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[Development] SUN Online v1007

Junior Spellweaver
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
Soul of the Ultimate Nation
Server Development


This Java project is being developed in IntelliJ IDEA using JDK 8. The overall development of this project will consist of three servers (Login, Game, and Chat) that will communicate with each other, other clients, and the database. The servers will be built to support the Chinese version of SUN Online Episode 1 (v1006). The scope of the project may change, especially if needing to build more than three servers.

Project Status

Login Server - In Progress: 98% complete
Create User Interface - complete
Develop NIO Server - complete
Create INI File Reader - complete
Create .txt Log Writer - complete
Create Server Reset Handler - complete
Create Packet Handler - complete
Create Packet Decoder - complete
Create Session Handler - complete
Create Message Decoder - complete
Create SQL Server Connector - complete
Figure out password encryption - complete
Create Query Writer/Reader - complete
Create Packet Decoder - complete
Create Mac Address Filter - complete
Create a feature to do trusted devices - complete

Refactoring and new features - in progress
Game Server - In Progress: 1~5% complete
Create User Interface - complete
Develop NIO Server - complete
Create INI File Reader - complete
Create .txt Log Writer - complete
Create Server Reset Handler - complete
Create SQL Server Connector - complete

Create Query Writer/Reader
Develop Packet Encoder/Decoder (Encryption)
Create Data Loader
Create Character Creation Handler
Create NPC Handler
Create World Handler
Create Monster Handler
Chat Server - Not Started: 0%
To be announced at a later date.
Database - On Hold: 30% complete
Create database - complete
Create Users table - complete
Create Account table - complete
Create Character table - complete
Create Character Set/Data table - complete
Create Guild table - complete
Create Friendlist table - complete
Create Warehouse/Storage table - complete
Create login for Login Server - complete

Redesign the physical/logical database design
Create login for Game Server
Establish stronger security measures
Edit login privileges for the Login/Game server
Create Stored Procedures
Notice: The lists are subjected to update and change as the servers progress further in the development cycle.


Please check the Github repositories for a more updated Goals list.

1. Continue the SUNOnline v1006 database.
a. Create a logic design in 3NF.
b. Redesign existing tables and create new tables to fit the logic design.
c. Create a login for the Game Server application with strong password.
d. Grant and revoke permissions and rights to selective tables for the login of the Login and Game Server application.
e. New stored procedures built for the Game Server.

2. Continue the Game server.
a. Figure out the packet encryption.
b. Create dynamic packet system.
c. Create the query class.
d. Refactor and add new features.​


All setup/configuration guides, documentation, dependencies, and etc. are listed in each repository in the README. Please read that first.


1. Chinese S.U.N Online Episode 1 client:

2. Release SUN Online v1006 Server Files:


Related Discussions:


I want to give thanks to @CwaniX for providing the TEA algorithm to decrypt passwords and to anyone else who have helped in the [S.U.N Online] Encryption Algorithm discussion.
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Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
I think will be better to make a forum with source of sun online+informations that you for+open source code and may peoples will help alot
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
I am currently looking for people to help before I make the project open source. I am currently working with someone to make an update patch for the server. While we will do that I will release a bunch of information that I have collected when I can. If nothing comes around, then I will make the project open source. Please contact me if you wish to help.
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
Login Server Download

This version of the Login Server has been simplified. The server cannot connect to a database, cannot encrypt/decrypt packets, and has no protection towards hacking. The purpose of these files is to study the encryption process to hopefully figure out the encryption algorithm. For more information on the encryption process or packet data, please visit here.

Download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rO8kDwNvW1c83kDf605unTSIxQkEZAt8

Basic features:
/activity - Displays server activity.
/font # - Changes font size (in font point size).
/restart # - Restarts the server (in seconds).
[STRIKE]Notice: There is currently no source available for these files.[/STRIKE]
Notice: Please check the initial post for the source code link.

Client Download

This client is the S.U.N Online Episode 1 Chinese version. There is no available translations for the client.

Direct download: Bad Request
Mirror download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YVGpqxTrss8siWLb89AO1skduF_c_-fz
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Junior Spellweaver
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score

I am willing to release what I have to the public, but what I do have is merely nothing. The files I have been working on do not even get you pass the login screen, so I haven't even created a database yet. The "Simplified Login Server" is the exact same thing that I am using minus some of the features as listed below:

1. Server Section

The LoginServer.ini doesn't contain a [Server] section that keeps data like server IP, port, number of worker threads, and number of accepting threads. This section was removed because there is no other server (e.g game or chat server) to communicate with.

2. SQL Server Section

The LoginServer.ini doesn't contain a [SQL Server] section because I was using that section to merely test my SQL Connection class that I can even connect to any database regardless of the server.
I'm sorry if that is very disappointing. I did create this thread to hopefully get more help from the community and I didn't expect the thread to remain open. If the progress of the server gets further, I will release updates and files as I go.

If you really want, I can release the source code, but there is not much to the program. I have spent what extra time I have trying to figure out the encryption, but I am not very good at reverse engineering.
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Junior Spellweaver
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score

​I have redone the initial post of this thread, so I encourage everyone to review the post for more information. I have added the project status section, added more information about the current goals, and dressed the initial post to look nicer. If you are wanting more information, please let me know.
Initiate Mage
Dec 14, 2018
Reaction score
Hello, i'm an old fan of this game and now i'm also trying to create a server emulator. I think you did a great job :) . Here is the old english version of the game client (1004) from my archive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vFs06NOyYrwXJsCR89QBM9Mt8KnmZffn
I think it would be nicer to work on the english version instead of chinese :p but we need to bypass hack shield error first :( . In my free time I will try a little help with this project (i'm java developer).
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
Baywatch Mitch

Thank you for being interested in the project. I will definitely look at your English client. I didn't think anyone had an English EP1 client anymore. I haven't been working on the server as lately, but I plan to start working on it soon. Message me if you need anything.
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score

I have added the client and login server download links to the original post. As a bonus, I added the source code for the login server. In the future I may add more files or update the source code. Contact me for further questions.
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score

Thanks to CwaniX, the encryption for the passwords have been figured out and we are getting closer to finishing up the Login Server. I have updated the main post to reflect the current state of the Login Server and what we are currently working on. If you have any questions or concerns, then please contact me through a private message. Thank you.
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score

The original post has been updated with the following:

  • Github section
    • Link for LoginServer
  • Other section
    • Link to S.U.N Encryption discussion
  • Appreciation section
  • Modified all other sections.

Please check out the Github repository for the LoginServer to see the details. Eventually the GameServer will be posted - no current date.
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score

The original post has been updated with the following:

  • Github section
    • Link for GameServer

Please check out the Github repository for the GameServer to see the details. At this current moment, I am still trying to figure out the client's packet encryption. You can find all of the details in this forum discussion: [S.U.N Online] Encryption Algorithm. Any help towards the packet encryption would be appreciated and the credit will be noted.
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
@cmb, Ben, SanGawku

Can you please close my project?
Reason: The client no longer works on Windows 10, and the company who owns the client doesn't provide support. I also do not have the time necessary to continue this project actively. Instead, I will support other projects that are currently in development and further along than I am. Thank you.

Note: The project will remain active in my GitHub for anyone who wishes to pick up the project.