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CentrinoGames - Minerva EP18

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Initiate Mage
Oct 30, 2018
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Already compatible(just need to change rsa,133 and 142), i guess its on same episode as cabal gsp... Why have they done a 2 or 3 in one i dont know xD
You mean the encode length in the rsa? or the whole of class of RSA.

edit: idk exactly but maybe this

builder.New(0x8E, true);
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Initiate Mage
Oct 30, 2018
Reaction score
Not this: builder.New(0x8E, true);
You mean the encode length in the rsa? or the whole of class of RSA. figure out which, if thats even one of them at all...

Game gets updated, the emulator did not:
I enabled the debugging mode. No chance, i still cant connect.

I just found a Error Message in Login Server but i dont know if it is the problem.

##ERROR## Unknown packet (3383) from

Note: Im not gonna tell people how to do my job nor will i tell people how to do thiers, the server need updates to support latest updates which i doubt CentrinoGames has the knowledge or the time to do... Prove me wrong :8: i would love if you would, even if you don't share or do share the code, because right now i dont care Centrino :w00t:

Nota para o centrino: No caso de o google tradutor não funcionar bem, centrino, tu não sabes nem tens conhecimento ou tempo para actualizar os ficheiro do emulador para as ultimas actualizações, prova que eu estou errado :8: eu gostaria imenso se o fizesses, mesmo que não partilhes ou que partilhes o codigo, porque actualmente não me importa centrino, desafio lançado :w00t:

Yes, I tried that thing also, and same error I got " ##ERROR## Unknown packet (3383) from ", i doubt the packet size. i tried changing things in RSA, things worked, I can enter world but dc after several second. anyway, we're stuck at ep18 but thats good already.... and talking about Centrino, we all don't care about them they don't communicate to us. It is what it is. the file is there, posted! if you have the initiative to do things work, then continue doing it, you're not far from so called "success".

Initiate Mage
Oct 29, 2018
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GoldenHeaven or someone else, can you upload the last client to play it with this Emulator? I will avoid new updates, please i would like to play in my own server. Can you do it please?
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 31, 2007
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Note: Im not gonna tell people how to do my job nor will i tell people how to do thiers, the server need updates to support latest updates which i doubt CentrinoGames has the knowledge or the time to do... Prove me wrong :8: i would love if you would, even if you don't share or do share the code, because right now i dont care Centrino :w00t:

Nota para o centrino: No caso de o google tradutor não funcionar bem, centrino, tu não sabes nem tens conhecimento ou tempo para actualizar os ficheiro do emulador para as ultimas actualizações, prova que eu estou errado :8: eu gostaria imenso se o fizesses, mesmo que não partilhes ou que partilhes o codigo, porque actualmente não me importa centrino, desafio lançado :w00t:

I agree with you, I do not have much free time, but I spent a few minutes to update the new emulator packages, as you can see in the images below, it is already possible to log in again in the world.

mineva - CentrinoGames - Minerva EP18 - RaGEZONE Forums


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Newbie Spellweaver
May 7, 2018
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Hello :d

After Click Login nothing happens. any one help me :D

Newbie Spellweaver
May 7, 2018
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Need help to login in gam because my Login button has freeze, help me :D
Newbie Spellweaver
May 7, 2018
Reaction score
Nothing Happened
Here is SS :D

maybay i do mistake ... idk
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