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[PC] League of Legends - General Talk

Dec 20, 2010
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As we don't have a thread for League of Legends yet, this seems like a good fun thread to discuss or talk about anything LoL related. From ranked scores, to patches, questions, everything!

Currently playing Ranked myself, just trying out some new champions and focusing on getting up my farm! Started botlane, then carried mid a lot of games as Akali, now going to top! Trying out Renekton. ( ) Hope to reach Gold at the end of the week! Currently Silver 3.

So how about you guys?

exclamatio Scratch. Tyler Sysode (make sure to tag people you know who play League!)
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Master Summoner
Jun 27, 2012
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Im a LoL NA player! I play ranked/Norms by myself tho... I have unreliable connection, so I dont want people I know to lose because of me. Even if my connection(90-200 ping; when other people stream youtube on their ipad or other devices: 300-800) was great, I'm such a bad player :\ Also play on a Laptop with a Pentium processor (8-20 fps) If i would rate myself on a scale of 10, id be a 5.

Heres my LoL Resume/Rating of how good I am in these areas:

- Top: Riven, Wukong, Shyvana, etc (6/10)
- Mid: Fizz, Mordekaiser, Riven, etc (6/10)
- Support: Riven, Blitzcrank, Gankplank, etc (7/10)
- ADC: Graves, Miss Fortune, Ezreal, etc (1/10)
- Jungle: Riven, Wukong, Shaco, etc (8/10)

As you can see, I love Riven. Its not that Im the best Riven, I just love her playstyle (bunny hop). I tend to get in trouble alot when Im being aggressive, which makes me do bad in alot of games. My farming needs alot of work (I clearly cant ADC). I have those moments tho, where I get fed hard.
Dec 20, 2010
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Seeing the champions you play, I highly advice you to try some other champions. Mentioning you aren't to good in being agressive, try some champions like Renekton, Vi or Malphite on top/jungle. Build tanky, because those champions can put high amounts of damage whilest being tanky.Also, Riven & Gangplank aren't really good support champions, and people will often classify you as a troll. Try something like Leona or Thresh, a lot of crowd control and helpfull champions in dangerous situations.

I hope this helped you a bit! If you have any questions I'll gladly help you out.
Master Summoner
Jun 27, 2012
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Seeing the champions you play, I highly advice you to try some other champions. Mentioning you aren't to good in being agressive, try some champions like Renekton, Vi or Malphite on top/jungle. Build tanky, because those champions can put high amounts of damage whilest being tanky.Also, Riven & Gangplank aren't really good support champions, and people will often classify you as a troll. Try something like Leona or Thresh, a lot of crowd control and helpfull champions in dangerous situations.

I hope this helped you a bit! If you have any questions I'll gladly help you out.

i agree that riven isnt a good support, but, for some reason I have a high winning ratio as a support than Blitzcrank and the rest. Ill try malph and renek this week. Ive played Vi and liked her style of play, but Im just soo use to Riven... need to ban her off my champion list ><
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Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2008
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

> Sea Player
> Platinum 5
> Only Plays Mid ( Kassadin(Main),Elise,TF,Kha'Zix,Orianna,Ahri )

Often plays competitive League on MPGL
Apr 13, 2009
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

I'm UnkownIGN (yes I spelt unknown wrong lol)
~Plays support,top,jungle and adc
Here are my main champs I play
Support : thresh,taric, blitz,alistar(can't really do the combo right) - Overall I'd consider myself a pretty dam good thresh.
Top : Renekton, Nasus, Mundo, tryndemere, aatrox, darius, singed, cho gath, olaf, jax
Mid : Annie, kha zix,
Adc : caitlyn, vayne, draven
jungle : Hecarim, tryndemere, cho gath, trundle, warwick

My current rank is silver 2 with 21 LP. The only thing that is keeping me back from my true potential is my laptop. I have an FPS drop problem during the game so I would be getting 40fps then it suddenly drops to 3-20 and it stays there.
Other then that I really enjoy the game
Loyal Member
Sep 18, 2011
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

I am playing normal blinds atm because I hate ranked, sometimes when were done selecting champs some1 leaves.. That sucks. It happens to me like 70% of the time.

And I like to bot mid jungle top. ( Why no support cuz thats not my cup of tea )

I main mid, Zed, Katarina. And I casually AP Tristana ( rocks hard!! )
And I also like to Top with lee sin, and I can jungle with him too.

Lastly for bot, I go ezreal, vayne, caitlyn, varus, and tristana.
Dec 20, 2010
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

I am playing normal blinds atm because I hate ranked, sometimes when were done selecting champs some1 leaves.. That sucks. It happens to me like 70% of the time.

And I like to bot mid jungle top. ( Why no support cuz thats not my cup of tea )

I main mid, Zed, Katarina. And I casually AP Tristana ( rocks hard!! )
And I also like to Top with lee sin, and I can jungle with him too.

Lastly for bot, I go ezreal, vayne, caitlyn, varus, and tristana.

Seeing your top/mid champs, you like mechanical champions.
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Loyal Member
Apr 26, 2008
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

I haven't been updated with the community rumors lately but whose the next hero upcoming again? And what are your opinions with the new hero so far?
May 5, 2013
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

I am pretty much of Dota 2 fan but I enjoy League of Legends playing with my friends, game is just awesome and I love that you guys have different maps. The only character I am good with is Aisha (Is that even a name?)
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 2, 2014
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

I am playing normal blinds atm because I hate ranked, sometimes when were done selecting champs some1 leaves.. That sucks. It happens to me like 70% of the time.

