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(v0.62) Monsterbooks

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Jul 30, 2012
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I would request help in regards of client cracking. It is known for long time that Nexon put unreleased data in client versions before official release. Example, v0.56 has pirates while it got released in v0.62 officially.

Something what I am 90% sure of as well is that v0.62 also has Monsterbooks already fully working, while it got released in v0.67. Monsterbooks is one of my most favorite features from post v0.62 and I would like to find a way to implement it in our server.

Here's some facts about Monsterbook and its data in v0.62:

-The .wz data for all Monsterbook data (mob data, the book itself, etc) exists since v0.56 in Korean, similar as Pirates.

-The client strings for Monsterbooks exist since v0.56 as well and are in English, including the Monsterbook buff items, which are also in English, including all cards, which are also in English.
-Since v0.56 there's an "unused" keyconfig button in the keyconfigs called "MonsterBook", which does nothing because its either disabled or not working yet (Default letter/key B)

-Packet data for Monsterbook exist in v0.62, no proof for older versions (ex: 0.56), but most likely.
-All cards themselves exist, as well as the description of the buff they give.

While we are able to get the said packets to work (Picture for example: ) we have trouble with one thing: the client part that opens the book, which we assume has been disabled rather than not existing at all.

Seeing every server uses the default Maple clients (besides whatever protection removed), I am unsure how experience people are in client cracking. However, my guess would be that the Monsterbook feature has been client-disabled with a switch or something, because this is Nexon after all.

Do anyone have any idea maybe or may want see if there's a way to "unlock" it? I am very sure opening the book is 100% client sided and there's no packet for it (we checked before!).

Full 0.62 in zip:
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Mar 14, 2010
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I ain't no expert in this field, but you should look in the client for the key configurations and edit it so it's enabled.Find it in v62 then in v67 so you can at least compare. At this point, it's all about trial and error
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Jul 30, 2012
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Bumping this over a half year old topic.

Still wonder if someone has the ability to look for a switch to somehow enable it client sided. I still very strongly believe that all client coding is there but has been disabled to release it later (something Nexon did with Pirates too, and Pirates fully work in v0.56). All the Monsterbook data is there since v0.56 GMS mostly translated (except the book graphics and monster info) and there's multiple mentions of Monsterbook.img in the client itself.

Here's all the content of Monsterbook in v0.56 (as well as v0.62):

Game.img > mCardGet: The sound you hear when you pick up a card

Consume.img > 0238.img: All cards are there, with all proper data, in English, including buff data

Monsterbook.img: Episode data, in Korean only.
Consume.img > 238xxxx: All card strings, fully in English, including the buff data

Uiwindow.img > Userinfo > Backgrnd7: User profile page with fully functional monsterbook data
Uiwindow.img > Userinfo > Btbookhide/BtbookShow: Monsterbook button found in later versions on the profile
Uiwindow.img > Monsterbook.img: The book itself, in korean. Looks identical to final product, showing more its finished.
Uiwindow.img > Icon > 22: Monsterbook button from keyconfig. Shows in-game to public but doesn't do anything
Uiwindow.img > Shortcut > BtMobbook: Shortcut key for Monsterbook, again fully in English

Client strings:
They are there, including the packets. .

Random trivia: When GMS released Magatia (v0.63) they accidentally added monster cards in the drop tables, and the buffs worked. This further shows that KMS (?) already had Monsterbooks around the time and the client coding is (should) be there, but has been disabled.

Random stuff #2: Here's a page about Monsterbooks, from the Korean client ( ). Something noticable here is that the improved quest UI isn't there yet (the yellow Q at the quest helper) which got introduced together with Monsterbooks in GMS, further believing that KMS got Monsterbooks earlier than GMS.
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Jan 18, 2010
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@Kimberly When Nexon implements new features, they will add checks client-sided to block the UI display or functionality of a newer or gMST feature. If you can debug the v62 client, track some subs in IDA, you can find the CUIMonsterBook window dialogue in which the functionality of the monster book card display runs off of, the Draw and OnCreate etc functions and check them. Most of the time Nexon just adds a if-statement and returns, just NOP out the if-statement blocks.

