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Username & Password Validation

Skilled Illusionist
Jun 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hello Programmers!

Just recently the other day I was thinking about how I acquired the PHP language and because majority of my knowledge was acquired through forums like this community and many others for that fact, I thought I might share a bit of what I know from what I've learned in the last 12 months or so.

This may come in handy for any new beginners to PHP. I will be releasing snippets of code that may come in handy, so if you have any requests be sure to message me or just leave a post and I will try my best to get around to doing it! I am doing this because I am much better at back end development rather than front end (I suck at designing!).

However, this is a short sample of a username and password validation using arrays to catch errors. It's probably been done, but the purpose of this post to inform new beginners and showing other ways of implementing and using alternative methods.

Annnnyhow! Enough talk, here it is.

Experienced Elementalist
Jul 23, 2012
Reaction score
You are confusing newbies with this, when i read the title, i thought it would include some custom database injection prevention script, but its just validating string length, etc.. noobs may thing that this can protect from database related injection too...

anyway here is mine contribution on this matter :D

// if(!defined(__SYSTEM__)){die();}

class DataType
    const STRING   = 0;
    const NUMERIC  = 1;
    const ALPHANUM = 2;
    const HTML     = 3;
    const RAW      = 4;
    const EMAIL    = 5;
    const COMMENTS = 6;
    const ADMIN    = 7;

class mssql
    private $database;
    private $validation = NULL;
    private $error = NULL;
    public $execute = true;
    private $query_;
    function __construct($server,$database,$login,$password)
            $this->database = new PDO('sqlsrv:server='.$server.';Database ='.$database, $login, $password);

        catch (PDOException $e)
           //echo $e;
            $_SESSION['databaseOnline'] = 'false';


    function setValidation($minLen = false,$maxLen = false,$required = true)
        $this->validation['minLen']   = $minLen;
        $this->validation['maxLen']   = $maxLen;
        $this->validation['required'] = $required;

        return $this;

    function setValidationEx($keywordCheck = true,$replaceQuerySpcChr = true)
        $this->validation['keywordCheck'] = $keywordCheck;
        $this->validation['replaceQuerySpcChr'] = $replaceQuerySpcChr;
        return $this;

    function set($field,$key,$value,$type = NULL,$pdoType = PDO::PARAM_STR,$encrypt = false)
            case DataType::ALPHANUM:
                    $this->error[] = 'Error: '.$field.' is not valid, this field must contain only alphanumeric characters (AZaz0-9)';
                    $this->execute = false;
            case DataType::HTML:

            case DataType::NUMERIC:
                    $this->error[] = 'Error: '.$field.' is not valid, this field must contain only digits (0-9)';
                    $this->execute = false;
            case DataType::STRING:
                    $this->error[] = 'Error: '.$field.' is not valid, this field must contain only alphanumeric characters (AZaz0-9)';
                    $this->execute = false;
            case DataType::EMAIL:
                if (!filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                    $this->error[] = 'Error: '.$field.' is not valid email address, please recheck and try again';
                    $this->execute = false;

            if($this->validation['required'] == true AND !isset($value)){
                $this->error[] = 'Error: '.$field.' is not set, please set this field and try again!';
                $this->execute = false;

            if(is_integer($this->validation['minLen']) || is_integer($this->validation['maxLen'])  AND $type != DataType::NUMERIC)
                if(strlen($value) < $this->validation['minLen'] OR strlen($value) > $this->validation['maxLen'])
                    $this->error[] = 'Error: '.$field.' minimal length is '.$this->validation['minLen'].' and maximal length is '.$this->validation['maxLen'].' characters, Your length:'.strlen($value).'!';
                    $this->execute = false;

            if($this->validation['keywordCheck'] == true)
                $badWords = array
                    'where','replace','order by','group by',

                foreach($badWords as $word)
                    if (stripos($value,$word) !== false) {
                        $this->error[] = 'Error: '.$field.' contain forbidden word:'.$word.', please remove and try again';
                        $this->execute = false;

            if($this->validation['replaceQuerySpcChr'] == true)
                $value = str_replace("'","",$value);
                $value = str_replace('"',"",$value);

        if($encrypt == true)


