This source is made by me, and with my poor coding knownledge in python.
- Registration
- Vote
- Rankings
- Online player Numbers
- Announcers (WAR, SFC)
- Auto Role management.
- GM Ip for Database.
- Service forms.
- Character Deletetion
- Sub password reset.
- Player profile.
May some feature you have to rework because im used custom stored procedures (for example in Registration). This source will not work for beginners. Use it for inspiration to do your own one.
No any known breach on it.
This source is made by me, and with my poor coding knownledge in python.
- Registration
- Vote
- Rankings
- Online player Numbers
- Announcers (WAR, SFC)
- Auto Role management.
- GM Ip for Database.
- Service forms.
- Character Deletetion
- Sub password reset.
- Player profile.
May some feature you have to rework because im used custom stored procedures (for example in Registration). This source will not work for beginners. Use it for inspiration to do your own one.
No any known breach on it.