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Animation and Bipedal Systems within GunZ: 2021 Edition

2D > 3D
Loyal Member
Dec 19, 2008
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TL;DR Working on animation systems and converting them over to modern systems. These are my findings. Read on or look for a release sometime soon[SUP]TM[/SUP].

Some of you may remember me from 10 years ago, as I was a pretty active developer on many games for years, including GunZ. My old friend @HellSniper and I have been talking over GunZ for old times sake, and I decided to try and take a stab at this after years. What can we do with GunZ in 2021?

Times have changed, but the game is still somehow actively played, even if it is by only a few hundred people at any given moment. Let's first talk issues with the game. From a visual standpoint, that comes down to one factor: RealSpace 2. I have seen projects porting the engine of RealSpace 3 (e.g. GunZ 2 and RaiderZ) and Unreal Engine 4 but in my honest opinion you might as well just make a clone of the game at that point. We should treat any modifications or additions to the game like anything else from the Playstation 2 era, and with that comes managed expectations.

That does not mean, however, we should continue to progress the game as it has for the last 2 decades, with a new shotgun or sword model popping up, or a 15th recolor of the same the Judgecoat set, there is still room for improvement.

This got me thinking, why are we stuck working with old animation systems with bipeds to do the heavy lifting? Although we will need 3DS Max 2010 to do actual exports of ELU/ ANI files, how can we port things over from something like Blender or C4D so we can use things like IK systems.

Now for the spark notes of my research that was around 20 hours this weekend.

Below we can discuss the implications of this work, or you can ask me questions. I am also on the GunZ discord if any of you want to talk to me directly.


The Base mesh:
For those of you who do not remember, or couldn't be arsed to look into this to begin with, these are housed with man-parts_01 and woman-parts_01.

The male and female base models are fairly rudimentary, consisting of (you guessed it) 6 parts: face, hair, top, bottom, gloves, and boots. Weapons and items are then placed within a null to be called upon later (in the actual base mesh, they used actual items to reference, but a null is good enough). The game will simply replace the passive object with an active object if it is called (e.g. if a new face is selected, the full face mesh will be replaced, calling on the new texture files as well). [REF A]

To hide where meshes may not match up perfectly, usually a collar, a belt, a strap or something else will overlap the seam so that no visual "cut" is present. There is with the exception of an avatar, which replaces all assets with the new ELU mesh data entirely.

This makes modern development slightly more difficult. To make any adjustments to add a new weapon type or clothing item the base mesh will need to be reworked from the ground up. Well I did that. You are welcome. That will come at a later date.

So how about new bones or new items? This will require us to edit the original biped, and with it, the restraints that follow. Most of the restraints will come in the next section under animations. But for now you must know, they are numerous.

So we just add some bones and call it a day? Not exactly. I feel that using a completely resurrected basemesh benefits us, so I created one applying it to the woman01 physique. GunZ can definitely run more than 400 polygons per character, as is apparent with MAIET's later additions with the avatars. So why not add functionality here as well? A new face rig has been added, allowing movement of eyes, jaw, and eyebrows. Hair system can follow as well. New items can also be added by simply adding a null within the hand so the position is kept. While we are on the hand, how about we add some fingers as well?

You can see this is a rabbit-hole by this point, but it allows us more flexibility in the future. The downside is animation, which we cover in the next headings.
This will be the death of me. The god mother fu&king Physique system. No game in the last 25 years with the exception of Gunz has chosen to use Physique over Skin. I am under the assumption that this is because if you look at the SDK between Physique and Skin, Skin requires a little bit more work to get running properly. So to save the trouble of coding something with using a superior system like Skin (which is still used to this day I might add), MAIET used Physique. Definitely within character for them.[REF B]

So why is Physique inferior? Physique as a skinning tool uses the same envelopes and weights as Skin, but without the ability to paint the weights. Although it has the usage of "N" bones per vertex, that number probably is soft capped at around 6 bones, as the system is not that intuitive to understand proper twisting mechanics.

The added bonus to this, is as Physique is proprietary to Autodesk, no other exporter you use can output the Physique information, so every time you skin a character it must be within 3DS Max. No exceptions to this rule.

Although a character could be made in 3rd party software, the actual mesh to bone deformations will be controlled by Physique, which means that skinning base mesh takes time to create, which is why this post is a discussion not a release.
Now onto another proprietary system. The Autodesk Biped. GunZ uses Bip01 as a reference for any bone system used for characters. You can use other bone systems, but if you try and use an animation or mesh within that new bone system with old assets, you will see catastrophic failure.[REF C]

This is due to Biped system using an up to 9 vector matrix to hold information of bone movement. [REF D]This is due to Bipeds functioning as a very simple Pose-to-Pose animation system of the era, using a simplified version of IK to create the inbetweens of each frame. This becomes problematic. Any other bone system will use a typical transform matrix consisting of Position, Rotation, and Scale, which cannot be directly translated into the 9 vector Matrix. That is until I found this on an old Korean forum for Quake. This script allows you to translate bone into the propriety matrix calculations with ease. On export the original bone system will be ignored, only using the Bip01 to dictate actual mesh deformation. Simply copy and paste this into a notepade, save it as a 3DS Scirpt (file extention .ms) and drag and drop it into your 3DS Viewport and select what bone should be matched to what other bone. Wow I am being super helpful aren't I? [REF E]

