README: DragonBall Online Section Rules

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Jan 27, 2007
Reaction score
DragonBall Online Section Rules
Last updated: June 19th, 2014

Server Advertisements belong in the Private Server Ads section.

Team Recruitment must be used for any recruitment purposes.

1. Spamming
Please refrain from posting one-word messages, such as: "thanks, "okay," "nice," "awesome," etc.

2. Posting in English
RaGEZONE is an English-speaking forum, the majority of our users speak English. Using another language is fine, only if you have a valid translation!

3. Do not flame other users
Any type of harassment, name-calling, belittling, or arguing will result in a infraction. Keep it clean

4. Do not post infected software
Posting software designed to harm/infect another computer is not allowed

5. Bots/Hacks/Warez are not allowed!
Play fair, and stay legal! These things aren't allowed here at RaGEZONE.

6. Buying/Selling Server files isn't allowed!
Here at RaGEZONE, we do not support buying or selling server files, so posting about it or requesting it is against the forum rules.

7. Post in the correct section!
Please post in the correct section, that's why we have sub-sections, to keep everything neat and tidy!

Help Section - For asking questions, requests, and getting help with your server files.
Development Section - For posting and replying to server file developments.
Tutorials Section - For posting guides on how to do something regarding DB Online.
Releases Section - For posting server files and other relevant releases.
This section - for discussion of anything related to DB Online, that isn't covered.

Failure to follow these rules will result in warnings/infractions. Severe or repeated rule-breaking will result in your forum account being banned.
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