• Unfortunately, we have experienced significant hard drive damage that requires urgent maintenance and rebuilding. The forum will be a state of read only until we install our new drives and rebuild all the configurations needed. Please follow our Facebook page for updates, we will be back up shortly! (The forum could go offline at any given time due to the nature of the failed drives whilst awaiting the upgrades.) When you see an Incapsula error, you know we are in the process of migration.

Rohan Structs

Sep 30, 2006
Reaction score
Some of these MAY be old if they are let me know and I'll update them to the newer structure.

These are all 010 Binary Templates

Updater Structs
.lst Headers
typedef struct{    char Header[32];
    int Version;
    int numItems;
    int always1;
    int PackedBlobSize;
    int unpackedBlobSize;
    char compressedFileList; // gz compression
} version;

while( !FEof() )
    version list;

.lst uncompressed FileList
typedef struct{
    signed int OutputType;
    signed int PatchVersion;
    FILETIME Time;
    signed int Always1;
    char OutputName[64];
    char LocalPath[128];
    signed int Filesize;
    char rpFile[64];
    char OutputPath[128];
    signed int CompressedSize;
} file;

while( !FEof() )
    file list;

.rp File
typedef struct{
    char Header[32];
    int Version;
    int always1;
    int LastBlobSize;
    int BlobSplit;// Split original file every x number of bytes and compress it then add to data array
    char data[datasize];
    int outputtype;
    int FileVersion;
    FILETIME modifydate;
    int always1;
    char Filename[64];
    char localfilename[128];
    int sizedecompressed;
    char rpfile[64];
    char outputlocation[128];
    int sizecompressed;
} version;

while( !FEof() )
    version list;
loader.dat struct
typedef struct{
    char updateserv[60];
    int Port;
    char updatelocation[128];
    char loaderbgloc[256];
    int oneorsomething;
    char country[8];
} update;

while( !FEof() )
    update cfg;
typedef struct{    signed int strlen;
    char text[strlen];
    float version;

typedef struct{
    signed int type;
    signed int id;
    signed int type;
    signed int id;
    float pos_x;
    float pos_y;
    float pos_z;
    float angle_x;
    float angle_y;
    float angle_z;
    float scale_x;
    float scale_y;
    float scale_z;
    signed int lightradius;
    float lightr;
    float lightg;
    float lightb;
} region;

local int i = 0;

while( !FEof() )
    if( i == 0 )
        header header_;
    region region_;

typedef struct{    signed int nCount;

typedef struct{
   signed int spawn_id;
   signed int type;
   signed int guessed_enable;
   float guessed_spawntime;
   float fInterval2;
   signed int guessed_spawncount;
   float tempPosx;
   float tempPosy;
   float tempPosz;
   float gen_fMinRadius;
   float gen_fMaxRadius;
   float act_fMinRadius;
   float act_fMaxRadius;  
   signed int nPatrolCount;
} mob;

typedef struct{
    float tempPosx;
    float tempPosy;
    float tempPosz;
} patrol;

while( !FEof() )
    local int i = 0;
    local int j = 0;

    header header_;
    for( i = 0; i < header_.nCount; ++i )
        mob mob_;
        for( j = 0; j < mob_.nPatrolCount; ++j )
          patrol patrol_;   

typedef struct{int Count;
} header;

typedef struct{

} item;

header ItemCount;
while( !FEof() )
    item Item;

typedef struct{
int Count;
} header;

typedef struct{
short IDK;
short IDK;
int IDK;
short IDK;
short IDK;
int IDK;
char data[240];
} item;

header ItemCount;
while( !FEof() )
    item Item;


GEL stores the positions for the files in the GEM, Gem is just every file appended 1 after the other
typedef struct{
   int Unknown;
   int Unknown1;
   int ItemCount;
   int Unknown2;
   int Unknown3;
   int Unknown4;
} Header;

typedef struct{
    int EntryIDNumber;//?
    int UnknownInt;
    char OutputFilename[128];
    int GELBeginByte;
    int GEMDataBeginByte;
    int GEMDataLength;
    int Padding;
} GEL;

local int i = 0;

while( !FEof() )
    if( i == 0 )
        Header Header;
    GEL Data;


typedef struct{    signed int ID;
    char NAME[50];
    char KOREANNAME[50];
    char FILENAME[52];
    signed int CollisionType;
    float CollisionRadius;
    float SceneGraphRadius;
    signed int ActorLoDType;
    signed int MoveType;
    signed int Job;
    char JobName[52];
    signed int race;
    byte HaveChat;
    byte MapView;
    byte IsMaster;
    char RegionName[50];
    char ScriptFile[50];
    char ScriptFile2[50];
    char ScriptFile3[50];
    char Portrait[50];
    char Portrait_EX1[50];
    char Portrait_EX2[50];
    char Portrait_EX3[50];
    char Quest_UI_File_Name[53];
} bank;