--만든이 : 이상원--사용 환경 : Max 2014 이상-- 이 스크립트를 사용하거나 수정하는 것은 자유입니다. 하지만 재 배포는 허용하지 않습니다.-- You can : Use, Edit-- You cannot : ReDistribute/*메모numKeys $.rotation.controllernumKeys $.position.controller(getKey $.rotation.controller[1].controller 2).time(getKey $.position.controller[1].controller 2).time-- time, selected, value 등등-- TCB, XYZ 컨트롤러 정도만 한정해서 지원해야할듯*/global SoxFbxToBiped        -- SoxFbxToBiped 롤아웃명을 글로벌 변수로 인식하기 위해 초기에 한 번 사용try (destroydialog SoxFbxToBiped) catch()        -- 혹시 열려있는 SoxFbxToBiped 있으면 강제 종료rollout SoxFbxToBiped "Sox Fbx to Biped v0.31" width:280(    button uiBtnScanRoot "Scan Root" across:4    button uiBtnLoad "Load"    button uiBtnSaveAs "SaveAs"    button uiBtnReset "Reset"    group "Options" (        radiobuttons uiRBtnLoadingType "Loading type" labels:#("Name", "Handle") default:1        checkbox uiCBoxAutoHide "Auto hide after Set" across:2        checkbox uiCBoxNonBipedMode "Non Biped Mode"--         checkbox uiCBoxExistingKey "Use existing keys"--         spinner uiSpnThickHor "Thick. Hor." across:2--         spinner uiSpnThickVer "Thick. Ver."    )        button uiBtnSetRootFbx "Set Fbx Root" across:2    button uiBtnSetRootBip "Set Biped Root"        label uiLabelRootFbx across:2    label uiLabelRootBip        button uiBtnSetFbx "Set FBX" across:4    button uiBtnClearFbx "Clear FBX"    button uiBtnSetBip "Set Bip"    button uiBtnClearBip "Clear Bip"        listbox uiLBoxFbxBip height:12        button uiBtnListAdd "   +   " across:2    button uiBtnListDel "    -   "--     button uiBtnListUp "   ^   "--     button uiBtnListDown "   v   "        group "Select" (    button uiBtnSelectFbxRoot "FBX Root" across:2    button uiBtnSelectBipRoot "Bip Root"    button uiBtnSelectFbx "1 FBX" across:4    button uiBtnSelectFbxAll "All FBX"    button uiBtnSelectBip "1 Bip"    button uiBtnSelectBipAll "All Bip"    )        group "Figure" (         button uiBtnFigureSync "Figure Sync"            )        group "Keyframe" (        radiobuttons uiRBtnKeyOption labels:#("Animation Range", "1 Frame") default:1        button uiBtnSyncAll "All Listed" across:2        button uiBtnSyncSel "1 Selected"    )        progressBar uiPBar height:8 color:red        label uiLabelBipInfo "Biped : " align:#left    label uiLabelStatus "Status : " align:#left        group "Replace name in selection" (        edittext uiETxtReplaceFrom across:3        edittext uiETxtReplaceTo        button uiBtnDoReplace "Replace!"    )    group "Fixed Distance Helper (Rigging Utility)" (        button uiBtnFDHelper "Fixed Distance Helper" align:#left tooltip:"Create Fixed Distance Helper. This button should be used with two bones selected. You can select the relevant helpers and press the button." across:2        spinner uiSpinFDHelperSize toolTip:"Fixed Distance Helper Size" range:[0,10000,20] offset:[0, 0] align:#left        radiobuttons uiRBtnFDHelperForward labels:#("X", "Y", "Z") default:1 tooltip:"Forward Direction of Fixed Distance Helper" columns:3 offset:[0, 0] across:2        checkbox uiCBoxFDHelperForwardFlip "Flip" tooltip:"Flip Forward Direction"    )    --button uiBtnDeletePosKeys "Delete Position Keys" align:#left tooltip:"Delete the Position keys after the current frame."        button uiBtnAbout "About..."--     button uiBtnTest "Test"        -- Fbx와 Biped 한 쌍을 정의하는 구조체. 바이패드는 Xtra 라던가 Prop 이라던가 하는 이런 저런 추가 정보가 있을 수 있음    struct pairDef (        fbxObj,        bipObj        --bipType        -- "Root" / "Body" / "Tail" / "PonyTail" / "Prop" / "Xtra" 등이 가능    )    local pairs = #()    local rootObjFbx    local rootObjBip            struct bipType (        limbName,        linkIndex    )        -- trParent 로부터 trChild 의 로컬 위치와 로테이션과 스케일 값을 를 리턴한다.    function fnGetLocalTransform trParent trChild = -- 입력 값은 matrix3, 리턴 값은 matrix3,    (        trChild*(inverse trParent)    )        -- 리스트에 바이패드가 아닌 오브젝트가 있는지 검사. 바이패드가 아닌 오브젝트가 있으면 true 리턴    function fnNonBipedCheck = (        returnBool = false        if ( classof rootObjBip ) != Biped_Object and rootObjBip != undefined do ( returnBool = true )        if pairs.count == 0 do ( return returnBool )        for o in pairs do (            if ( classof o.bipObj ) != Biped_Object and o.bipObj != undefined do ( returnBool = true )        )                return returnBool    )        -- pairs 변수 안에 매칭이 덜 된 경우가 있는지 검사 문제 없으면 true, 문제 있으면 false 리턴    function fnCheckMatch = (        if pairs.count == 0 do return true        for o in pairs do (            if ( o.fbxObj == undefined and o.bipObj != undefined ) do return false            if ( o.fbxObj != undefined and o.bipObj == undefined ) do return false        )        return true    )        -- 바이패드 오브젝트의 X축 스케일값 만큼의 월드 포지션을 알아냄 (Xtra 등의 오브젝트에서 자식이 여럿 있을 때 실제 스케일에 사용할 자식을 알아내기 위함)    function fnGetLocalScaleXWorldPos bipObj = (        tScale = biped.getTransform bipObj #scale        tMatrix = matrix3 1        tMatrix.pos = [tScale.x, 0, 0]        tMatrix = tMatrix * bipObj.transform        return tMatrix.pos    )        -- 바이패드 오브젝트의 자식이 여럿 있을 때 X축 스케일 위치를 기준으로 하나의 자식을 리턴한다. 자식이 없거나 문제가 있으면 undefined 리턴    function fnGetChildByScalePos bipObj = (        if ( (classof bipObj) != Biped_Object ) do return undefined        if ( bipObj.children.count == 1 ) do return bipObj.children[1]        if ( bipObj.children.count == 0 ) do return undefined                tDestPos = fnGetLocalScaleXWorldPos bipObj        -- 이 위치에 가까운 자식이 스케일의 기준이 되는 자식                childDistArr = #()        tIndex = 0        for i = 1 to bipObj.children.count do (            append childDistArr ( distance bipObj.children[i].transform.position tDestPos )            tMinDist = amin childDistArr            tIndex = finditem childDistArr tMinDist        )        return bipObj.children[tIndex]    )        -- 리턴 스트럭쳐의 멤버 : limbName, linkIndex    function fnGetBipedType obj = (        if ( obj == undefined ) do return undefined        if ( (classof obj) != Biped_Object ) do return (bipType limbName:#nonBiped linkIndex:0)                -- biped.maxNumLinks $ 이 방법으로 바이패드의 최대 링크 수를 알아낼 수 있다. 보통 25이지만 넉넉하게 30        loopCount = 30        types = #(            #larm,            #rarm,            #lfingers,            #rfingers,            #lleg,            #rleg,            #ltoes,            #rtoes,            #spine,            #tail,            #head,            #pelvis,            #vertical,            #horizontal,            #turn,            #footprints,            #neck,            #pony1,            #pony2,            #prop1,            #prop2,            #prop3,            #lfArmTwist,            #rfArmTwist,            #lUparmTwist,            #rUparmTwist,            #lThighTwist,            #rThighTwist,            #lCalfTwist,            #rCalfTwist,            #lHorseTwist,            #rHorseTwist                    )                for o in types do (            for p = 1 to loopCount do (                if ( try ( obj == biped.getNode obj o link:p ) catch false ) do (                    returnType = (bipType limbName:o linkIndex:p)                    return returnType                )            )        )                -- 맥스 스크립트에서 Xtra 본을 전혀 지원하지 않아서 어쩔 수 없이 바이패드 클래스인데 정체를 알아내지 못한건 모두 Xtra로 정의        return (bipType limbName:#xtra linkIndex:0)    )            function fnSwapArray arr id1 id2 =     -- arr 배열에서 id1과 id2 의 내용을 서로 뒤바꾼다. 리턴된 배열은 원래 배열을 변경시키지 않는다.    (        if arr.count < id1 or arr.count < id2 do return arr -- 잘못된 아이디가 입력되면 그냥 원래 배열을 리턴        if id1 == id2 do return arr -- 같은 번호의 아이디가 입력되어도 그냥 원래 배열을 리턴한다.            if id1 > id2 do -- 배열 인덱스는 반드시 id1이 더 작다는 사실을 기준으로 작동해야 한다.        (            tempID = id1            id1 = id2            id2 = tempID        )          -- 배열 복제는 deepcopy로 해야함. 안그러면 원래 원본과 instance 관계가 될 가능성이 있는데    -- 안전하게 하려면 deepcopy로 복제하는게 좋음.        tempArr = deepcopy arr           tempVar = tempArr[id1]        tempArr[id1] = tempArr[id2]        tempArr[id2] = tempVar              return tempArr    )            function fnSetStatus = (        if ( pairs.count == 0 ) do return ()        countFbx = 0        countBip = 0                for o in pairs do (            if ( o.fbxObj != undefined ) do ( countFbx += 1 )            if ( o.bipObj != undefined ) do ( countBip += 1 )        )                if ( rootObjFbx != undefined ) do ( countFbx += 1 )        if ( rootObjBip != undefined ) do ( countBip += 1 )                tStr = stringstream ""        format "Status : % FBX, % Bip" countFbx countBip to:tStr        uiLabelStatus.text = tStr as string    )        function fnSetBipInfo = (        if ( pairs.count == 0 ) do return ()        if ( uiLBoxFbxBip.selection == 0 ) do return ()                tBipType = fnGetBipedType pairs[uiLBoxFbxBip.selection].bipObj                if ( tBipType == undefined ) do ( uiLabelBipInfo.text  = "Biped : " ;return () )                tStr = stringstream ""        format "Biped : %, Link = %" tBipType.limbName tBipType.linkIndex to:tStr        uiLabelBipInfo.text = tStr as string    )            -- children 을 배열에 append 해준다. 입력된 arr 자체가 변경되므로 리턴 없음    function fnAppendChildren arr children = (        if ( children.count ) == 0 do return ()        for o in children do (            append arr o        )    )        -- obj 의 모든 자식들을 배열로 리턴. 배열 순서는 계층구조 순서대로    function fnGetAllChildren obj = (        if ( obj == undefined ) do return undefined                local tAllChildren = #()        if ( obj.children.count != 0 ) do (            for o in obj.children do (                append tAllChildren o                if ( o.children.count != 0 ) do (                    tAllChildren = tAllChildren +  (fnGetAllChildren o)        -- recursive                )            )        )                return tAllChildren    )        -- pairs 배열을 대상으로 계층구조 순서대로 소팅 한다. pairs 배열은 모두 rootObjBip 의 자식이라는 전제    function fnSortByHierarchy = (        if ( pairs.count == 0 ) do return ()                -- 일단 rootObjBip 의 모든 자식들을 얻어온다. 계층구조 순서대로 얻어짐. 