Also, that isn't a MonsterBook packet. You are just sending a CUserLocal::OnEffect packet with the UserEffect MonsterBookCardGet or whatever it is called. This is another enum Nexon updates when implementing newer features in the game. I can try looking for it later I guess.

Lastly, in your current version, look for CharacterData::Decode if you have any IDA experience. Look if there is any hidden masks that xref the iPacket (normally an a2 variable) to an outer sub of CharacterData. This can be a few things, but it can also be Nexon's old GW_MonsterBookCode::Decode which will decode the levels and book data for pre-BB versions.

EDIT: Decided to setup v62 in IDA. Got OnSetField and CharacterData::Decode, and I tried finding hidden masks. Seems there is no masks for the DBCharFlag of MonsterBookCard (0x10000), but v62 client does have Monster Book Cover's which is mask 0x20000 and should be the very last int inside of getCharInfo.

Next up is the packets to Set the cover. You're correct, the client indeed has StringPools and UI data for the MonsterBook.
Address 006E4F45 is CUIMonsterBook::UpdateUI, this properly contains the GetCard function to retrieve cards parsed by the client, LoadMobInfo which loads mobID of the CardID, and lastly CUIMonsterBook::UpdateCheckList. These are your XREFS to CUIMonsterBook subs.

You also have Context packets for MonsterBookCards, such as OnMonsterBookSetCover:
int __stdcall CWvsContext::OnMonsterBookSetCover(int a1)
  int nCardID; // eax@1
  int result; // eax@1

  nCardID = CInPacket::Decode4(a1);
  result = CUserLocal::SetMonsterBookCover(nCardID);
  if ( dword_97BD70 )
    result = CUIMonsterBook::UpdateUI((void *)dword_97BD70);
  return result;
Your v62 OPCode for this is 0x50.

Now.. I said that you do not have 0x20000 DBCharFlag masks for MonsterBookCards. This is correct. However, the client has to be able to update this information after pre-loading it upon OnSetField. Thus giving the reason Nexon uses OnMonsterBookSetCard. This is opcode 0x4F:
LONG __thiscall CWvsContext::OnMonsterBookSetCard(void *this, int a2)
  int v2; // esi@2
  int v3; // edi@2
  int v4; // esi@6
  char **v5; // eax@6
  int v6; // ST08_4@6
  char *v7; // ST04_4@6
  int v8; // eax@7
  int v9; // eax@7
  void *v11; // [sp+0h] [bp-14h]@1
  int v12; // [sp+4h] [bp-10h]@1
  int v13; // [sp+10h] [bp-4h]@1

  v11 = this;
  v12 = 0;
  v13 = 0;
  if ( CInPacket::Decode1(a2) )
    v2 = CInPacket::Decode4(a2);                // nCardID
    v3 = CInPacket::Decode4(a2);                // nCardCount
    CUserLocal::SetMonsterCardCount(v2, v3);
    if ( v3 == 1 )
    CUserLocal::SetMonsterCardCheckList(v2, 0);
    if ( dword_97BD70 )
      CUIMonsterBook::UpdateUI((void *)dword_97BD70);
    v4 = CItemInfo::GetItemName(&v11, v2);
    LOBYTE(v13) = 1;
    v5 = (char **)StringPool::GetString(&a2, 2547);
    v6 = *(_DWORD *)v4;
    v7 = *v5;
    LOBYTE(v13) = 2;
    sub_434E21((int)&v12, v7, v6);
    LOBYTE(v13) = 1;
    LOBYTE(v13) = 0;
    v8 = StringPool::GetString(&a2, 2548);
    v9 = ZXString_char_::operator_(v8);
    LOBYTE(v13) = 0;
  sub_471102(&v12, 12);
  v13 = -1;
  return ZXString_char_::_Release(&v12);

Using these two packets (along with 0x10000 DBCharFlag), you can properly update a MonsterBook and their Cover's. You've already found UserEffect.MonsterBookCardGet for Local/Remote effects of gaining the book as well.

