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[Guide]PokeNet Server Setup

Aug 16, 2006
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Alright lets get this going! So you decided to set up a pokemon server? Choosing PokeNet? Good choice.

1. Server Installation
-1.1 Downloading Server Files
-1.2 Installing/Setting up MySQL
-1.3 Installing/Setting up Database
-1.4 Downloading/Installing JRE & JDK
-1.5 Server .bat Explained

2. Running the server
3. Client Setup

-3.1 Installing Client
4. Setting up a Website
-4.1 Downloading/Installing/Starting Xampp
-4.2 Setting a website in Xampp

5. GM, Commands and Extras
-5.1 Commands
-5.2 Extras

6. Problems & Errors
7. Credits
8. Updates

1. Server Installation
1.1 Downloading Server Files

1.2 Installing/Setting up MySQL
Now we are going to set up a MySQL Server.
This is for the database of all the accounts/characters that will be created.
Now we are going to download the MySQL Setup.

Save it also somewhere safe. Now start the installer.
Once it's loaded, click th button "Next >".
Now make sure Typical is checked. and click the button "Next >".
And than just click on "Install".
Now it's installing MySQL. (Wait till it's done)
Now there will open a new window.
Click there on "Next >" and again on "Next >"
Than it will close.
Now we go back to the install window.
Make sure "Configure the MySQL Server now" is checked.
and that "Register the MySQL Server now" is unchecked.
Than click on Finish.
Now there will open a new window.
There just click on "Next >".
Now make sure "Detailed Configuration" is checked and click on "Next >". Check "Developer Machine" and click on "Next >".
Here make sure "Multifunctional Database is checked and click on "Next >" and click again on "Next >".
Now make sure "Online Transaction Processing (OLTP)" is checked and click on "Next >".
Here make sure everything is Checked and click on "Next >".
Now we have to check "Standard Character Set" and click on "Next >".
Make sure "Include Bin Directory in Windows PATH"is unchecked and click "Next >"
Now Check "Modify Security Settings" and fill in your passwords(Make sure they aren't easy).
And make sure Create An Anonymous Account is unchecked and than click "Next >" and click "Execute". (wait till it's finished)
And click on "Finish".

Congratulations! You setup your own MySQL Server.
[mysql setup portion thanks to nyaa]

1.3 Installing/Setting up Database

Now we are going to setup your database in MySQL for your PokeNet server.
First we are going to download Navicat(Lite).

Next, locate your pokemon.sql file located in the server files from the SVN

Install it. Now start it.
Click on Connection > MySQL.
Than you have to fill in like this:
Connection Name: localhost
Hostname/IP address: localhost
Port: 3306
Username: root
Password: (here your password you used when you created your MySQL Server)

And click "Test Connection".
-If it's Successfull click ok.
-If it's Failure check everything if everything is filled out right and try again.

Now dubble click on "localhost_3306".
You will get 3 new things underneed it.
(Ignore these don't touch these databases.)
Now do a right click on "localhost_3306".
And click "New Database..."
Fill by "Enter database name:" this in: pokenet.
Now you created a new database which your going to use for your PokeNet server.
Now do a dubble click on "pokenet" it will open some new stuff ignore that.
Now do right click on "pokenet" and do "Execut SQL file..."
Go to the SQL file you downloaded. With the opener.
And search for pokenetdb_blank.sql and use that file only.
(should be located in the server files)

and click on "start".
Now it's installing the SQL file to your Database.
Just wait untill it's finished.
When it's Finished click on "Close".
And than quit/close Navicat.

Congratulations! You setup your own PokeNet Server Database.

1.4 Downloading/Installing JRE & JDK
Since this server/client run through java, your going to need up to date JRE and JDK files and runtimes.

Download them here:
JRE 6:
JDK 6:

Follow any install wizards and your good to go.

1.5 Server .bat Explained

The server uses a .bat file to start the server .jar file. There some parameters you should know about in case you want to edit it. .bat files are edited by notepad or any text editor so configuring this file is extremely easy.

The current command line is:
java -jar PocketMonsutaServer.jar -s high -p 500
(the name of the .jar might be different then yours)
-s and -p parameters indicate the quality settings and player amount settings.

The recommended settings for PokeNet are as follows:
  		< 1.86ghz
  		< 256MB Ram
  		< 1mbps Up/Down Connection
  		75 Players
  		< 2ghz
  		512MB - 1GB Ram
  		1mbps Up/Down Connection
  		200 Players
  		> 1.86ghz
  		> 1GB Ram
  		> 1mbps Up/Down Connection
  		> 500 Players

Set your .bat (or .sh if on linux) accordingly.

2. Running the server

Running your server is easy.
Open the Server Folder.
If your on windows, run the SERVER_START.bat else if your on linux then use the run_pokenet.sh file.
Once you run one of these files you will get a command prompt popup, then a little java window.
It should look something like this:
0 players online
[No record]
Start Server
Stop Server
Save Settings
The 'blahs' are where your going to put in your configurations for your database, etc.

