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SHN Editor

Jun 5, 2009
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Fusion Editor V21.0.0:
An incomplete version of the SHN Editor rewrite project I was working on. It supports loading the new MobInfo.shn file with the loca column (2024).

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1vkb69thmb9a39m/Fusion_Data_Editor_v21.0.0.7z/file


- Added support for column type 10.
- Fixed paste cells exception, when paste content exceeds row amount.
- Added support for unknown columns. Unknown columns will now display hex values.
- Added column type 10 to create column form.
- Added extra checks for column creation.
- Updated file properties unknown label to file version.

Download: SHN Editor V5.3.18.06

Source V5.3.18.06:
Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/gpb4p1tivrbw4l2/SHN_Editor_Source_v5.3.18.06.zip/file


Older Versions:
Update V3.4.14.0604:
- Fixed OTD replace function.
- Added .OTD file type.
- Made main form window resizable.
- Added recount function.
- Added exception handling for copying and pasting.
- Added ability to press enter to search on search screen.
- Removed the need to register the software.
- Improved Data Grid cell click method.
- Added currently selected row.
- Fixed new row index copying.
- Added row recount error handling.
- Cleaned and improved pasting function.
- Item Editor now only opens for ItemInfo.shn.
- Changed default paste value to 0.
- Changed encoding to UTF8 which supports bigger charset.

Download: SHN Editor V3.4.14.0604

Update V3.5.14.0605:
- Changed encoding to ISO-8859-1.
- Fixed row order when copying/pasting.
- Fixed NPCDialogue.shn saving issues.

Download: SHN Editor V3.5.14.0605

Update V3.8.14.0620:
- Made shop creator.
- Added shop creator item list and search feature.
- Added delete strip menu item.
- Added most recently used file.
- Fixed close tab exception when no tabs open.
- Fixed delete tool strip menu exception when no file open.
- Suppressed beep sound when pressing enter on search and NPC list.
- Made ODT editor form resizable.
- Added create row UI, with default value and base row.
- Removed text default paste.
- Added UTF7, UTF8, ISO-8859-1 and ISO-8859-2 encoding options.

Download: SHN Editor V3.8.14.0620

Update V3.9.14.0711:
- Fixed shop creator empty input line.
- Added file association exception handling.
- Added delete row exception handling.
- Fixed create row base row function.
- Added error handling for data grid view.
- Added drag and drop function.
- Made search screen form resizable.
- Reduced minimum size for main form.
- Added GB2312 encoding for Chinese character support.
- Fixed new row index, seemed to have been broken.
- Removed group box text title in ODT editor.
- Added row tally GUI.
- Added ability to press enter for ODT replace function.
- Added confirmation message for ODT replace function.
- Added short cut keys for all functions which may need them.

Download: SHN Editor V3.9.14.0711

- When pasting you will automatically be taken to the new row.
- Changed "SHN - 1 files open" to "SHN - 1 file(s) open".
- Changed some short cut keys to prevent interference with each other.
- Encoding type is saved in registry and will load on start up.
- Cleaned up new file code, made it more efficient.
- Removed unreferenced and unused code.
- Added column, multiplication, division and bulk edit.
- Added a replace feature.
- Completely removed registration feature.
- Made data grid double buffered at request.
- Removed old file association and created new custom file association class.
- Organised Visual Studio project.
- Made the program run as admin.
- Added confirmation message on column deletion.
- Added updates UI.
- Added go to function for search.
- Added a progress bar for row filter.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.