Also, in charInfo, your client supports MonsterBooks as well. Directly after WishLists, is MonsterBookInfo::Decode which is updated by the MonsterBookAccessor off of UserLocal's MonsterBookUpdate.
int __thiscall MonsterBookInfo::Decode(int this, int a2)
  int v2; // esi@1
  int v3; // eax@1
  int v4; // eax@2

  v2 = this;
  *(_DWORD *)(this + 12) = CInPacket::Decode4(a2);// nLevel
  *(_DWORD *)(v2 + 16) = CInPacket::Decode4(a2);// nNormal
  *(_DWORD *)(v2 + 20) = CInPacket::Decode4(a2);// nSpecial
  *(_DWORD *)(v2 + 24) = CInPacket::Decode4(a2);// nTotal
  v3 = CInPacket::Decode4(a2);                  // nCoverMobID
  *(_DWORD *)(v2 + 28) = v3;
  if ( v3 )
    v4 = sub_5D90EC(v3);
  return 0;

Anywaaay, that's all your packets. You have the address which calls UpdateUI, incase you want the sub here it is:
int __thiscall CUIMonsterBook::UpdateUI(void *this)
  int v1; // esi@1
  char *v2; // eax@1
  signed int v3; // ecx@1
  int v5; // [sp-Ch] [bp-10h]@4
  int v6; // [sp-8h] [bp-Ch]@4
  void *v7; // [sp+0h] [bp-4h]@1

  v7 = this;
  v1 = (int)this;
  v2 = (char *)this + 2736;
  v3 = 3;
    *(_DWORD *)v2 = 1;
    v2 += 8;
  while ( v3 );
  if ( *(_DWORD *)(*(_DWORD *)(v1 + 2676) + 52) != 9 )
    v6 = 0;
    v5 = 0;
    v7 = &v5;
    CUIMonsterBook::GetCard(v1, (int)&v5);
    CUIMonsterBook::LoadMobInfo(v5, v6);
  return CUIMonsterBook::UpdateCheckList((void *)v1);

The client loads the MonsterBook window via CUIMonsterBook::LoadMobInfo. This is where it parses your book and the cards parsed, and sets the panels and layers. You can check out the subs, though they look equivalent to Nexon's working MonsterBooks already.

OH! One last thing I forgot to mention. I found an address that handles UI for them in v62, but it doesn't exist in v95 (or has no valid xrefs). The address to the sub is 006EA600. This has a if-statement that just returns false if it is not equal, this may be the hard-coded client check disabling the MonsterBooks. Not sure completely, because as I said i cannot ref it to v95. I may look at kMST PDB later to confirm. Nonetheless, good luck with these. It took me forever to find the server-side algorithm for calculating the cards since I just finished coding these a few days ago.. >_>
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Jul 30, 2012
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OH! One last thing I forgot to mention. I found an address that handles UI for them in v62, but it doesn't exist in v95 (or has no valid xrefs). The address to the sub is 006EA600. This has a if-statement that just returns false if it is not equal, this may be the hard-coded client check disabling the MonsterBooks. Not sure completely

I am terrible at OllyDbg and any client hacking in general. But from what I understood earlier is that I had to look up the address and NOP it. I did exactly that and (and saving it of course) and I see no noticeable changes, as well as that I still cannot open Monsterbook .

You facepalm probably because I did something horrible wrong I am not suppose to do, but I apologize in advance that I am such a newbie in this. Also, thank you very much in advance for helping me out with this.

