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Natural disasters increasing?

1/11/1995 ~ 23/11/2011
Loyal Member
Nov 23, 2010
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2 hours ago just after an 10s seconds 6.8 earthquake here in Cebu Philippines occurred, I've been thinking, is it just me or the natural disasters since 2011 are increasing?
I mean my parents and myself been living 6 months every year in Cebu for the past 15 years and it is the first time that we ever experienced such a high freq earthquake.

After a little googling I've come across this article :

Earth might seem like a more active and dangerous place than ever, given the constant media reports of multiple natural disasters recently. But a broader view reveals that it's not Mother Nature who's changed, but we humans.

Drawn by undeveloped land and fertile soil, people are flocking to disaster-prone regions.

This creates a situation in which ordinary events like earthquakes and hurricanes become increasingly elevated to the level of natural disasters that reap heavy losses in human life and property.

Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Aug 21, 2009
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Well, it's a fact that I tho it was obvious and very notable after Haiti's earthquake.

In my whole life... I have never experienced all this earthquake one after another. We had 2 weeks full of earthquakes with a range of 3.5~5.4 and honestly, in here there is a earthquake like... never.

It's also known that the earth is constantly "evolving" and the land moves a little bit and the raising land and faults and stuff... but, never like this year and we are just starting.

Whenever it's a natural thing or it's people testing out crappy stuff for whatever reason... is unknown to me. What I'm sure about is, it's not "normal" for my standards.

Time to read the bible in the part that talks about earthquake :$
Ball like Wall
Aug 12, 2009
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I'm not sure about Earthquakes, but Tornados, hurricanes, snow storms, typhoons, etc. will, seeing as humans have sped up the process of global warming via excess CO2 output (car fumes, factories). It's made places warming and more humid and has messed up oceanic currents from the melting of glaciers.

Source: Mostly just assumptions turned into an intelligent sounding theory ;)
Mar 7, 2003
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The magnetic field over South America in weakening, which is probably causing all kinds of stuff to happen. It plays havoc with spacecraft and satellites.

In a couple million years the poles might even switch over again.

I dare say everything is linked tbh. Tarmacked roads absorbing heat, less trees to trap water, more emissions, we are having a huge impact on this planet so I wouldn't be surprised if we were causing it to go haywire.

Though Earthquakes are a bit tough for us to affect really. More likely we keep building upon risky areas. Or possibly we are simply just so much more connected now than we ever have been before. I doubt I'd have ever spoken to an American 50 years ago, let alone all the other nationalities users on RZ are from.
Jan 9, 2005
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This is what is like living near teh "Pacific Ring of Fire".

mother earth is quite active right now :$:

and now this end of the world thingy is getting trendy xD
Oct 4, 2004
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They aren't increasing. They are happening just about as many times as they have before, the media just keeps on feeding off these disasters though, so they continue to report disasters more often from around the world.
1/11/1995 ~ 23/11/2011
Loyal Member
Nov 23, 2010
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They aren't increasing. They are happening just about as many times as they have before, the media just keeps on feeding off these disasters though, so they continue to report disasters more often from around the world.

I'm sorry but I really can't agree :/
Like I said, every single person in Cebu is amazed about what happened yesterday.

First 6.8 earthquake occurred at about 12pm then we taught we were good, while I was playing last night on my bed, 3 earthquakes kept on coming back every hour.

But that's not all about what happened here, earthquakes' frequency keeps on increasing everywhere.
Loyal Member
Aug 5, 2011
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We're slowly killing the Planet one day at a time and there have been millions of predictions that say Natural Disasters and Weather over time will get worse and worse and worse until eventually Nature has no other choice but to kill us before we kill it. Pollution is a prime example, we've known about this for decades though yet hardly anyone does their part to reduce what small part they could. Pollution = Global Warming, and with the industrial era strongly exceeding in priority as the years go on that pollution is only going to get worse with Machines everywhere.

The amount of waist and harm that the Billions of people that live on this Planet cause is unheard of and it is frankly enough to cause great harm on the Earth and Weather worsening each year, Storm Seasons increasing in intensity every year that passes, Earthquakes and Hurricanes have all been record breaking numbers within the last 5 years aswell we've had Natural Disasters that 25 years ago would have been unheard of and that is proof that yes Weather and Natural Disasters have been worse in the last 10 years than they've ever been. It's been proven every way that yes Natural Disasters have been increasing and will increase if we all keep going down the path we're on now :sleep:

Scientists have been studying the Earth's Core and Crust, Mantle etc. for a long time now and they've shown reports and Data that show a heavy increase in the Earths fault line area's activity all over the world, and that Earthquakes will only get more frequent and more powerful as time goes on. The bad thing is, Earthquakes aren't something so easy to predict. Even with today's Technology Seismologists and Scientists have not been able to predict an Earthquake before it's coming until it's too late. They can predict up to seconds before though, an Earthquake sends a Shockwave an initial "burst" before the actual quake hits, these can range anywhere from 1 second delay to a 5 minute delay and that is how much time the people have to get ready.