while( !FEof() )
    bank cost;

typedef struct{    signed int PDT;
    signed int Level;
    signed int ExpRate;
    signed int InventoryRate0;
    signed int InventoryRate1;
    signed int InventoryRate2;
    signed int InventoryRate3;
    signed int InventoryRate4;
    signed int EquipRate0;
    signed int EquipRate1;
    signed int EquipRate2;
    signed int EquipRate3;
    signed int WeaponRate;
    signed int AccessoryRate;
    signed int ShieldRate;
} penaltydrop;

while( !FEof() )
    penaltydrop droprate;

typedef struct{    int m_Type;
    char m_RESERVED_TEXT[50];
    char m_NAME[50];
    char m_KOREAN_NAME[50];
    char m_bIsNeutrality;//,    0X9A,    char,    -1,    1
    char m_bIsStartPos;//,    0X9B,    char,    -1,    1
    char m_bIsSaveBind;//,    0X9C,    char,    -1,    1
    char m_bIsShowTotalPortal[3];//,    0X9D,    char,    -1,    1
    int m_RaceGottenPortal;
} Portal;

while( !FEof() )
    Portal Output;

typedef struct{    signed int m_ID;
    char m_ReservedText[50];
    char m_Name[50];
    char m_KoreanName[50];
    char m_RoomDescriptionFile[50];
    char m_BGM1[50];
    char m_BGM2[50];
    char m_EAX[50];
    char m_DAY_PREF[50];
    char m_NIGHT_PREF[50];
    char m_EFFECT_FILE[50];
    char m_MINIMAP_FILE[50];
    char m_BGM[50];
    char m_AmbientBGM[50];
    char m_ZoneChangeMusic[50];
    signed int m_WorldMapIndex;
    signed int m_BindingPortalOfAdele;
    signed int m_BindingPortalOfHellya;
} region;

while( !FEof() )
    region file;

typedef struct{    signed int DISABLE;
    char KEY[50];
    char ARGS[258];
} arg;

while( !FEof() )
    arg variable;

typedef struct{    int m_ID;
    char m_Name[50];
    char m_KoreanName[100];
    char m_RoomDescriptionFile[50];
    char m_BGM[50];
    char m_AmbientBGM[50];
    char m_ZoneChangeMusic[52];
    int m_nMapIndex;
    byte m_bTown;
    char pad[3];
    byte m_bDungeon;
    char pad2[3];
    byte m_bNeutrality;
    char pad3[3];
} template;

while( !FEof() )
    template output;

typedef struct{    short nIdx;
    short padding;
    int bEnable;
    char szKorName[50];
    char szEngName[50];
    int nType;
    int nSubType;
    int nTarget;
    int nRange;
    char szDescription[128];
    char zIconFileName[30];
    char szIconPushFileName[30];
    char szIconSmallFileName[32];
    int bCountinuous_Attack;
    int bAssistance;
    char szIconAffectFileName[30];
    char szAffectDescription[128];
    char szIconSmallAffectFile[30];
    byte nAddPoint;
    char padding2[3];
    int nAddPointProbability;
    int nAddPointProbability2;
    int nTimeFlag;
} Skill;

while( !FEof() )
    Skill Output;

typedef struct{    signed int ID;
    signed int points;
    signed int rank;
    signed int stones;
    signed int castcost;
    signed int buyprice;
    signed int CostDiscntRank2;
    signed int CostDiscntRank3;
    signed int CostDiscntRank4;
    signed int CostDiscntRank5;
    signed int CostDiscntRank6;
    signed int CostDiscntRank7;
    signed int CostDiscntRank8;
    signed int CostDiscntRank9;
    signed int CostDiscntRank10;
} skill;

while( !FEof() )
    skill gskill;

typedef struct{byte nLearnLevel;
short nCastingMana;
short nCastingTime;
short nSkillAniTime;
short nManaPerSec;
int nDurationTime;
int nCoolingTime;
int nParam0;
int nParam1;
int nParam2;
int nParam3;
int nParam4;
char szAffectDescription[128];
char szDescription[128];
char szExplainFileName[128];
} level;

typedef struct{
int ID;
level level1;
level level2;
level level3;
level level4;
level level5;
level level6;
level level7;
byte random;
} skill;

while( !FEof() )
    skill skilllevel;

typedef struct{    signed byte level;
    signed short pad;
    signed byte pad;
    signed int SKILLRESISTRATE;
} lvl;

while( !FEof() )
    lvl lvldif;

typedef struct{    signed int disabled;
    signed int id;
    char name[50];
    char koreanname[50];
    char filename[50];
    short ATTACKTYPE;
    short SIGHTRANGE;
    short ATTACKSPEED;
    short ATTACKRANGE;
    int DAMAGE;
    int MAXLIFE;
    unsigned short SKILLKIND0;
    unsigned short SKILLKIND1;
    unsigned short SKILLLEVEL0;
    unsigned short SKILLLEVEL1;

