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[Guide] Basic GM commands

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 21, 2012
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Re: [GUIDE] Basic GM commands

Who know the command for summoning a monster, add rubies and talents (the command in this post doesn't work)?
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 21, 2012
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Basic GM commands

add_ac "/Mechanics/AlternativeCurrencies/Ruby.xdb" xx (where xx is the desired amount of Rubies)
He adds rubies but can't be use.

What is the commands you use?
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 6, 2012
Reaction score
Re: [GUIDE] Basic GM commands

Updated commands list link here
Initiate Mage
Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
Hello ^^
I have a short question.
Long time ago there was an answer to this thread and this answer was full of commands, that are not in this thread and not in the newly created thread.
Did somebody save the commands that were written down ?
It were commands for EVERYTHING.
I saved the commands long time ago but I got a new Computer and thought the commands are still in here so I accidently deleted them.

If somebody knows what I mean or has a bigger list it would be awesome if you could share it.

Thank you very much,
- Carpet
Experienced Elementalist
Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
Hello ^^
I have a short question.
Long time ago there was an answer to this thread and this answer was full of commands, that are not in this thread and not in the newly created thread.
Did somebody save the commands that were written down ?
It were commands for EVERYTHING.
I saved the commands long time ago but I got a new Computer and thought the commands are still in here so I accidently deleted them.

If somebody knows what I mean or has a bigger list it would be awesome if you could share it.

Thank you very much,
- Carpet

Really! Early in the (now defunct) sections of the forum there was different (and more complete) list of GM commands. To me, would he too came in handy... If anyone preserve the "old" list of GM commands - please lay out in public.
Действительно! В ранних (теперь уже несуществующих) разделах форума существовал иной (более полный) список ГМ команд. Мне-бы он тоже пригодился... Если у кого сохранился тот "старый" список ГМ команд - выложите пожалуйста в паблик.
Aug 19, 2010
Reaction score
Hello ^^
I have a short question.
Long time ago there was an answer to this thread and this answer was full of commands, that are not in this thread and not in the newly created thread.
Did somebody save the commands that were written down ?
It were commands for EVERYTHING.
I saved the commands long time ago but I got a new Computer and thought the commands are still in here so I accidently deleted them.

If somebody knows what I mean or has a bigger list it would be awesome if you could share it.

Thank you very much,
- Carpet

Here you go :

All Credits to HuninHune for this list

set_access Master Sets you a Master access, letting you to use console commands
shelp Prints a list of all console commands
shelpf Search for a desired commands by the first symbol(s) typed after shelpf command
level_up Levelups the character to a stated value
set_level Sets a certain level to a character
add_exp adds a stated amount of exp; mandatory argument - amount of exp needed
add_honor adds a stated amount of honor; mandatory argument - amount of honor needed
attach_buff attaches a chosen buff to a character
add_rep adds a stated amount of reputation; mandatory arguments - faction, amount of reputation needed
learn_spell learn a chosen spell
learn_all_spells learn all the character's class spells without level confirmation
exploit use one of stationary objects or devices in melee radius
cast_spell make a character to cast a certain spell; mandatory argument - full name of desired spell from a directory /game/data
respawn in case of death - resurrect on the closest respawn spot
normalize buffs a character to restore a BaseStatValue
set_full_health set a basic value of max HP; mandatory argument - amount of HP needed
revive revive a character in case of death. If the character is alive - restore health
iddqd set invulnerability
print_quests (print a list of active quests) - command implements to a character that initiated the command
give_quest take a certain quest from a chosen character, if there's no characters chosen then the command implements to a character that initiated the command; mandatory argument - full name of the quest from a directory /game/data
finish_quest finish a certain quest to a chosen character, if there's no characters chosen then the command implements to a character that initiated the command; mandatory argument - full name of the quest from a directory /game/data
complete_quest set a certain quest "ready to deliver". Syntax is the same as give_quest one
accept_quest take a test quest, noticed in GameRoot.fakeQuest
print_quest_state print a state of a certain quest. Syntax is the same as in give_quest
abandon_quest abandon one of taken quests. Syntax is the same as in give_quest
take_loot take one or all the items from loot, it works as long as your bag is opened
print_bag print a content of a bag by slots
drop drop one or all the items from a bag
create_item create an item in a bag using a resource; mandatory argument - item resource name from a directory /game/data
move_item move an item in a bag; mandatory arguments - numbers of initial and destination slots
print_dress print a character's current equipment
put_on equip an item from a bag; mandatory argument - bag slot number
take_off unequip an item and put it in a bag; mandatory argument - slot number of the item you qish to unequip
add_money mandatory argument - value
add_items adds an equipment of VisualMob; mandatory argument - VisualMob
find_group find a group by the name of one of the members; mandatory argument - name
leave_group leave the group
teleport <XXXX> <YYYY> <ZZ> teleport to new coordinates; mandatory argument - coordinates in meters
tp2avatar teleport to avatar; mandatory argument - avatar name
tp2me nick_name> teleport another avatar to me; mandatory argument - name of avatar
tp2loc <map-locator_name>[\_map-resource name\_] teleport to a certain named location on a map; mandatory arguments - name of location, path to and a name of location source - necessary in case the location is located on a zone different from the current one
tp2me_union teleport all members of a group to the character's location
kick kick a player from a game by his account name, no ban, just disconnection - so the player still can log in
kickbyavatar kick a player by his avatar name
avatar_info get an information about an avatar by its name. The information includes status - online/offline - coordinates and level
mute <avatar name> <duration in minutes> <reason, optional> prevent a player to post messages in chatroom for a certain period of time
unmute stop muting the player
ban <account name> <duration in days> ban an account for certain period of time
banbyavatar <Avatar name> <duration in days> ban an avatar for certain period of time
unban unban the banned account
gn_add <period of time in minutes, "0" means not to repeat> post a periodic message in a chatbox
gn_list get a list of id's of periodic messages posted before
gn_remove <id> delete a periodic message
gn_remove_all delete all repeatable messages
summon summon a mob or a device. It is necessary to enter the name of the object you wish to summon
sudo <player name > <console command [its parameters] his command allows GM to run a server console command in the name of another player
whose_avatar finds the owner of an avatar by its name and prints an account name in a console; Mandatory argument - avatar name
acc_avatars print in a console a list of all avatars on a certain account. Mandatory argument - account name
list_avatars print a list of currently playing avatars. Parameters: a number from which the list should start, and a length of the list
count_avatars count a number of online avatars
ping_server check the latency of a client query and a server response in milliseconds

