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´Cosmic 2.1 ~ Facebook Connect & Forgot Password

Newbie Spellweaver
Jun 24, 2012
Reaction score

| Let's Get Started
Install facebook/graph-sdk with composer, with cmd locate your CMS and run the following command:

composer require facebook/graph-sdk

| Step 1 - Add Facebook App Configuration

Let's go to App/Config.php

And right below 'const site' we add up this facebook array:

     * Website settings
     * recaptcha v2: Create a inisible reCAPTCHA V2       [USER=848466]GoOgl[/USER]e website
     * Set null if you dont want a reCAPTCHA.

    const site = array(
      'domain'      => 'Kubbo.me',
      'cpath'       => 'https://swfs.kubbo.us',
      'fpath'       => 'https://habbo.com.br/habbo-imaging',
      'shortname'   => 'Kubbo',
      'sitename'    => 'Kubbo'

    const facebook = array(
      'id'          => 'YOUR APP ID',
      'secret_key'  => 'YOUR SECRET KEY'
    const language = 'ES';

| Step 2 - Adding Facebook Id to our Users Table
On your database, edit table users and add column fb_id

Just like so:
LOSFT6a - ´Cosmic 2.1 ~ Facebook Connect & Forgot Password - RaGEZONE Forums

| Step 3 - Adding up Facebook Button to Login

On App/Controllers/Home/Index.php file let's add our new Facebook Array to our rendered template:

        View::renderTemplate('Home/home.html', [
            'title'     => !request()->player ? Locale::get('core/title/home') : request()->player->username,
            'page'      => 'home',
            'rooms'     => $rooms,
            'groups'    => $groups,
            'news'      => $news,
            'oftw'      => $oftw,
            'currencys' => isset($currencys) ? $currencys : null,
            'random'    => isset($random) ? $random : null,
            'facebook'  => Config::facebook
        ], 10);

With this, we have access to write {{facebook.X}} on our HTMLs files.

Then we go to App/View/base.html file and we add the next script

<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
        	function DeleteCookie(name)
        		document.cookie = name + '=; Max-Age=0';
        	function SetCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays)
        		var d = new Date();
        		d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays*24*60*60*1000));
        		var expires = "expires="+d.toUTCString();
        		document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; " + expires;
            window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
                    appId: "{{facebook.id}}",
                    version    : 'v2.4',
                    channelUrl : '/fbchannel',
                    status: true,
                    cookie: true,
                    xfbml: true
            window.assistedLogin = function(FBobject, optresponse) {
                    appId: '{{facebook.id}}',
                    version    : 'v2.4',
                    channelUrl : '/fbchannel',
                    status: true,
                    cookie: true,
                    xfbml: true
                permissions = 'email';
                defaultAction = function(response) {
                    if (response.authResponse) {
                        fbConnectUrl = "/facebook?connect=true";
                        SetCookie("fbhb_val_{{facebook.id}}", response.authResponse.accessToken, 1);
                        SetCookie("fbhb_expr_{{facebook.id}}", response.authResponse.expiresIn, 1);
                if (typeof optresponse == 'undefined')
                    FBobject.login(defaultAction, {scope:permissions});
                    FBobject.login(optresponse, {scope:permissions});
            (function() {
                var e = document.createElement('script');
                e.async = true;
                e.src = document.location.protocol + '//connect.facebook.net/es_ES/sdk.js#version=v2.4';

And right below our Login button, add your facebook connect button:
<button type="submit" class="rounded-button blue plain" id="login-request">Log in</button>
<button class="rounded-button blue plain" onclick="assistedLogin(FB); return false; "  id="fb-login-request">Login with Facebook!</button>

| Step 3 - Facebook Route
Cosmic already has this route coded, although it doesn't work

You may see this on Core/Routes.php

Router::get('/facebook', 'Home\Login@facebook');

This is calling facebook() function on Login Controller.

| Step 3 - Facebook Function

Create facebook() function on App/Controllers/Home/Login.php file below googleAuthentication function

This part can be modified with medium level PHP knowledge, this function what it does is:

Logs In or Registers the user depending if the user exists or doesn't.

public function facebook()
        $settings = Core::settings();

        $fb = new Facebook([
            'app_id' => Config::facebook['id'],
            'app_secret' => Config::facebook['secret_key'],
            'default_graph_version' => 'v2.10'
        $response = $fb->get('/me?fields=id,name,email,gender,birthday', $_COOKIE['fbhb_val_' . Config::facebook['id']]);

        $user_profile = $response->getGraphObject()->asArray();

        $player = Player::getDataByFacebookID($user_profile['id'], array('id', 'username', 'password', 'rank', 'secret_key', 'pincode'));

        if($player == null)
            $getMaxIp = Player::checkMaxIp(request()->getIp());

            if ($getMaxIp != 0 && $getMaxIp >= $settings->registration_max_ip) {
                response()->json(["status" => "error", "message" => Locale::get('register/too_many_accounts')]);

           $email = isset($user_profile['email']) ? $user_profile['email'] : $user_profile['id'] . '@facebook.com';

            if (isset($user_profile['gender']) && $user_profile['gender'] === 'male')
                $gender = 'M';
                $look = 'ch-210-1211.sh-300-63.lg-285-64.ha-1002-63.hr-828-1061.hd-180-1';
                $gender = 'F';
                $look = 'hd-600-1.ch-813-1211.ha-1005-63.lg-720-64.hr-890-1061.sh-735-63';