}  chest;

while( !FEof() )
    chest chestlist;

typedef struct{    signed int m_Type;
    char m_Name[50];
    char m_KoreanName[50];
    char m_TriggerType[50];
    char m_TriggerCaptureType[50];
    char m_STR_Param_1[50];
    char m_STR_Param_2[50];
    float m_FLT_Param1;
    float m_FLT_Param2;

} trigger;

while( !FEof() )
    trigger output;

typedef struct{    int Number;
    char Quiz[160];
    byte Something;
    char pad[3];
} Quiz;

while( !FEof() )
    Quiz Confirm;

typedef struct{    signed int ID;
    signed int PriceIThink;
} bank;

while( !FEof() )
    bank cost;

typedef struct{    int ID;
    char Model[20];
    int idk;
    char idk2[7];
    char idk3[19];
    char Texture[50];
    int idk4;
    int64 idk5
} template;

while( !FEof() )
    template output;

typedef struct{    signed int ID1;
    signed int ID2;
    signed int ID3;
    signed int ID4;
    char tex[256];
} ban;

while( !FEof() )
    ban reason;

typedef struct{    signed int PROFICIENCYMAX;
    signed int GRADENAME;
} grade;

while( !FEof() )
    grade collectgrade;

typedef struct{    int ID;
    int Number1;
    int Item1;
    int Chance1;
    int Number2;
    int Item2;
    int Chance2;
    int Number3;
    int Item3;
    int Chance3;
    int Number4;
    int Item4;
    int Chance4;
    int Number5;
    int Item5;
    int Chance5;
    int Number6;
    int Item6;
    int Chance6;
    int Number7;
    int Item7;
    int Chance7;
    int Number8;
    int Item8;
    int Chance8;
    int Number9;
    int Item9;
    int Chance9;
    int Number10;
    int Item10;
    int Chance10;
} template;

while( !FEof() )
    template output;

typedef struct{    int ID;
    int Points;
    int Time;
} template;

while( !FEof() )
    template output;

typedef struct{    signed int Disabled;
    signed int Index;
    signed int SourceItemID;
    signed int Rate;
    signed int ItemID1;
    signed int ItemAmmount1;
    signed int Itemrate1;
    signed int ItemID2;
    signed int ItemAmmount2;
    signed int Itemrate2;
    signed int ItemID3;
    signed int ItemAmmount3;
    signed int Itemrate3;
    signed int ItemID4;
    signed int ItemAmmount4;
    signed int Itemrate4;
    signed int ItemID5;
    signed int ItemAmmount5;
    signed int Itemrate5;
    signed int ItemID6;
    signed int ItemAmmount6;
    signed int Itemrate6;
    signed int unknownint1;
    signed int unknownint2;
} item;

while( !FEof() )
    item output;

typedef struct{    signed short level;
    signed short pad;
    signed short pad;
    signed short pad;
    signed int64 playerexp;
    signed int monsterexp;
    signed int maxexp;
    signed int maxexpdan;
    signed int productexp;
    signed int craftpoint; 
    signed int boosterrate;
    signed int reinforcerate;
    signed short pad;
    signed short pad;
} exp;

while( !FEof() )
    exp explvl;

typedef struct{    signed int ID;
    signed int Grade;
    signed int Reward1;
    signed int Probability1;
    signed int Reward2;
    signed int Probability2;
    signed int Reward3;
    signed int Probability3;
} potrate;

while( !FEof() )
    potrate fishingreward;

typedef struct{    signed short level;
    signed short pad;
    signed short pad;
    signed short pad;
    signed int64 playerexp;
    signed int monsterexp;
    signed int maxexp;
    signed int maxexpdan;
    signed int productexp;
    signed int craftpoint; 
    signed int boosterrate;
    signed int reinforcerate;
    signed short pad;
    signed short pad;
} exp;

while( !FEof() )
    exp explvl;

typedef struct{    signed int Index;
    signed int Idkint1;
    signed int Idkint3;
    signed int Idkint4;
    signed int Idkint5;
} rawr;

while( !FEof() )
    rawr pwn;

typedef struct{int disabled;
int id;
char Name[50];
char krname[50];
int itemtype;
int description;
int weight;
int price;
int sellprice;
int maxstack;
int attributetype_0;
int attributetype_1;
int attributetype_2;
int attributetype_3;
int attributevalue_0;
int attributevalue_1;
int attributevalue_2;
int attributevalue_3;
char imagename[52];
int itementity;
char equipsound[50];
char dropsound[50];
char itemexplain[256];
char itemlargeimage[50];
char explainfilename[50];
int subtype;
int use_minlevel;
int use_maxlevel;
} item;