이후 pairs 에 사용된 것들만 남기고 날려야함        tAllChildren = fnGetAllChildren rootObjBip                -- pairs에 사용된 바이패드 오브젝트 배열을 임시로 만든다. 계층구조 순서대로가 아니다.        tBips = #()        for i = 1 to pairs.count do (            append tBips pairs[i].bipObj        )                for i = tAllChildren.count to 1 by -1 do (            -- tBips 에 존재하지 않는 children 은 tAllChildren 에서 제거한다.            if ( (finditem tBips tAllChildren[i]) == 0 ) do (                tAllChildren = ( deleteitem tAllChildren i )            )        )        -- tBips             pairs와 순서는 같으나 바이패드만으로 된 배열        -- tAllChildren    계층구조가 정렬된. 그리고 바이패드만 들어있는 배열        retArr = #()        tProps = #()        -- 프랍들을 특별처리하기 위한 임시 배열        for i = 1 to tAllChildren.count do (            tBipType = ( fnGetBipedType tAllChildren[i] ).limbName            if ( tBipType != #prop1 and tBipType != #prop2 and tBipType != #prop3 ) then (                -- 프랍이 아닌 경우                append retArr pairs[(finditem tBips tAllChildren[i])]            )            else (                -- 프랍인 경우                append tProps pairs[(finditem tBips tAllChildren[i])]            )        )                retArr = retArr + tProps        -- 프랍을 가장 후순위로 싱크해야함                -- pairs 의 바이패드가 지정되지 않은 undefined 항목들을 살려두어야하므로 retArr에 더해준다.        for o in pairs do (            if ( o.bipObj == undefined ) do ( append retArr o )        )                pairs = deepcopy retArr    )        function fnSetList = (        -- 0.29버전까지는 리스트 갱신시마다 리스트를 계층구조 순서대로 소팅을 했었으나        -- 맥스 최신버전부터 매우 느리게 작동하여 리스트 갱신에서는 제외함                tItems = #()        for o = 1 to pairs.count do (            tString = ""            if ( pairs[o].fbxObj != undefined ) then (                tString += pairs[o].fbxObj.name            )            else (                tString += "( ... )"            )            tString += " --> "            if ( pairs[o].bipObj != undefined ) then (                tString += pairs[o].bipObj.name            )            else (                tString += "( ... )"            )            append tItems tString        )        uiLBoxFbxBip.items = tItems                --if ( uiLBoxFbxBip.items.count > 1 and uiLBoxFbxBip.selection == 1 ) do uiLBoxFbxBip.selection = 2        if ( uiLBoxFbxBip.items.count > 0 and uiLBoxFbxBip.selection == 0 ) do uiLBoxFbxBip.selection = uiLBoxFbxBip.items.count                tSel = uiLBoxFbxBip.selection        uiLBoxFbxBip.selection = amin uiLBoxFbxBip.items.count (tSel + 5)        uiLBoxFbxBip.selection = tSel                fnSetStatus ()        fnSetBipInfo ()        if ( rootObjFbx != undefined ) then ( uiLabelRootFbx.text = rootObjFbx.name ) else ( uiLabelRootFbx.text = "" )        if ( rootObjBip != undefined ) then ( uiLabelRootBip.text = rootObjBip.name ) else ( uiLabelRootBip.text = "" )    )        -- pairs 배열 속의 구조체에 이미 있는 오브젝트인지를 검사하여 true 와 false 를 반환함. 존재하면 번호 리턴 , 없으면 0 리턴    function fnFindInPairsFbx obj = (        tPos = 0        for o  = 1 to pairs.count do (            try ( if ( pairs[o].fbxObj == obj ) do tPos = o ) catch ()        )        return tPos    )        -- pairs 배열의 바이패드쪽에서 obj 의 위치 번호를 리턴    function fnFindInPairsBip obj = (        tPos = 0        for o  = 1 to pairs.count do (            try ( if ( pairs[o].bipObj == obj ) do tPos = o ) catch ()        )        return tPos    )        function fnSetFileStream = -- pairs 배열 구조체 변수들을 모두 취합해서 정해진 포맷으로 정렬한 뒤 StringStream 변수 하나로 리턴    (        if pairs.count == 0 do return undefined                    tempStr = stringStream ""        ifStr = ""                for k = 1 to pairs.count do        (            if ( pairs[k].fbxObj != undefined ) then ( ifStr = pairs[k].fbxObj.inode.handle as string ) else ( ifStr = "undefined" )            format "FbxObjHandle = %\n" ifStr to:tempStr                        if ( pairs[k].fbxObj != undefined ) then ( ifStr = pairs[k].fbxObj.name as string ) else ( ifStr = "" )            format "FbxObjName = %\n" ifStr to:tempStr                        if ( pairs[k].bipObj != undefined ) then ( ifStr = pairs[k].bipObj.inode.handle as string ) else ( ifStr = "undefined" )            format "BipObjHandle = %\n" ifStr to:tempStr                        if ( pairs[k].bipObj != undefined ) then ( ifStr = pairs[k].bipObj.name as string ) else ( ifStr = "" )            format "BipObjName = %\n" ifStr to:tempStr        )        return tempStr    )        function fnCheckFileExt str = -- 스트링의 확장자를 검사    (        keyword = "sftb"        if str.count <= (keyword.count + 1) do return false                tempStr = ""        tempIndex = str.count - keyword.count + 1        for o = tempIndex to str.count do tempStr += str[o]                if (stricmp keyword tempStr) == 0 do return true        -- if (toUpper keyword) == (toUpper tempStr) do return true -- for max 2008 or higher        return false    )        -- obj가 parent 의 하위 자식에 소속되어있는지 검사    function fnIfChild parent obj = (                found = false        checkObj = obj        while checkObj != undefined do (            if ( parent == checkObj ) do ( found = true )            checkObj = checkObj.parent        )        return found    )        -- 씬 내에 같은 이름을 가진 오브젝트가 여럿 있을 때 배열로 모두 리턴    function fnGetObjsByName str = (        objs = #()        for o in objects do (            if ( o.name == str ) do ( append objs o )        )        return objs    )        -- 전체 씬을 조사해서 기존에 FbxRoot 지정된 유저 프로퍼티를 제거하고 obj 에 루트라는 표시를 한다.    function fnSetUserPropFbxRoot obj = (        if ( objects.count == 0 ) do return ()        if ( obj == undefined ) do return ()                for o in objects do (            if ( (getUserProp o "SoxFbxToBiped_FbxRoot") != undefined  ) do ( setUserProp o "SoxFbxToBiped_FbxRoot" false )        )                setUserProp obj "SoxFbxToBiped_FbxRoot" true    )        function fnSetUserPropBipRoot obj = (        if ( objects.count == 0 ) do return ()        if ( obj == undefined ) do return ()                for o in objects do (            if ( (getUserProp o "SoxFbxToBiped_BipRoot") != undefined  ) do ( setUserProp o "SoxFbxToBiped_BipRoot" false )        )                setUserProp obj "SoxFbxToBiped_BipRoot" true    )    function fnGetParentObj obj = (        return (maxOps.getNodeByHandle (getUserProp obj "FBXtoBiped_FixedDistHelperParent"))    )    function fnGetTargetObj obj = (        maxOps.getNodeByHandle (getUserProp obj "FBXtoBiped_FixedDistHelperTarget")    )    function fnGetHelperType obj = (        return (getUserProp obj "FBXtoBiped_FixedDistHelperType")    )    function fnGetLookAtHelperByPointer obj = (        local tUserProp = getUserProp obj "FBXtoBiped_FixedDistPointerLookAt"        if (tUserProp == undefined) do return undefined        return (maxOps.getNodeByHandle tUserProp)        )    function fnGetOrientationHelperByPointer obj = (        local tUserProp = getUserProp obj "FBXtoBiped_FixedDistPointerOrientation"        if (tUserProp == undefined) do return undefined        return (maxOps.getNodeByHandle tUserProp)        )    -- 손목같은 부위는 본의 자식으로 여러 본이 있을 수 있어서 여러 개의 헬퍼가 중첩된다.    -- 그러므로 부모 본에 자식 헬퍼 포인터 번호를 기록하려면 구조가 복잡해진다.    -- 그래서 단순하게, 자식중에 헬퍼가 있는지, 그리고 두 번째 선택 본과 일치하는지를 조사한다.    -- 입력값 : selA는 첫 번째 선택 본, selB는 두 번째 선택 본    -- 출력값 : 매칭 되면 헬퍼를 리턴하던가, 매칭이 안되면 undefined    -- 이 방식은 Orientation 헬퍼를 찾는데 사용할 수 없다. Orientation 헬퍼는 selA의 자식에 없으므로. 대신에 fnFindOrientationHelperByTarget 함수를 사용해야함    function fnGetLookAtHelper selA selB = (        for obj in selA.children do (            if (fnGetHelperType obj == "LookAt") do (                tTarget = fnGetTargetObj obj                if (tTarget == selB) do ( return obj)            )        )        -- 매칭되는게 없으면 undefined        return undefined    )    -- 씬 전체에서 obj를 타겟으로 하는 Orientation 헬퍼를 찾는다. 없으면 undefined    function fnFindOrientationHelperByTarget obj = (        for o in helpers do (            if (fnGetHelperType o == "Orientation") do (                local target = fnGetTargetObj o                if (target == obj) do (return o)            )        )        return undefined    )    function fnSetFixedDistHelperButton = (        if (selection.count == 2) do (            uiBtnFDHelper.enabled = true            return()        )        if (selection.count == 1) do (            if ((fnGetHelperType selection[1]) == "LookAt" or (fnGetHelperType selection[1]) == "Orientation") do (                uiBtnFDHelper.enabled = true                return()            )        )        uiBtnFDHelper.enabled = false    )        -- 콜백에서 호출되는 함수. 씬에서 선택이 변화될 때마다 툴의 리스트를 동기화 해준다.    -- Fixed Distance Helper 버튼의 활성, 비활성도 세팅한다.    function fnCallbackSyncSel = (        fnSetFixedDistHelperButton()        if ( pairs.count == 0 ) do return ()        tIndex = 0        for i = 1 to pairs.count do (            if ( pairs[i].fbxObj == selection[1] and selection.count != 0 ) do ( tIndex = i )            if ( pairs[i].bipObj == selection[1] and selection.count != 0 ) do ( tIndex = i )        )                if ( tIndex != 0  ) do (            uiLBoxFbxBip.selection = tIndex            fnSetList ()             fnSetStatus ()            fnSetBipInfo()        )    )        -- pairs 전체에 대해 지정된 시간만큼 애니메이션 키를 싱크 한다.    function fnSyncKeyRangedAll frameStart frameEnd = (        if ( classof rootObjBip ) == Biped_Object do (            rootObjBip.controller.rootnode.controller.figureMode = false        )        clearSelection()        -- 바이패드가 선택된 상태에서는 at time 방식과 호환되지 않는다.                disableSceneRedraw()                 --일단 키 삭제        deselectKeys rootObjBip.controller frameStart frameEnd        selectKeys rootObjBip.controller frameStart frameEnd        if ( classof rootObjBip ) == Biped_Object then (            biped.deleteKeys rootObjBip.controller #selection        )        else (            deleteKeys rootObjBip.controller #selection        )                for p = 1 to pairs.count do (                deselectKeys pairs[p].bipObj.controller frameStart frameEnd                selectKeys pairs[p].bipObj.controller frameStart frameEnd                if ( classof pairs[p].bipObj ) == Biped_Object then (                    biped.deleteKeys pairs[p].bipObj.controller #selection                 )                else (                    deleteKeys pairs[p].bipObj.controller #selection                 )            )                -- root 노드 먼저.        for i = frameStart to frameEnd do (            at time (i as time) (                if ( classof rootObjBip ) == Biped_Object then (                        biped.setTransform rootObjBip #pos rootObjFbx.transform.position true                        biped.setTransform rootObjBip #rotation  rootObjFbx.transform.rotation true                )                else (                    with animate on (                        tMatrix = matrix3 1                        tMatrix.rotation = rootObjFbx.transform.rotation                        tMatrix.position = rootObjFbx.transform.position        -- rotation 다음에 position 의 순서가 중요                        rootObjBip.transform = tMatrix                    )                )            ) -- at time end        ) -- for end                -- fbx 본의 키프레임이 띄엄 띄엄 있을 경우 매 오브젝트마다 전체 프레임을 모두 작업한 뒤에 다음 오브젝트로 넘어가는 방식을 취해야한다.        