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Personal Website

Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 11, 2017
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What is up guys, this is my first post here and my first thread after joining the forum.
I post my most recent personal website/portfolio (call it as you want) and I hope someone of you just reply this thread to give me opinions and tips :D

Saimo - Personal Website - RaGEZONE Forums

This is so simple but I wanted to make something easy and chill. It's in Italian because I'm Italian.

Thank who will reply! :D fallenfate
Put Community First
Loyal Member
Oct 2, 2014
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Looks like a good start compared to what I used to make when I first started :D.

I always try to give design tips :).

From my view, I take it that the social media icons and skills in the middle are a sort of carousel that rotates? If not, I would maybe balance their sizing as it seems to suggest that to me. But that's my personal view.

Also your #CSS is quite faded into the background and is harder to see which might obscure some people from clicking it and seeing examples (if that's your intent).

Your head is nice, I like the wavy design but the grey wave does get flat on the right-hand side, is that so you can left-align the image and keep it flowing right? If not I'd recommend making the right-hand side grey part curve upward back towards the yellow.

I also think your header is a nice use of flat, pastel colours, and so the fade from the services #WEBDEVELOPER etc is maybe unbalancing that theme just a bit.

I don't read Italian, but if your design motto or slogan is the two sentences at the bottom, they could be a deeper grey like the header wave to make them pop - draw attention to what makes you talented, make it more bold in colour :).

Keep up the good work!
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 11, 2017
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@fallenfate I understand 90% of what you said except the part of the waving on the top in the header. Anyway I find your tips very useful.
The divs of "#HTML, #CSS" and the Social icons don't rotate like you said, social icons just get opacity:1 when mouse is hover and move a little down and the html and css hashtags just go a bit down like others and fade to less opacity.

Two sentences down are just phrases I found online and I really liked it, so I decided to put them like why not, my personal motto. I can make like you said, nice idea, you're right in this point: they just don't draw so much attention in who reads so I'm gonna make it a deeper gray :D

Thank you very much again, for the umpteenth time :D
Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Jan 10, 2009
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I am loving the design, I did get the same impression as fallenfate that the mid part of the page would be animated and rotating. Agreeing about the fading of the services, it somehow does not match the vibe the header gives.
I would love to see a life version!
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 11, 2017
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@Thunda So I'm really gonna make it rotating as you guys said, I would like it more too :D
What do you mean with "life version"? (Maybe live?)

Thank you for replying <3
Elite Diviner
Apr 4, 2011
Reaction score
If this is already finished I do have some critique. Judging by the underlines on the header it looks like just the mockup.

You don't have any navigation it seems, not sure if you plan on adding one, but you should do that before getting feedback! You get the best feedback on finished work, or astleast 90% finished.

Also I'm not sure why your name has two different sized text

I always get really picky with what kind of imagery is used on websites. Your background doesn't relate to web development at all so I would either remove or replace it.

By the looks of it, the icons scroll left and right into the middle? This doesn't need to be done with the social media icons. Also if this is to showcase your portfolio, having #css and #html isn't needed, they should be together.

People that view portfolios don't actually care about the code itself, they care about the designs.

Reduce the thick boarder around the circle image too. If you have any boarder around something, it indicates an action should happen there, such as a link. Most people use boarder animations to show a call to action.

But like I said before, most people get feedback on live sites. Yours is only a mockup which has no content. So getting feedback on your design is impossible when theres nothing really to give.

Once you have something more finished I'll be more than happy to critique the whole thing !
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 11, 2017
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@MUnoob thank you for replying!
I actually wasn't planning to insert a navigation menu just because website doesn't really need it.

Do you mean name on the top has two different size? The size is the same for the name and for surname, maybe just appearance, but only changes the color.

The icons scroll down and get more or less opacity depending on visibility (social icons get more and #html and #css get less)

Do you mean a thick border would make a person understand that there will be an effect? So if it, I'm gonna add a rotating effect like other guys said, currently has just opacity transition.

I'm gonna add some project on scrolling, you're right and I just made it to have an idea of the general website mockup.
Elite Diviner
Apr 4, 2011
Reaction score

Okay must be just my screen displaying it weird.

So you want the middle section to act as your navigation, if so thats some what okay. It really depends what will be on the website. Like contact me etc.

These are just design choices you will have to make :)

Yeah having boarders are fine, but you need to reduce the size of the boarder, it looks like a 3px, try 1 or 2. I actually made a big list of different call to action assets for web awhile ago, which includes lots of different hover animations and stuff. If I can find them on my google drive i'll upload them

If theres any advice I can give, it would be to get inspiration from other portfolio websites. Theme forest is really good for this!

A lot of the time I see designs I would never have thought of and it really helps with creativity!
Newbie Spellweaver
Aug 11, 2017
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@MUnoob So thank you! I'm gonna change border when I code it again!

Yes, if you find it just post it! :DD (call to action assets)
Put Community First
Loyal Member
Oct 2, 2014
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Another good resource to use as inspiration - The Web Designer's Idea Book. There are four volumes at the moment, each with a lot of good content. There are copies online on Amazon and they're handy when you want to nail a certain style but aren't entirely sure, and want a reference to view and gather some design cues from.
Jan 20, 2009
Reaction score
I think this is a rather neat concept and utilized quite nicely.

I would however like to see a live demo, be sure to tag me if you ever decide to :):