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Spawning Zombies

Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 26, 2016
Reaction score
With this script you can spawn zombies in locations that they don't normally spawn (e.g. Skalisty Island):

Put this in your missions init.sqf:

call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "zombies.sqf";

Then make a file called zombies.sqf in your mission root.

In that file, paste the following:

/*                                                                                        */
/*                                    UHNEB'S ZOMBIE SPAWNER                                */
/*                                                                                        */

_arrayZombieTypes = [



_arrayZombieLocations = [

    [13053.503, 3247.2825]                            ,
    [13646.145, 2955.4563, -1.9073486e-005]            ,
    [13153.255, 3276.5076, 0]                        ,
    [13126.742, 3185.6333, 0]                        ,
    [13229.009, 3221.6042, 0]                        ,
    [13253.627, 3306.7996, 0]                        ,
    [13204.389, 3119.3721, 0]                        ,
    [13350.344, 3386.1218, 5.2405615]                ,
    [13348.265, 3305.0793, 0]                        ,
    [13348.265, 3305.0793, 0]                        ,
    [13334.755, 3216.7629, 0]                        ,
    [13321.242, 3135.7197, 0]                        ,
    [13260.96, 3086.8862, 0]                        ,
    [13413.745, 3290.5325, 1.7578125]                ,
    [13454.279, 3318.5862, 0]                        ,
    [13441.808, 3286.377, 0]                        ,
    [13426.218, 3327.9373, 0]                        ,
    [13408.548, 3255.2061, 0]                        ,
    [13484.421, 3335.2102, 0]                        ,
    [13460.517, 3443.2681, 0]                        ,
    [13541.587, 3391.3164, 0]                        ,
    [13459.478, 2946.6184, 0]                        ,
    [13459.478, 2946.6184, 0]                        ,
    [13449.085, 2919.604, 0]                        ,
    [13477.146, 2914.4092, 0]                        ,
    [13479.226, 2949.7358, 0]                        ,
    [13351.385, 2768.9465, 0]                        ,
    [13842.999, 2879.0825, 0]                        ,
    [13855.764, 3029.0378, 0]                        ,
    [13289.916, 3259.573, 0]                        ,
    [13289.916, 3259.573, 0]                        ,
    [14053.478, 2787.8284, 0]                        ,
    [14010.771, 2890.2896, 0]                        ,
    [13368.054, 3097.3435, 0]                        ,
    [13180.148, 3193.3997, 0]                        ,
    [13389.405, 3193.3997, 0]                        ,
    [13797.243, 3018.3638, 0]                        ,
    [13449.193, 3152.8428, 0]                        ,
    [13622.151, 3332.1487, 0]                        ,
    [13532.469, 2839.0596, 0]                        ,
    [13645.64, 3137.9004, 0]                        ,
    [13940.308, 2954.3262, 0]                        ,
    [13549.552, 3184.8613, 0]                        ,
    [13449.193, 3406.8584, 0]                        ,
    [13705.427, 2862.5391, 0]                        ,
    [13629.236, 2925.9275, 0]                        ,
    [13604.709, 2922.5061, 0]                        ,
    [13620.681, 2970.4048, 0]                        ,
    [13660.609, 2927.6377, 0]                        ,
    [13730.158, 3045.1721, 0]                        ,
    [13804.063, 2941.0667, 0]                        ,
    [13310.24, 3349.0933, 0]                        ,
    [13491.645, 3105.6206, 0]                        ,
    [13640.148, 2839.9246, 0]                        ,
    [13495.644, 3200.3228, 0]                        ,
    [13385.403, 3298.613, 0]                        ,
    [13689.589, 3269.8774, 0]                        ,
    [13407.657, 2888.0957, 1.1188598]                ,
    [13433.854, 2829.5359, 5.197525e-005]            ,
    [13424.836, 2803.9231, -0.89049155]                ,
    [13473.896, 3318.8904, 0.00019073486]            ,
    [13475.115, 3358.825, 2.2888184e-005]            ,
    [13423.591, 3355.811, -0.00031280518]            ,
    [13319.196, 3249.9302, 3.0517578e-005]            ,
    [13329.493, 3238.0347, -3.8146973e-006]            ,
    [13417.674, 3099.6162, -7.6293945e-006]            ,
    [13611.522, 3084.0039, -0.62592745]


_zombieSpawnCount = 0;
_maxZombieSpawnCount = 400;

while {_zombieSpawnCount < _maxZombieSpawnCount} do    {

    _zombieSpawnActualLocation     = _arrayZombieLocations select (floor (random (count _arrayZombieLocations)));
    _zombieSpawnActualBreed     = _arrayZombieTypes select (floor (random (count _arrayZombieTypes)));
    _spawnZombie = createAgent [_zombieSpawnActualBreed, _zombieSpawnActualLocation,[],100,"NONE"];    
    _zombieSpawnCount = _zombieSpawnCount + 1;

These spawn points are configured for Skalisty Island however you can change them to your liking.

The variable _maxZombieSpawnCount controls the amount of zombies that your server spawns. This is independent of the DZ_MAX_ZOMBIES variable in init.sqf.

Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 7, 2014
Reaction score
and add line (at end) with code:

DZ_TotalZombies = DZ_TotalZombies + _zombieSpawnCount;
