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[Guide] Commandlist

Experienced Elementalist
Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
/refusetrade - On/Off - Toggles trading denial setting
/refusefight - On/Off - Toggles PvP denial setting
/initchat -  Resets chatting window
/name [CharacterName] [class(2 ~ 11)] - Change appointment class of specific character. Only usable by the brigade leader
/brigsurrender -  Surrender a brigade PvP battle. Only usable by the brigade leader
/brigconfront [CharacterName] -  Request brigade PvP to specific character(brigade leader). Only usable by the brigade leader
/formfight [CharacterName] - Request formation PvP to specific character(formation leader). Only usable by the formation leader
/surrender [CharacterName] -  Surrenders a PvP battle with the specified character
/fight [CharacterName] - Request PvP to specific character
/endcall - Ends brigade, formation, or normal voice chatting
/brigcallend - End voice chatting between brigade members. only usable by the brigade leader
/brigcall - Start voice chatting between brigade members. Only usable by the brigade leader
/formcallend - End voice chatting between formation members. Only usable by the formation leader
/formcall - Start voice chatting between formation members. Only usable by the formation leader
/call [CharacterName] - Request 1:1 voice chatting to specific character
/appointment2 [CharacterName] - BCU : set BCU Nation 2nd sub-leader name, ANI : set ANI Nation 2nd sub-leader name
/appointment1 [CharacterName] - BCU : set BCU Nation 1st sub-leader name, ANI : set ANI Nation 1st sub-leader name
/[ EntrancePermissionDeny] [CharacterName] ? Can only be used by leader. This deletes the corresponding user from conference room entrance list
/[EntrancePermission] [|CharacterName] ? Can only be used by leader. This allows corresponding character to be put on conference room entrance list
/DeleteNoticeboard [index of notice to be deleted] - Deletes a certain notice on the electronic notice board
/Noticeboard [|Duration(unit:min) [Notice details] - Adds a notice to the public electronic notice board for a given duration
/PlayTime - This command shows todays played time
/CallGM  [Details of request] - Request of consultation with GM
/? - command list is shown
/whisperChat - Toggles between blocking and allowing whispers
/whoareYou [character name] - Disabled
/ment [|String] - Setting character's ment.  Leave blank string to cancel current ment
/EndHelper - End appeal system..format: /StartHelper [|time(Unit: Minute)] - Start appeal system
/[PrepareShutdown|PrepareShutdown|PrepareShutdown] [Start|Release] - Prepare server shut down, disconnect all users
/BringCallGM [|Number(1~10)] - Bring the requested number of consultation request list to GM (Deleted from the server)
/ViewCallGM   [|Number(1~10)] - Check number of consultation request list to GM 
/releaseChat [time(min.)] - Cancelling prohibited chat
/forbidChat [character name] [time(min.)] - Prohibiting chat
/sendGuild [guild name] [map name] - Sends the guild into a specific map
/comeonGuild [guild name] - Summons the whole guild
/comeon [character name] - Summons the specific character
format: /go [character name] - Moves to the specific position of the character
/who [|# of users] - Listing all users presently in the server (unrelated to map)
/Kick [CharacterName] - Terminate designated character from the game
/PCBangreloadtime [Minute] - 10 Min ~ 1440 Min
/influencemarkevent [nation 2(BCU)|4(ANI)]
/ArenaEventRelease [RoomNumber]
/ArenaEvent [RoomNumber]
/TargetArenaLeave [Charactername]
/TeamArenaLeave [2(BLUE)|4(RED)|6(BLUE AND RED)]
/Unblock [AccountName]
/Block [AccountName] [BlockType(1:Normal|2:Related Money|3:Related Item|4:Related SpeedHack|5:Related Chatting|6:Related GameBug)] [Period:Days] [Block Reason for User] / [Block Reason for only Admin]
/[UseSpeaker|UseSpeaker|UseSpeaker] [Enable|Forbid] - Enable/Forbid use Speaker item
/releaseArena [character name] - Release prohibition of Arena
/forbidArena [character name] [|Time(minutes)] - Forbid entering Arena
/arena [2(BCU)|4(ANI)]- Shows the present progress of arena
/WatchEnd ? Ends the watch
/WatchStart-Start the watch
/Observer [n] [CharacterName] - CharacterName  save user at n number
/StrategyPointInfo - This shows the status of current progress on strategypoint
/ChangeNation [|1(Normal)|2(BCU)|4(ANI)]
/returnAll [MapIndex] - All the members in the map are moved to the nation capital
/invisible -  Invisible from other characters
/invincible - As a game master or manager mode, no damage is taken
/channelInfo - Shows maps channel information on the present map
/serverMap - Shows information of all the map
