Discord Server Thread

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Skilled Illusionist
Apr 7, 2012
Reaction score

My suggestion is to add on discord server forum threads, like server advertising, link to new posts categorised by game, game news etc
What do you think? In that way discor dserver will be more populated.


My suggestion is to add on discord server forum threads, like server advertising, link to new posts categorised by game, game news etc
What do you think? In that way discor dserver will be more populated.


That would essentially take away the purpose of the forum imho.
The discord server is aimed for just chatting and random banter. We'd like to keep everything mmo related on the forum.
We are currently working on syncing stuff on ragezone to the discord server (like user roles), but we do not have any other plans for it.
If you have any ideas for the discord server that are non-mmo related, you can ask Shoelace, Joopie or me, either using PM or discord itself.

My suggestion is to add on discord server forum threads, like server advertising, link to new posts categorised by game, game news etc
What do you think? In that way discor dserver will be more populated.


what can be done is a forum watcher on the discord bot Joorren, to post the link to the forum's URL? Maybe make some users engage more with the forum.
You can make a RSS bot that checks specific forum in RZ and then publish the url in specific text channel in discord.
If that's what your goal is.

We’re working on something like this, but not with the rss, they don’t get updated too often. (Maybe not at all)
It seems that discord has become a much more relevant and frequently used server than any of the forums. Initially, I was very skeptical about this server and thought that soon everyone would forget about it.
The Discord server is a bit dead. Not much going on over there. Other than the occasional peeps randomly asking stuff, but never really getting an answer. Kinda reflects the current state of the forums.

It merely was meant as an outerworld extension of the forum with chatting and stuff.

The purpose of the discord is not to duplicate content and take away from the usage of the forum. Thus it is orientated around general discussion
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