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Dragon ball online (Code game GM)

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Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 6, 2014
Reaction score
Controll GM:

@ setspeed == increase movement speed. Example: @ setspeed 100
@ createitem == creates an item. But you need item id and item bag
@ learnskill == learn a skill. But you need skill ID
@ learnhtb == dont know
@ refreshlp == refull life points.
@ setscale == dont know
@ is == dont know. Something with speed
@ iw == dont know. Something with wait time.
@ compilelua == looks like it compile lua files


@addmob 7011101 - Radish
@addmob 1581101 -Vegeta
@addmob 5711101 -Nappa
@addmob 1213101 - Dracula
@addmob 1212101 - Dracula 2
@addmob 1211101 - Dracula 3
@addmob 4612101 - Cyborg 8000 (TMQ1)
@addmob 2312119 - Lucertola Gialla
@addmob 2131101 - Topo Blu
@addmob 2611102 - Ruspa Gialla
@addmob 2612104 - Ruspa Rossa
@addmob 2914101 - Occhio Robot
@addmob 4264101 - Ape con Spuntoni
@addmob 4311101 - Volpe
@addmob 4311201 - Volpe Bianca
@addmob 4311302 - Volpe Rossa
@addmob 4611201 - Cyborg 8000mk2
@addmob 4611219 - Cyborg 8000 piccolo
@addmob 4612134 - Cyborg 8000 piccolo tuta bianca
@addmob 4912107 - Scoiattolo rosso
@addmob 5011101 - Korin
@addmob 5681201 - Gohan Scimmione
@addmob 5682101 - Vegeta Scimmione
@addmob 5951107 - Donna Trio di Pilaf di pietra
@addmob 6011101 - Robot Celeste
@addmob 6012101 - Robot Viola
@addmob 6611113 - Orso con Scopa
@addmob 6582107 - Pilaf di pietra
@addmob 7485101 - Julia
@addmob 1612101 - Masked Man ( Bardak )
@addmob 5811110 - Serpente Verde
@addmob 1651201 - Robot Gigante Verde
@addmob 1656101 - Robot Distrutto
@addmob 7451101 - Nonno Gohan


@learnhtb 30611 -Potere del drago (htb umano martial artist)
@learnhtb 130411 -Spirito del drago (htb umano spirituale)
@learnhtb 730831 stick_Infinite Blow - 730831
@learnhtb 830841 sword_Unlimited Slasher
@learnhtb 830841 fan_Ikiyoyo
@learnhtb 1030541 wand_Genkiosei

@learnhtb 330611 Furia del grande diavolo ( martial namek)
@learnhtb 430411 Giudizio di Dio ( Namek spirituale)
@learnhtb claw_The Law of Darkness - 1330751
@learnhtb axe_The Pledge of Shadow - 1430761
@learnhtb scroll_The Pride of Dragon - 1530531
@learnhtb gem_The Spirit of Devil - 1630541

@learnhtb 532011 Possente pressione ( Martial Majin)
@learnhtb 632011 Wonderful Crasher (Meravigliso distruttore)
@learnhtb Sound Shower Pleasure - 1732021
@learnhtb Cooking Combo Delight - 1832031
@learnhtb Wild Beat Shock - 1932021
@learnhtb Happy Carnival Sensation - 2032031

Various Items

createitem 10001- Guanti neri di base
createitem 14004 -Maglia arancione umano lvl 11 +
createitem 14004 per tipo exellent
createitem 24005 -Pantaloni arancione umano lvl 11 exellent
createitem 24006 -Scarpe umano lvl 11 exellent
createitem 30 oppure
createitem 20 -Motorino viola e verde(non funzionanti)
createitem 12007 -Maglia umano craftata lvl 46
createitem 12008 -Pantaloni umano craft lvl 46
createitem 12009 -Scarpe umano craft lvl 46
createitem 12003 -Scarpe umano lvl 35
createitem 12004 -Maglia umano lvl 21
createitem 12005 -Pantaloni umano lvl 21
createitem 25007 -Maglia majin lvl 30
createitem 22007 -Maglia umano lvl 46 ( tipo diverso)
createitem 27007 -Scuter lvl 50
createitem 24014/16 - maglia rossa tenkachi umano lvl 50 exellent + scarpe
createitem 24017/19 -maglia viola alternativa tenkachi lvl 57 exellent + scarpe
createitem 10011 -guanti lvl 28
createitem 10028 -guanti lvl 55
createitem 27107 -chip scuter ( che nn conosco) livello scadente
createitem 27117 -chip scuter ( che nn conosco) alte prestazioni
createitem 21001 -Ventaglio lvl 31
createitem 21002 -Ventaglio lvl 50
createitem 21003 -Ventaglio lvl 39
createitem 21004 -Ventaglio lvl 46
createitem 21005 -Ventaglio lvl 50
createitem 21006 -Ventaglio figo lvl 52
createitem 21007 -Ventaglio lvl 58
createitem 21008 -Ventaglio lvl 60
createitem 21009 -Ventaglio lvl 63
createitem 22001 -Maglia umano lvl 16 exellent
createitem 22002 -Pantaloni umano lvl 16 exellent
createitem 22003 -Scarpe umano lvl 16 exellent
createitem 22004 -Maglia umano lvl 21 exellent
createitem 22005 -Pantaloni umano lvl 21 exellent
createitem 22006 -Scarpe umano lvl 21 exellent
createitem 22007 -Maglia umano lvl 46 exellent
createitem 22008 -Pantaloni umano lvl 46 exellent
createitem 22009 -Scarpe umano lvl 46 exellent
createitem 23001 -Maglia namek lvl 1 exellent
createitem 23002 -Pantaloni namek lvl 1 exellent
createitem 23003 -Scarpe namek lvl 1 exellent
createitem 23004 -Maglia namek lvl 11 exellent
createitem 23005 -Pantaloni namek lvl 11 exellent
createitem 23006 -Scarpe namek lvl 11 exellent
createitem 23007 -Maglia namek lvl 11 exellent
createitem 23008 -Pantaloni namek lvl 30 exellent
createitem 23009 -Scarpe namek lvl 30 exellent


All class:
Calibri createitem 90001 -Ninja
Calibri createitem 90005 -Goku
Calibri createitem 90006 -C-16
Calibri createitem 90009 -Saibam
Calibri createitem 90010 -Generale blu

Calibri createitem 90002 -Yamchaa

Calibri createitem 90003 -Supremo Majin
Calibri createitem 90004 -Majin

I apologize for the language, it is in Italian, I will soon also do everything in English and always update the codes.

Greetings from the people of the Italians. :tongue:
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