for p = 1 to pairs.count do (            for i = frameStart to frameEnd do (                at time (i as time) (                    if ( classof pairs[p].bipObj ) == Biped_Object then (                        biped.setTransform pairs[p].bipObj #pos pairs[p].fbxObj.transform.position true                        biped.setTransform pairs[p].bipObj #rotation  pairs[p].fbxObj.transform.rotation true                    )                    else (                        with animate on (                            tMatrix = matrix3 1                            tMatrix.rotation = pairs[p].fbxObj.transform.rotation                            tMatrix.position = pairs[p].fbxObj.transform.position        -- rotation 다음에 position 의 순서가 중요                            pairs[p].bipObj.transform = tMatrix                        )                    )                ) -- at time end            ) -- for end            uiPBar.value = (((p as float) / (pairs.count as float)) * 100 ) as integer        )                enableSceneRedraw()    )        -- 선택된 바이패드 하나에 대해 지정된 시간만큼 애니메이션 키를 싱크 한다.    function fnSyncKeyRangedSel frameStart frameEnd obj= (        if ( classof rootObjBip ) == Biped_Object do (            rootObjBip.controller.rootnode.controller.figureMode = false        )        clearSelection()        -- 바이패드가 선택된 상태에서는 at time 방식과 호환되지 않는다.                disableSceneRedraw()                 tIndex = fnFindInPairsBip obj        for i = frameStart to frameEnd do (            if ( obj == rootObjBip ) then (                at time (i as time) (                    if ( classof rootObjBip ) == Biped_Object then (                        biped.setTransform rootObjBip #pos rootObjFbx.transform.position true                        biped.setTransform rootObjBip #rotation  rootObjFbx.transform.rotation true                    )                    else (                        with animate on (                            tMatrix = matrix3 1                            tMatrix.rotation = rootObjFbx.transform.rotation                            tMatrix.position = rootObjFbx.transform.position        -- rotation 다음에 position 의 순서가 중요                            rootObjBip.transform = tMatrix                        )                    )                ) -- at time end            )            else (                at time (i as time) (                    if ( classof pairs[tIndex].bipObj ) == Biped_Object then (                        biped.setTransform pairs[tIndex].bipObj #pos pairs[tIndex].fbxObj.transform.position true                        biped.setTransform pairs[tIndex].bipObj #rotation  pairs[tIndex].fbxObj.transform.rotation true                    )                    else (                        with animate on (                            tMatrix = matrix3 1                            tMatrix.rotation = pairs[tIndex].fbxObj.transform.rotation                            tMatrix.position = pairs[tIndex].fbxObj.transform.position        -- rotation 다음에 position 의 순서가 중요                            pairs[tIndex].bipObj.transform = tMatrix                        )                    )                ) -- at time end            )        ) -- for end                enableSceneRedraw()    )    -- 키프레임 생성하기 전 전체 바이패드에 대해 매트릭스 리셋을 한다.    -- 매트릭스 리셋을 하는 이유 : 에디터에서 수동으로 Align 등을 하면 바이패드의 매트릭스가 꼬여서 이후 스크립트에서 Align을 해도 제대로 정렬이 안된다.    -- 애니메이션 키 생성하기 전에 일괄로 해야하는 이유 : IK가 살아있는 Limb 부위, 예를 들어 하박에서 Matrix3 1 를 하는 순간 상박에 영향을 주기때문에 본격적으로 키를 생성하기 전에 한번 훑어야한다.    function fnResetBipedMatrix = (        for i = 1 to pairs.count do (            pairs[i].bipObj.transform = Matrix3 1        )    )        on uiBtnTest pressed do (            )        on uiBtnScanRoot pressed do (        if ( objects.count == 0 ) do return ()                for o in objects do (            if ( (getUserProp o "SoxFbxToBiped_FbxRoot") == true ) do ( rootObjFbx = o )            if ( (getUserProp o "SoxFbxToBiped_BipRoot") == true ) do ( rootObjBip = o )        )                fnSetList ()    )        on uiBtnFigureSync pressed do (        -- pairs 를 계층구조 순서대로 먼저 정렬한다.        -- 정렬하는 이유 : 바이패드는 게층구조 순서대로 figure 를 조정해야함        -- 3ds Max 최신버전이 되면서 소팅 작동이 매우 느리다. 0.29버전까지는 리스트 갱신시마다 소팅을 했으나 0.30부터 리스트 갱신시에는 소팅을 안한다.        fnSortByHierarchy ()        fnSetList ()        if fnNonBipedCheck() do return()        -- 바이패드가 아닌 오브젝트를 대상으로 하는 리스트에서는 Figure Sync 기능이 작동하지 않는다.                if ( fnCheckMatch () == false ) do (            messagebox "Please check list"            return ()        )                if ( pairs.count == 0 ) do return ()        if ( rootObjBip == undefined or rootObjFbx == undefined ) do return ()                undo on (        tFigureSaved = rootObjBip.controller.rootnode.controller.figureMode        rootObjBip.controller.rootnode.controller.figureMode = true                biped.setTransform rootObjBip #pos rootObjFbx.transform.position false        biped.setTransform rootObjBip #rotation  rootObjFbx.transform.rotation false                for i = 1 to pairs.count do (            -- bipType.limbName, bipType.linkIndex            tBipType = fnGetBipedType pairs[i].bipObj                        -- X축 스케일에 사용할 자식 바이패드 오브젝트 선정. undefined면 자식이 없는 노드임. 하지만 nub때문에 자식이 없는 노드가 지정될 일은 거의 없음. 있다면 유저 실수            tChildForScale = fnGetChildByScalePos pairs[i].bipObj            tOriginalScale = biped.getTransform pairs[i].bipObj #scale                        case of                (                    -- Pelvis                    (tBipType.limbName == #pelvis):(                        tLLeg = biped.getNode rootObjBip #lleg link:1                        tIndex = fnFindInPairsBip tLLeg                        if ( tIndex != 0 ) then ( tLLegFbx = pairs[tIndex].fbxObj ) else ( tLLegFbx = undefined )                                                tRLeg = biped.getNode rootObjBip #rleg link:1                        tIndex = fnFindInPairsBip tRLeg                        if ( tIndex != 0 ) then ( tRLegFbx = pairs[tIndex].fbxObj ) else ( tRLegFbx = undefined )                                                if ( tLLegFbx != undefined and tRLegFbx != undefined ) do (                            tOriginalScale = biped.getTransform pairs[i].bipObj #scale                            tDist = distance tLLegFbx.transform.position tRLegFbx.transform.position                            pairs[i].bipObj.transform = Matrix3 1 -- 트랜스폼 초기화, 맥스 에디터에서 유저에 의해 Align 된 본은 트랜스폼이 꼬여있는 경우가 가끔 발생한다(대표적으로 오른쪽 쇄골). 이런 경우에도 문제 없이 되려면 Matrix3 1 로 초기화 해주면 안전하다.                            biped.setTransform pairs[i].bipObj #rotation ( pairs[i].fbxObj.transform.rotation ) false                            biped.setTransform pairs[i].bipObj #scale [tOriginalScale.x, tOriginalScale.y, tDist ] false                        )                    )                                        -- Left Foot                    (tBipType.limbName == #lleg and tBipType.linkIndex == 3):(                        tMeFbx = pairs[i].fbxObj                        tMeBip = pairs[i].bipObj                                                if (tMeBip.parent == rootObjBip) then                        (                            tMeFbxParent = rootObjFbx                        )                        else                        (                            -- fbx 트리구조는 바이패드와의 축 정렬을 위해 대리용 더미를 종종 사용하기때문에 fbx의 부모를 찾기 위해서는 바이패드 부모 기준으로 fbx 리스트를 검색해야한다.                            tMeFbxParent = pairs[(fnFindInPairsBip tMeBip.parent)].fbxObj                        )                                                tDeltaPosFbx = tMeFbx.transform.position - tMeFbxParent.transform.position                        if ( tMeFbxParent == rootObjFbx ) then (                            tBipParent = rootObjBip                        )                        else (                            tFbxParentIndex = fnFindInPairsFbx tMeFbxParent                            tBipParent = pairs[tFbxParentIndex].bipObj                        )                                                tBipPos = tBipParent.transform.position + tDeltaPosFbx                        pairs[i].bipObj.transform = Matrix3 1 -- 트랜스폼 초기화, 맥스 에디터에서 유저에 의해 Align 된 본은 트랜스폼이 꼬여있는 경우가 가끔 발생한다(대표적으로 오른쪽 쇄골). 