            $playerData = (object)[
                'username' => Player::GenerateName($email),
                'fb_id' => $user_profile['id'],
                'password' => '',
                'email' => '',
                'account_created' => time(),
                'credits' => Core::settings()->start_credits,
                'figure' => $look,
                'birthdate_day' => 17,
                'birthdate_month' => 06,
                'birthdate_year' => 2020,
                'gender' => $gender,
                'last_login' => time(),
                'ip_register' => request()->getIp(),
                'ip_current' => request()->getIp()

            if (!Player::create($playerData)) {
                response()->json(["status" => "error", "message" => Locale::get('core/notification/something_wrong'), "captcha_error" => "error"]);

            $player = Player::getDataByFacebookID($user_profile['id'], array('id', 'username', 'password', 'rank', 'secret_key', 'pincode'));

            $freeCurrencys = Core::getCurrencys();
            if($freeCurrencys) {
                foreach($freeCurrencys as $currency) {
                    Player::createCurrency($player->id, $currency->type);
                    Player::updateCurrency($player->id, $currency->type, $currency->amount);


Do not forget to import facebook/graph-sdk and use it on the controller:

use Library\Json;
use Library\HotelApi;

use Facebook\Facebook;

use Sonata\GoogleAuthenticator\GoogleAuthenticator;

Also I forgot, on the same imports:

You can delete:
use App\Core;

And add:
use App\Models\Core;

Because Facebook Function uses:
$settings = Core::settings();

Reading the code, we can see that we are using some functions of Player Model that do not exist yet such as:
Player::getDataByFacebookID() or Player::GenerateName()

| Step 4 - Players Model Modification

Now we are going to edit App/Models/Player.php file

Add a function to search user by using the fb_id on Step 2.

    public static function getDataByFacebookID($fb_id, $data = null)
        return QueryBuilder::table('users')->select($data ?? static::$data)->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, get_called_class())->where('fb_id', $fb_id)->first();

Add a function to Generate a Random Name based on Facebook Email Address
    public static function GenerateName($e, $t = 0)
		$e = $E = substr(strstr($e, '@') ? explode('@', $e)[0] : $e, 0, 18);
		$c = ['.', '-', '_'];

		if (strlen($e) > 6)
			foreach ($c as $C)
				if (strstr($e, $C) === FALSE) continue;
				$n = rand(0, 1);
				$e = explode($C, $e);
				$e = strlen($e[$n]) < 3 ? ($e[($n === 1) ? 0 : 1]) : $e[$n];
		$r = self::exists($e);

		if ($r === null)	return null;
		if ($r === false)	return $e;
		$c = strlen($e);
		$r = ($c > 10) ? rand(rand(1, 2 + $t), rand(2, 3 + $t)) : ($c > 8) ? rand(rand(2, 2 + $t), rand(3, 3 + $t)) : rand(rand(3, 4 + $t), rand(3, 4 + $t));

		$e .= self::Random($r, true, false, '-_=?!@:.,');
		$r = self::exists($e);
		if ($r === null)	return null;
		if ($r === false)	return $e;

		self::GenerateName($E, $t++);

    public static function Random($l, $n = true, $L = true, $o = '')
		$c = '';
		$c .= $n ? '0123456789' : '';
		$c .= $L ? 'QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLLZXCVBNMqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm' : '';
		$c .= $o;

		$s = '';
		$C = 0;
		while ($C < $l)
			$s .= substr($c, rand(0, strlen($c) -1), 1);

		return $s;

Modify function create($data) to add fb_id in case of Facebook Registration

public static function create($data)
        $data = array(
            'username' => $data->username,
            'password' => Hash::password($data->password),
            'mail' => $data->email,
            'fb_id' => $data->fb_id,
            'account_created' => time(),

| Step 5 - Registration File Modification

Since now we are requiring an extra field on the create function, let's just add it on the $playerData in App/Controllers/Home/Registration.php file

$playerData = (object)input()->all();
$playerData->figure = input()->post('figure')->value;
$playerData->fb_id = '';
$getMaxIp = Player::checkMaxIp(request()->getIp());

| Notes

This approach doesn't give user an email to connect via Cosmic Login Process nor a password. Doesn't check if facebook email is already registered on Cosmic users simply doesn't give Facebook Account an email. I would suggest to modify facebook function to add code to enable "can_change_name" on Arcturus users_settings. And I guess that's it. Any issues or suggestions just comment on the section below. Thank you!

| Forgot Password Tips

Set up your App/Config.php file, only change your support email and the password

    const mailHost      = 'smtp.gmail.com';
    const mailFrom      = 'SUPPORT-EMAIL@gmail.com';
    const mailUser      = 'SUPPORT-EMAIL@gmail.com';
    const mailPass      = 'YOUR-GMAIL-PASSWORD';
    const mailPort      = 465;

Then log into your GMAIL and allow less secure apps



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Initiate Mage
Aug 23, 2021
Reaction score
Is it still working? I am in a very frustrating situation now. I have forgotten my Facebook password. It was always saved on my google account information, so I never had to write it. Now that I deleted some of my data from my google account, I accidentally deleted my passwords, and now I can't log in to many of my accounts. It is a big problem because I use a lot of for promoting my business, and losing the passwords from them is a big problem, so I need to recover the passwords as soon as possible.
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