Download: SHN Editor V4.0.14.0718

- Made Go To function update current row position.
- Column bulk edit, deletion, divide, multiply and rename no longer closes when you click ok.
- SHN files with blank columns are now loaded with a default unknown column name.
- Empty cells are now saved as empty cells, without error.
- The full version number is now shown in the window text.
- Replace function now checks cell value instead of object data.
- Fixed extensive loading time of large shn files, reducing loading times by 88%.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/cc94rx57d4gvp1a/SHN_Editor_V4.0.14.0801.exe

- Remade search function.
- Removed column refresher for search form.
- Search form now saves upon exit.
- You can no longer click away from search form window.
- Added search form search parameters: contains, equals, starts with and ends with.
- When you first open the search form the data grid view will be populated.
- If you search with an empty search field, it will reset your search.
- The replace window is no longer be the top most window.
- All buttons (i.e functions) in the replace form now check cell value instead of object data.
- Turned on WS_EX_COMPOSITED for main form and search form, making loading smoother.
- Search form now takes you to the cell you selected on the main form.
- Search parameters are loaded if any were set previously when searching.
- The search form no longer resets your currently selected row when opening/closing.
- Now when dragging in files it will add them to your recent list.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/btuj9eet7qf8rm8/SHN_Editor_V4.1.14.0814.exe

- Fixed save function.
- Search form will no longer take you to the row selected in the main form.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/clgh8bj7m3kd3o6/SHN_Editor_V4.1.14.0815.exe

- Turned off WS_EX_COMPOSITED for main form.
- Fixed search function, seemed to have been broken after I added the numbers "00:".

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/kmckj5smwm0jokf/SHN_Editor_V4.1.14.0816.exe

- Fixed encoding type registry issues.
- Fixed search form resetting main form datagrid issue.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/75nmnnajdi1rdl7/SHN_Editor_V4.2.14.0817.exe

- Fixed search screen horizontal scroll bar not showing.
- Updated NewRowIndex handling for Copy / Paste functions.
- Only one message box is now shown if clip board data is invalid.
- Made some changes to row filter UI.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ffx5p2vp38yl16t/SHN_Editor_V4.2.14.1004.exe

- Added search screen copy function.
- Added search screen find function which takes you to the selected cell/row in main grid.
- Fixed search screen open/close cell and row positioning on main grid.
- Changed copy and paste functions again.
- Added exception handling for go to function.
- Added shortcuts for copy and find options on search screen.
- Files are no longer deleted if there is an error, but rather just not saved.
- Files are now overwritten instead of deleted and re-written.
- Added exclamation sign to the save error message box.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/yctdjdzyjnx1rcc/SHN_Editor_V4.4.14.1225.exe

- Added Encoding Changer allowing you to select any available encoding. (credits to skeleten)
- Added check for exiting when using escape button.
- Started implementing file tree functionality.
- Changed Shop creator layout.
- Cleaned up code.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/namcf0uyonk8aki/SHN_Editor_V4.7.03.03.exe

- Updated find function.
- Added new filter function.
- Fixed copy and paste function.
- Added column sort reset function.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/e5srbmnums6uclu/SHN_Editor_V4.7.11.03.exe

- Updated filter function.
- Removed bulk edit, multiply and divide function.
- Added an all in one function for bulk edit, multiply, divide, add and subtract function.
- Changed all in one function to update cell value instead of object data.
- Added button press event handler for search text box in find function.
- Changed filter function to update cell value instead of object data.
- Renamed column and row functions.
- Opening the find function will now move to the top if it is already open.
- Program name is now changed to the file name of whichever tab us currently selected.
- Now if there is an error upon save, you will be notified which cell is throwing the error.
- When opening find function the text box will now automatically be selected and highlighted.
- Icon cache is now refreshed when creating and deleting association.
- Associations for OTD files are now created as well.
- Updated association file type to SHN File Editor.
- Added save button to odt editor.
- Removed save as button on odt editor.
- Fixed save as button on odt editor tool strip.
- Fixed open button on odt editor tool strip.
- ODT editor application name is now changed to the file name you are currently editing.
- Added a reset sort button to the column file strip menu item.
- Added a reset filter button to the column file strip menu item.
- Added shortcut keys for the reset sort, reset filter and value editor menu button.
- Updated ODT form title.
- Updated old version text box in the about form.