Would it help if you have an unpacked v75 client? That is the earliest client available with Monsterbooks enabled that is unpacked (afaik) and perhaps maybe you can compare it that way with the v62 client. Something that was suggested to me on post #2 but I don't have the ability to do this, sadly.
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Custom Title Activated
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Jan 18, 2010
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I am terrible at OllyDbg and any client hacking in general. But from what I understood earlier is that I had to look up the address and NOP it. I did exactly that and (and saving it of course) and I see no noticeable changes, as well as that I still cannot open Monsterbook .

You facepalm probably because I did something horrible wrong I am not suppose to do, but I apologize in advance that I am such a newbie in this. Also, thank you very much in advance for helping me out with this.

Would it help if you have an unpacked v75 client? That is the earliest client available with Monsterbooks enabled that is unpacked (afaik) and perhaps maybe you can compare it that way with the v62 client. Something that was suggested to me on post #2 but I don't have the ability to do this, sadly.

Well, according to the KMS PDB, all of your MonsterBook functions match and are correct. You have CUIMonsterBook::Draw and everything as well. I'll look later at the key config and how that's handled client-side and see if there's any checks. The sub you nopped I ended up looking up inside of KMS as well, and it was removed from v95 but it was a sub that checked for something with monsterbook's (not disabling them).

I'll check the rest of the subs out later to see where it's getting called to open it. What is the WZ URL to the background or even buttons of the MonsterBook window? Maybe I can check out their stringpools.
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Jul 30, 2012
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.What is the WZ URL to the background or even buttons of the MonsterBook window? Maybe I can check out their stringpools.

ui.wz > uiwindow.img > MonsterBook
xx > xx > xx > arrowLeft
xx > xx > xx > arrowRight
xx > xx > xx > backgrnd
xx > xx > xx > BtClose
xx > xx > xx > BtSearch
xx > xx > xx > cardSlot
xx > xx > xx > ContextMenu
xx > xx > xx > cover
xx > xx > xx > fullMark
xx > xx > xx > icon
xx > xx > xx > infoPage
xx > xx > xx > LeftTab
xx > xx > xx > LeftTabInfo
xx > xx > xx > RightTab
xx > xx > xx > select

ContextMenu has more nodes: BtRegister, BtRelease, c, s, t (these are the right click card > set as cover feature, as expected also all fully available in the v0.56 and v0.62 wz)

xx > xx > xx = Everything in the Monsterbook node.

EDIT Eric (no idea if tags work on edits)

Maybe also an idea from mine to add the other buttons that are in the .wz data but disabled/invisible

Ui.wz > Uiwindow.img > Userinfo > backgrnd7

(or yourself) after clicking the "Book Info" button (BtBookShow). The said button is in the .wz data but invisible in-game ( ).

Something I've noticed also is that between v76~v77 they changed BtBookShow/BtBookHide and replaced it with BtCollectionShow/BtCollectionHide while keeping BtBookShow/BtBookHide in .wz files. Its not there in v67 yet and screenshots show the old button in action fine: The new button says "Collection" instead. No idea why Nexon changed this, but it was important enough to have a completely new file name!

The "Monsterbook" button in shortcut menu:
ui.wz > uiwindow.img > Shortcut > BtMobbook

That's about it everything Monsterbook related that is in .wz but disabled in v62 that need be enabled somehow.


Something I've noticed also is that between v76~v77 they changed BtBookShow/BtBookHide and replaced it with BtCollectionShow/BtCollectionHide while keeping BtBookShow/BtBookHide in .wz files. Its not there in v67 yet and screenshots show the old button in action fine: Click The new button says "Collection" instead. No idea why Nexon changed this, but it was important enough to have a completely new file name!

Seeing What came when v77 is when they released the Medal interface. I assume the button Book Info has been changed to Collection because the same button also shows the medal information, while Book Info only shown your book collection. Something to still note though because client coding may have changed too how this is handled (since you checked v95, which is way after this change).


