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[REL] Havana Club - theallseeingeye Habbo Housekeeping Clone

Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 27, 2023
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Sonykko - [REL] Havana Club - theallseeingeye Habbo Housekeeping Clone - RaGEZONE Forums

A few months ago... Welcome to the theallseeingeye Habbo Housekeeping Clone and Open Source!
Yeah, I decided now is the time to do public this Hobbanet. For starting it's a project for Havana from Quackster. And for now have couple fuctions added to the already existing fuctions. There are a list of the features:
  • All features from standar Havana
  • Remote Alerting
  • Remote Kicking
  • Remote Kicking walking
  • Remote way ban
  • Remote Hotel Alert
  • Chatlogs from given user in room
  • Chatlogs from given user in messenger with friends
  • Chatlogs from all rooms
  • Chatlogs from a specific room
  • CFH logs
  • CFH Implementation with client
  • CFH chat.action from cry
  • Room admin
  • Re-organized configuration settings
  • theallseeingeye - Hobbanet design
Remember, this is the first release... Here can see a pic of the proyect:
Captura de pantalla 2023-11-22 022706 - [REL] Havana Club - theallseeingeye Habbo Housekeeping Clone - RaGEZONE Forums

Well, the intention is do and add more functions, both in client and website. If the community like the project I will be continue working on it :D And it's my first time developing in Java, I know it's not perfect, but it's mine and im so excited to share this!

Well, here is the Github repro:
And here can direct download the compiled release:

The repro has the last build from Havana, it's up to date. And the next things is release this for HavanaR39 from MrJeppe

  1. Run the theallseeingeye.sql from root folder of Git repro in your DB in order to do work properly this project
  2. Insert this SQL if you want a custom path for Housekeeping:
    INSERT INTO `settings` (`setting`, `value`, `category`)
    VALUES ('site.housekeeping', 'http://localhost/', 'hotel');
  3. Go to your tpl folder and go to /base/header.tpl and edit the URL of the Housekeeping with this:
    {{ site.sitePath }}/ase/housekeeping/es <!-- use this for no custom HK folder -->
    {{ site.housekeeping }}/ase/housekeeping/es <!-- use this for custom HK folder -->
  4. Move the www and www_tpl folder from Git repro to your Havana tool path

Thank you for your attention, wathever you wan't feel free to post a comment below!


Credits to Sulake/Habbo for the designs (?)
Credits to Quackster for Havana, although lately he has been very grumpy:rolleyes:


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Last edited:
Feb 7, 2010
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Seems like your github repo is private. It's giving a 404 and your profile doesn't show any public repos.

Why is it an external housekeeping, rather that an extension to the existing Havana housekeeping?
Newbie Spellweaver
Mar 27, 2023
Reaction score
Thank's for saying, my bad. Now is public and the post have a update instructions to do it work properly. And for your questions, this release is a extension of the existing Havana Housekeeping. The first time i start the project was a be a external Housekeeping, but in some time I losted the files and I remade it again like a extension. But I think for the future is best to do a external Housekeeping, first for perfomance, versatility to do a custom folder for HK, including subdomains for example, and for sure for plug and play comodity for users. I think can be a good solution for all projects of Havana.