while( !FEof() )
    item charm;

typedef struct{int disabled;
int id;
int makeitem;
int material1;
int material2;
int set;
int successrate;
int cost;
} combine;

while( !FEof() )
    combine output;

typedef struct{    int m_Disable;
    int m_ID;
    char m_Name[50];
    char m_KoreanName[50];
    int m_ItemType;
    int m_Description;
    int m_Weight;
    int m_Price;
    int m_SellPrice;
    int m_MaxStack;
    int m_AttributeType;
    int m_AttributeValue;
    int m_AttributeType1;
    int m_AttributeValue1;
    int m_AttributeType2;
    int m_AttributeValue2;
    int m_AttributeType3;
    int m_AttributeValue3;
    char m_ImageName[52];
    int m_ItemEntity;
    char m_szEquipSound[50];
    char m_szDropSound[50];
    char m_szItemExplain[256];
    char m_szItemLargeImage[50];
    char m_szExplainFileName[50];
    int m_ChangeType;
} item;

while( !FEof() )
    item etc;

typedef struct{    signed int level;
    signed int value;
} limit;

while( !FEof() )
    limit level;

typedef struct{int disabled;
int id;
char name[50];
char krname[50];
int itemtype;
int itementity;
int description;
int kind;
int level;
int level1;
int level2;
int level3;
int feedcount1;
int feedcount2;
int price;
int sellprice;
int maxstack;
int weight;
int hungrytime;
int maxhungrycount;
int maxweightrate1;
int maxweightrate2;
int maxweightrate3;
int level1_expvalue1;
int level1_expvalue2;
int level1_expvalue3;
int level1_expvalue4;
int level2_expvalue1;
int level2_expvalue2;
int level2_expvalue3;
int level2_expvalue4;
int level3_expvalue1;
int level3_expvalue2;
int level3_expvalue3;
int level3_expvalue4;
int timertype;
int timervalue;
int restoration;
char imagename[50];
char itemlargeimage[50];
char imagename2[50];
char itemlargeimage2[50];
char imagename3[50];
char itemlargeimage3[50];
char itemexplain[256];
char explainfilename[52];
} item;

while( !FEof() )
    item pet;

typedef struct{    signed int DISABLE;
    signed int ID;
    char NAME[50];
    char KOREANNAME[50];
    signed int ITEMTYPE;
    signed int DESCRIPTION;
    signed int WEIGHT;
    signed int PRICE;
    signed int SELLPRICE;
    signed int USELEVEL;
    signed int USEMAXLEVEL;
    signed int LIFE;
    signed int MANA;
    signed int COOLTIME;
    signed int CURELEVEL;
    signed int CURERATE;
    signed int MAXSTACK;
    char IMAGENAME[52];
    signed int ITEMENTITY;
    char EQUIPSOUND[50];
    char DROPSOUND[50];
    char EXPLAIN[100];
    char ITEMLARGEIMAGE[50];
} pot;

while( !FEof() )
    pot potion;

typedef struct{    signed int RecipeItem;
    signed int CraftItem;
    signed int MaxStack;
    signed int CraftTime;
    signed int CraftMaxPoint;
    signed int LowRate;
    signed int MidRate;
    signed int Highrate;
    signed int CRAFTPOINTRATE;
    signed int CRAFTACTIONRATE;
    signed int CRAFTREUSETIME;
    signed int CRAFTEXP;
    signed int MAXSOCKET;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM0ResourceItem;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM0nCount;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM1ResourceItem;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM1nCount;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM2ResourceItem;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM2nCount;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM3ResourceItem;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM3nCount;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM4ResourceItem;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM4nCount;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM5ResourceItem;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM5nCount;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM6ResourceItem;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM6nCount;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM7ResourceItem;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM7nCount;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM8ResourceItem;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM8nCount;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM9ResourceItem;
    signed int RESOURCEITEM9nCount;
    signed int LIMTCRAFTPOINT;
    signed int PRODUCTGRADE;
    signed int MAINTAINTIME;
    signed int DESTRUCTIONCOUNT;
} rec;

while( !FEof() )
    rec recinfo;

typedef struct{    int disable;
int id;
char name[50];
char koreanname[50];
int itemtype;
int description;
int weight;
int price;
int sellprice;
int maxstack;
int attributetype0;
int attributetype1;
int attributetype2;
int attributevalue0;
int attributevalue1;
int attributevalue2;
char imagename[50];
short padding;
int itementity;
char region[50];
char explain[256];
char itemlargeimage[50];
char explainfilename[50];
short padding;
int unknown;
} Scroll;

while( !FEof() )
    Scroll Output;

