Originally created by Kaoii and his gaming studio RZ Games in 2006. The game was published through RaGEZONE.
Kaoii left RZ and took this project with him. I have preserved it over the years out of appreciation for both his work and RZ.
I mean no disrespect to Kaoii by reuploading this. I just feel RZ's history should be preserved the same way we preserve all our other favorite games.
You can find scraps of history on RZ & Google, but most of the content from back then has been lost from what I can find.
Long live the open development community.
Kaoii left RZ and took this project with him. I have preserved it over the years out of appreciation for both his work and RZ.
I mean no disrespect to Kaoii by reuploading this. I just feel RZ's history should be preserved the same way we preserve all our other favorite games.
You can find scraps of history on RZ & Google, but most of the content from back then has been lost from what I can find.
Long live the open development community.