How to post Release in forum Gunz Online

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Gunz Developer / Support
Feb 3, 2008
Reaction score
The first thing we must take into account is entitled to do so, use the following formula.

Formula to tiltle: [Release] + Title of the Release

Example: [Release]BR/June Server Files + Cliente Fully Update Rev 6

Now let the most important content that will take the Post:

1. Short Description:

2. Features:

3. Download Link`s:

4. Extra Information:

5. Credits

1. Short Description:


The serverFiles is based on the version of June 13 - Brazil

2. Features:


ServerFiles Feature:
Translated Menus and Interface (Locator.exe, MatchServer.exe, MatchAgent.exe) to English
*All XML Cleaned in English and Work 99.9%
*XML Synchronized with files from the client
*Exp 1.1% Default
*Bounty 1.1% Default
*Reorganised the Archives, deleting unnecessary files.
*MatchAgent Work 100%
*Log Cleaned
*GUNZ Server Manager by meiscooldude (Start/Stop/Restart your server from a remote computer, and Auto-Restart when either Locator.exe, Agent.exe, or Server.exe)
*Database and Shop Fix (By Rotana)
*It works perfectly with the Dex Anticheat by Lambda! It is fully compatible!
They can use it:
The database through (Querry Analizer "Database_GunzDB.sql")
or to restore Database (GunzDB.bak)
*Customer Ready and prepared to work with the Client

Client Feature:

*Translated To english
*System.mrs synchronized with files from the server (zitem, cserror.xml, etc.) for excellent performance
*Gunz Launcher Redesign Interface and Translated to English By Me (System32)
*Runnable TheDuel.exe (MaxTeam)
*Interface: Brazil Server Game
*Include Two Utilities (MrsUnpacker and FileList XML Maker) in Folder Utilities
*Customer Ready and prepared to work with the ServerFiles

The New Runnable by Maxteam [Updated] features:

1. Forced to open client with launcher
2. Respawns with updating launcher
3. No Virus [AVG,Avast,Kaspersky,ESET Nod32 friendly]
4. Custom Maps Enabled
5. Loads Map Banner
6. Filelist Enabled = No & yes i can if u want to
7. [Need to test the Runnable for more features]
8. FileList Disable :/

3. Download Link`s



File Size: 5.1 MB


FileSize: 167.19 MB

4. Extra Information:


Tutorial for Mount server Gunz by Maxtraxv3 (

It works perfectly with the Dex Anticheat by Lambda! It is fully compatible!

Dex Anticheat 1.1 By Lambda

5. Credits


System32 (All the changes in ServerFiles and a My Client)

(XTrap bypassed matchserver, with admin_halt removed and anti-injection for login form.) Excellent Work!

- (Having developed the Dex Anticheat , and have developed a seamless compatibility with ServerFiles) Excellent Work!

- (For Database, Sticked Thread)

(For their patience and for his great work in developing the guide)

(Gunz Server Manager)

MaxTeam For Excellent Runnable Excellent Work!

Those who are Tag Excellent Work, is because they have done an excellent job!

An exact example of how a post release:



This is what I get a little more than order the forum, so I would not be moderator, I as a user is my duty to maintain order in the forum and I see much chaos! Any post that I do not see that this well-posted with incomplete information and I shall be forced to criticize! : S

It's the truth hurts but I want more order in the forums Gunz Online!
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