For the first textbox put in the host of the SQL in which case it will be "localhost".
Next is the name of the table that we put pokenet sql into which we called it in this tutorial "pokenet".
The next two textboxes are for the username and password of the SQL, the username unless you changed it, should be "root" and the password was set by you.
And finally the last textbox is the name of your server.

Click save settings and then start the server up.
Congratulations you just started your own pokenet server!

3. Client Setup

3.1 Installing Client

Now we are going to download the Client.

If your going to distribute your client, the users only need the .bat, .jar, and lib/res folders.

Once you have installed the client where you want it, make sure you go to the /res folder and edit the servers.txt

It should have a bunch of writing but this is the format:
Admin Server
Pocket Monsuta [USA]

As the admin if your playing your server from the machine that is hosting it, then you going to need to connect via or localhost, the first line is the name of the server, this will show up on the client and the second is the ip/hostname.

4. Setting up a Website

4.1 Downloading/Installing/Starting Xampp

Download Xampp lite and install it.

Start up Xampp Control Panel (You can find it in Menu>Progams)
And check Svc that stays before Apache and start Apache and close Xampp Control Panel.

4.2 Setting a Website in Xampp

Coming Soon

5. GM, Commands and Extras

5.1 Commands
/announce [message]	- announcement
/jumpto [username]		- teleport to a user
/mute [username]		- mute a user
/unmute [username]		- umute a user
/kick [username]		- kick a user
/ban [username]		- ban a user
/unban [username]		- unban a user
/playercount		- show the # of players online
/changeweather		- change the weather of the map
	- normal		- change weather to normal (sunny)
	- rain		- change weather to rainy
	- snow		- change weather to snowy
	- fog		- change weather to foggy
	- sandstorm	- change weather to sandstorm
	- random		- random weather change
	-Ex: /changeweather rain
/stopserver		- stops server

5.2 Extras
[There are extra things here so let me explain and feel free to download if you want them.]
- The thin client was made to install the game client from the svn - i guess if you edit the source and put your own svn up, then its useful.
- the svn client actually updates the current client files,but it downloads from an svn.
- A separate chat server for staff + users, never got it to work since we didnt have the SQL etc. Might set this up later though.
- Same as chat server.
- Basically just takes all the info off of Bubapedia and puts it into a format that the client can read for move lists, evolutions, etc.
Excel Spread Sheet w/ Pokemon Spawns & type chart:

6. Problems & Errors

The account server is currently offline. Please try again later
Fix: Ensure that when you turn your server on, you have it configured correctly first. The proper configuration will look something like this:

database host
database name
database username 
database password
server name

Unable to run client (.bat opens then closes rly fast)

Put that in your client folder replacing the /lib directory.


7. Credits

Guide Structure: Nyaa [aka Aukemon0NL]
Emulator: Pokenet Dev Team
Website: NorFuzzor
Hosting Files: Tanomist
Everything Else: -DefaulT
And everybody I forgot.

8. Updates
[7/2/2011]Updated GM Commands, added JRE and JDK information, added section 5.2 SVN Extras, added section 1.5 (.bat file)
[7/4/2011]Added error and fix under server.
Pictures coming soon.
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Skilled Illusionist
Oct 22, 2010
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Re: PokeNet Server Setup Guide

Nice guide! You could organize it a little bit better.
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 30, 2004
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Re: PokeNet Server Setup Guide

Server run no error, client run but have error. (in client or server, i dont know)

Error: "Server account offline, please try later".


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Nov 1, 2008
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Re: PokeNet Server Setup Guide

Server run no error, client run but have error. (in client or server, i dont know)

Error: "Server account offline, please try later".
This error tells that server can't reach the Mysql Database, Check your configuration ( Mysql user : root ) and ( Mysql password : *** )

@-Default, wah good job !
on the SVN ( server folder there is .sql database file ) :wink:
(also your multiupload link is not working) ^^

Don't forget to add JRE and JDK
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Aug 16, 2006
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Re: PokeNet Server Setup Guide

Well for one, your trying to login before the server startup was complete.

Make sure you edited your servers.txt in the client /res folder, or in the private servers text box on the server selection screen, you put in the ip

The server console window should read something like:
C:\Users\user\Desktop\pokemon\2\Server>java -jar PocketMonsutaServer.jar -s high
 -p 500
INFO: Fishing database reinitialised
INFO: Pokemon Databases loaded.
INFO: Trade Block List established.
INFO: Maps loaded
INFO: Npc sleep timer started
INFO: Movement Service started
INFO: TCP acceptor started.
INFO: UDP acceptor started.
INFO: Network Service started.
INFO: Time Service started
INFO: Service Manager startup completed.

Insure that your settings in the servers java window is correctly configured.

Mine reads:
Pocket Monsuta

Thats in order, host, table name, sql user, sql password, and server name.

