A3 Archives!

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Jun 9, 2006
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Here are all those points which go totally unnoticed but are very handy when hosting a server.

I dug up all the old posts I could and instead of reviving them back, I am making a set of posts which will help you out both before the start of the server and after its running.


Server Message Translations:

You need to edit the a3message_tw.ini file and change it to the following.

;ID or Character name check
0= ID or Char are invalid
;PC is playing already
1= Already Playing
;check version
2= Invalid Version
;check PC
3= Char Doesnt Exist

;private say fail
10= Unable to whisper with opposite team
;PK - first attack
11= Attack
;PK - legal attack
12= 5m Defense
;PK - legal attack time out
13= Defense time run out
; No quest scroll to buy
14= Your Present Rank isnt allowed to buy
; shut down notice
15= Server System Shutdown
; Give Item - Deny
16= Reject Trade
; Inventory lack (%s)
17= Inventory Full, Item falls to the ground

18= Soldier
19= Holy Knight
20= Master
;Quest - Hunting
21 = Goes Hunting
;Quest - Gathering
22 = Obtains
;Quest - Transmission
23 = Transmission
;Quest - Move item
24 = Migrate
;Quest - goal
25 = Success
;Quest - progress
26 = Seeks
;Quest - Give A to B
27 = Transmit
28 = Conditions
29 = Ranks:
30 = Preceding Duty
31 = None
32 = Reward
33 = Experience
34 = Money
35 = Wisdow
36 = Job
Editing The Start Up Screen For The A3 Client:

To Edit DDS nVidia has the following information, which seems to work for me.

===[ From nVidia ]===
This is a DXTC texture compression plugin for Adobe Photoshop that allows you to open and save .dds files in RGB format. The plugin reads and writes .dds files compressed or uncompressed.


- You will need to place the plug-in C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop CS\plugins\file formats.

These required dlls (msvcr71.dll and msvcp71.dll) in your Windows\System folder. Google them.

Your Work:
Once all the plugins are installed, you can open the ipb.dat and the logo.dat from the client/data folder and rename it to logo.dds and you can edit it to suit your needs and make it exclusive to your server.
Getting the GM Tool 1.20 Working for your 2.02 Server!

The GM Tool has been incompatible because it was designed to work with the database called gamechar which was used for the 1.20 server. But in the future servers, that database was renamed to "character".

In order to get the tool working, you first need to open the Tool in a hex editor and then change all the location which are in C Drive to D Drive. Once this is done, you need to replace all "gamechar" to "character" which acts now as your character database.

In some cases, when the tool fails to respond, you can give it a try with the name ASD. Once this is done, save the hex file and set your configuration to work with the IP and use your sa password to log on. Then load the character in the GM Tool and then edit it to your like-wise.

Note: You can download the Tool off the forums. Do no confuse this with the GM Console of the Episode 5 files. This is just a method to get the old GM Tool working with the current files.

Thank You,
-- iNs@nE
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