mount_food adds 100 mount food
mount_slot adds one mount slot
skin_unlock unlocks all mount skins
mount_skin_WhiteLion unlocks all Glowing Saddle skins
mount_skin_FireWolf unlocks all Fiery Wolf skins
mount_skin_IMHorseKania unlocks all Kanian horse skins
mount_skin_IMHorseHadagan unlocks all Xadaganian horse skins
ItemMall/Rares/Mounts/IMMount.xdb Enchanted Saddle
Mechanics/Mounts/2ndGrade/Items/MeltIsleMount.xdb Polar Prancer
Items/BoxSpecialLoot/Mounts/BoxMount.xdb Whitemane
Items/BoxSpecialLoot/Mouts/BlackLion.xdb Blackmane
Mechanics/Mounts/2ndGrade/Items/FireLion.xdb Fiery Lion
Mechanics/Mounts/1stGrade/Items/FireWolf.xdb Fiery Wolf
Mechanics/Mounts/1stGrade/Items/GrayWolf.xdb Primal Gray Wolf
Mechanics/Mounts/3rdGrade/Items/GryphonMountItem.(ItemResource).xdb Windrunner's Feather
Mechanics/Mounts/3rdGrade/Items/BlackGryphonMountItem.(ItemResource).xdb Windrunner's Feather
Mechanics/Mounts/1stGrade/Items/VioletWolf.xdb Twilight Wolf
Mechanics/Mounts/2ndGrade/Items/BlackWolf.xdb Fierce Wolf
Mechanics/Mounts/2ndGrade/Items/BattleMount.xdb Dreadnought
"Mechanics/Mounts/2ndGrade/Items/RhinoMountItem.(ItemResource).xdb" Rhino
give_mounts_all creates all mount items

add_exp adds experience value
add_honor adds honor value
add_rep adds reputation value
add_money add gold. Can be used like subtract: add_money -10
add_items Adds to bag visual of VisualMob. Example: add_items "/Characters/Kania_male/VS_NPC1_With_Items.(VisualMob).xdb"
showMobPath = 1 displays mob paths
show_runes @trg displays mob runes
showStaticObjInfo =1 displays object's xdb
create_group_one creates group
create_raid creates raid
create_guild_one creates guild
create_guild_some creates guild without full group
create_item creates item in bag (item resource needed)
create_meta_item .xdb 1-3 creates item in bag (item resource needed). 1-rare, 2-epic, 3-legendary
learn_skill learns skill (skill resource)
learn_spell learns spell (spell)
learn_up learns spells to current character level
learn_all_spells learns all spells of your class
learn_all_talents learns all talents of your class
learn_ability learns ability
forget ability unlearn ability
attach_buff attaches buff
attach_buff_self .xdb attaches buff to yourself
detach_buff .xdb cancel buff
detach_all_buffs cancels all buffs
attach_buff Mechanics/Spells/Cheats/Haste/Buff.xdb haste x2
attach_buff Mechanics/Spells/Cheats/Highlander/Buff.xdb highlander cheat
attach_buff Mechanics/Spells/Cheats/RaidDpsPlus/Buff01.xdb double damage
attach_buff Mechanics/Spells/Cheats/GreaterInvisibility/Buff.xdb invisible

level_up levels up
get_rich adds 1000 gold
Runespack adds pack of runes
DruidEssence extracts for druid potions
PotionCaster magic power potions
PotionPhys physical power potions
myrr1000 adds 1000 myrh
bag_ultimate adds bag for 35 slots
halo1 — halo12 adds defined patronage
halopack incense for 1 day
halopack_small 100 5min incense
halopack_tiny 100 30sec incense
haloactive activates patronage
fairy_rank sets fairy rank
fairy_level sets fairy level
feed_fairy sets feed time in seconds

