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Project Cortex

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Junior Spellweaver
Jul 28, 2019
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stuff that everyone... doesn't read:
this is a project mainly for self-education, a.k.a. don't expect top-notch code.

the technology's i've chosen to use for this is...
: will be using (and is using) the A* Search Algorithm for the path finding because it's Monday.
: used to render all graphics (+- user interface controls) because it's 2 A.M.
: used to effectively communicate with the server in real-time because it's August.
MySQL: because it's 2019.
SASS: because it's easier and doesn't harm anyone.

stuff that everyone wants to see:
-- removed links, browse by latest posts for updated snippets/screenshots.​

features no one cares about:
├ Socket Authorization prior to connection establishment.
|└ Requires a key sent in the connection address to authorize.
|__└ Key must have been generated within 5 minutes to the same address.
├ Socket Ping every 60 seconds to keep the web socket alive.
└ Socket Event handler, allowing interfaces for the server and callbacks for the client.​
├ Landing View
|└ Waits for a user to request the landing view images before loading them from the database and storing in memory.
└ Rooms
__ ├ Room Categories are loaded through the server and stored in memory until requested by user.
__ ├ Rooms are loaded and unloaded upon socket user connect/disconnect.
__ └ Room Navigator allows you to sort by public/private rooms, sorting by different category types.
__ __├ Room Navigator only displays the categories with loaded rooms in them.
__ __└ Room Navigator allows you to enter rooms, adding the user to the memory.​
Last edited:
Dec 11, 2010
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Re: Chloe's Habbo Hotel

Thread approved, good luck.

We have four dead HTML5 developments on the first page alone, so don't let us down. :p:
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 28, 2019
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Re: Chloe's Habbo Hotel

Minor update for today:

wNkmrQH - Project Cortex - RaGEZONE Forums

BL8uUEq - Project Cortex - RaGEZONE Forums

Furnitures are now possible to create & spawn (through the server + script, the inventory hasn't been done yet), whereas they will automatically stack on each other if set to.
Each furniture has its own Path2D hit registration path (green outline).
When walking, the server will detect the furnitures (and users for that part) and read whether you can walk through them or not. If not, the A* algorithm will see it as a blocked unit.

bqthkzU - Project Cortex - RaGEZONE Forums

The selected tile is now properly drawn on the canvas (earlier it was a DOM element as it was purely to test it). It updates at an interval of 24 frames (24/1000 milliseconds).​


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Skilled Illusionist
Feb 25, 2009
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Re: Chloe's Habbo Hotel

Good luck with your project !

It's based on Joopie's project ? Or Cyclone's sources ? (It's just a question !)
Jun 23, 2010
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Re: Chloe's Habbo Hotel

Why did you choose to do the pathfinder client-side (if I understand it correctly)?

Nice progress you have m8. Might be more than some other developments. If you need furniture stuff, this might be interesting for you: . And this for furniture rendering:
Skilled Illusionist
Feb 25, 2009
Reaction score
Re: Chloe's Habbo Hotel

Why did you choose to do the pathfinder client-side (if I understand it correctly)?

Nice progress you have m8. Might be more than some other developments. If you need furniture stuff, this might be interesting for you: . And this for furniture rendering:

For the moment (i think) it's client-side only because there are no server at this moment...
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 28, 2019
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Re: Chloe's Habbo Hotel

It's based on Joopie's project ? Or Cyclone's sources ? (It's just a question !)
This client and server is written by me completely, nothing has been taken from any other open source projects.

Why did you choose to do the pathfinder client-side (if I understand it correctly)?
The pathfinder is not client-side. Everything is handled by the server which in return sends headers to the client that does part of the job by itself. Meaning: the client will detect which direction the next tile is at, turning the correct avatar to that direction. A.k.a., it doesn't perform actions that could manipulate other clients or cause de-syncs.

Nice progress you have m8. Might be more than some other developments. If you need furniture stuff, this might be interesting for you: . And this for furniture rendering:
Thanks, I'll check it out.

For the moment (i think) it's client-side only because there are no server at this moment...
There is a server, everything is handled properly through the server and clients.

8th of August edit:

4kGXZDA - Project Cortex - RaGEZONE Forums

I've spent a few hours last night and before, rewriting parts of the rooms to improve efficienty and performance, in the end, I fixed an issue that caused the canvas to lose 2-3 frames a second.

The walls are now registered as nodes (outlined in orange) in order to be able to in the future place furniture on the wall (+ hit registration for the door works now without having to cut it in half).
Users are now drawn on the interior canvas as well (previously they were drawn on a secondary canvas as it was used to construct the avatars from start, more of a tool for me if anything).
Every interior node is drawn properly in an order by an index that is calculated by the breadth multiplied by the height added by the depth.
When an avatar is drawn in a specific color, it's no longer drawn on a seperate canvas each and every time and copied onto the real canvas (yeah, I was lazy when writing the constructor, shh), it's now only drawn on a temporary canvas once and then copied into an array of Images.
When walking, you can now cancel your route and choose another route.

Oh and, there's now two canvas'. One's for the exterior (floor and wall set) and interior (all other nodes e.g. furnitures and users). Reasoning for this is because the floor and walls are static based on the room map and it wouldn't make too much sense to be re-drawing them 24 times a second. This won't take away any of the functionality since the actual nodes are still drawn on the main canvas (interior).

TL:DR; just some optimization.

I plan on starting a GitHub repository for the client and server once I've gotten a bit further into the development.