Download: SHN Editor V4.8.17.06

- Changed column editor shortcuts.
- Changed CTRL+E shortcut to CTRL+SHIFT+E
- Fixed a bug with closing a tab when you only have one open.
- Added ability to copy and paste cells.
- Added change colour function. Changes colour of cells which have been modified.
- Added excel copy and paste support. Copy and paste data to and from excel.
- Fixed issue with pressing escape and then pressing yes not closing the program.

Download: SHN Editor V4.9.04.08

- Added SHN type 29 support.
- Changed cell modification colour to only update the colour if the value is changed.
- Removed the error message box when pasting within cells that have text in them.
- Added decrypt function.
- Added function to paste one value to all of the selected cells.

Download: SHN Editor V4.9.11.08

- Increased string size limit.
- Fixed multiple cell copying and pasting commit error.
- Added context menu strip to data grid.
- Added paste and copy cells option to edit menu.
- Added support for copying rows when only cells have been selected.
- Removed delete row button from edit menu.
- Made right click select the cell your mouse is currently at.

Download: SHN Editor V4.9.14.08

- Fixed cell value copying.
- Fixed right click when more than one cell is selected.
- Fixed issue with context menu row click.
- Fixed data grid cell mouse down excpetion for columns
- Fixed data grid cell copy exception when no grids open.
- Improved and cleaned up binary reader code.
- Fixed several exception issues.
- Fixed white spaces in cells when pasting in cells.
- Changed key bindings for copying and pasting cells.

Download: SHN Editor V4.9.21.08

This update also includes updates from the previous version which was unreleased.

- Updated create column data types.
- Recent file manager will no longer add the same file again.
- Added raw file support. SHN Editor can now load unencrypted SHN files.
- Added encrypt function to encrypt unencrypted SHN files.
- Updated file header properties viewer. Cleaner and easier to use.
- Updated SHN file creation header properties.
- Added start value condition to row tally function.
- Added in selection condition to row tally function.
- Added modifier function to column value editor.
- Added 4 modifiers for column value editor for text modification.
- Fixed issue with saving raw (unencrypted) files.
- Fixed "in selection" bug in row tally.
- Fixed row tally start value issue.
- Made forms which you can click away from always update the combo box.
- Fixed filter form exception error upon opening form.
- Added advanced filter function.
- Reordered filter function in menu list.
- Added and modified shortcuts for filter functions.
- Updated row tally to always number from top to bottom in selection.
- Added save as .raw option to save as menu.
- Updated encrypt and decrypt dialogues and added message box to confirm save.
- Made sub forms appear center of main form.
- Added encryption changer with several encryptions.
- Updated handling of .raw files.
- Fixed some issues with MRU (i.e. recent files) manager.
- Added .raw option to open menu.
- Fixed some other bugs.
- Cleaned up some code.

Download: SHN Editor V5.1.22.01

- Fixed a bug with old recent files stacked in registry which prevented editor from opening.

Download: SHN Editor V5.2.22.04

- Fixed a bug with OTD files not being decrypted on load.

Download: SHN Editor V5.2.28.04

Source V4.2.14.1004:
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/dg92yric62e3tyx/SHN+Editor.7z

Source V4.7.11.03:
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/2w22goefrjiyz60/SHN_Editor_4.7.rar

Source V5.3.18.06:
Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/gpb4p1tivrbw4l2/SHN_Editor_Source_v5.3.18.06.zip/file
Last edited:
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
Re: SHN Editor Release

the latest one ,dont surport chinese,how to fix it? (your GB2312 no usefull)
Last edited by a moderator:
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
Re: SHN Editor Release

dont surport Chinese, please update ,thank you!!
fiestanerd69 - SHN Editor - RaGEZONE Forums

the right :
fiestanerd69 - SHN Editor - RaGEZONE Forums
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 12, 2010
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Re: SHN Editor Release

Could you actually just host a Git repository? Would make it way easier for people to contribute.
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 21, 2014
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Re: SHN Editor Release

Humans are stupid and don't know what Google stands for. So if he post this on git. After 5 minutes someone ask for the source code
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 12, 2010
Reaction score
Re: SHN Editor Release