And I like to bot mid jungle top. ( Why no support cuz thats not my cup of tea )

I main mid, Zed, Katarina. And I casually AP Tristana ( rocks hard!! )
And I also like to Top with lee sin, and I can jungle with him too.

Lastly for bot, I go ezreal, vayne, caitlyn, varus, and tristana.

haha..you fu*king great guys...:D
Twisted Fate - [PC] League of Legends - General Talk - RaGEZONE Forums
Master Summoner
Jun 27, 2012
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

I haven't been updated with the community rumors lately but whose the next hero upcoming again? And what are your opinions with the new hero so far?
so the latest champ is vel'koz. He is an AP burst champion that destroys anything, if he is protected. The champ, like all other champs, is very op when fed. Usually when a new champ is released, they need a nerf. IMO, he doesnt need one (never played him)

I am pretty much of Dota 2 fan but I enjoy League of Legends playing with my friends, game is just awesome and I love that you guys have different maps. The only character I am good with is Aisha (Is that even a name?)

Ashe (the one that shoots frost arrows)? A lot of people claim DOTA 2 is alot harder than LoL. Ive never played Dota, but never knew what could be harder in it. I just hope they release a new Summoner's Rift map.
May 5, 2013
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

so the latest champ is vel'koz. He is an AP burst champion that destroys anything, if he is protected. The champ, like all other champs, is very op when fed. Usually when a new champ is released, they need a nerf. IMO, he doesnt need one (never played him)

Ashe (the one that shoots frost arrows)? A lot of people claim DOTA 2 is alot harder than LoL. Ive never played Dota, but never knew what could be harder in it. I just hope they release a new Summoner's Rift map.

For me Leauge of Legends is harder, you know it is easy when you start with something first. I only played few matches and all of them have been lost, oh well :/

When I can make rampages in Dota 2, I can not even last hit in LoL.
Master Summoner
Jun 27, 2012
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

For me Leauge of Legends is harder, you know it is easy when you start with something first. I only played few matches and all of them have been lost, oh well :/

When I can make rampages in Dota 2, I can not even last hit in LoL.

Well Ashe is an ADC and a weak one early on. It is, imo, hard to last hit with her. You should try Miss Fortune and Caitlyn. They have good early games that can help you learn how to farm (CS). Try doing customs, where you are going against only one or no bot. I've heard it helps a player out with their timing when farming.
Dec 20, 2010
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Let's keep Dota (2) out of this thread, please.

Caitlyn and Miss Fortune are good ADC's, but MF's ult is pretty useless in teamfights, in my opinion. Jinx on the other hand, far one of my fav's as ADC. Sivir is also pretty strong too.
Oct 16, 2008
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

[EUW] Twïtch:
was 2 times in promos for gold III failed both of them and went down to gold V again
[EUW smurf] Nyber2006:
been in series for silver IV twice, failed both
been twice in promos for Plat V, failed both (don't even try to play with russians if you are not russian, you will get afkers and flame 24/7 just because you are not Russian and smurfing in their server) currently with Plat I/Dia 5 MMR x)))

Roles: Jungle>Mid>Top
TOP: Olaf | Renekton | Jax | WW | Wukong | Riven | Shyvana | Elise | Chogath | Katarina | Trundle | Zac | Malphite
MID: Fizz | Lulu | Orianna | Sion | Khazix | Zed | Akali | Morgana | Annie | Ryze | Ahri | Veigar | Ziggs | Yasuo | Lux | Kayle | TF
JUNGLE: Vi | WW | Wukong | Elise | Trundle | Khazix | Leona | Zed | Zac | Xin Zhao | Nautilus | Nocturne | Malphite | Lee Sin | Karma | Jarvan IV | Amumu | Evelynn

random question, who the duck are you? xd
Dec 20, 2010
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

[EUW] Twïtch:
was 2 times in promos for gold III failed both of them and went down to gold V again
[EUW smurf] Nyber2006:
been in series for silver IV twice, failed both
been twice in promos for Plat V, failed both (don't even try to play with russians if you are not russian, you will get afkers and flame 24/7 just because you are not Russian and smurfing in their server) currently with Plat I/Dia 5 MMR x)))

Roles: Jungle>Mid>Top
TOP: Olaf | Renekton | Jax | WW | Wukong | Riven | Shyvana | Elise | Chogath | Katarina | Trundle | Zac | Malphite
MID: Fizz | Lulu | Orianna | Sion | Khazix | Zed | Akali | Morgana | Annie | Ryze | Ahri | Veigar | Ziggs | Yasuo | Lux | Kayle | TF
JUNGLE: Vi | WW | Wukong | Elise | Trundle | Khazix | Leona | Zed | Zac | Xin Zhao | Nautilus | Nocturne | Malphite | Lee Sin | Karma | Jarvan IV | Amumu | Evelynn

random question, who the duck are you? xd

Big champion pool. Oh, I've been around for quite some time. I just change my username very often.
Currently in my promo's for gold. Won 1 and lost 1. Want to finish promo's tonight.

Went in 4 days from Silver 5 to gold.
Oct 16, 2008
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

Big champion pool. Oh, I've been around for quite some time. I just change my username very often.
Currently in my promo's for gold. Won 1 and lost 1. Want to finish promo's tonight.

Went in 4 days from Silver 5 to gold.
Having 1687 wins in normal gives us a good champ pool :D I don't really mind losing a normal game I just play normals now a day to try something and practice new stuff.
Master Summoner
Jun 27, 2012
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Re: League of Legends - General Talk

hexakill was fun. And congratz! Doubt I will get gold :\