Even though its clear by now, here's another topic where its stated JapanMS and KoreaMS had Monsterbooks already before GMS did:
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Custom Title Activated
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Jan 18, 2010
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@Kimberly the client has all the correct drawing functions to assemble and open the window's context, don't see anything wrong. The problem is the call to open the context isn't there (I can't find it). There's no XREFS anywhere to the context, so it's not going to be in some sub. I didn't check a v75~v90 client to see if it's correct or not, but all context UI's open through CWvsContext::UI_Open and CWvsContext::UI_Toggle. While I found every other window in the game, MonsterBooks calls to that sub but there's no check for it in v62, v95, and KMST. Either it never was there and it's a coincidence, or all 3 versions don't have it and disabled it that way. What you could try is doing a workaround and changing the UI toggle for Guilds open the UI for monsterbooks.

According to the client, all UI window toggles have followed the same constant. Here are the UI types:
UI_ITEM = 0x0,
  UI_EQUIP = 0x1,
  UI_STAT = 0x2,
  UI_SKILL = 0x3,
  UI_MINIMAP = 0x4,
  UI_USERLIST = 0x7,
  UI_MENU = 0xC,
  UI_ENERGYBAR = 0x13,
  UI_ITEMMAKE = 0x16,
  UI_CONSULT = 0x17,
  UI_RANKING = 0x19,
  UI_FAMILY = 0x1A,
  UI_SKILLEX = 0x20,
  UI_CHATWND = 0x22,
  UI_GUILDMAKE = 0x25,
  UI_GUILDRANK = 0x26,
  UI_GUILDBBS = 0x27,
  UI_WNDNO = 0x2B,

While all of those are handled, 0x9 (MONSTERBOOK) is not. Try replacing something like guilds or items or something with 0x9 maybe in Olly and see if it opens. Otherwise, not sure because everything as far as it goes is implemented. If we sent a packet to open it I'm sure it'd work, Nexon just didn't implement the functionality to open the window yet. Also, Nexon does do this for things.. They'll implement new things like this and not add the functionality to open the context (cuz dey stoopid).

Anyways, if you want to see if it can open the window, I'll do a test. Replace CUIQuestInfo's window toggle with CUIMonsterBook's.
In Olly, go to address 008322C1.
It will say CALL 006FD57F, change 006FD57F to 006E4532.
It should look like CALL 006E4532. Save your changes to new file, and open up the Quest Info window. If it works properly, then it should load. If it does load, then it's not a WZ block; it's because nexon actually didn't code the key functionality in the client yet. The packets, data, and images/strings all work, however. :/
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Jul 30, 2012
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Well, I just did what you asked me to do, and...

JpIN3IJ - (v0.62) Monsterbooks - RaGEZONE Forums

Look what we got :)

However, this is bad news, right? It means we are forced to remove something to replace it with Monsterbooks.

EDIT: I can't close the Monsterbook window, however. If I click X, nothing happens. If I click quest again, the client crashes. The navigation in the Monsterbook itself is 100% working.

EDIT 2: Even going to Cash Shop with the window open crashes the client.

But this is already fantastic to see. Thanks so much <3

EDIT 3: Collecting a card also updates the UI (with surprisingly even the blinking tab!):

hOOCySZ - (v0.62) Monsterbooks - RaGEZONE Forums

xz0kkCU - (v0.62) Monsterbooks - RaGEZONE Forums

It doesn't update further than 1, but I guess this is due to lack of server sided code.


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Custom Title Activated
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Jan 18, 2010
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@Kimberly Hmm yeah..so it's like I thought, no functionality for contexts. that sucks ;P

Yeah, bad news. You will have to replace a window in order to open the monster books. If it was v75 or 83 you could use OpenUI but this isn't the case :/

Also, you're crashing because I never changed the addy for closing the toggle, I only modified it to open the book context. ;P When it tries to close, it tries closing an inexistant quest window or something and crashes you.

Glad to see everything else works nonetheless!

EDIT: It should update further than 1 if you send the update card packet with a new card count. Count is from 1~5, nothing higher or lower.
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Jul 30, 2012
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Alright. I may just publish 2 clients and make one a kind of Monsterbook client where 1 not so used function (ex: World Map, Maple Messenger) is replaced with Monsterbooks and the original client with all the proper features. May be nasty, but I think a lot would appreciated Monsterbooks, even if its a bit dirty. However, this is once its verified the stuff is possible to be coded I suppose, and are agreed upon it.

Ok, so that comes to the last part I think; the Character Info page. In v0.62 (ui.wz > uiwindow.img > Userinfo > BtBookShow). However, similar, its disabled/invisible.

I know you've said the Character Info packets are there for Monsterbook info, but its pretty much useless to implement these if we have no way to see them! Do note once again that since v77 BtBookShow was replaced with BtCollectionShow instead.

I guess this is in a same situation as the MB UI itself that there's no way to view it without replacing something else?
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Elite Diviner
Mar 24, 2015
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I can't really contribute anything to the topic but I have to say this is fascinating stuff. I hope you can get it to work fully, can't wait to start my card collection on legends.
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Custom Title Activated
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Jan 18, 2010
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@Kimberly Well.. The OnCharacterInfo has all of the data packet-wise, are you guys encoding monster book information correctly in the place I told you? I would assume you'd be able to see it if you added cards to the user's character info.

If not, then it may be another client Draw issue like you mentioned with how the window doesn't load. :/ Try sending some card data in the character info and see if you see anything, if not, I'll check out the client Draw functions for you and see if it's missing.

EDIT: As a side-note to help, Nexon has multiple ways of getting to some contexts. If it is handled the same way, then RIP.. but Nexon's Shortcut Menu toggles also open the contexts. If quest is part of the shortcut, open it and see if it opens Monster Books. If it opens the quest window normally, then you could WZ Edit the new "Monster Book" shortcut option to replace it and we can handle context toggle for it from there to access instead of shortcut key. That way you don't lose anything.
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Jul 30, 2012
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@Kimberly Well.. The OnCharacterInfo has all of the data packet-wise, are you guys encoding monster book information correctly in the place I told you? I would assume you'd be able to see it if you added cards to the user's character info.

I am not sure if we understand each other, so let me try explain again. However, this time I put two images, to be more specific. The problem is not server sided, its again client. v0.62 does not have the "show Monsterbook" info button yet on the profile page, rendering it impossible right now to see it, even if the server sided part is coded. However, all the buttons and stuff are in the .wz, just again 'disabled'.

V0.62 Character Info:
ed8a7b75d180100ae952152f337929d5 - (v0.62) Monsterbooks - RaGEZONE Forums

V0.67~v0.75 character info:
f7a0c9cc79f15e4cf839f8f22c5b6885 - (v0.62) Monsterbooks - RaGEZONE Forums

I have circled which button I am talking about.

EDIT: As a side-note to help, Nexon has multiple ways of getting to some contexts. If it is handled the same way, then RIP.. but Nexon's Shortcut Menu toggles also open the contexts. If quest is part of the shortcut, open it and see if it opens Monster Books. If it opens the quest window normally, then you could WZ Edit the new "Monster Book" shortcut option to replace it and we can handle context toggle for it from there to access instead of shortcut key. That way you don't lose anything.

Happened to have tried this yesterday already with your test, they are both handled the same way, so both buttons (Hotkey and Shortcut) opened Monsterbook.


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Jan 18, 2010
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@Kimberly oh ok I get you now, LOL. So even though the packet contains it, it's not drawing. I'll check it out later and see, but I'm pretty positive it's the same error as before; it wasn't written at all yet. :(

Oh, you did? Darn, that sucks.. :/ Welp. Guess the only way to do it is like you said, replace it and have a second client. Still cool to have them that early I guess xD
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Mar 14, 2010
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Kimberly oh ok I get you now, LOL. So even though the packet contains it, it's not drawing. I'll check it out later and see, but I'm pretty positive it's the same error as before; it wasn't written at all yet. :(

Oh, you did? Darn, that sucks.. :/ Welp. Guess the only way to do it is like you said, replace it and have a second client. Still cool to have them that early I guess xD

Or a custom launcher that can modify the address which you can toggle off and on the use of monsterbook
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Jul 30, 2012
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@Kimberly oh ok I get you now, LOL. So even though the packet contains it, it's not drawing. I'll check it out later and see, but I'm pretty positive it's the same error as before; it wasn't written at all yet. :(

Had any chance to look into this part yet?