typedef struct{int Disable;
int ID;
char Name[50];
char KoreanName[50];
int Description;
int Up;
int Down;
int Helmet;
int Gloves;
char Icon_Image[50];
short padding;
int Boots;
} set;

while( !FEof() )
    set output;

typedef struct{
    signed int npc;
    signed int item;
    signed byte grade;
    char group[50];
    signed byte pad;
} item;

while( !FEof() )
    item trade;

typedef struct{
    signed int RateOfSomeKind;
    signed int unknown2;
    signed int unknown3;
    signed int unknown4;
} limit;

while( !FEof() )
    limit dropstatus;

typedef struct{
    signed int chance;
    signed int count;
} item;

while( !FEof() )
    item chance;

typedef struct{
    signed int disabled;
    signed int id;
    char name[50];
    char koreanname[50];
    char filename[50];
    char unknownchar1[50];
    char unknownchar2[52];
    signed int DontEdit0;    
    signed int DontEdit1;    
    signed int DontEdit2;    
    signed int DontEdit3;    
    signed int DontEdit4;    
    signed int DontEdit5;    
    signed int DontEdit6;    
    signed int DontEdit7;    
    signed int DontEdit8;    
    signed int DontEdit9;    
    signed int RateForSomething;    
    signed int RateForSomething;    
    signed int RateForSomething;    
    signed int ChestLevel;    
    signed int KeyNeeded;
    signed byte Valueforsomething;    
    char Padding[3];    
    signed int OpenTime;    
    signed int unknownint1;    
    signed int unknownint2;    
    signed int unknownint3;    
    signed int unknownintRate1;    
    signed int unknownintRate2;    
    signed int unknownintRate3;    
    signed int Weapon1;    
    signed int Weapon2;    
    signed int Weapon3;    
    signed int Weapon4;    
    signed int Weapon5;    
    signed int Weapon6;    
    signed int Weapon7;
    signed int Weapon8;    
    signed int Weapon9;    
    signed int Weapon10;    
    signed int Weapon11;    
    signed int Weapon12;    
    signed int Weapon13;    
    signed int Weapon14;    
    signed int Weapon15;    
    signed int WeaponRate1;    
    signed int WeaponRate2;
    signed int WeaponRate3;    
    signed int WeaponRate4;    
    signed int WeaponRate5;    
    signed int WeaponRate6;    
    signed int WeaponRate7;    
    signed int WeaponRate8;    
    signed int WeaponRate9;    
    signed int WeaponRate10;    
    signed int WeaponRate11;    
    signed int WeaponRate12;
    signed int WeaponRate13;    
    signed int WeaponRate14;    
    signed int WeaponRate15;    
    signed int Armor1;    
    signed int Armor2;    
    signed int Armor3;    
    signed int Armor4;    
    signed int Armor5;    
    signed int Armor6;    
    signed int Armor7;
    signed int Armor8;    
    signed int Armor9;    
    signed int ArmorRate1;    
    signed int ArmorRate2;    
    signed int ArmorRate3;    
    signed int ArmorRate4;    
    signed int ArmorRate5;    
    signed int ArmorRate6;    
    signed int ArmorRate7;    
    signed int ArmorRate8;
    signed int ArmorRate9;    
    signed int Potion1;    
    signed int Potion2;    
    signed int Potion3;    
    signed int Potion4;    
    signed int Potion5;    
    signed int Potion6;    
    signed int Potion7;
    signed int Potion8;    
    signed int Potion9;    
    signed int PotionRate1;    
    signed int PotionRate2;    
    signed int PotionRate3;    
    signed int PotionRate4;    
    signed int PotionRate5;    
    signed int PotionRate6;    
    signed int PotionRate7;    
    signed int PotionRate8;
    signed int PotionRate9;    
    signed int Options1;
    signed int Options2;    
    signed int Options3;    
    signed int Options4;    
    signed int Options5;    
    signed int Options6;    
    signed int Options7;    
    signed int OptionsRate1;    
    signed int OptionsRate2;    
    signed int OptionsRate3;    
    signed int OptionsRate4;
    signed int OptionsRate5;    
    signed int OptionsRate6;    
    signed int OptionsRate7;    
    signed int SoulStone1;    
    signed int SoulStone2;    
    signed int SoulStone3;    
    signed int SoulStone4;    
    signed int SoulStone5;    
    signed int SoulStoneRate1;    
    signed int SoulStoneRate2;
    signed int SoulStoneRate3;    
    signed int SoulStoneRate4;    
    signed int SoulStoneRate5;    
    signed int Acc1;    
    signed int Acc2;    
    signed int Acc3;    
    signed int AccRate1;    
    signed int AccRate2;    
    signed int AccRate3;    
    signed int RandomAssInt10;
}  chest;

while( !FEof() )
    chest chestlist;

