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Junior Spellweaver
Jan 27, 2012
Reaction score
Alright guys this is a really helpful community that helped me alot..

And now I have learnt alot so I would like to share some info with those who are still learning..

Use http://forum.ragezone.com/f694/hrace009s-files-now-re-uploaded-844722/ to make your server.

After that to add an npc.
1-Get a npc editor.
2-open it and load client npcgen.data
3-scroll to the buttom and add a tab
4-find the Id of the npc you want to edit.
5-write it and get the cords.(to get the cords go to the game and stand with your char to the place you want to be the npc at then go to pw admin/chars/choose the char then see the cords and type it in)
6-save it and then do it all over in your server side npc which is located in cd/pwserver/config/wolrd.

Now to add craft serivce or selling service its easy but long.
I will tell you how but you can also you this to help you with other things
So to add crafting service.

Open sELedit and load your client elements.data.
1-go to (recipes) then scroll down and right click the last coulm then clone it.
2-Change the id to an id that is not used I used 40000 for mine so..
3-in Tab 3 write the name of the item that you will add to the crafting services.
4-tab 6 is the crafting lvl needed.
5-tab 8 is the crafted item and tab 9 is the amount
6-22+ even is the material needed to craft the item and 23+odd is the amount of the material needed.
7-go to (Npc crafting services) and go to the bottom and clone the last coulm
8-now change the id to an Id not found on the (Npc crafting services) and change the name to the name that will be shown in the npc menu.
9-tab4 is the tab name in the npc tab 5-36 is the item that will get crafted
so put in tab 5 the Id of the recipes that we made at the beginning.
10-go to (Npcs) search for the npc we edited in the very beginning You can search for its Id or name.
11-Once you found it change its name if you want go to tab 8 and change the speech that will be written in the menu.
12-go to tab 26 and write in the (crafting service Id that we just made)

After your done. Press file/saveas and save it where the client elements.data is and replace it. And then Press file/Export/Press your client version to your server elements.data version then get your server elements.data and replace it and then put it back to the server.
13-restart your server and your client and then the crafting service will be made.

-To make an npc sell somthing its easy
1- go to list 39(npc purchase.) go to the bottom and clone it
2-change the name of the cloned tab(this name will be shown in the npc menu)
3-Change the Id that to and Id not found on(Npc purchase)
4-change the in game tab in the 4th line.
5-from 5-34 add the item that will be sold.

-(note to change the price of somthing in the npc just go to the Id of that thing
and then find the lind that has its selling and buying amount.ex:to change the price of a armour go to the armour bar then line 38 is the price you sell it and in line 39 is the price you buy it).

Hope you understood this guide and if you need any more help or questions just post it in this guide and I will try to answer it.
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Junior Spellweaver
Nov 7, 2011
Reaction score
Re: [tutorial about how to edit npc and things in npc and a guide for making a server

It's all good man. It helped me understand how to add a newly cloned NPC that I had given an ID for. Seems even if NPCEdit reports that the ID is "NOT FOUND" long as you put the coords in and its present in element.data, it can be added to the world.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
I do it all..but when equip the Item that I crafted ..its invisible on my hand...why?
Experienced Elementalist
Nov 29, 2013
Reaction score
I got the same Problem as him lol my Wep/gear/anything Dont show when I wear them , I turn invisable If Iam in gear mode wearing my custom item xD.
Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 10, 2014
Reaction score
how to put the elements.data in to my server because i really dont know how.. I edited some npcs and items using sEl edit and other editor but it did just change the clients data but when you craft or buy item it says "service unavailable" please reaply to this.
Newbie Spellweaver
May 5, 2016
Reaction score
songjunji, back up your original, then you have to change it in the client element.data (save over the client element.data) and server element.data (save over server element.data) then only upload the SERVER element.data to the server which can be done via ftp program of your choice. To know how to upload you have to know which version of the pw server files you have then just navigate in your ftp program to gamed/config find your elements.data file, delete it then upload your edited SERVER element.data to the same area.

Hope it helps if not then contact the release author via pm on here