이런 경우에도 문제 없이 되려면 Matrix3 1 로 초기화 해주면 안전하다.                        biped.setTransform pairs[i].bipObj #pos tBipPos false                                                biped.setTransform pairs[i].bipObj #rotation tMeFbx.transform.rotation false                        --if ( tMeFbx.name == "_Bip001 L Clavicle" ) do (print tMeFbx.transform.rotation)                                                tChildIndex = fnFindInPairsBip tChildForScale                        if ( tChildIndex != 0 ) do (                            tChildFbx = pairs[tChildIndex].fbxObj                            tLocalDistM3 = fnGetLocalTransform tMeFbx.transform tChildFbx.transform        -- 자식의 로컬 트랜스폼                            biped.setTransform pairs[i].bipObj #scale [tLocalDistM3.position.x, tOriginalScale.y, tOriginalScale.z ] false                        )                    )                                        -- Right Foot                    (tBipType.limbName == #rleg and tBipType.linkIndex == 3):(                        tMeFbx = pairs[i].fbxObj                        tMeBip = pairs[i].bipObj                                            if (tMeBip.parent == rootObjBip) then                        (                            tMeFbxParent = rootObjFbx                        )                        else                        (                            -- fbx 트리구조는 바이패드와의 축 정렬을 위해 대리용 더미를 종종 사용하기때문에 fbx의 부모를 찾기 위해서는 바이패드 부모 기준으로 fbx 리스트를 검색해야한다.                            tMeFbxParent = pairs[(fnFindInPairsBip tMeBip.parent)].fbxObj                        )                                                tDeltaPosFbx = tMeFbx.transform.position - tMeFbxParent.transform.position                        if ( tMeFbxParent == rootObjFbx ) then (                            tBipParent = rootObjBip                        )                        else (                            tFbxParentIndex = fnFindInPairsFbx tMeFbxParent                            tBipParent = pairs[tFbxParentIndex].bipObj                        )                                                tBipPos = tBipParent.transform.position + tDeltaPosFbx                        pairs[i].bipObj.transform = Matrix3 1 -- 트랜스폼 초기화, 맥스 에디터에서 유저에 의해 Align 된 본은 트랜스폼이 꼬여있는 경우가 가끔 발생한다(대표적으로 오른쪽 쇄골). 이런 경우에도 문제 없이 되려면 Matrix3 1 로 초기화 해주면 안전하다.                        biped.setTransform pairs[i].bipObj #pos tBipPos false                                                biped.setTransform pairs[i].bipObj #rotation tMeFbx.transform.rotation false                        --if ( tMeFbx.name == "_Bip001 L Clavicle" ) do (print tMeFbx.transform.rotation)                                                tChildIndex = fnFindInPairsBip tChildForScale                        if ( tChildIndex != 0 ) do (                            tChildFbx = pairs[tChildIndex].fbxObj                            tLocalDistM3 = fnGetLocalTransform tMeFbx.transform tChildFbx.transform        -- 자식의 로컬 트랜스폼                            biped.setTransform pairs[i].bipObj #scale [tLocalDistM3.position.x, tOriginalScale.y, tOriginalScale.z ] false                        )                    )                                        default: (                        tMeFbx = pairs[i].fbxObj                        tMeBip = pairs[i].bipObj                                                if (tMeBip.parent == rootObjBip) then                        (                            tMeFbxParent = rootObjFbx                        )                        else                        (                            -- fbx 트리구조는 바이패드와의 축 정렬을 위해 대리용 더미를 종종 사용하기때문에 fbx의 부모를 찾기 위해서는 바이패드 부모 기준으로 fbx 리스트를 검색해야한다.                            local tIndex = fnFindInPairsBip tMeBip.parent                            if tIndex == 0 then                            (                                messagebox ("Warning - There are unmatched Biped - " + tMeBip.parent.name)                                exit                            )                            else                            (                                tMeFbxParent = pairs[tIndex].fbxObj                            )                        )                                                tDeltaPosFbx = tMeFbx.transform.position - tMeFbxParent.transform.position                        if ( tMeFbxParent == rootObjFbx ) then (                            tBipParent = rootObjBip                        )                        else (                            tFbxParentIndex = fnFindInPairsFbx tMeFbxParent                            tBipParent = pairs[tFbxParentIndex].bipObj                        )                                                tBipPos = tBipParent.transform.position + tDeltaPosFbx                        pairs[i].bipObj.transform = Matrix3 1 -- 트랜스폼 초기화, 맥스 에디터에서 유저에 의해 Align 된 본은 트랜스폼이 꼬여있는 경우가 가끔 발생한다(대표적으로 오른쪽 쇄골). 이런 경우에도 문제 없이 되려면 Matrix3 1 로 초기화 해주면 안전하다.                        biped.setTransform pairs[i].bipObj #pos tBipPos false                                                biped.setTransform pairs[i].bipObj #rotation tMeFbx.transform.rotation false                        --if ( tMeFbx.name == "_Bip001 L Clavicle" ) do (print tMeFbx.transform.rotation)                                                tChildIndex = fnFindInPairsBip tChildForScale                        if ( tChildIndex != 0 ) do (                            tChildFbx = pairs[tChildIndex].fbxObj                            tDist = distance tMeFbx.transform.position tChildFbx.transform.position        -- 자식과의 거리                            biped.setTransform pairs[i].bipObj #scale [tDist, tOriginalScale.y, tOriginalScale.z ] false                        )                    )                ) -- case end        ) -- for end        ) -- undo off        --         rootObjBip.controller.figureMode = tFigureSaved -- 자동으로 Figure모드에서 원래 일반 모드로 되돌아가도록 할 경우 Clevicle 에서 이유를 알 수 없는 로테이션 에러가 발생해서 무조건 Figure모드로 끝내도록 함    )        on uiBtnSyncAll pressed do (        if ( fnCheckMatch () == false ) do (            messagebox "Please check list"            return ()        )        if ( pairs.count == 0 ) do return ()        if ( rootObjBip == undefined or rootObjFbx == undefined ) do return ()                if ( uiRBtnKeyOption.state == 1 ) then (            frameStart = animationRange.start as integer / TicksPerFrame            frameEnd = animationRange.end as integer / TicksPerFrame        )        else (            frameStart = slidertime as integer / TicksPerFrame            frameEnd = slidertime as integer / TicksPerFrame        )        tSelBackup = selection as array        undo on (            fnResetBipedMatrix()            fnSyncKeyRangedAll frameStart frameEnd        )        select tSelBackup    )        on uiBtnSyncSel pressed do (        if ( fnCheckMatch () == false ) do (            messagebox "Please check list"            return ()        )        if ( pairs.count == 0 ) do return ()        if ( rootObjBip == undefined or rootObjFbx == undefined ) do return ()                -- 선택된 오브젝트가 리스트에 없으면 그냥 리턴        if ( ( fnFindInPairsBip selection[1] ) == 0 and selection[1] != rootObjBip ) do return ()                if ( uiRBtnKeyOption.state == 1 ) then (            frameStart = animationRange.start as integer / TicksPerFrame            frameEnd = animationRange.end as integer / TicksPerFrame        )        else (            frameStart = slidertime as integer / TicksPerFrame            frameEnd = slidertime as integer / TicksPerFrame        )        tSelBackup = selection as array        undo on (            -- 선택된 것 하나에 대해서는 Matrix3 1 을 하면 안된다. Limb같은곳에서 하위 하나에서 하면 상위에도 영향을 준다.            fnSyncKeyRangedSel frameStart frameEnd selection[1]        )        select tSelBackup    )        on uiBtnReset pressed do (        pairs = #()        rootObjFbx = undefined        rootObjBip = undefined        fnSetList ()    )        on uiBtnDoReplace pressed do (        strToFind = uiETxtReplaceFrom.text        strToReplace = uiETxtReplaceTo.text            for o in selection do(            tStr = o.name            tPos = findstring tStr strToFind            if (tPos != undefined) do (                newStr = replace tStr tPos strToFind.count strToReplace                o.name = newStr            )        )                fnSetList ()    )        on uiBtnSetRootFbx pressed do (        if selection[1] == undefined do return ()        if ( classof selection[1] == Biped_Object ) do (            messagebox ( "Please select NON Biped Object" )            return ()        )                if ( rootObjFbx == selection[1] ) do return ()                uiLabelRootFbx.text = selection[1].name        rootObjFbx = selection[1]                -- Root 오브젝트가 변경되었으면 나머지 FBX 오브젝트들은 새로 구성해야함. 모두 날려버린다.        if ( pairs.count > 0 ) do (            for o = 1 to pairs.count do (                pairs[o].fbxObj = undefined            )        )                -- 유저 프로퍼티에 루트 노드라는 표시를 한다.        fnSetUserPropFbxRoot selection[1]                if uiCBoxAutoHide.state do (            hide selection[1]            clearSelection()        )                fnSetList ()    )        on uiBtnSetRootBip pressed do (        if selection[1] == undefined do return ()        if ( classof selection[1] != Biped_Object and uiCBoxNonBipedMode.state == false ) do (            messagebox ( "Please select Biped Object" )            return ()        )                if ( rootObjBip == selection[1] ) do return ()                uiLabelRootBip.text = selection[1].name        rootObjBip = selection[1]                -- Root 오브젝트가 변경되었으면 나머지 Bip 오브젝트들은 새로 구성해야함. 모두 날려버린다.        