It's funny I remember back whenever we would have a big storm the Weather channels would always predict that "as the Years go by the Weather Systems are only going to increase in damage and power"

They aren't increasing. They are happening just about as many times as they have before, the media just keeps on feeding off these disasters though, so they continue to report disasters more often from around the world.

That makes no sense. They continue to report more disasters meaning more disasters are happening... Facts, Data and Records don't lie, every Natural Disaster has been documented and the Documents show an increase in Natural Disaster Frequency and Intensity within the last 10 Years, each year more and more Natural Disasters are Documented. It doesn't take a Genius to tell, in my State the Winter Seasons have been worse each year, the Storm Seasons have been worse each year and in a place that doesn't get Tornado's we've had Tornado's touch down within the last 5 years, and each year the Weather gets worse for us too. That's not just some media "feeding frenzy" The media has nothing to do with it the media can't pull a Natural Disaster out of it's butt :glare:.

Now I'm not saying tomorrow we're going to get some megaquake, with a F50 Tornado with a Cat. 20 Hurricane but in the next Decade or so yes Weather and Natural Disasters will be a great threat if nothing is done.
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ex visor
Loyal Member
May 17, 2007
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The magnetic field over South America in weakening, which is probably causing all kinds of stuff to happen. It plays havoc with spacecraft and satellites.

In a couple million years the poles might even switch over again.

I dare say everything is linked tbh. Tarmacked roads absorbing heat, less trees to trap water, more emissions, we are having a huge impact on this planet so I wouldn't be surprised if we were causing it to go haywire.

Though Earthquakes are a bit tough for us to affect really. More likely we keep building upon risky areas. Or possibly we are simply just so much more connected now than we ever have been before. I doubt I'd have ever spoken to an American 50 years ago, let alone all the other nationalities users on RZ are from.

I saw a documentary regarding the poles switching over, and yeah they confirmed that it'll happen in some millions of years from now.

@JFA, I agree. It will only get worse. They need to make a public announcement, or something regarding it. :(:
It also doesn't surprise me that we're trying to make the Moon a livable place. Maybe the government knows that the severity of the issue is worsening.
Jul 23, 2011
Reaction score
for this time earthquakes are all around us and will continue thus we are so late to change everything, we dont see it but we feel it coming, what if we wake up in the morning then ,, then then then

the USA is now located at the TOP OF THE WORLD
ASIA is now at the BOTTOM of THE WORLD..
what a world, really changing a lot
i want to wake up again tomorrow or the other day im a kid again.
ahahaha. when i was a kid. all things are still fine and the severity of calamities are not like this pas few years
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
I'm sorry but I really can't agree :/
Like I said, every single person in Cebu is amazed about what happened yesterday.

First 6.8 earthquake occurred at about 12pm then we taught we were good, while I was playing last night on my bed, 3 earthquakes kept on coming back every hour.

But that's not all about what happened here, earthquakes' frequency keeps on increasing everywhere.

It's not about agreeing. It's about looking at the facts.

We're slowly killing the Planet one day at a time and there have been millions of predictions that say Natural Disasters and Weather over time will get worse and worse and worse until eventually Nature has no other choice but to kill us before we kill it. Pollution is a prime example, we've known about this for decades though yet hardly anyone does their part to reduce what small part they could. Pollution = Global Warming, and with the industrial era strongly exceeding in priority as the years go on that pollution is only going to get worse with Machines everywhere.

The amount of waist and harm that the Billions of people that live on this Planet cause is unheard of and it is frankly enough to cause great harm on the Earth and Weather worsening each year, Storm Seasons increasing in intensity every year that passes, Earthquakes and Hurricanes have all been record breaking numbers within the last 5 years aswell we've had Natural Disasters that 25 years ago would have been unheard of and that is proof that yes Weather and Natural Disasters have been worse in the last 10 years than they've ever been. It's been proven every way that yes Natural Disasters have been increasing and will increase if we all keep going down the path we're on now :sleep:

Scientists have been studying the Earth's Core and Crust, Mantle etc. for a long time now and they've shown reports and Data that show a heavy increase in the Earths fault line area's activity all over the world, and that Earthquakes will only get more frequent and more powerful as time goes on. The bad thing is, Earthquakes aren't something so easy to predict. Even with today's Technology Seismologists and Scientists have not been able to predict an Earthquake before it's coming until it's too late. They can predict up to seconds before though, an Earthquake sends a Shockwave an initial "burst" before the actual quake hits, these can range anywhere from 1 second delay to a 5 minute delay and that is how much time the people have to get ready.

It's funny I remember back whenever we would have a big storm the Weather channels would always predict that "as the Years go by the Weather Systems are only going to increase in damage and power"

That makes no sense. They continue to report more disasters meaning more disasters are happening... Facts, Data and Records don't lie, every Natural Disaster has been documented and the Documents show an increase in Natural Disaster Frequency and Intensity within the last 10 Years, each year more and more Natural Disasters are Documented. It doesn't take a Genius to tell, in my State the Winter Seasons have been worse each year, the Storm Seasons have been worse each year and in a place that doesn't get Tornado's we've had Tornado's touch down within the last 5 years, and each year the Weather gets worse for us too. That's not just some media "feeding frenzy" The media has nothing to do with it the media can't pull a Natural Disaster out of it's butt :glare:.

Now I'm not saying tomorrow we're going to get some megaquake, with a F50 Tornado with a Cat. 20 Hurricane but in the next Decade or so yes Weather and Natural Disasters will be a great threat if nothing is done.

Show me your resources used for it. That they are increasing every year. You do realize this earth is billions of years old. Everything that happens is a cycle, 10 years out of thousands or hundreds of thousands is nothing. We aren't getting more disasters, mother nature is doing her thing like she has been for millions of years.

Mother nature is unpredictable. To say we are getting more and more disasters is silly, we are getting just as many as we have for years, this is nothing compared to what natural disasters we've had in the past.
Loyal Member
Aug 5, 2011
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It's not about agreeing. It's about looking at the facts.

Show me your resources used for it. That they are increasing every year. You do realize this earth is billions of years old. Everything that happens is a cycle, 10 years out of thousands or hundreds of thousands is nothing. We aren't getting more disasters, mother nature is doing her thing like she has been for millions of years.

Mother nature is unpredictable. To say we are getting more and more disasters is silly, we are getting just as many as we have for years, this is nothing compared to what natural disasters we've had in the past.

My resources are the Public Data records that Seismologists display, aswell as the Public Data records Scientists Display, not to mention the multiple Weather Services who keep tally of Natural Disasters, oh and if that's not enough Public Weather Statistics are also available, or if that's not enough go to your nearest Weather station and you can ask them for Weather Records. Obviously you didn't read everything I said.

To say we are getting more and more natural disasters is the blatant truth to say we're NOT getting more is silly, I envy you, disagreeing with Recorded Data that was recorded by people who do this as a Career. [sarcasm]Yes, people who've been doing this poop for Decades are just faking every natural disaster and weather mishap and some teenager over the internet who probably hasn't finished High-School is right because he knows everything.[/sarcasm]

I just don't get how you can sit there and blatantly say "Oh Natural disasters haven't been worse each year" when Each year that passes Storms are worse, how can you say that's not accurate or right? LOL? Oh-wait, I guess all of the Scientists and Geologists, Meteorologists, Seismologists, that do this as a profession are all lying for no reason. Are you serious? It doesn't take a genius to look at what Storms you've had this year, and compare them to the next and last year, and the years before and after. But then again you disagree with blatant obviousness so I can't blame you. See this, this is the kind of ignorance that frustrates me and makes me want to bang my head against my desk.
Ball like Wall
Aug 12, 2009
Reaction score
for this time earthquakes are all around us and will continue thus we are so late to change everything, we dont see it but we feel it coming, what if we wake up in the morning then ,, then then then

the USA is now located at the TOP OF THE WORLD
ASIA is now at the BOTTOM of THE WORLD..
what a world, really changing a lot
i want to wake up again tomorrow or the other day im a kid again.
ahahaha. when i was a kid. all things are still fine and the severity of calamities are not like this pas few years

The duck are you talking about?
It won't fit
Loyal Member
May 18, 2007
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Well, it's a fact that I tho it was obvious and very notable after Haiti's earthquake.

In my whole life... I have never experienced all this earthquake one after another. We had 2 weeks full of earthquakes with a range of 3.5~5.4 and honestly, in here there is a earthquake like... never.

It's also known that the earth is constantly "evolving" and the land moves a little bit and the raising land and faults and stuff... but, never like this year and we are just starting.

Whenever it's a natural thing or it's people testing out crappy stuff for whatever reason... is unknown to me. What I'm sure about is, it's not "normal" for my standards.

Time to read the bible in the part that talks about earthquake :$

You just explained why the number of earthquakes have been increasing...

The earth's tectonic plates are constantly moving. Seeing how you NEVER have any if you leave near a fault line, it's about due. Earthquakes are what happens when the pressure caused the plates release.

Think of it this way, once it's all said and done, you won't "more then likely" have to worry about any more earthquakes.