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Nova 3205 server file + client

Junior Spellweaver
May 27, 2022
Reaction score
Anybody interested, here is the memory and processor use of THIS server fully-configured server setup in a Hyper-V VM:

subzeros - Nova 3205 server file + client - RaGEZONE Forums

Max mem size needed is 221GB (swapfile is 265GB)
CPU on idle is 16% - not so bad. It does get very CPU intensive - maxing all 16 of those cores at points when starting up.
The physical memory I set for this VM is 196GB.

Any VM with this server ? any 1 can share ? Thkjns
I would share this one, but it will absolutely NOT run on a 64GB system and it is huge.

--------- Edit -------
I originally posted an image. It seems to have disappeared.
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Quest´s from Corsair Edition (not tested & not edited)

sry for my bad engl.
Life is beautiful, after
Aug 21, 2019
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Do not leak anything else for the near ( and possibly far) future as Pearl Abyss has ramped up their password encryption as a response to recent leaks. Doing so will make it virtually impossible for further internal assets to be leaked and will most likely kill the private server scene.
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Junior Spellweaver
May 27, 2022
Reaction score
Do not leak anything else for the near ( and possibly far) future as Pearl Abyss has ramped up their password encryption as a response to recent leaks. Doing so will make it virtually impossible for further internal assets to be leaked and will most likely kill the private server scene.

I guess then it would be back to emulators.
Mar 11, 2007
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Do not leak anything else for the near ( and possibly far) future as Pearl Abyss has ramped up their password encryption as a response to recent leaks. Doing so will make it virtually impossible for further internal assets to be leaked and will most likely kill the private server scene.

It's far too late for that now lol. That ship sailed long ago once the server files were being sold to everyone and their brother, and were easily accessible given you had a couple thousand bucks. It's best for what is available to become available, otherwise people will continue to profit, and the files will likely still be leaked at some point. Hell, if I had them I would leak them myself, but I don't. HOWEVER, what I find ironic, is that YOU, yourself leaked the nova server files at one point on here, and are now crying that nobody else should leak other versions. I wonder why that is? You say it's because PA are ramping up internal security, and would be very upset about it but that is probably separate from the public leak, since after all there existed private servers that were very brazen about using real files as their server basis. So, those private servers would have given PA the motivation to step up their internal security, not that their files were leaked public. No, I think it's because if the corsair/sage/whatever files got leaked it would hurt you and your cronies bottom line. Even if you aren't selling the files, you are doing something related to them in order to acquire money, and if every tom, penis, and harry had the files then well, that would hurt a bit.

Now, you would counter with something along the lines with, "I've released lots of stuff..." sure, but that really doesn't mean much, it's not your actions of the past that determine how you are now, it's your actions of the present. Which is why you seek to prevent further version leaks, it's important to you to "control the situation, lest you lose control" Perhaps you don't have an actual monetary motivation to want to prevent further leaks, but there exists a bias that leans to do so.

Lastly, I certainly do not believe leaking further versions will in no way, "kill the private server scene" one could claim that PA would bring the hammer down if that were to happen, but it has happened, and PA has no reason not to bring it down anymore. So further version leaks would not prevent that from happening, and if it were to happen. I say leak the versions, burn the whole place down, since what is a little extra gas added to an already raging inferno?
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 10, 2014
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While I think Ledie is the least harmfull person and someone that thinks more about the scene compared than others, what you said is a solid point. Now that the bins are leaked, the best way to prevent those resellers is to put all up, so people that only want to milk and make money from the files and take no care at all for the game, won't make any profit by any chance.
Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 1, 2019
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Is there really any scene to kill lol. The only thing in danger is private server market.

The very existence of leaked nova files (no matter public or paywall) destroyed every motivation for me to do anything, when there's an option to just wait and receive 100% working server. Now same with corsair, no one in their right mind would bother working on an emulator when any day the official files can be posted
Junior Spellweaver
May 27, 2022
Reaction score
And that right there is a very good point. With leaked commercial files there is little motivation to improve the emulator scene. That pretty much died with Open Desert. While I might want to use the current round of commercial files to create a better emulator, I really can't see much point in doing so.
Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 26, 2018
Reaction score
Is there really any scene to kill lol. The only thing in danger is private server market.

Personally I wouldn't mind that market crash at all ...

Is there really any scene to kill lol. The only thing in danger is private server market.

Personally I wouldn't mind that market crash at all ...
Life is beautiful, after
Aug 21, 2019
Reaction score
It's far too late for that now lol. That ship sailed long ago once the server files were being sold to everyone and their brother, and were easily accessible given you had a couple thousand bucks. It's best for what is available to become available, otherwise people will continue to profit, and the files will likely still be leaked at some point. Hell, if I had them I would leak them myself, but I don't. HOWEVER, what I find ironic, is that YOU, yourself leaked the nova server files at one point on here, and are now crying that nobody else should leak other versions. I wonder why that is? You say it's because PA are ramping up internal security, and would be very upset about it but that is probably separate from the public leak, since after all there existed private servers that were very brazen about using real files as their server basis. So, those private servers would have given PA the motivation to step up their internal security, not that their files were leaked public. No, I think it's because if the corsair/sage/whatever files got leaked it would hurt you and your cronies bottom line. Even if you aren't selling the files, you are doing something related to them in order to acquire money, and if every tom, penis, and harry had the files then well, that would hurt a bit.

Now, you would counter with something along the lines with, "I've released lots of stuff..." sure, but that really doesn't mean much, it's not your actions of the past that determine how you are now, it's your actions of the present. Which is why you seek to prevent further version leaks, it's important to you to "control the situation, lest you lose control" Perhaps you don't have an actual monetary motivation to want to prevent further leaks, but there exists a bias that leans to do so.

Lastly, I certainly do not believe leaking further versions will in no way, "kill the private server scene" one could claim that PA would bring the hammer down if that were to happen, but it has happened, and PA has no reason not to bring it down anymore. So further version leaks would not prevent that from happening, and if it were to happen. I say leak the versions, burn the whole place down, since what is a little extra gas added to an already raging inferno?

I understand your point of view. It's a great vantage point if you're going to stop to look around at how everything is now.Don't think I misunderstood you or thought you were ignorant, no, on the contrary, your point of view is really making me think.
Life is beautiful, after
Aug 21, 2019
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subzeros - Nova 3205 server file + client - RaGEZONE Forums

look what we got here :D Ledie selling it all the time

Yes my friend. Everyone knows I sell official files and everyone knows these screenshots are fake. By the way, show me where that $1000 is because I want it! haha