if ( pairs.count > 0 ) do (            for o = 1 to pairs.count do (                pairs[o].bipObj = undefined            )        )                -- 유저 프로퍼티에 루트 노드라는 표시를 한다.        fnSetUserPropBipRoot selection[1]                if uiCBoxAutoHide.state do (            hide selection[1]            clearSelection()        )                fnSetList ()    )        on uiLBoxFbxBip selected arg do (        fnSetBipInfo ()    )        on uiLBoxFbxBip doubleClicked arg do (        if ( pairs.count == 0 ) do return ()                objs = #()        if ( pairs[arg].fbxObj != undefined ) do append objs pairs[arg].fbxObj        if ( pairs[arg].bipObj != undefined ) do append objs pairs[arg].bipObj        select objs    )        on uiBtnSelectFbxRoot pressed do (        if ( rootObjFbx != undefined ) do ( select rootObjFbx )    )        on uiBtnSelectBipRoot pressed do (        if ( rootObjBip != undefined ) do ( select rootObjBip )    )        on uiBtnSelectFbx pressed do (        if ( uiLBoxFbxBip.selection == 0 ) do return ()        try ( select pairs[uiLBoxFbxBip.selection].fbxObj ) catch ()    )    on uiBtnSelectFbxAll pressed do (        if ( pairs.count == 0 ) do return ()        objs = #()        for o in pairs do (            if ( o.fbxObj != undefined ) do ( append objs o.fbxObj )        )        if ( rootObjFbx != undefined ) do ( append objs rootObjFbx )                if ( objs.count != 0 ) do ( select objs )    )    on uiBtnSelectBip pressed do (        if ( uiLBoxFbxBip.selection == 0 ) do return ()        try ( select pairs[uiLBoxFbxBip.selection].bipObj ) catch ()    )    on uiBtnSelectBipAll pressed do (        if ( pairs.count == 0 ) do return ()        objs = #()        for o in pairs do (            if ( o.bipObj != undefined ) do ( append objs o.bipObj )        )                if ( rootObjBip != undefined ) do ( append objs rootObjBip )                if ( objs.count != 0 ) do ( select objs )    )        on uiBtnLoad pressed do    (        if ( rootObjFbx == undefined or rootObjBip == undefined ) do (            messagebox "You must Get root objects first"            return ()        )                sftbFile = (getOpenFileName caption:"Select sftb file" types:"SOX Fbx to Biped (*.sftb)|*.sftb|All (*.*)|*.*|") as string        if sftbFile == "undefined" do return ()        if (fnCheckFileExt sftbFile) == false do (messagebox "*.sftb 확장자만 지원합니다"; return())                openStream = openFile sftbFile mode:#rt                pairs = #()        pairsIndex = 0                if ( uiRBtnLoadingType.state == 2 ) then (            -- Handle 번호로 불러오는 방식            while (eof openStream) != true do            (                tempKeyword = readDelimitedString openStream "="                tempKeyword = trimLeft tempKeyword -- 안전을 위해 앞뒤 공백을 없앤다                tempKeyword = trimRight tempKeyword -- 안전을 위해 앞뒤 공백을 없앤다                                case of                (                    (tempKeyword == "FbxObjHandle"):(                        append pairs (pairdef ()) ; pairsIndex += 1                        tempValue = readDelimitedString openStream "\n"                        tHandle = execute tempValue                        tHandleObj = try ( maxOps.getNodeByHandle tHandle ) catch (undefined)                        pairs[pairsIndex].fbxObj = undefined                                                --if ( tHandle != undefined  and (fnIfChild rootObjFbx tHandleObj) ) do (                        if ( tHandle != undefined  ) do (                            pairs[pairsIndex].fbxObj = tHandleObj                        )                    )                                        (tempKeyword == "BipObjHandle"):(                        tempValue = readDelimitedString openStream "\n"                        tHandle = execute tempValue                        tHandleObj = try ( maxOps.getNodeByHandle tHandle ) catch (undefined)                        pairs[pairsIndex].bipObj = undefined                        if ( tHandle != undefined and (fnIfChild rootObjBip tHandleObj) ) do (                            pairs[pairsIndex].bipObj = tHandleObj                        )                    )                                        default: (readDelimitedString openStream "\n")                )            )        )        else (            -- Name으로 불러오는 방식            while (eof openStream) != true do            (                tempKeyword = readDelimitedString openStream "="                tempKeyword = trimLeft tempKeyword -- 안전을 위해 앞뒤 공백을 없앤다                tempKeyword = trimRight tempKeyword -- 안전을 위해 앞뒤 공백을 없앤다                                case of                (                    (tempKeyword == "FbxObjName"):(                        append pairs (pairdef ()) ; pairsIndex += 1                        tempValue = readDelimitedString openStream "\n"                        tempValue = trimLeft tempValue -- 안전을 위해 앞뒤 공백을 없앤다                        tempValue = trimRight tempValue -- 안전을 위해 앞뒤 공백을 없앤다                        tObjs = fnGetObjsByName tempValue                        pairs[pairsIndex].fbxObj = undefined                        if ( tObjs.count != 0 ) do (                            for o in tObjs do (                                --if ( fnIfChild rootObjFbx o ) do ( pairs[pairsIndex].fbxObj = o )                                pairs[pairsIndex].fbxObj = o                            )                        )                    )                                        (tempKeyword == "BipObjName"):(                        tempValue = readDelimitedString openStream "\n"                        tObj = getNodeByName tempValue                        tempValue = trimLeft tempValue -- 안전을 위해 앞뒤 공백을 없앤다                        tempValue = trimRight tempValue -- 안전을 위해 앞뒤 공백을 없앤다                        tObjs = fnGetObjsByName tempValue                        pairs[pairsIndex].bipObj = undefined                        if ( tObjs.count != 0 ) do (                            for o in tObjs do (                                --if ( fnIfChild rootObjBip o ) do ( pairs[pairsIndex].bipObj = o )                                pairs[pairsIndex].bipObj = o                            )                        )                    )                                        default: (readDelimitedString openStream "\n")                )            )        )        fnSetList ()                close openStream    )        on uiBtnSaveAs pressed do (         file = (getSaveFileName caption:"Save sftb file" types:"Sox Fbx to Biped (*.sftb)|*.sftb|All (*.*)|*.*|")        -- 저장 전 계층구조 기준으로 소팅 수행 (랙이 걸리는 작업임)        fnSortByHierarchy ()        fnSetList ()        try (            if (file != undefined) and (ss = createFile file) != undefined do            (            format "%" (fnSetFileStream() as string) to:ss            flush ss            close ss            true            )        ) catch ( messagebox "File Access Error" )    )        /*    on uiBtnListUp pressed do (        if ( uiLBoxFbxBip.selection <= 1 ) do return ()        pairs = fnSwapArray pairs uiLBoxFbxBip.selection (uiLBoxFbxBip.selection - 1)        uiLBoxFbxBip.selection -= 1        fnSetList ()    )        on uiBtnListDown pressed do (        if ( uiLBoxFbxBip.selection == 0 ) do return ()        if ( uiLBoxFbxBip.selection == uiLBoxFbxBip.items.count ) do return ()        pairs = fnSwapArray pairs uiLBoxFbxBip.selection (uiLBoxFbxBip.selection + 1)        uiLBoxFbxBip.selection += 1        fnSetList ()    )    */        on uiBtnListAdd pressed do (        append pairs (pairDef ())        uiLBoxFbxBip.selection = pairs.count        fnSetList ()    )        on uiBtnListDel pressed do (        if ( pairs.count == 0 ) do return ()        if ( uiLBoxFbxBip.selection == 0 ) do return ()        deleteItem pairs uiLBoxFbxBip.selection        fnSetList ()    )        -- 현재 선택된 오브젝트를 FBX 리트스에 추가    on uiBtnSetFbx pressed do (        if ( uiLBoxFbxBip.selection == 0 ) do return ()        if ( classof selection[1] == Biped_Object ) do (            messagebox ( "Please select NON Biped Object" )            return ()        )                /*        -- FBX는 계층구조의 자유도를 위해서 같은 계층구조에 있는지 검사를 생략함        if ( fnIfChild rootObjFbx selection[1] ) == false do (            messagebox "It must exist in same hierarchy"            return ()        )        */                        tPos = fnFindInPairsFbx (selection[1])        if ( tPos > 0 ) do (            -- 현재 선택된 오브젝트 이름이 기존에 이미 존재한다면            -- 기존에 존재하는 오브젝트 연결을 일단 해제            pairs[tPos].fbxObj = undefined        )        pairs[uiLBoxFbxBip.selection].fbxObj = selection[1]                if uiCBoxAutoHide.state then (            hide selection[1]            clearSelection()            fnSetList ()        )        else (            fnSetList ()            fnCallbackSyncSel ()        )    )    on uiBtnClearFbx pressed do (        if ( uiLBoxFbxBip.selection == 0 ) do return ()        if ( pairs.count == 0 ) do return ()        pairs[uiLBoxFbxBip.selection].fbxObj = undefined        fnSetList ()    )        -- 현재 선택된 오브젝트를 Bip 리트스에 추가    on uiBtnSetBip pressed do (        if ( uiLBoxFbxBip.selection == 0 ) do return ()        if ( classof selection[1] != Biped_Object and uiCBoxNonBipedMode.state == false ) do (            messagebox ( "Please select Biped Object" )            return ()        )        if ( fnIfChild rootObjBip selection[1] ) == false do (            messagebox "It must exist in same hierarchy"            return ()        )                tPos = fnFindInPairsBip (selection[1])        if ( tPos > 0 ) do (            -- 현재 선택된 오브젝트 이름이 기존에 이미 존재한다면            -- 기존에 존재하는 오브젝트 연결을 일단 해제            pairs[tPos].bipObj = undefined        )        pairs[uiLBoxFbxBip.selection].bipObj = selection[1]                if uiCBoxAutoHide.state then (             hide selection[1]            clearSelection()            fnSetList ()        )        else (            fnSetList ()            fnCallbackSyncSel ()        )    )        on uiBtnClearBip pressed do (        if ( uiLBoxFbxBip.selection == 0 ) do return ()        if ( pairs.count == 0 ) do return ()        pairs[uiLBoxFbxBip.selection].bipObj = undefined        fnSetList ()    )        on SoxFbxToBiped open do (            callbacks.addScript #selectionSetChanged "SoxFbxToBiped.fnCallbackSyncSel ()" id:#SFTBSelect            callbacks.addScript #filePostOpen "SoxFbxToBiped.uiBtnReset.pressed();SoxFbxToBiped.uiBtnScanRoot.pressed()" id:#SFTBOpen            callbacks.addScript #systemPostNew "SoxFbxToBiped.uiBtnReset.pressed();SoxFbxToBiped.uiBtnScanRoot.pressed()" id:#SFTBNew            callbacks.addScript #systemPostReset "SoxFbxToBiped.uiBtnReset.pressed();SoxFbxToBiped.uiBtnScanRoot.pressed()" id:#SFTBReset                    rootObjFbx = undefined            rootObjBip = undefined        --             uiSpnThickHor.value    = 0.5--             uiSpnThickVer.value    = 0.4            uiBtnScanRoot.pressed()            fnSetList ()            