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InGameShop source code

Oct 29, 2007
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Actually, not only in Visual 2019... I can compile this same source code in any version of visual... Including: 2010. Since only the original solution needs to be removed, open/edit the file: "*.vcxproj" and change the toolset version from: "v140" (Visual Studio 2015) to: "v100" (Visual Studio 2010) with notepad or notepad++ and save it as: "Unicode-UTF8" + the extension: ".vcxproj". So (later) you reopen this poop in your current version of Visual Studio which may be 2010 or higher... You go back to edit: "Properties" of the project and: "Recreate" (again) a Ducking new file for your stupid solution ("*.sln"). it is very simple to do.


En realidad, no solo en Visual 2019... Puedo compilar este mismo código fuente en cualquier versión de visual... Incluido: 2010. Dado que solo se debe eliminar la solución original, abrir/editar el archivo: "*.vcxproj" y cambie la versión del conjunto de herramientas de: "v140" (Visual Studio 2015) a: "v100" (Visual Studio 2010) con el bloc de notas o bloc de notas++ y guárdarlo como: "Unicode-UTF8" + la extensión: ".vcxproj ". Entonces (más tarde) vuelves a abrir esta mierd* en tu versión actual de Visual Studio, que puede ser 2010 o superior... Regresas a editar: "Propiedades" del proyecto y: "Recrea" (nuevamente) un puto nuevo archivo para tu solución estúpida ("*.sln"). es muy sencillo de hacer.
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Experienced Elementalist
May 12, 2014
Reaction score
Something explained ..., even though I did it with cmake, I still can't get into the server, the server doesn't appear and I get an error as soon as I enter (I don't know anything about me), until very recently I realized the packages and the xor
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
Well I know that I said that is: "Easy" to make... but anyways:

ShopListManager & FileDownloader Sources (*.sln) & (*.vcxproj) to: Visual Studio 2010 (or above).


PS: But as a condition to use them you must have your Windows Application Development Kit (SDK) libraries installed (by default) in the same place or root directory where I have it: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Include" and: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Lib" (obviously, editing this may become necessary... in this case, you just have to go to: "Properties", and modify by your routes).


PD: Pero como condición para usarlos, debe tener las bibliotecas del Kit de desarrollo de aplicaciones de Windows (SDK) instaladas (por defecto) en el mismo lugar o directorio raíz donde las tengo: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Include" y: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Lib" (obviamente, editar esto puede ser necesario... en este caso, solo tienes que ir a: "Propiedades", y modificar por tus rutas).

Pic (viewing from: WinRAR the file: "ShopListManager.vcxproj"):

myheart - InGameShop source code - RaGEZONE Forums

Testing (InGameShop System Added) but is lacking me Fix some things:

Very Thanks to myheart ;)
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