Also, i updated the GM commands, to use gm commands set your adminlevel to 3 in the database, table pn_members
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Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 30, 2004
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Re: PokeNet Server Setup Guide


This error is?
kenFromHistory-PocketMonstersOnline-df11f38\Server>java -jar Pokenet.jar -s high
-p 500
java.io.FileNotFoundException: .svn\entries (O sistema nÒo pode encontrar o cami
nho especificado)
at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.io.FileReader.<init>(Unknown Source)
at org.pokenet.server.GameServer.getSVNRev(GameServer.java:103)
at org.pokenet.server.GameServer.<clinit>(GameServer.java:68)

@tanomist tnx to help me ... forgot I had changed the password and do not remember that Navicat u.u"

A contribution to the development of client / server.
Ignore some of the mistakes ... that can make you want to improve ... runs on radeon cards ... xD

if that help you use it =)

No more,
Good section! -default
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Aug 16, 2006
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Re: PokeNet Server Setup Guide

@neohazuki im pretty sure the fix for ati radeon cards is included in the SVN. But then again thats a question for tanomist not me since he is the one that uploaded it originally.

On another note, updated the thread, check section 8 for the updates and im glad you got it working neohazuki :D

And that error is i think because its attempting to get the svn (which the original one was shut closed. if you want to fix this change the svn location in the java source.

This is whats causing your error
	 * .Gets the SVN revision for the server
	 * @return the value on the third line of .svn/entries
	private static int getSVNRev() {
		int rev = 0;
		boolean foundRevision = false;
	    try {
	    	BufferedReader input =  new BufferedReader(new FileReader(".svn/entries"));
	    	try {
	    		String line = null; 
	    		while (( line = input.readLine()) != null && !foundRevision){
	    				rev = Integer.parseInt(input.readLine()); // this hopefully is the revision number
	    				foundRevision = true;
	    	} finally {
	    catch (IOException ex){
	    	// probably no svn file... oh well.
	    return rev;
Its harmless, just ignore it.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 30, 2004
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Re: PokeNet Server Setup Guide

@-defaulT using the files from SVN did not get with a few changes I made in the / lib. I posted it up for the look you want and change...

When I use the SVN of this error:

Path: null
Sat Jul 02 17:12:34 GMT-03:00 2011 INFO:Initialising sounds..
Sat Jul 02 17:12:34 GMT-03:00 2011 INFO:Slick Build #266
Sat Jul 02 17:12:34 GMT-03:00 2011 INFO:LWJGL Version: 2.2.1
Sat Jul 02 17:12:34 GMT-03:00 2011 INFO:OriginalDisplayMode: 1920 x 1080 x 32 @60Hz
Sat Jul 02 17:12:34 GMT-03:00 2011 INFO:TargetDisplayMode: 800 x 600 x 0 @0Hz
Sat Jul 02 17:12:34 GMT-03:00 2011 INFO:- Sound works
Sat Jul 02 17:12:34 GMT-03:00 2011 INFO:- 64 OpenAL source available
Sat Jul 02 17:12:34 GMT-03:00 2011 INFO:- Sounds source generated
Sat Jul 02 17:12:34 GMT-03:00 2011 INFO:Starting display 800x600

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Newbie Spellweaver
Apr 22, 2008
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Re: PokeNet Server Setup Guide

Next, locate your pokemon.sql file located in the server files from the SVN

There is no pokemon.sql file around.
Nov 1, 2008
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Re: PokeNet Server Setup Guide

There is no pokemon.sql file around.
POKENET.sql in the server folder ...

@-defaulT using the files from SVN did not get with a few changes I made in the / lib. I posted it up for the look you want and change...

When I use the SVN of this error:

No more,
i don't get it ...
What lib fixed ATI cards error ?
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Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 30, 2004
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Re: PokeNet Server Setup Guide

i don't get it ...
What lib fixed ATI cards error ?

View in my msg, my /lib client is it:
I change lwjgl and jimput in /lib.

Have error... but run... look in the attachment!

No more,


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Loyal Member
Jun 16, 2008
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Re: PokeNet Server Setup Guide

There is no pokemon.sql file around.

-> clean

aye default can you make a tutorial on how to properly compile, i fucken suck at it and also get corrupted files XD.

client is not 100%, that is why you get errors, we all get errors and that's why there is now a development section.
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Custom Title Activated
Loyal Member
Apr 9, 2007
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Re: PokeNet Server Setup Guide

Looks good gonna try it when I get back from vacation :)
Also > LOL at using my guide structure and some instructions xD
Newbie Spellweaver
Nov 30, 2004
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Re: PokeNet Server Setup Guide

client is not 100%, that is why you get errors, we all get errors and that's why there is now a development section.

look at the previous post ... before posting! :eek:tt1:

Nyaa said:
Looks good gonna try it when I get back from vacation :)
Also > LOL at using my guide structure and some instructions xD

Great guide structure, and great DefaulT- :thumbup1:

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