        $this->validation = NULL;

        if($this->execute == true)
            $this->query_->bindParam($key, $value, $pdoType);

    function addParam($key,$value,$pdoType)
        if($this->execute == true)
            $this->query_->bindParam($key, $value, $pdoType);

    function query($query)
        $this->database->setAttribute( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_WARNING );
        $this->query_ = $this->database->prepare($query);

    function run()
       if($this->execute == true)
             return $this->query_->execute();
        return FALSE;

    function resultCount()
        return $this->query_->rowCount();

    function resultArray()
        return $this->query_->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

    function GetError()
        return $this->error;

    function GetErrorPDO()
        return $this->database->errorInfo();

    function Clear()
        $this->query_ = NULL;
        $this->validation = NULL;
        $this->error = NULL;
        $this->execute = NULL;
    function Close()
        $this->database = NULL;

            $error = '';

                // Prepare the query we are working with.
                $this->getSqlDB->query("SELECT memb___id FROM MEMB_INFO WHERE memb___id=:username OR mail_addr=:email");
                // Validate and Sanitize query parameters, prepare managed error messages

                // If validation passed then execute queries, else do nothing
                // If query is valid and it can be executed it will return TRUE on success and FALSE on failure
                // We will use this variable to determinate if the secound part of this script can be executed
                $canRegister = $this->getSqlDB->run();
                // Retrieve user information from database
                $account = &$this->getSqlDB->resultArray();
                // Catch occurred errors within variable validation if any...
                // We run can run query after we check for errors, if query has errors,
                // it won't be executed anyway, so the order do not matter
                // GetError() function manages all required errors like min and max size, is numeric and other
                // so manual variable validation is not required
                if($this->getSqlDB->GetError() != NULL)
                    foreach($this->getSqlDB->GetError() as $error)
                        $error .= TWE_Template::showAlertError($error);
                // Check if submitted account exists
                if(count($account) > 0)
                    $error .= TWE_Template::showAlertError('Selected account or email is in use!');
                    // In this case we need to set canRegister manually since the account check query is valid
                    // and can be executed, but if query is returned rows that means that account or email is in use
                    // so user cant register with his selected account or email!
                    $canRegister = FALSE;
                // Clear previous query data.
                // Note by cleaning data you do not close previous connection, connection to sql is still open

                if($canRegister == TRUE)
                    // Prepare the query we are working with.
                    // Since we validated User Account and Email in first part we do not need to validate them now
                    // We need validate only password.
                    $this->getSqlDB->query("INSERT INTO MEMB_INFO (memb___id,memb__pwd,memb_name,sno__numb,mail_addr,mail_chek,bloc_code,ctl1_code,accessLevel)
                    VALUES ('fdfsdf','gfdgfd','fdsfds','gfdgdfg','gfdgdfg','gvdfgdfg',1,1,1)");
                    // Validate and Sanitize query parameters, prepare managed error messages

                    // If validation passed then execute queries, else do nothing
                    // If query is valid and it can be executed it will return TRUE on success and FALSE on failure
                    if($this->getSqlDB->run() == FALSE)
                        // Catch occurred errors within variable validation if any...
                        // We run can run query after we check for errors, if query has errors,
                        // it won't be executed anyway, so the order do not matter
                        // GetError() function manages all required errors like min and max size, is numeric and other
                        // so manual variable validation is not required
                        if($this->getSqlDB->GetError() != NULL)
                            foreach($this->getSqlDB->GetError() as $error)
                                $error .= TWE_Template::showAlertError($error);
                        $error .= TWE_Template::showAlertError('Account creation has been failed!');
                $this->getSqlDB->Clear(); // Clear all used data by database class
                $this->getSqlDB->Close(); // Close all connections to database server
Last edited:
Junior Spellweaver
Feb 7, 2008
Reaction score
That enterprise coding... KristiansJ, you have more comments than actual code.