typedef struct{
    signed int disabled;
    signed int id;
    char name[50];
    char koreanname[50];
    signed short monstergroup;
    char filename[50];
    char FACEFILE[50];
    signed short COLLISIONTYPE;
    signed short COLLISIONRADIUS;
    signed short SCENEGRAPHRADIUS;    
    signed short ACTORLODTYPE;    
    signed short MOVETYPE;    
    signed short STANDTYPE;    
    signed short GRADE;    
    signed short LEVEL;    
    signed short ATTACKSHAPE;    
    signed short ATTACKTYPE;    
    signed short BATTLETYPE;    
    signed short MOVESPEED;    
    signed short SIGHTRANGE;    
    signed short ATTACKSPEED;    
    signed short ATTACKRANGE;    
    signed short STRENGTH;    
    signed short DEXTERITY;    
    signed short HEALTH;    
    signed short INTELLIGENCE;    
    signed short MENTALITY;    
    signed short QUICKNESS;    
    signed short CRITICALRATE;    
    signed short MONEYMIN;    
    signed int MONEYMAX;    
    signed int ABILITYTYPE0;    
    signed int ABILITYTYPE1;    
    signed int ABILITYVALUE0;    
    signed int ABILITYVALUE1;    
    signed byte BLAZINGLEVEL;    
    signed byte FROZENLEVEL;    
    signed byte DARKNESSLEVEL;    
    signed byte DIVINELEVEL;    
    unsigned short SKILLKIND0;    
    unsigned short SKILLKIND1;    
    unsigned short SKILLKIND2;    
    unsigned short SKILLKIND3;    
    unsigned short SKILLKIND4;    
    unsigned short SKILLKIND5;    
    unsigned short SKILLKIND6;    
    unsigned short SKILLKIND7;    
    unsigned short SKILLKIND8;    
    unsigned short SKILLKIND9;    
    signed byte SKILLLEVEL0;    
    signed byte SKILLLEVEL1;    
    signed byte SKILLLEVEL2;    
    signed byte SKILLLEVEL3;    
    signed byte SKILLLEVEL4;    
    signed byte SKILLLEVEL5;    
    signed byte SKILLLEVEL6;    
    signed byte SKILLLEVEL7;    
    signed byte SKILLLEVEL8;    
    signed byte SKILLLEVEL9;
    signed short Padding;    
    signed int USESCRIPT;    
    signed int STUNRESIST;
    signed int AIPATTERN0;    
    signed int AIPATTERN1;    
    signed int AIPATTERNVALUE0;    
    signed int AIPATTERNVALUE1;    
    signed int DROPWEAPON0;    
    signed int DROPWEAPON1;    
    signed int DROPWEAPON2;    
    signed int DROPWEAPON3;    
    signed int DROPWEAPON4;    
    signed int DROPWEAPON5;    
    signed int DROPWEAPON6;    
    signed int DROPWEAPON7;    
    signed int DROPWEAPON8;    
    signed int DROPWEAPON9;    
    signed int DROPWEAPON10;    
    signed int DROPWEAPON11;    
    signed int DROPWEAPON12;    
    signed int DROPWEAPON13;    
    signed int DROPWEAPON14;    
    signed int RATEWEAPON0;    
    signed int RATEWEAPON1;    
    signed int RATEWEAPON2;    
    signed int RATEWEAPON3;    
    signed int RATEWEAPON4;    
    signed int RATEWEAPON5;    
    signed int RATEWEAPON6;    
    signed int RATEWEAPON7;    
    signed int RATEWEAPON8;    
    signed int RATEWEAPON9;    
    signed int RATEWEAPON10;    
    signed int RATEWEAPON11;    
    signed int RATEWEAPON12;    
    signed int RATEWEAPON13;    
    signed int RATEWEAPON14;    
    signed int DROPARMORSHIELD0;    
    signed int DROPARMORSHIELD1;    
    signed int DROPARMORSHIELD2;    
    signed int DROPARMORSHIELD3;    
    signed int DROPARMORSHIELD4;    
    signed int DROPARMORSHIELD5;    
    signed int DROPARMORSHIELD6;    
    signed int DROPARMORSHIELD7;    
    signed int DROPARMORSHIELD8;    
    signed int RATEARMORSHIELD0;    
    signed int RATEARMORSHIELD1;    
    signed int RATEARMORSHIELD2;    
    signed int RATEARMORSHIELD3;    
    signed int RATEARMORSHIELD4;    
    signed int RATEARMORSHIELD5;    
    signed int RATEARMORSHIELD6;    
    signed int RATEARMORSHIELD7;    
    signed int RATEARMORSHIELD8;    
    signed int DROPPOTIONSCROLL0;    
    signed int DROPPOTIONSCROLL1;    
    signed int DROPPOTIONSCROLL2;    
    signed int DROPPOTIONSCROLL3;    
    signed int DROPPOTIONSCROLL4;    
    signed int DROPPOTIONSCROLL5;    
    signed int DROPPOTIONSCROLL6;    
    signed int DROPPOTIONSCROLL7;    
    signed int DROPPOTIONSCROLL8;    
    signed int RATEPOTIONSCROLL0;    
    signed int RATEPOTIONSCROLL1;    
    signed int RATEPOTIONSCROLL2;    
    signed int RATEPOTIONSCROLL3;    
    signed int RATEPOTIONSCROLL4;    
    signed int RATEPOTIONSCROLL5;    
    signed int RATEPOTIONSCROLL6;    
    signed int RATEPOTIONSCROLL7;    
    signed int RATEPOTIONSCROLL8;    
    signed int DROPETC0;    
    signed int DROPETC1;    
    signed int DROPETC2;    
    signed int DROPETC3;    
    signed int DROPETC4;    
    signed int DROPETC5;    
    signed int DROPETC6;    
    signed int RATEETC0;    
    signed int RATEETC1;    
    signed int RATEETC2;    
    signed int RATEETC3;    
    signed int RATEETC4;    
    signed int RATEETC5;    
    signed int RATEETC6;    
    signed int DROPSPECIAL0;    
    signed int DROPSPECIAL1;    
    signed int DROPSPECIAL2;    
    signed int DROPSPECIAL3;    
    signed int DROPSPECIAL4;    
    signed int RATESPECIAL0;    
    signed int RATESPECIAL1;    
    signed int RATESPECIAL2;    
    signed int RATESPECIAL3;    
    signed int RATESPECIAL4;    
    signed int DROPACCESSORY0;    
    signed int DROPACCESSORY1;    
    signed int DROPACCESSORY2;    
    signed int RATEACCESSORY0;    
    signed int RATEACCESSORY1;    
    signed int RATEACCESSORY2;    
    signed int KEYDROPTABLE0;    
    signed int KEYDROPTABLE1;    
    signed int KEYDROPTABLE2;    
    signed int KEYDROPTABLE3;    
    signed int KEYDROPTABLE4;    
    signed int KEYDROPTABLE5;

