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Out with 2015 Giveaway - Ended 01/05/2016

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Staff member
Jan 18, 2007
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Contest is closed. Check back for another one near the end of January. Thank you for participating.

2015 is coming to an end, Holidays are wrapping up, and it just seems like a good time to give some stuff away. I remember we did a steam game give away in the past, and I've been thinking about doing it again, so why not now? No better time for free stuff right? :thumbup1:

Or maybe during the holidays wasn't a great time. Either way, over 30 games were given out! I still have a pile of keys, so never fear if you didn't win now be sure to check back at the end of the month and I'll do it again. Thanks again!

Winners For this Giveaway:

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git bisect -m
Loyal Member
Sep 2, 2011
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What makes me happy?

Madison - Out with 2015 Giveaway  - Ended 01/05/2016 - RaGEZONE Forums

Learn mainly learn to improve my english. is really bad. a Discover, and access RaGEZONE. Really this community is really amazing. Ironically with the Flames and Brave Discussions (remember me sparta) we guess to learn more. I really like open a book, see if is good, if not, put [STRIKE]fire[/STRIKE] in the shelf. Read in blogs, and more. That's the same reason why i started developing, i'm such Ducking curious! I really want to learn what i don't have any fcking idea that what is, and explore the Outer World, why i want to learn such more? i really discovered that i really know NOTHING IN THIS HOLLY ** WORLD. bby, and really is phenomenal all the things.. and bla bla
Madison - Out with 2015 Giveaway  - Ended 01/05/2016 - RaGEZONE Forums
So, what really makes me happy? Learn, [STRIKE]because with knowledge we don't archive cancer..[/STRIKE] because is really interesting. I want learn to improve myself and compete with my self. So yeah, Knowledge is power, and with knowledge you can help others :D
Madison - Out with 2015 Giveaway  - Ended 01/05/2016 - RaGEZONE Forums

Ahhn.. Forget

Sex really make me more happy.
Madison - Out with 2015 Giveaway  - Ended 01/05/2016 - RaGEZONE Forums

Ah you can give any game (or what else :D). Only the fact of giving something makes me really happy. Thanks!
Staff member
Jan 18, 2007
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Hitman: Absolution - Elite Edition would be amazing!

You know what? DONE.

First of all, you make me happy because every year so far you have done the Extra Life gaming charity event. I admire that. So you need a game to play maybe you will play this game during that time next year. If not that is totally OK too. Either way what you do is awesome.

Also you made me think of that video I posted of Exy and that is just epicness all in itself.

Sex really make me more happy.
Madison - Out with 2015 Giveaway  - Ended 01/05/2016 - RaGEZONE Forums

THIS. This made me happy. It is funny, It is real, and it is truth.

I am going to send you a random code via PM.

Two entries so far? Come on guys? Lets get some activity going on here.
Jan 1, 2003
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I don't really know what I want but I LOVE that you do this Mads. You are really great :)

One thing that makes me happy right now is sitting here in my house :) We moved back to England after Piasa got her Speech and Language therapy degree. But we had to live with family for a while. Now we have out own space again I truly feel like I've moved back home. It's been a long four years away, that's for sure!
Feb 2, 2012
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actually makes me happy for some reason..
Maybe it makes me never give up to my dreams deep af.
i dunno if you'd agree with me or not but i just like lindsey

Also This makes me laugh every F***ing time i watch it .

one also
it makes me more happy & chill whenever i feel bad.. it's really awesome.^^

Well.. i'd like that surprising key o.o.
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The Shrewd
Loyal Member
Oct 29, 2011
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I would like to have a random.
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Reactions: DNC
Aug 27, 2013
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Hm.. What makes me happy is that I can realize my dream with a big help of Ragezone :)
Started as a player, I had massive "crush" on MMORPG games, and always finding lacking servers of my expectations I thought I would like to create my own game servers and put all of my ideas into them, that's how I found Ragezone (Thanks to Google), although in the beginning it was a dark forest for me, slowly I've began to understand things and now it's became my hobby in which I can not only get absorbed and spend time with a smile, but as well as relax from every days routine.
So on the same spot, I would like to say a big big thanks to everyone in this community :blush:
Let's try not to rage a lot our beloved forum and reach higher peaks in MMORPG developments next year :thumbup:

P.S. I would probably go for Just Cause Collection :)
Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 19, 2015
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What makes me happy..?

Since the death of my dad the only thing that makes me happy is the smile of my daughters face.. :)

Garrys mod please
Jan 15, 2009
Reaction score
Until recently haven't really been excited or happy about anything until I came across (75% off - $6.24 USD) during these sales.. This game is amazing with friend's and make's for some great moments (and some scary ones!)​

Madison - Out with 2015 Giveaway  - Ended 01/05/2016 - RaGEZONE Forums

Random key and also suggest that Depth be added. Such an underrated game.​
Sharing is caring
Feb 1, 2007
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What I truly like @Madison, is that people like you still exist, who think about others and want to share.
This is what brought me to Ragezone in the first place and even tho, RZ grew bigger and bigger, I still see those people around here and I like that actually makes me stick around.

I have to admit that I'm actually running an eSports org that I have founded nearly 2 years ago and was able to introduce people to eSports who never had any experience with it before and managed to win a LAN tournament with them in 6 months! Then the next year we won LAN 3 more times with other games. It takes a lot of my time every day and it's sometimes stressful, but end of the day it's very worthwhile when you hear and see people being happy but the effort I put into it. Similar to the days when I ran private server networks, only difference is that what I'm doing now is actually with people you go to real life events with, real businesses as sponsors etc. One day I hope I can grow my organisation so I provide all our players with whatever they may need to unleash their potential and go all over the world for events!

I don't want to advertise my org, but for the legitimacy of this request, just click my Website link :):

Almost forgot: If you want to give me anything, I would kinda like Garry's Mod, seems a bit silly but would be good to release the stress sometimes :p:
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Staff member
Jan 18, 2007
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I love the posts. Everyone!

More games added!

The Bob Ross song got me totally in the feels. I don't know if any one knows this but I like to paint. So you win! I just sent you a surprise key!

also suggest that Depth be added. Such an underrated game.​

I will definitely consider it, depending on how things go over the next few days. Thank you for the suggestion. I may look into getting it for me. :)

I don't really know what I want but I LOVE that you do this Mads. You are really great :)

One thing that makes me happy right now is sitting here in my house :) We moved back to England after @Piasa got her Speech and Language therapy degree. But we had to live with family for a while. Now we have out own space again I truly feel like I've moved back home. It's been a long four years away, that's for sure!

I can't like this post, and I want to! I thought about moving it just to like it and then move it back. I'm so glad you are back home again. I remember when you moved! It seems like a blink to me! Things seem to be going your way and I am so happy for you!
Experienced Elementalist
Apr 28, 2014
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Well to keep it short ... pretty happy to have survived my surgeries and that I am on my way to recovery from some poop. And very happy that despite all the problems with illnesses etc, my best friends and some family supported me all the way.
Also happy to have won this years award contest again ofc.

Would love to get the Just Cause Collection :)
Evolution Team
Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
What makes me happy?
- See how the people that doesnt have a home or friends to love more the life than us. (What it means this? - have you seen a person that doesnt has a home,job,clothes,money or food to share with a dog from the street the last meal that he has, now that is a happy moment)
- To see more kindly people to share moments or to help other peoples
Thats make me happy,
Happy New Year to Ragezone 2016 !
Really nice thread, hope you can add Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls to the list, Good luck
Staff member
Jan 18, 2007
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Also happy to have won this years award contest again ofc.

Would love to get the Just Cause Collection :)

Ok. Just Cause Collection for you. I for one, really appreciate the work that goes into the banners.. they make me happy. I like to see them on people's signatures. Ok sometimes they are even a little hypnotic all moving around and such. I know you "won" already, but consider this a little something to keep your creative juices flowing.

I may just post random keys in the thread itself as well, so check often! If I do, and you are able to redeem it, please let us know that it was you who won!

Oh I did say that didn't I?

Well Here is a random Key!

Junior Spellweaver
May 21, 2011
Reaction score
Well I finally managed to do the muscle-up, yesterday! :w00t:

Couple weeks ago I couldn't do one, so I stopped doing the exercise.
Until yesterday I though "Let's give it a shot", and BAM! I did it, even twice! The same happend with my backlever, I do it now! :p

That's what makes me happy. Don't stop, you may take it slow but don't stop. Even a little progress is still progress! :D:

eenie meenie miney mo.. Garry's Mod <3
lol I still don't have it after all these years, it's now 2,49€ XD
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