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[Release] Mu Online Manager - Firn release

Junior Spellweaver
May 18, 2005
Reaction score
What is it?
This is a small utility program for MU Online players that operate multiple MU characters at once. Its purpose is to automate some tedious tasks that are pretty clunky when doing them manually (like starting multiple MU clients, setting CPU affinity/priority etc.).

The software does not hook any DLLs and it does not attach itself to the game client files in any way. It uses only available system functions to control the state so it should not be treated by antihacks as cheating attempts.

The software requests elevated Administrator privileges to be able to launch multiple MU clients.


BlkkVTC - [Release] Mu Online Manager - Firn release - RaGEZONE Forums

Current functions:
Launching many MU clients with a single click.
You can select a MU client exe file (usually main.exe file) and choose how many game clients you want to launch at once. Simply press Launch button and they will start. Useful when you need to restart 5 characters at once.

Identifying the specific MU client instance.
You can double click on the specific MU process within the list to bring its window to the front. This way you can quickly check which game client uses a lot of CPU time or what character is being played at this specific game client. Useful when you are not sure where you didn't enable low CPU mode (F9 in some MU clients).

Setting CPU affinity for all clients with a single click.
When you play with many MU clients they eat up as much CPU as they can making your system unusable. This can be mitigated by setting the CPU affinity to free some logical CPU cores for your desktop usage. Doing so for every single MU client with standard Windows Task Manager is a pretty tedious task so you can set all MU clients CPU affinity with a single click.

Setting CPU priority for all clients with a single click.
Same as above, you can further limit the CPU resources MU eats by giving them less CPU priority. It is also pretty tedious doing it via Windows Task Manager so this will also set it up for all the clients with a single click.

Suggestions & plans
I hope that this small program will be useful to someone. If you have any bug reports or suggestions on how I could expand it, feel free to share your thoughts here.


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Master Summoner
May 25, 2020
Reaction score
YOu need to click fast when is loading link there show on right download icon :D if you fast enough you can download even deleted :p
Junior Spellweaver
May 18, 2005
Reaction score
Multi client to start?

Is there any MU player left that plays with a single game client? That's like a standard MU gameplay experience nowadays. Calling it cheating is quite a stretch.

Edit: I have updated the link. I don't know why Google Drive marked it as "in trash". It was still in the source folder.
Nov 4, 2012
Reaction score
Is there any MU player left that plays with a single game client? That's like a standard MU gameplay experience nowadays. Calling it cheating is quite a stretch.

Edit: I have updated the link. I don't know why Google Drive marked it as "in trash". It was still in the source folder.

Still cheat, try this on webzen :p
Master Summoner
May 25, 2020
Reaction score
I believe there is no problem launching multiple MU game clients on Global. I played like that last year and I think a majority of players play like that.
Its no problem i play on 3 accounts without any software able to do it :D its look like webzen change it