/summon [monster number|monster name] [# of monsters] - Brings monster ('_'is used if the monster's name includes a space in between)
/info [monster name|item name] - Shows the information about monsters or items included in the string
/senduser [character name] [map name] - Moves the character into the specified map
/list - Lists the users in the present map (maximum of 20 users)
/coordinate [X] [Y] - Moves to the specific coordinates of the map
/move [MapIndex] [|ChannelIndex] - Moves to the specific map & channel
/ContributionPoint [Influence(2:BCU, 4:ANI)] [Increase] - Increase the contribution of a certain nation
/weather [standard|clear|rain|snow|cloudy|foggy] [whole|mapname] [on|off] - Controls the weather
/guildInfo - Shows guild information
/serverDown [certified no.] - Server shutdown
/msgi - Shows all the protocol that a client and the IM server sends and receives
/registerAdmin - Registers the server to send a message to the admin in the process of an event
/testi - IMServer for debug
/ItemAllUser [1(Normal)|2(BCU)|4(ANI)|255(All)] [Item Number] [# of items] - Logged on user of selected nation will receive the designated item
/WPAddedMap [1(Normal)|2(BCU)|4(ANI)|3|5|6|7] [AddWarPoint(1~)] - Users of selected nation of present map will be awarded WarPoint
/WarPoint [Number 1~1000000] [|Username] ? Adds war points
/PCBang - PCBang user counts
/BonusStatPoint [BonusStatPoint Counts] [|character name] - BonusStatPoint update to DB
/LevelDistribution - It shows concurrent users level distribution
/SendItem [1(Normal)|2(BCU)|4(ANI)|3|5|6|7] [Item Number] [# of items] - Gives specific item to all nation users at the current map
/ComeOnInfl [1(Normal)|2(BCU)|4(ANI)|255(All)] [maximum people] [0|minimum level] [0|maximum level] [1(B)|16(M)|256(A)|4096(I)|4369(ALL)] [Message to user] - Request to certain nation, level users to move to your position
/BonusStat [Bonus Counts] [|character name] - BonusStat increase
/HappyEvent [255(AllNation)|0(NormalNation)|2(BCU)|4(ANI)] [Start|End] [Progress time(Unit:Minute)]
/premium [standard|super|upgrade|finish]
/event [exppoint|SPI|restoreexppoint|item|rareitem] [|rate %f|finish] [time(minute)] - event set, cancel
/msgf - For test only
/level [|level] [|percentage of exp] [|character name] - Adjusts level and percentage of exp. of a character
/setVariable [variable] - adjusts (normal) variables
/powerUp [Increased offensive power(%%)]
/specialize - Changed from a normal account to a special admin or game master account
/normal - Change to a normal account from an admin or game master mode
/repairParam [|decreasing quantity %] [|character name] - Energy, Shield, SP, and Fuel accounts for [decreasing quantity %], 50% if [decreasing quantity %] is not inputted, and if [character name] is not present it stands for the individual's character
/repairAll [|character name] - Healing Energy, Shield, SP, Fuel to 100%, Healing yourself without [character name]
/chargeBullet [|no. of 1st type bullet] [|no. of 2nd type bullet] - reloading bullets
/testf [Param1] [Param2] [Param3]
/dbg - For test only
/server - Listing server information
/dropItem [item number] [|# of items] - Dropping of items in the field
/item [item number] [# of items] - Acquires items, treated as 1 item when [# of items] is not inputted
/delAllItem - Eliminates all the unequipped items (excluding skills)
/allWeapon - Additional entire weapons suitable for the Gear
/allItem - Inserts all the specific items excluding skills and countable items
/allSkill [level] - Inserts all the matching skills
/string [0~5] - Decides levels shown by debug message
/Time [|additional time(0~23)] - Changes present time (individual time is changed only:
/partyInfo - Shows party information
/initStatus - Initiates the entire status
/QuestComplete [|QuestIndex]
/delQuest [quest no.]
/quest - Shows characters quest information
/insertItemNumRange [from itemnum] ~ [to itemnum] - Additional specific items
/insertItemKind [item kind(0~53)] -  Additional specific types of items
/itemKind [|item kind(0~53)] - Shows the specific types of item

AccountType 0: Player, can only use some
AccountType 128: System Administrator, full command access
AccountType 256: Game Master, able to use more commands
Junior Spellweaver
Feb 12, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Commandlist

Dude, wrong command list, that's for ep3

Some of the commands work with ep2 server.

dude, the command list is right, Filterheadz runs ep3 bins with ep 3 database. It should work for HIM.

If he could just point US to the right direction on how to do it, somehow someone can share his working files (db, configs etc.). so we can all enjoy this command list.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 5, 2010
Reaction score
Re: Commandlist

what's the command for the GM message?