summon_axe -
summon_mace -
summon_spear -
summon_sword -
summon_2haxe 2H stands for 2 hand
summon_2hmace -
summon_2hspear -
summon_2hsword -
summon_bow -
summon_claws -
summon_dagger -
summon_staff -
summon_wand -
summon_shield -
PermanentWeapon create all weapons
Permanent1HAxe 1H stands for 1 hand
Permanent1HMace -
Permanent1HSpear -
Permanent1HSword -
Permanent2HAxe 2H stands for 2 hand
Permanent2HMace -
Permanent2HSpear -
Permanent2HSword -
PermanentBow -
PermanentCrossbow -
PermanentDagger -
PermanentPairOfAxes pair is double-wield weapons
PermanentPairOfDaggers -
PermanentPairOfFists -
PermanentPairOfMaces -
PermanentPairOfSwordDagger -
PermanentPairOfSwords -
PermanentStaff -

tpdb2pos Name Z Map teleports form character selection screen, where Name<character name> Map<map resource> Z<coordinates>
copy_avatar copy_avatar <source avatar name> <new avatar name> <new account name>
avatar_info displays avatar id and rename flag of avatar
avatar_rename renames avatar
acc_avatars displays avatar id and rename flag for every avatar on account
whoose_avatar displays avatar's account
exploit uses interactive device in melee radius
Bag60Slot creates 60/54/48/42/36/30/24 slot bag
tabard creates guild tabard
guild_item_tabard creates guild tabard
guild_item_champion_tabard creates champion tabard
IDDQD and class buffs
iddqd invulnerability
iddqds ship invulnerability
blood regenerates summoner's blood by 5
revive revives, heals if not dead
respawn spawn at nearest cemetery
mage_fire adds "power of fire" buff
mage_ice adds "power of ice" buff
mage_shock adds "power of lightening" buff
reroll_talents -1 resets all talents
reroll_tallents 0 resets all rubies, don't reset base talents
reroll_tallents 1-3 resets corresponding talent tab
warrior_inf_ca regenerates 10 combat potency
paladin_inf_canon regenerates one Light Infusion and Canon of Purity per second
Etc Items Resources
create_item ItemMall/Rares/Chests/CrystalBox.xdb Strongbox
Items/BoxSpecialLoot/Stinger/Stinger.xdb Thunderstrike
ItemMall/Style/ChangeRoom/ChangeRoomToken.xdb Changing Room Token
Items/WorldDrop/SkilledItemsBox/BoxX.xdb Locked chest, where X - box level from 01 to 50
Items/QuestItems/Event_1stAnniversary/Coins/BronzeCoin.xdb Anniversary Copper Coin
Items/QuestItems/Event_1stAnniversary/Coins/SilverCoin.xdb Anniversary Silver Coin
Items/QuestItems/Event_1stAnniversary/Coins/GoldCoinExchange.xd Anniversary Gold Coin
Items/QuestItems/Event_1stAnniversary/Coins/PlatinumCoin.xdb Anniversary Platinum Coin
Quest management
print_quests prints list of active quests
give_quest gives specified quest from targeted NPC
finish_quest finish specified quest from targeted NPC
complete_quest complete all goals of specified quest.
accept_quest gives test quest from GameRoot.fakeQuest without verification
print_quest_state* prints specified quest state
abandon_quest* abandon specified quest
Bag management
print_bag prints bag consists by slot
create_item creates item from resource
move_item move item in slots <source slot> <targeted slot>
print_dress prints equipped items by slot
take_off take off equipped item to bag <slot number>
view_loot shows loot items on dead mob
take_loot Loot items from monster corpse. Same as get_loot. Works with open bag.
drop drops item from bag. Usage: drop - drops all, drop <number> - drops from defined slot, drop <number> <amount> - drops amount if item in slot
put_on Equip item from bag . Usage: put_on <bag slot number> /put_on <bag slot number> <equip slot number>
Initiate Mage
May 21, 2015
Reaction score
Вы можете подробно рассказать, как вы нашли этих команд? и если они были изменены, как их найти?

Translation by Savage: You can tell in detail how you found these teams ? and if they have changed , how to find them ?
Last edited by a moderator:
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
Hellois there any command to know the npc path?Example: \ Characters \ Hadagan_male \ Instances \ ZoneHadagan1 \ AnniversaryNPC. (MobWorld) .xdb

olá existe algum comando para saber o caminho do npc ?exemplo: \Characters\Hadagan_male\Instances\ZoneHadagan1\AnniversaryNPC.(MobWorld).xdb
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 3, 2018
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Try get_target_stats while targetting the desired npc
Newbie Spellweaver
May 6, 2019
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How can I cancel the command that I entered? For example, I put the vendors, now I do not know how to remove them. And how to register crystals through the GM console?
Experienced Elementalist
Jan 28, 2013
Reaction score
How can I cancel the command that I entered? For example, I put the vendors, now I do not know how to remove them. And how to register crystals through the GM console?
= 3000 crystalls for avatar

delete npc - maybe