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WZ [HELP]Completely Re-skining maps and customizing map BG.

Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
Hello I'm completely new to wz editing and I have already wz edited all the Login UI.

Now what I want to do is completely reskin a map, I want to reskin henesys market map.

Basically I want to reskin everything into a gold beach theme and use most of the gold beach map tiles and objects.

I need to know how to edit a map in v146, I can't use Map Editor because I guess its just too outdated, Hacreator isn't quite good or maybe I'm using a really old version.

I'm looking in the map.wz file with Harepacker and I need to know what does what, its so complicated to understand what does what, like what chooses the tiles ? what chooses the bg ? what chooses the ladder, what positions everything into place ?

I also what to add in new background objects and place them etc.

I really want to map edit and change things, I'm planning on releasing a big edit for a server I like and it also involves item re-skins that I already have started working on.

can someone please explain how to edit maps ?
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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score
I would try to convert the v146 wzs to v83 edit the maps and then convert them back to v146.
But don't take my word I never wz edited a v146 server.
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
I don't quite understand, open the wz in harepacker or wzrepacker ?

the way you said it confuses me
Open the wz in harepacker, wzrepacker

Also I didn't know about the existence of wzrepacker until you mentioned it, I just downloaded so I don't exactly know much about it besides that most things work like harepacker.

Could you explain to me in a little more detail ?

Would be so helpful to advance my project, I really need to know how to edit maps from v146
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Loyal Member
Mar 14, 2010
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I don't quite understand, open the wz in harepacker or wzrepacker ?

the way you said it confuses me

Also I didn't know about the existence of wzrepacker until you mentioned it, I just downloaded so I don't exactly know much about it besides that most things work like harepacker.

Could you explain to me in a little more detail ?

Would be so helpful to advance my project, I really need to know how to edit maps from v146


WzRepacker is an edited harepacker

use w/e one you like

open the wz and save it, change version and encryption newer gms enc != older
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
When you say wz, you mean the whole wz right ? Map.wz

and how would I change the version or encryption, I couldn't find it anywhere in the harepacker or wzrepacker options.

Don't get me wrong but I feel really noob asking these questions. :blushing:
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
Though this method does not work, I tried it just now. (The saving as v83 method) Still crashes in MapEditor

Still looking for someone who can help me :*:
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Newbie Spellweaver
May 20, 2014
Reaction score
You'll need to use the latest version of harepacker to edit v140+ files because they're BMS\GMS\MSEA files. I did the same thing as you, except made my v83 henesys/market into the new version of henesys.

Also, saving a v140+ map that is BMS\GMS\MSEA encrypted to v83 GMS(old) will NOT work. Basically, all you need to do is:
1. Download harepacker 4.2

2. There will be 2 things you'll need to use: Tiles and Objects. When you open your map.wz with harepacker, it will show Back, Map, Obj, Tile, WorldMap. You will ONLY need to use Tile & Obj for a skin. (I would say use backgrounds too, but backgrounds are very annoying to input; especially new/custom ones-- I'll get into backgrounds at the end.)

3. Select Obj ---> Find goldBeach.img ---> Click Tools, Export Selection, XML, Classic.
Also, click tile, find goldBeach1 & goldBeach2, export those too.

4. Now you must import them. Importing is simple, open your v83 map.wz, click obj or tile, import the img file, and you're done.

After that's done, you can now use koolk's map editor, hacreator (whatever map editor you desire) and load your v83 map.wz. You'll now have all the objects & tiles required for goldBeach. The reason why backgrounds are a pain is because they have to be fit to EVERY map you use them in, which is hard to do so and can't be done with a map editor. However, if you're really interested in using a new background, make sure it is only ONE IMAGE. If you take a look at your backgrounds, they'll have multiple images within them; this makes it harder to fit them to specific maps.
Good luck.
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
Wow, I am extremely grateful dude, now I can move on in my project.
I was kind of getting tired of just adding custom equips after I finished the login UI.

Now I can finally start map editing and not be bored, thanks so much!

I`ll try this out later and leave a message saying if it works or not! :kiss:

EDIT : There seems to be a error, you tell me to export the wz [classic] of goldbeach.img tile and export the wz [classic] of goldbeach1 and goldbeach obj and at the end you told me to import the .img when you told me to extract the wz ...

ASSUMING you miss informed me, I went ahead and exported the IMG instead and imported it into my v83 map.wz and launched mapeditor and it crashed... its really weird that its doing that, I followed your steps EXACTLY but instead of exporting the wz I exported the img.
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Newbie Spellweaver
May 20, 2014
Reaction score
Oh my bad, just basically meant import the file you exported, accidently said "img". You'll want to export it as classic, and import it to your v83 map.wz. After that's done, try using your map editor and see if the objects/tiles work.
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 13, 2014
Reaction score
In summary: You will want to present v117 data in a v83 server. If questions still arise please ask this project sounds fun.