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Recent content by riku17

  1. R

    L2J [Guide] Making a C5 server on WinOS by Nargen

    Yeah! now i open the server, thx fr the guide =) now every body can log in every bobody except me... i dont know why but i put my id and password but dont log in and with other id or pass too. Maybe is for my hosts? or my gameguard? my hosts is the same of my friend xxxxxxx...
  2. R

    L2J [Guide] Making a C5 server on WinOS by Nargen

    My problem is this: I start the startloginserver and startgameserver, ok it start well, i made a host with my external ip l2auth.lineage2.com my friend toke it and he can login but he can not select the server. However, I can not login and nothing. PLEASE HELP ME!!!
  3. R

    L2J [Guide] Making a C5 server on WinOS by Nargen

    My problem is this: I start the startloginserver and startgameserver, ok it start well, i made a host with my external ip l2auth.lineage2.com my friend toke it and he can login but he can not select the server. However, I can not login and nothing. PLEASE HELP ME!!!