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[TuT]How to PortForward with uTorrent for a RSPS[TuT]

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Newbie Spellweaver
Oct 26, 2008
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XX v0ider XX- TuT-Porting with Uttorent

Difficulty: 1/10

What you will need is: utorrent, no-ip address, a brain, and glasses if u really need to read this, cuz no pics

Procedure: Ok guys, I am going to show you how to port forward with uttorent, I seen a TuT like this on a different forums but many people got problems using it, so it worked for me and I can fix the major problem that people cant fix, why it works one day, and next day it doesn't work.

Easy steps:

1.First you must have server source and can run, and silabsoft have many of those ;), once you like one download it.

2.Ok, now the other part is now downloading uttorent, go this site to download uttorent

http://www.utorrent.com/download.php ( I recommend the beta build pack cuz i think its better)
And skip the downloading process and get uttorent working
xxv0iderxx - [TuT]How to PortForward with uTorrent for a RSPS[TuT] - RaGEZONE Forums

3.Now to port forwarding, open your uttorent and go to options on the top of the beside files and click it. Now go to preferences and then you will see options when u clicked on it, click on connections. So sum it up like this: options->preferences->connections
xxv0iderxx - [TuT]How to PortForward with uTorrent for a RSPS[TuT] - RaGEZONE Forums

xxv0iderxx - [TuT]How to PortForward with uTorrent for a RSPS[TuT] - RaGEZONE Forums

4. Once your at the connections, you will see a box called random port, you must set this at the port ur source uses, you can find this at ur run.bat file when it starts at the beginning. Like example "czar is online on port 43594"

xxv0iderxx - [TuT]How to PortForward with uTorrent for a RSPS[TuT] - RaGEZONE Forums

5. Then you set your port to that port number you got, you can get the common ones like 43594, 5555, or 43595. And once you are done setting it, there will be boxes ticked off, make sure the box "randomize port each start" is not ticked on and "Windows Firewall exception" is ticked.

xxv0iderxx - [TuT]How to PortForward with uTorrent for a RSPS[TuT] - RaGEZONE Forums

6. Now apply and click ok, and make sure your no-ip is set on. You can get this at www.no-ip.com

7. Now run your run.bat and your done!

bonus: make sure in ur firewall that utrroent is able to pass through and make sure that ur no-ip is also to, so enjoy!

The errors that some people get with this "way" of porting. Some people get this to work on the first try it, and they all get glad. So the next day they try it, it does not work. On there run.bat, they see this "port already in use?". Thats not a major problem, all you have to do is go to uttorent, switch the port to another silab port, then run it. Then it will say its online, then go back to uttorent, change the port back to the normal port that u set commonly on, and close ur run.bat. Open the run.bat again, and it will say online. The reason to switch the port back is because the people that was on the server would not know that ur usin another port, so u can switch it back. This worked for me guys, and if it does not work for you, please comment what happened and tell me, don't be breaking ur ballz. :blink:

Most Commonly Used Ports: 43594, 5555, and sometimes 43595

If you cannot log in with your server-ip, for hoster, you log in with the ip, and other players log in with your no-ip name!

Make sure everything is open on your firewall, like utorrent and your no-ip. Then it will not work!

20% for dude for information of this process but with some problems
80% for me ritin it in my own words and maybe fixing many peoples problems with uttorent :lol:

Heres a little proof vid :p

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Initiate Mage
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
Thank you so much. This is the only tut iv tryed and it worked. Now i can finaly have a non hamachi server :)
Chaos Is Here
Apr 6, 2006
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please don't bump old topics

a mod should close this
Junior Spellweaver
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
never knew u could use utorrent for such things.. >.> nice tut
Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 11, 2009
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Hey is there away to change port to 43595? coz my Port on 43594 *beep*ed up and wont work.. Plus when i click on Test portfoward properly its say Error! can't find port on 43594?

If you can help me add me on MSN so give me a hand so my friends can connect.. steven1994@hotmail.co.uk


Initiate Mage
Apr 29, 2009
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Finally i can make a non-ham serv :D
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 11, 2008
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duck ... Why This Dont Work . I Made All What I Needed to Port it to 43594
Start Server . . . & Took Firewall Off
Initiate Mage
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
wtf it didnt work for me..... the last time i did it in another computer it said port in use. so i did what u told us to do and it worked, now wen i try again. Even trying to fix it the way u told me, it wont work :(:
Initiate Mage
Feb 9, 2009
Reaction score
sorry bout bringin this back but i have a error when i forwarded it and launched run.bat it says port already in use any ideas?
Initiate Mage
Aug 9, 2009
Reaction score
does it works whit a 508 server ?
yeah it does, it works with all server types, i did it for my 317 and 508 server ^^ so far it worked, i just gotta see if someone else can get on with the server ip

---------- Post added at 01:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:16 PM ----------

wtf it didnt work for me..... the last time i did it in another computer it said port in use. so i did what u told us to do and it worked, now wen i try again. Even trying to fix it the way u told me, it wont work :(:

what does the server thing say? if your using the server ip like "servername.no-ip.biz" use the ip and the other players use the ip
Apr 25, 2010
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It says "Port already in use" and I'm using a client... could that be a reason... my ip is dragonpkerz360.no.ip.biz if you need it...
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
Did this, My RSPS ports didn't portforward.. i tried one of the habbo retro's ports, and it worked ;l Whats wrong with mine?
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