fnSetFixedDistHelperButton()        )        on SoxFbxToBiped close do (            callbacks.removeScripts id:#SFTBSelect            callbacks.removeScripts id:#SFTBOpen            callbacks.removeScripts id:#SFTBNew            callbacks.removeScripts id:#SFTBReset    )    /* -- Fixed Distance Helper 에 의해 필요 없어진 기능 주석 처리    on uiBtnDeletePosKeys pressed do    (        if (selection.count < 1) do return()        for obj in selection do         (            if (getClassName obj.position.controller == "Position XYZ") do            (                for p = 1 to 3 do -- 1,2,3 은 x, y, z 포지션                (                    track = obj.position.controller[p].controller -- 포지션 컨트롤러 선택                            -- select keys by skip each 5th                    for i = 1 to track.keys.count do                    (                        -- 현재 타임의 키만 제외하고 나머지 키를 다 선택한다.                        if (track.keys[i].time <= sliderTime) then                        (                            deselectKey track i                        )                        else                        (                            selectKey track i                        )                    )                                        -- delete selected keys                    deleteKeys track #selection                )            )        )    )    */        on uiBtnFDHelper pressed do (        if (selection.count < 1) do return()                undo on (            -- FBXtoBiped_FixedDistHelperType == "LookAt" 를 선택하고 버튼을 누르면 부모와 타겟 본을 자동으로 선택한다.            if (fnGetHelperType selection[1] == "LookAt" or fnGetHelperType selection[1] == "Orientation") do            (                local selArray = #()                local tObj = fnGetParentObj selection[1]                if (tObj != undefined) do (append selArray tObj)                tObj = fnGetTargetObj selection[1]                if (tObj != undefined) do (append selArray tObj)                select selArray            )                        if (selection.count < 2) do return()                        -- 여기까지 오면 최초 본 두 개를 선택했던, LookAt 헬퍼를 선택했던 상관 없이 선택 두 개는 본 두 개이다.            local selA = selection[1]            local selB = selection[2]                        -- 두 본 선택 기준으로 적절한 헬퍼가 있는지 얻어온다. 적절한게 없으면 undefined            local newPointA = fnGetLookAtHelper selA selB                            -- newPointA 가 비어있으면 채운다.            if (newPointA == undefined) do            (                local newPointA = Point()                newPointA.wireColor = yellow                newPointA.transform = selA.transform                newPointA.parent = selA                newPointA.name = selA.name + "--" + selB.name + " LookAt"                newPointA.cross = on                newPointA.Box = off                newPointA.axistripod = off                newPointA.centermarker = off                newPointA.size = uiSpinFDHelperSize.value                setUserProp newPointA "FBXtoBiped_FixedDistHelperType" "LookAt"                setUserProp newPointA "FBXtoBiped_FixedDistHelperParent" selA.inode.handle -- FixedDistHelper 는 리깅 과정에서 부모가 수시로 바뀌므로 원래 어떤 본을 부모로 했는지 고유번호를 기록해둔다.                setUserProp newPointA "FBXtoBiped_FixedDistHelperTarget" selB.inode.handle -- 위와 비슷한 이유로 일단 기록히둔다. 사용할지는 미지수.            )                        newPointA.rotation.controller = LookAt_Constraint ()                        -- 이미 LookAt 타겟이 있으면 삭제            if (newPointA.rotation.controller.getNumTargets () >= 1) do (                for i = 1 to newPointA.rotation.controller.getNumTargets () do (                    newPointA.rotation.controller.deleteTarget 1 -- 가장 위의것만 여러 번 삭제                )            )                        newPointA.rotation.controller.appendTarget selB 50            newPointA.rotation.controller.pickUpNode =  selA            newPointA.rotation.controller.upnode_world = false            newPointA.rotation.controller.lookat_vector_length = 0                        case of            (                (uiRBtnFDHelperForward.state == 1): (                    -- X                    newPointA.rotation.controller.target_axis = 0                    newPointA.rotation.controller.StoUP_axis = 2                    newPointA.rotation.controller.upnode_axis = 2                )                (uiRBtnFDHelperForward.state == 2): (                    -- Y                    newPointA.rotation.controller.target_axis = 1                    newPointA.rotation.controller.StoUP_axis = 2                    newPointA.rotation.controller.upnode_axis = 2                )                (uiRBtnFDHelperForward.state == 3): (                    -- Z                    newPointA.rotation.controller.target_axis = 2                    newPointA.rotation.controller.StoUP_axis = 1                    newPointA.rotation.controller.upnode_axis = 1                )            )            newPointA.rotation.controller.target_axisFlip = uiCBoxFDHelperForwardFlip.state                        -- 두 본 선택 기준으로 적절한 헬퍼가 있는지 얻어온다. 적절한게 없으면 undefined            local newPointB = fnFindOrientationHelperByTarget selB                            if (newPointB == undefined) do (                newPointB = Point()                newPointB.wireColor = yellow                newPointB.transform = newPointA.transform                newPointB.parent = selA                newPointB.name = selA.name + " Orientation"                newPointB.cross = off                newPointB.Box = on                newPointB.axistripod = off                newPointB.centermarker = off                newPointB.size = uiSpinFDHelperSize.value * 0.85                setUserProp newPointB "FBXtoBiped_FixedDistHelperType" "Orientation"                setUserProp newPointB "FBXtoBiped_FixedDistHelperParent" selA.inode.handle -- FixedDistHelper 는 리깅 과정에서 부모가 수시로 바뀌므로 원래 어떤 본을 부모로 했는지 고유번호를 기록해둔다.                setUserProp newPointB "FBXtoBiped_FixedDistHelperTarget" selB.inode.handle -- 위와 비슷한 이유로 일단 기록히둔다. 사용할지는 미지수.                setUserProp newPointB "FBXtoBiped_FixedDistPointerLookAt" newPointA.inode.handle -- 참조할 LookAt 헬퍼를 기록                setUserProp newPointA "FBXtoBiped_FixedDistPointerOrientation" newPointB.inode.handle -- LookAt 헬퍼에 참조할 Orientation 헬퍼를 기록            )            newPointB.rotation.controller = Orientation_Constraint ()                        -- 이미 Orientation 타겟이 있으면 삭제            if (newPointB.rotation.controller.getNumTargets () >= 1) do (                for i = 1 to newPointB.rotation.controller.getNumTargets () do (                    newPointB.rotation.controller.deleteTarget 1 -- 가장 위의것만 여러 번 삭제                )            )                        newPointB.rotation.controller.appendTarget newPointA 50            -- newPointB의 Parent 본을 타겟으로 하는 Orientation 헬퍼를 찾는다.            local parentOrientation = fnFindOrientationHelperByTarget (fnGetParentObj newPointB)            if (parentOrientation != undefined) do (                newPointB.parent = parentOrientation                local parentLookAt = fnGetLookAtHelperByPointer parentOrientation                -- distance를 측정해서 expression 내용에 바로 넣는 방식은 스케일이 적용된 경우 골치아프기때문에                -- 일반 컨트롤러로 강제로 전환한 후 다시 Expression 으로 전환해서 디폴트 값을 사용한다.                newPointB.pos.controller = Position_XYZ ()                newPointB.position = selA.position                newPointB.pos.controller = Position_Expression ()            )            -- 부모 -> 자식의 순서로 헬퍼를 생성하면 문제가 없지만, 반대로 생성하면 Orientation 헬퍼의 부모가 제대로 연결되지 않으니 자식에 연결되지 않은게 있는지 찾아본다.            -- selB를 parent 로 하는 Orientation 헬퍼를 찾는 방식            for obj in helpers do (                if (fnGetHelperType obj == "Orientation") do (                    if ((fnGetParentObj obj) == selB) do (                        obj.parent = newPointB                        newPointB.pos.controller = Position_Expression ()                    )                )            )            select newPointB        ) -- end fo UnDo    )    on uiSpinFDHelperSize changed value do (        local objs = #()        -- 하나만 선택했는데 Fixed Distance 관련 헬퍼일 경우 쌍으로 스케일을 조절        if (selection.count == 1) then (            append objs selection[1]            if (fnGetHelperType selection[1] == "LookAt") do (                append objs (fnGetOrientationHelperByPointer selection[1])            )            if (fnGetHelperType selection[1] == "Orientation") do (                append objs (fnGetLookAtHelperByPointer selection[1])            )        )        else (            objs = selection as array        )        for obj in objs do (            if (classof obj == Point) do (                if ((fnGetHelperType obj) == "LookAt") do (                    obj.size = value                )                if ((fnGetHelperType obj) == "Orientation") do (                    obj.size = value * 0.85                )             )        )    )        on uiBtnAbout pressed do    (        shellLaunch "http://cafe.naver.com/pinksox/6064" ""    )    )createDialog SoxFbxToBiped style:#(#style_titlebar, #style_toolwindow, #style_sysmenu) lockWidth:true
Moving Forward:
As I continue puttering with this, I will soon produce a new basemesh for both man01 and woman01 that allows for added functionality. I will probably replace all 30 or so faces with this added functionality as well, as it is the simplest addition to the game. With this new base mesh, it will be presented in 2 formats. One is the C4D version, which will be my master copy, where I make edits from and create additions to, as well as an old 3DS version, which everything must be ported to in order for exporting to GunZ. The only difference between both versions is the 3DS version will be skinned using the required Physique system. On top of this base mesh, we will also have a full new animation system using C4D as well, as their IK system is decent, and it is the most widely used program currently. With the script above, you can then convert any bone system created with C4D into a playable animation within the game as well.

