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[BETA]v.149 Character Display

may web.very maple.pls.
Loyal Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Well it seems I finally got around to releasing this. I started this project back in the summer so roughly a good 5 months but only worked on it for a good 3. I decided to tackle this since I didn't have one myself and relying on someone to make it for me back then was a pain since it took forever so I decided to make the generation files myself which took a lot of debugging and trail/error. So in the spirit of the Christmas challenge I decided to release this. I will say now it's at most 90% accurate, there is a few bugs here and there which I can't remember so I need someone to test this for me and report it to fix it. Hope you enjoy!

  • v.149.3
  • php 5.4 support
  • JSON-files(NO IMAGES)
  • 24 hour caching system
  • Efficient
  • pdo support

How to implement it to your website:
I need someone to post their ranking script to give proper instructions and I will update it here because I haven't seen a ranking script in a long time.

How to generate it:
My generation is rather different since I group the character images by their rankings so I store 5 characters into one image to not re-cache 5 different times, just seems very inefficient to me, so I store 5 to make it easier on everyone. So id are the 5 ids seperated by a dot:(id).(id2).(id3).(id4).(id5) and the rank is the ranking of these characters. so imagine you have characters with the rankings of 455-460, the &rank=460. When I implemented it to my ranking script(not releasing) I get the file name 460 and subtract 1 in the loop(460, 459, ..) and reverse the array. Complicated in a sense but I like it this way. I might just name the file by the IDs instead since this restrict job ranking since it will produce a new set of rankings. I'll check how everything goes, this is BETA so nothing official. Here is an example how to produce it.


Sample of coord:(data is the base64 code of the image which I use, so no images are in this GD)

Download: (password:eek:raiosdev)

-How can I separate the images in ranking?
  • I need a ranking script to answer this but I basically use sprites and background-position in the ranking loop
-What doesn't work?
  • I didn't code the weapon effect some have but I have it marked in my generation file for future use. Also the dual bow isn't coded(The second bow) isn't stored but same as effect I have it marked for future use.


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Last edited:
Dec 15, 2009
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A very simple script that I took from MapleBit and minor changes.
$gc = $mysqli->query("SELECT c.level , c.rebirth, c.name, c.accountid, a.banned AS banned FROM characters c LEFT JOIN accounts a ON c.accountid = a.id WHERE c.gm < '$gmlevel' AND banned = 0 GROUP BY c.id DESC ORDER BY rebirth DESC, level DESC LIMIT 5");	
	$n = 0;
	while($player = $gc->fetch_assoc()){
		$char = $player['accountid'];
		$name = $player['name'];
		echo "<a href=\"?base=main&page=character&n=".$name."\"><img src=\"assets/img/GD/create.php?name=".$name."&type=3\" alt='".$name."'/></a>";

I will release and an add-on feature for all character display script, probably tonight.

Well done, Akira.
Jul 12, 2011
Reaction score
A very simple script that I took from MapleBit and minor changes.
$gc = $mysqli->query("SELECT c.level , c.rebirth, c.name, c.accountid, a.banned AS banned FROM characters c LEFT JOIN accounts a ON c.accountid = a.id WHERE c.gm < '$gmlevel' AND banned = 0 GROUP BY c.id DESC ORDER BY rebirth DESC, level DESC LIMIT 5");	
	$n = 0;
	while($player = $gc->fetch_assoc()){
		$char = $player['accountid'];
		$name = $player['name'];
		echo "<a href=\"?base=main&page=character&n=".$name."\"><img src=\"assets/img/GD/create.php?name=".$name."&type=3\" alt='".$name."'/></a>";

I will release and an add-on feature for all character display script, probably tonight.

Well done, Akira.

Or you can use Github and I'll merge your changes!

Great job iAkira, I'll definitely take a look at the code after my finals are over!
Newbie Spellweaver
May 23, 2010
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Thanks, i will probably revamp my Character Display, as my method might be outdated or can be made to improve. Php is not my thing atm.

this is how mine looks atm, but i use latest(v157) images. I used characters from my old server for test purposes so i can see how they can look with more to scale, about 1000 characters.

To anyone that happens to look, see if you can find flaws in the picture generation, and send me a vm/pm or something, much appreciated.


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Dec 15, 2009
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Thanks, i will probably revamp my Character Display, as my method might be outdated or can be made to improve. Php is not my thing atm.

this is how mine looks atm, but i use latest(v157) images. I used characters from my old server for test purposes so i can see how they can look with more to scale, about 1000 characters.

To anyone that happens to look, see if you can find flaws in the picture generation, and send me a vm/pm or something, much appreciated.
why none of them wear gloves?


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Newbie Spellweaver
Feb 11, 2012
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link broken? Where can I find GDs? How may I extract my own?