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Healing system AlterEmu

Initiate Mage
May 20, 2017
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Dear (hopefully) helpers,

I'm digging in the server files of AlterEmu v5 and I noticed in-game that the healing system isn't working.

I also saw this thread where DarkRaptor fixed the healing system but he didn't release it, or deleted it.

Someone able to help me? Or someone that still has the fix available?

With regards,


I've but the code from the heal.cs system below.

namespace Game.Handlers.Game.Ingame{    class Heal : Networking.GameDataHandler    {        protected override void Handle()        {            if (Room.State == Enums.RoomState.Playing)            {                byte targetSlot = GetByte(2); // The target                 bool heal = GetBool(5); // If user needed to be healed or killed                bool isBoxStation = false; // If it's an medic station or just normal healing                ushort healing = 0;                //if (heal)                {                    if (targetSlot >= 0 && targetSlot <= Room.MaximumPlayers)                    {                        Entities.Player p = null;                        try                        {                            Room.Players.TryGetValue(targetSlot, out p);                        }                        catch { p = null; }                        if (p != null)                        {                            if (isBoxStation)                            {                                p.Health += 500;                            }                            else                            {                                switch (Player.Weapon)                                {                                    case 94: // medic kit                                        {                                            if (p.Health < 1000)                                                p.Health += 300;                                            break;                                        }                                    case 99: // adrenaline                                        {                                            if (p.Health < 300)                                                p.Health += 300;                                            else                                                p.Health += 100;                                            break;                                        }                                }                            }                            p.Health += healing;                            if (p.Health > 1000)                                p.Health = 1000;                            respond = true;                            Set(3, Player.Health);                        }                    }                }            }        }    }}
◝(⁰▿⁰)◜Smile◝ (⁰▿⁰)◜
May 29, 2007
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The healing system was implemented incorrectly. I re-wrote the handler based on the incoming data from the client. This re-work misses a few checks but it should work for healing and adrenaline.

namespace Game.Handlers.Game.Ingame{    class Heal : Networking.GameDataHandler    {        protected override void Handle()        {            if (Room.State != Enums.RoomState.Playing) return;            var targetSlot = GetByte(2); // The target             var unitHandle = GetByte(4); // The Type of healing.            if (targetSlot > Room.MaximumPlayers)            {                // Disconnect the player due to faulty packet.                Player.User.Disconnect();                return;            }            if (Player.Health >= 1000)                return; // Ignore the packet since we are full health.            switch (unitHandle)            {                case 0: // Heal                    Player.Health += 300;                    break;                case 1: // Water Warning                    Player.Health -= 100;                    break;                case 2: // Adrenaline                    if (Player.Health > 300)                    {                        Player.Health += 100;                    }                    else                    {                        Player.Health = 300;                    }                    break;                case 4: // Stamina?                    break;            }            if (Player.Health > 1000)            {                Player.Health = 1000;            }            else if (Player.Health < 0)            {                Player.Health = 0;            }             /* Response Info             *              * 2: iReserve0 == PInfo.Session             * 3: iReserve1 == HealthPoint             * 4: iReserve2 == Type             */            respond = true;            Set(3, Player.Health);        }    }}

Initiate Mage
May 20, 2017
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CodeDragon the hero again... Thank you! Completely working now :)
◝(⁰▿⁰)◜Smile◝ (⁰▿⁰)◜
May 29, 2007
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Here is some more info that I grabbed from the PDB while I was researching this to fix it for you.

CreateRoomInProtocol_HealingPlayer(    result,    Client->PInfo.Tag.PC_Idx,    Client->PInfo.RoomNum,    Client->PInfo.Session,    iReserve0_SessionReceivingHeal,    iReserve1,    iReserve2,    iReserve3);CreateRoomInProtocol_HealingPlayer(boost::shared_ptr<room_in_protocol> *result, NSockClient *Client, int iReserve0_SessionReceivingHeal, int iReserve1, int iReserve2, int iReserve3)CreateRoomInProtocol_HealingPlayer(&result, Client, Client->PInfo.Session, 0, 4, 0) // StaminaCreateRoomInProtocol_HealingPlayer(&result, Client, Client->PInfo.Session, 0, 1, 0); // WaterCreateRoomInProtocol_HealingPlayer(&v20, Client, Client->PInfo.Session, 1, 0, 0); // Healing Box

Code Tags seem to be broken so here is a pastebin link: