for me don't show me my planet why ? how to fix that ?

This isnt the place to ask for help esp for a package thats no longer available =O
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