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[Neverwinter Online] Problems assigning GMs

Staff member
Oct 8, 2006
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So i tried following my old tutorial in the STO section to set an account as a GM.
Setting character to User_Debug, etc etc but this doesn't work with Neverwinter.

Any advice for setting a Character as a A GM? DNC ?
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
you can change but when relogin to game it will change again to normal right ? , i can change successful and ingame i have "GM" flag but only 1 account can have it,when i change to 2nd account not working. SanGawku : do you set account too ?
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Oct 28, 2011
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I've already said what needed to be done in reply to another Help thread.
You'll have found it in those "links" that the post said to follow for information.

When you log out, you are auto-set back to /accesslevel 0

Using the /accesslevel 4 command allows you to be flagged as a GM
This should not retain the value /accesslevel 4 between character swapping (but it has been a while)
Account swapping or logout / login again, will require you to type /accesslevel 4 to gain GM access again.

Maximum accesslevel = 9 and needed to add resources such as posted separately at the bottom of this page.

Original reply can be found in this thread.

Just one of the posts mentioned in that reply.

If you happen to have a dev account.
You use the ~ tilde key. (IN GAME)

NOTE: (if you have a dev account and the console window does not appear and you have chat servers running)
You may have to type in the in game chat window:
For Regular User
/accesslevel 0
For GM
/accesslevel 4
For Dev
/accesslevel 9
(only GM or Dev can access the console window)

If you had to type an acceslevel then repress the ~ tilde key at this time, otherwise it should already had appeared. (IN GAME)
Console drop down window appears.
Start to type a command and use CTRL-TAB to get a list of what is available based on what you've typed so far.
Pg-Up / Pg-Dn scroll up and down in the console window
Home / End goes to top or bottom of the console window
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