} mob;

while( !FEof() )
    mob moblist;

typedef struct{
    signed int ID;
    signed int MAXDROPCNT;
    signed int DROPTYPE0;
    signed int DROPTYPE1;
    signed int DROPTYPE2;
    signed int DROPTYPE3;
    signed int DROPTYPE4;
    signed int DROPTYPE5;
    signed int DROPTYPE6;
    signed int DROPTYPE7;
    signed int DROPTYPE8;
    signed int DROPTYPE9;
    signed int DROPTYPE10;
    signed int DROPTYPE11;
    signed int DROPTYPE12;
    signed int DROPTYPE13;
    signed int DROPTYPE14;
    signed int DROPRATE0;
    signed int DROPRATE1;
    signed int DROPRATE2;
    signed int DROPRATE3;
    signed int DROPRATE4;
    signed int DROPRATE5;
    signed int DROPRATE6;
    signed int DROPRATE7;
    signed int DROPRATE8;
    signed int DROPRATE9;
    signed int DROPRATE10;
    signed int DROPRATE11;
    signed int DROPRATE12;
    signed int DROPRATE13;
    signed int DROPRATE14;
} drop;

while( !FEof() )
    drop mobdroplist;
Experienced Elementalist
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks much Hunin!

I don't have the 010 structs - only structorian templates.
Last edited:
Junior Spellweaver
Oct 12, 2013
Reaction score
limitdropoptionvalue.bin (just the structure details not an actual template)

signed int Option
signed int Value
signed int Dice_1
signed int Dice_2
signed int Dice_3
signed int Dice_4
signed int Dice_5
signed int Dice_6
signed int Dice_7
signed int Dice_8
signed int Dice_9
signed int Dice_10
signed int Dice_11
signed int Dice_12
signed int Dice_13
signed int Dice_14
signed int Dice_15
signed int Dice_16
signed int Dice_17
signed int Dice_18
signed int Dice_19
signed int Dice_20
signed int Dice_21
signed int Dice_22
signed int Dice_23
signed int Dice_24
signed int Dice_25
signed int Dice_26
signed int Dice_27
signed int Dice_28
signed int Dice_29
signed int Dice_30
float Rate_1
float Rate_2
float Rate_3
float Rate_4
float Rate_5
float Rate_6
float Rate_7
float Rate_8
float Rate_9
float Rate_10
float Rate_11
float Rate_12
float Rate_13
float Rate_14
float Rate_15
float Rate_16
float Rate_17
float Rate_18
float Rate_19
float Rate_20
float Rate_21
float Rate_22
float Rate_23
float Rate_24
float Rate_25
float Rate_26
float Rate_27
float Rate_28
float Rate_29
float Rate_30