Also, to put in my final request. Can you give me the address to replace Party Search with the Monsterbook Window? And if possible, also a way to close it? Most likely we will get rid of Party Search since its a useless (and pretty annoying feature) from GMS added in v56 and its currently not coded in our server yet anyway, so may as well just get rid of it and replace it with something we actually will use.

Thank you so much for the helping. Its really appreciated. If it happens, I have 200+ drops to add (a card for each mob, which I will give all an unique drop rate based on level), so will be lots of fun! :)
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Jan 18, 2010
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Had any chance to look into this part yet?

Also, to put in my final request. Can you give me the address to replace Party Search with the Monsterbook Window? And if possible, also a way to close it? Most likely we will get rid of Party Search since its a useless (and pretty annoying feature) from GMS added in v56 and its currently not coded in our server yet anyway, so may as well just get rid of it and replace it with something we actually will use.

Thank you so much for the helping. Its really appreciated. If it happens, I have 200+ drops to add (a card for each mob, which I will give all an unique drop rate based on level), so will be lots of fun! :)

So sorry! Been busy with school. :( I will check this out either later today or tomorrow, along with giving you the addresses. ;P

EDIT: Seems Destroying windows is a witch. I'll look into it.

Anyway, to replace Monster Book's with Party Search, do the same thing you previously did in Olly.

Go to address: 00832388
Change CALL 006F755D to CALL 006E4532.

I'll work on figuring out how to close it, and I also couldn't find anything on CharacterInfo but I'll keep looking around just in case. Going to sleep because I haven't slept yet and I'll finish this tomorrow. ;x
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Jul 30, 2012
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EDIT: Seems Destroying windows is a witch. I'll look into it.

Anyway, to replace Monster Book's with Party Search, do the same thing you previously did in Olly.

Go to address: 00832388
Change CALL 006F755D to CALL 006E4532.

I'll work on figuring out how to close it, and I also couldn't find anything on CharacterInfo but I'll keep looking around just in case. Going to sleep because I haven't slept yet and I'll finish this tomorrow. ;x

Thanks a lot!

Maybe interesting to note is that I actually can close the MonsterBook window when its at Party Search but only when I press the "party Search" button twice on the party window, where in the quest window it always crashed.

However, yeah, the X button on MB itself still don't work (does nothing, and with reasons), but still think its noteworthy to tell that pressing the Party Search button twice closes it fine without crashes this time, which didn't work when it was at quest (first test).
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Jan 18, 2010
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Thanks a lot!

Maybe interesting to note is that I actually can close the MonsterBook window when its at Party Search but only when I press the "party Search" button twice on the party window, where in the quest window it always crashed.

However, yeah, the X button on MB itself still don't work (does nothing, and with reasons), but still think its noteworthy to tell that pressing the Party Search button twice closes it fine without crashes this time, which didn't work when it was at quest (first test).

Well this is because of a UI_Toggle function the client handles for Party Searches that I couldn't find for Quests and other things (I just found quest subs before anything else and let you test). Glad that you can toggle it, however it's kind of weird because I didn't think the client would let you with the way it checked and closed things..

I don't have v62 for anything so I'm just winging it based off of pure code lmao, I'll check out some things with other window closing functions and see if I can figure it out. If I can't find/fix anything, at least you can open/close the window properly now! ;P

Good luck with Monster Books otherwise now that you have all the big stuff, pretty cool to seem them in v62 :)
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