Zk477YI - Project Cortex - RaGEZONE Forums

Ripped off the error page from Habbo as well (before it vanishes when they merge), currently only displayed when <noscript> is displayed.

MSmowTX - Project Cortex - RaGEZONE Forums


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Dec 11, 2010
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Re: Chloe's Habbo Hotel

Got any code snippets? Not saying they're required just curious as how some of the stuff is done.

Because you locked one of them which is active.

Active on a different forum. I explicitly stated the reason why the thread is closed, because the thread is dead here, that is dead on RaGEZONE, that was their choice.
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 28, 2019
Reaction score
Re: Chloe's Habbo Hotel

Got any code snippets? Not saying they're required just curious as how some of the stuff is done.

Active on a different forum. I explicitly stated the reason why the thread is closed, because the thread is dead here, that is dead on RaGEZONE, that was their choice.

What are you interested in seeing?
Dec 11, 2010
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Re: Chloe's Habbo Hotel

What are you interested in seeing?

Unfortunately I don't know much about the client side of things aside from the networking parts, so I don't know if I could answer this question thoughtfully, but good progress nonetheless. I just thought you'd have anything to share - but it's okay if you don't, no pressure. :):
Junior Spellweaver
Jul 28, 2019
Reaction score
Re: Chloe's Habbo Hotel

Unfortunately I don't know much about the client side of things aside from the networking parts, so I don't know if I could answer this question thoughtfully, but good progress nonetheless. I just thought you'd have anything to share - but it's okay if you don't, no pressure. :):

Considering there's not much progress done at all and there's messy test codes and undocumentated parts left around, there's not much there is to share at the moment.

From the room function, how I'm handling the hit registration in terms of the selected tile:
(had to use images because the forum broke my indention)
aynWOoW - Project Cortex - RaGEZONE Forums

And requesting a path to the selected tile when clicking on it:
2eyUwO4 - Project Cortex - RaGEZONE Forums

and drawing the tiles on the exterior canvas and registering the nodes:
pP5yarV - Project Cortex - RaGEZONE Forums

yes, sorry for the images, forum couldn't handle the raw code.

Took a minute of my focus away from the rooms to work on the landing view for a quick moment, promos are now dynamically loaded through the server:

4z2fT16 - Project Cortex - RaGEZONE Forums

WRf3vzR - Project Cortex - RaGEZONE Forums


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Junior Spellweaver
Jul 28, 2019
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Threw together a camera to show off the consistency and performance of the canvas:
8tyqAc0 - Project Cortex - RaGEZONE Forums

I plan on adding custom stuff to already existing features (such as the camera), if there's anything you've got on your mind, please, let me know!


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Apr 19, 2011
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Threw together a camera to show off the consistency and performance of the canvas:
8tyqAc0 - Project Cortex - RaGEZONE Forums

I plan on adding custom stuff to already existing features (such as the camera), if there's anything you've got on your mind, please, let me know!

What is your main goal with this project? Do you want to release it when finished, keep it for yourself or maybe want to start a hotel with it? Kinda curious


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Junior Spellweaver
Jul 28, 2019
Reaction score
What is your main goal with this project? Do you want to release it when finished, keep it for yourself or maybe want to start a hotel with it? Kinda curious

Gonna go ahead and quote the rules quickly: all developments must in the end be released, hotels may not have its own development threads.

Basically the source will be released.


FSF5ziN - Project Cortex - RaGEZONE Forums

IlIVn1F - Project Cortex - RaGEZONE Forums

Some more progress to the camera:​
You can now capture up to 5 pictures, if you exceed, an error message will pop up telling you to remove a picture from the gallery.
When selecting a picture to edit, the camera editor will pop up, currently only allowing you to change the sepia, contrast and brightness (if you happen to know what the other 12 options are, please, let me know (they're locked as per camera level)).
When previewing, the camera publisher will appear.

That's pretty much all I've done for the camera tonight. If you're curious as of to how I'll be making sure that the client hasn't drawn on the camera through the console...​
Pictures will have to be approved by a moderator (Hobba) before being published/sent to your inventory.

Edit 2:

Pictures that are published/bought are now saved on the server (web), .
When an picture is submitted, it's sent as a raw base64 string to the socket, in return, the server sends a header (with a secure key string) to a PHP file that then saves the picture as a PNG file.

See comparisons between an picture saved through the client canvas, and an image from the server:

RunSY41 - Project Cortex - RaGEZONE Forums
sVlOWGS - Project Cortex - RaGEZONE Forums



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Newbie Spellweaver
Jan 10, 2017
Reaction score
Looks very promising so far. Any plans to make a git repo in the future?

Great Project, keep it up.


Legendary Battlemage
Mar 3, 2007
Reaction score
Threw together a camera to show off the consistency and performance of the canvas:
I plan on adding custom stuff to already existing features (such as the camera), if there's anything you've got on your mind, please, let me know!

Nice job. Maybe you can bring back the old school style and make it so when you’re taking a picture, you hold a camera? I really enjoyed that it was a function of the furniture itself, and not like now where it’s a function of the UI (I think). I had to work hard to get those 10 credits and finally be able to buy a camera. Then I had to work hard to get credits for Film! That was credits only though so it was harder to get since it couldn’t be traded! The whole grind back then to get that was fun.

The design of the camera was better then too. The whole experience was better. I know V14 has the version I’m talking about.

A zoom feature would be nice as well.

And another idea :)

Some board games would be cool. The old school battle ship public room would be really epic, maybe with tic tax toe and a few other simple games. Optional to have winners win a prize. Scores are uploaded into database for a scoreboard possibly.
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