Well, then he can just link to the git page. The reasoning behind having a repository are not only "so users can get the source-code easily" or something. It's about collaborating.
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Re: SHN Editor Release

Unfortunately, if anyone really wanted to make an effort they would post code here or post any updated files which they made changes to here, and as you can see, no one has. So I doubt there is any point in making a GIT. Though feel free to do so if you'd like, the source I released is almost completely up to date.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 12, 2010
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Re: SHN Editor Release

Having a git repository is easier in a few of ways, and you should really use an version control system anyways, as it seems that you've been maintaing the code base for quite a while now. So, if you're not using one, you should start anyways. And if you are, it's just a thing of making it public.
Maybe guys just held back so far because it was to much boilerplate when doing any changes anyways.
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Re: SHN Editor Release

Having a git repository is easier in a few of ways, and you should really use an version control system anyways, as it seems that you've been maintaing the code base for quite a while now. So, if you're not using one, you should start anyways. And if you are, it's just a thing of making it public.
Maybe guys just held back so far because it was to much boilerplate when doing any changes anyways.

Feel free to set one up yourself, I am not very experienced with such things and wouldn't really remember to update it to be honest. If you need the new source code just ask. Also I am not sure what you mean by a version control system or the code base. :)
Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 12, 2010
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Re: SHN Editor Release

So, you have no experience with version control systems?
Well, git is one for example. As is SVN, CVS, Mecurial.
It basicly keeps track of your changes and stuff.
One bigger advantage of having a public git repository is, that if you're using GitHub, you're also getting free continous integration services via travis.
code base refers to the source code of a project. btw.

Edit: would you use the repository?
Edit 2: I set up a public repository under https://github.com/skeleten/SHN-Editor
Last edited:
Jun 5, 2009
Reaction score
Re: SHN Editor Release

- Added Encoding Changer allowing you to select any available encoding. (credits to skeleten)
- Added check for exiting when using escape button.
- Started implementing file tree functionality.
- Changed Shop creator layout.
- Cleaned up code.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/namcf0uyonk8aki/SHN_Editor_V4.7.03.03.exe
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
Re: SHN Editor Release


Awesome!!, Now your program is perfect this what i need.
- Added Encoding Changer allowing you to select any available encoding.

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 12, 2010
Reaction score
Re: SHN Editor Release

The encoding code was (and pretty much still is) pretty messy and hideous. Actually adding all available encodings wasn't that big of a problem, no idea why noone did it before.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 6, 2014
Reaction score
Re: SHN Editor Release

The encoding code was (and pretty much still is) pretty messy and hideous. Actually adding all available encodings wasn't that big of a problem, no idea why noone did it before.
gotta remember 95% of fiesta community is lazy
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 25, 2013
Reaction score
Re: SHN Editor Release

Thanks for that, but there is an error at the search form:
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: The index -1 has no value.
   at System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager.get_Item(Int32 index)
   at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.DataGridViewDataConnection.OnRowEnter(DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.OnRowEnter(DataGridViewCell& dataGridViewCell, Int32 columnIndex, Int32 rowIndex, Boolean canCreateNewRow, Boolean validationFailureOccurred)
   at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.SetCurrentCellAddressCore(Int32 columnIndex, Int32 rowIndex, Boolean setAnchorCellAddress, Boolean validateCurrentCell, Boolean throughMouseClick)
   at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.OnCellMouseDown(HitTestInfo hti, Boolean isShiftDown, Boolean isControlDown)
   at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.OnCellMouseDown(DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseDown(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

This error occures when you're searching for a value and then change that value in rows that has been found.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 25, 2013
Reaction score
Re: SHN Editor Release

Yes it works, changes in search form will be added to main form and searchform updates properly without any error.
But i think that the autorefresh isnt that good than you thought.
For example, when you change the searched value in a row to something that doesnt match the search,
the row will not further shown so you cant change other things within it before you search for it again with the new value.
You know what i mean?

Dont want to say that you have to change this, its your project, but this makes some processes more complicated.