I have also puttered with the idea of adding a new weapon into the game, and building a full animation schematic for it, any suggestions?

Some watch outs for those of you who may try and play around with this as well. Unlike any other system 3DS using the Z axis for up and the developers of GunZ screwed up and used CM for units but all of their 3DS Max documents are in inches. Classic. Caused me some unnecessary headaches trying to get my models imported in correctly.
Ref A:
Wucas - Animation and Bipedal Systems within GunZ: 2021 Edition - RaGEZONE Forums
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I'm retired, I'm already
Oct 3, 2011
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I don't really know much about animations for gunz but the truth looks interesting and I am a bit pleased that new things are added to the community, they have my support.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 13, 2013
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If we update gunz elu/ani system to support fbx ?

This was possible using
Then it will be possible to import any model, does autorigging,
the rig and model animations from this video is made from mixamo, there is also a large library with animations that work on any skeletal mesh

A bonus:

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Dec 7, 2011
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If we update gunz elu/ani system to support fbx ?

This was possible using
Then it will be possible to import any model, does autorigging,
the rig and model animations from this video is made from mixamo, there is also a large library with animations that work on any skeletal mesh

A bonus:

Updating to support FBX would be a great idea, Then more modelers and animators would be in to Gunz, I'm into this things.
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2D > 3D
Loyal Member
Dec 19, 2008
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If we update gunz elu/ani system to support fbx ?

This was possible using
Then it will be possible to import any model, does autorigging,
the rig and model animations from this video is made from mixamo, there is also a large library with animations that work on any skeletal mesh

A bonus:

I agree that the FBX container is simply stronger as a whole, and personally would love to see this implemented in the actual game. ELU/ ANI struct has always been a limiting factor for two reasons.

(A) It lowers accessibility and efficiencies because all testing must be done only within the MAIET Character Viewer or the game itself. This takes cycles away from actually making things, as each element is tested outside of the animation program.

(B) Sharing and creation of content is harder. The exporter for ELU/ ANI only works with 3DS Max currently. Although there is some porting done, I can count on my fingers the amount of MAX versions that can be used.

I will however, give you two problems that occur when switching to FBX.

(A) The Bipedal system from MAX is still in place. This still remains a very limiting factor as all sets use it as a base for everything else. As I spoke of in the original post, this has been resolved.

(B) Although you may have a rigged character with an animation imported from Mixamo, the actual animation would not work with the original characters as the bone structure is still incorrect. To switch to a stronger Biped, all animations would need to be converted to the new system or recreated entirely.

Honestly, if you would like to collab and make a joint release, I would be happy to do all of the graphical side for this project. I feel by switching to an FBX container would be a great step in the right direction for the community. If you edit the source, I can edit all the assets and we should be in a good place.

A quick question. Do we see any issues with backward compatibility here? All character assets would need to be converted, this is something we cannot get around, I am up for that, but as for the actual animations of NPCs, weapons, and map assets, keeping the ELU/ ANI structure in the background would probably be beneficial. Converting every asset in the game is difficult, unless you were to build a script that literally did conversion as well, but I feel the easier solve is to run ELU/ ANI and FBX side by side. This also would be beneficial for currently running servers as well.

Anyways, this is exciting, I would love to see something like this implemented as it removes some bottlenecks in the process, and although a little tedious, would be glad to do my part in making this happen.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Dec 13, 2013
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A quick question. Do we see any issues with backward compatibility here? All character assets would need to be converted, this is something we cannot get around, I am up for that, but as for the actual animations of NPCs, weapons, and map assets, keeping the ELU/ ANI structure in the background would probably be beneficial. Converting every asset in the game is difficult, unless you were to build a script that literally did conversion as well, but I feel the easier solve is to run ELU/ ANI and FBX side by side. This also would be beneficial for currently running servers as well.

The idea behind this system is new maps and new quests with new npcs, as it would be too much work to convert all gunz 3d stuff and make it work.
Also because I have no idea how I'm going to mix the different animations, like walk + def from X bone onwards
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Experienced Elementalist
Aug 14, 2010
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It's an interesting topic even tho I don't know much about animation stuff.
Sad to see that nowadays there are so little people in this scene.
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Newbie Spellweaver
May 25, 2021
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Hi, I really need your help. First of all, sorry for the English, but I'm using Google translator.
I'm creating clothes for gunz, importing them to Blender, sending them to 3ds Max and from there to the game. I've already managed to put it on a test server I made, but no item has animation, the animations have to be done too or how do I make them recognize the mesh? The biped works but the mesh itself doesn't, help me please T-T.
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Experienced Elementalist
May 12, 2014
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I think your research on the subject has been so mediocre, I don't think you haven't seen the videos on the net just by putting " " in google

In my time I learned it was with a video of mentin2 since I did not find any information about it
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Newbie Spellweaver
May 25, 2021
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I saw this video:

But the file he uses for the biped I don't have, I couldn't find it in another video but the download link doesn't work. I don't know how to create a biped like the one he is using, I ended up using one creating it within 3ds, but these cubes don't stay, I didn't understand much. But if I name the biped to the gunz's default name, when I export it does the animation, but my outfit stays still, and if I apply the physics modifier, the outfit just disappears and it's just the billet in the character viewer. Can you help me with the biped?
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Experienced Elementalist
May 12, 2014
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here are the files, I literally uploaded them and the video is mine :v
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Initiate Mage
Sep 11, 2021
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@NesuxGxx | I have watched your 3 videos. Can you reupload the files if you don't mind? :driver:
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