Option = str, int, dex, melee % etc.
Value = How much of the available slots it will take i.e. resistances take 0, all other options use up 1 stat slot.
Dice = Result of the RNG roll.
Rate = Level value of the drop divided by this number then rounded up gives you your applied stat.
Experienced Elementalist
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
The above, struct-ized :)
typedef struct{
    signed int Option
    signed int Value
    signed int Dice_1
    signed int Dice_2
    signed int Dice_3
    signed int Dice_4
    signed int Dice_5
    signed int Dice_6
    signed int Dice_7
    signed int Dice_8
    signed int Dice_9
    signed int Dice_10
    signed int Dice_11
    signed int Dice_12
    signed int Dice_13
    signed int Dice_14
    signed int Dice_15
    signed int Dice_16
    signed int Dice_17
    signed int Dice_18
    signed int Dice_19
    signed int Dice_20
    signed int Dice_21
    signed int Dice_22
    signed int Dice_23
    signed int Dice_24
    signed int Dice_25
    signed int Dice_26
    signed int Dice_27
    signed int Dice_28
    signed int Dice_29
    signed int Dice_30
    float Rate_1
    float Rate_2
    float Rate_3
    float Rate_4
    float Rate_5
    float Rate_6
    float Rate_7
    float Rate_8
    float Rate_9
    float Rate_10
    float Rate_11
    float Rate_12
    float Rate_13
    float Rate_14
    float Rate_15
    float Rate_16
    float Rate_17
    float Rate_18
    float Rate_19
    float Rate_20
    float Rate_21
    float Rate_22
    float Rate_23
    float Rate_24
    float Rate_25
    float Rate_26
    float Rate_27
    float Rate_28
    float Rate_29
    float Rate_30
} limitdropoptionvalue;

while( !FEof() )
    limitdropoptionvalue limitdropoptionvaluelist;
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
Anyone want to share gameeffect.strs, etceffect.strs and indunmonster.strs?
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 24, 2013
Reaction score
Can i ask if you know the CODE Structure for beginitem.bin or 010 code for beginitem.bin
please share if you have ^_^

The above, struct-ized :)
typedef struct{
    signed int Option
    signed int Value
    signed int Dice_1
    signed int Dice_2
    signed int Dice_3
    signed int Dice_4
    signed int Dice_5
    signed int Dice_6
    signed int Dice_7
    signed int Dice_8
    signed int Dice_9
    signed int Dice_10
    signed int Dice_11
    signed int Dice_12
    signed int Dice_13
    signed int Dice_14
    signed int Dice_15
    signed int Dice_16
    signed int Dice_17
    signed int Dice_18
    signed int Dice_19
    signed int Dice_20
    signed int Dice_21
    signed int Dice_22
    signed int Dice_23
    signed int Dice_24
    signed int Dice_25
    signed int Dice_26
    signed int Dice_27
    signed int Dice_28
    signed int Dice_29
    signed int Dice_30
    float Rate_1
    float Rate_2
    float Rate_3
    float Rate_4
    float Rate_5
    float Rate_6
    float Rate_7
    float Rate_8
    float Rate_9
    float Rate_10
    float Rate_11
    float Rate_12
    float Rate_13
    float Rate_14
    float Rate_15
    float Rate_16
    float Rate_17
    float Rate_18
    float Rate_19
    float Rate_20
    float Rate_21
    float Rate_22
    float Rate_23
    float Rate_24
    float Rate_25
    float Rate_26
    float Rate_27
    float Rate_28
    float Rate_29
    float Rate_30
} limitdropoptionvalue;

while( !FEof() )
    limitdropoptionvalue limitdropoptionvaluelist;

Can i ask if you know the CODE Structure for beginitem.bin or 010 code for beginitem.bin
please share if you have ^_^
Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 24, 2013
Reaction score
typedef struct {
int PlayerRace
int ItemType
int ItemCount
} begin;

while( !FEof() )
begin beginlist;

This one?
Experienced Elementalist
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
Can i ask if you know the CODE Structure for beginitem.bin or 010 code for beginitem.bin
please share if you have ^_^

Can i ask if you know the CODE Structure for beginitem.bin or 010 code for beginitem.bin
please share if you have ^_^

As Ishtaria says it is brain-dead simple to figure out.
That said you will need to figure out what the values for PlayerRace and ItemType are all on your own.
If anybody tells you, I will spank them!
Initiate Mage
Oct 20, 2014
Reaction score
i got eror any help?
HuninHune - Rohan Structs - RaGEZONE Forums

Screenshot by Lightshot
Initiate Mage
Jun 11, 2016
Reaction score
plz upload structorian program agian. all links are dead thank u!