Recent content by WizardM

  1. W

    [AD] RUDOLFMU™ ▌Season 13 Episode 2 IGCN ▌CASTLE SIEGE

    Done ! :) Guess numbers between 1 - 30. All numbers in one ticket must be different. Numbers are drawn every 7 days, starting from 16/11/2018. One ticket costs 50 RUDOLFCoins. Number of tickets for one lottery is limited to 3. All rewards are in RUDOLFCoins. You must be registered for see...
  2. W

    [AD] RUDOLFMU™ ▌Season 13 Episode 2-2 IGCN ▌CASTLE SIEGE

    Server Online good luck !: )
  3. W

    [AD] RUDOLFMU™ ▌Season 13 Episode 2 IGCN ▌CASTLE SIEGE

    You must be registered for see element. Good news, as we all know the administration has worked hard to be a wholesome server, finally have installed premium Antihack and now can no longer worry about cheaters.We took the time to configure this server to give our players the best experience...
  4. W

    [Release] IGCN Season 9.5 (src-x9.5 SRC (April/2016)

    Error LNK1181 cannot open input file 'kernel32.lib' fixed???
  5. W

    [Release] IGCN Season 9.5 (src-x9.5 SRC (April/2016)

    pugixml.cpp boost/shared_ptr.hpp sha.h