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dboor double army issue !!- please do not ignore and help me ..

Initiate Mage
Dec 12, 2021
Reaction score
Hello guys ..

i got a very good dboor script that upgraded to php7

but it has double army issue

queuejob :
<?phprequire_once(MODELS_DIR . "Report.php");require_once(MODELS_DIR . "Mutex.php");class Queuejob_Model extends Model{    public function processQueue($type = 3, $playerId = 0)    {        global $gameConfig;        $start = microtime(true);        $this->load_model('Mutex', 'mutex');        $this->mutex->releaseOnTimeout();        if ($this->mutex->lock()) {                           $this->processTaskQueue($type, $playerId);                                           $this->mutex->release();                                           }    }    public function processTaskQueue($type, $playerId)    {               $result = db::get_all("SELECT  q.id, q.player_id, q.village_id, q.to_player_id, q.to_village_id, q.proc_type, q.building_id, q.proc_params, q.threads, q.execution_time, TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, NOW(),q.end_date) remainingTimeInSeconds FROM p_queue q WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, NOW(),(q.end_date - INTERVAL (q.execution_time*(q.threads-1)) SECOND)) <= 0  ORDER BY TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, NOW(),(q.end_date - INTERVAL (q.execution_time*(q.threads-1)) SECOND)) ASC");        $rt = 0;        foreach ($result as $resultRow) {            $remain = $resultRow['remainingTimeInSeconds'];            if ($remain < 0) {                $remain = 0;            }            $resultRow['threads_completed_num'] = $resultRow['execution_time'] <= 0 ? $resultRow['threads'] : floor(($resultRow['threads'] * $resultRow['execution_time'] - $remain) / $resultRow['execution_time']);                      if ($this->processTask($resultRow)) {                unset($result);                $this->processTaskQueue($type, $playerId);               break;            }        }        unset($result);    }    public function setWeeklyMedals($week)    {        $keyArray = array(            "week_dev_points" => 1,            "week_attack_points" => 2,            "week_defense_points" => 3,            "week_thief_points" => 4        );        $this->load_model('Statistics', 'sm');        foreach ($keyArray as $columnName => $index) {            $result = $this->sm->getTop10(TRUE, $columnName);            if ($result != NULL) {                $i = 0;                foreach ($result as $resultRow) {                    $givegold = array("1" => 1000, "2" => 800, "3" => 600, "4" => 500, "5" => 400, "6" => 350, "7" => 300, "8" => 250, "9" => 200, "10" => 150);                    $medal = $index . ":" . ++$i . ":" . $week . ":" . $resultRow['points'];                    db::query("UPDATE p_players SET medals=CONCAT_WS(',', medals, :mod) WHERE id=:id", array(                        'mod' => $medal,                        'id' => $resultRow['id']                    ));                    db2::query("UPDATE p_players SET gold_num=gold_num+:gold WHERE id=:id", array(                        'gold' => $givegold[$i],                        'id' => $resultRow['id']                    ));                }            }            $result = $this->sm->getTop10(FALSE, $columnName);            if ($result != NULL) {                $i = 0;                foreach ($result as $resultRow) {                    $medal = ($index + 4) . ":" . ++$i . ":" . $week . ":" . $resultRow['points'];                    db::query("UPDATE p_alliances SET medals=CONCAT_WS(',', medals, :mod) WHERE id=:id", array(                        'mod' => $medal,                        'id' => $resultRow['id']                    ));                }            }        }        db::query("UPDATE p_players   SET week_dev_points=0, week_attack_points=0, week_defense_points=0, week_thief_points=0");        db::query("UPDATE p_alliances SET week_dev_points=0, week_attack_points=0, week_defense_points=0, week_thief_points=0");    }    public function processTask($taskRow)    {        $customAction = FALSE;        switch ($taskRow['proc_type']) {            case QS_ACCOUNT_DELETE:                {                    $this->deletePlayer($taskRow['player_id']);                    break;                }            case QS_BUILD_CREATEUPGRADE:                {                    $customAction = $this->executeBuildingTask($taskRow);                    break;                }            case QS_BUILD_DROP:                {                    $customAction = $this->executeBuildingDropTask($taskRow);                    break;                }            case QS_TROOP_RESEARCH:                {                }            case QS_TROOP_UPGRADE_ATTACK:                {                }            case QS_TROOP_UPGRADE_DEFENSE:                {                    $this->executeTroopUpgradeTask($taskRow);                    break;                }            case QS_TROOP_TRAINING:                {                    $this->executeTroopTrainingTask($taskRow);                    break;                }            case QS_TROOP_TRAINING_HERO:                {                    $this->executeHeroTask($taskRow);                    break;                }            case QS_TOWNHALL_CELEBRATION:                {                    $this->executeCelebrationTask($taskRow);                    break;                }            case QS_MERCHANT_GO:                {                    $customAction = $this->executeMerchantTask($taskRow);                    break;                }            case QS_MERCHANT_BACK:                {                    if ($taskRow['building_id'] >= 1) {                        $this->returnMerchantTask($taskRow);                    }                    break;                }            case QS_WAR_REINFORCE:                {                }            case QS_WAR_ATTACK:                {                }            case QS_WAR_ATTACK_PLUNDER:                {                }            case QS_WAR_ATTACK_SPY:                {                }            case QS_CREATEVILLAGE:                {                    $customAction = $this->executeWarTask($taskRow);                    break;                }            case QS_LEAVEOASIS:                {                    $this->executeLeaveOasisTask($taskRow);                    break;                }            case QS_PLUS1:                {                    db::query('UPDATE p_players p SET p.active_plus_account=0 WHERE p.id=:id', array(                        'id' => intval($taskRow['player_id'])                    ));                    break;                }            case QS_PLUS2:                {                    $this->executePlusTask($taskRow, 1);                    break;                }            case QS_PLUS3:                {                    $this->executePlusTask($taskRow, 2);                    break;                }            case QS_PLUS4:                {                    $this->executePlusTask($taskRow, 3);                    break;                }            case QS_PLUS5:                {                    $this->executePlusTask($taskRow, 4);                    break;                }            case QS_TATAR_RAISE:                {                    $this->load_model('Artefacts', 'A');                    $this->A->createTatarVillages();                    break;                }            case QS_SITE_RESET:                {                    $this->load_model('Install', 'm');                    $this->m->processSetup($GLOBALS['SetupMetadata']['map_size']);                    $customAction = TRUE;                    break;                }            case QS_CROP_DELETE:                {                    $this->load_model('Crop', 'c');                    $customAction = $this->c->deleteCrop($taskRow);                    break;                }            case QS_ARTEFACTS_RAISE:                {                    $this->load_model('Artefacts', 'A');                    $this->A->createArtefacts();                    break;                }        }        if (!$customAction) {            $remaining_thread = $taskRow['threads'] - $taskRow['threads_completed_num'];            if ($remaining_thread <= 0) {                db::query("DELETE FROM p_queue WHERE id=:id", array(                    'id' => intval($taskRow['id'])                ));            } else {                db::query("UPDATE p_queue q SET q.threads=:th WHERE q.id=:id", array(                    'th' => intval($remaining_thread),                    'id' => intval($taskRow['id'])                ));            }        }        return $customAction;    }    public function cropBalance($playerId, $villageId)    {        $row = db::get_row("SELECT v.crop_consumption,  v.people_count, v.resources, v.cp, v.troops_num, v.troops_out_num, v.troops_intrap_num, TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), v.last_update_date)) elapsedTimeInSeconds, TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), v.creation_date)) oasisElapsedTimeInSeconds FROM p_villages v  WHERE v.id=:id AND v.player_id=:pid", array(            'id' => intval($villageId),            'pid' => intval($playerId)        ));        if ($row == NULL) {            return;        }    }    public function deletePlayer($playerId)    {        $playerId = intval($playerId);        $this->load_model('Artefacts', 'A');        $hasArtefacts = $this->A->GetArtefactsNum($playerId);        if ($playerId <= 0 || $hasArtefacts > 0) {            return;        }        $this->load_model('Battles_WarBattle', 'Warbattle');        $villages = db::get_all("SELECT v.id, v.player_id, v.troops_out_num FROM p_villages v WHERE player_id=:id", array(            'id' => $playerId        ));        foreach ($villages as $villagesd) {            $this->Warbattle->DeleteTroopOut($villagesd);        }        $row = db::get_row("SELECT p.alliance_id, p.villages_id, p.tribe_id FROM p_players p WHERE id=:id", array(            'id' => $playerId        ));        $row2 = db2::get_row("SELECT p.is_active FROM p_players p WHERE id=:id", array(            'id' => $playerId        ));        $row = array_merge($row, $row2);        if ($row == NULL) {            return;        }        db::query("UPDATE p_msgs m SET m.to_player_id=IF(m.to_player_id=:id, NULL, m.to_player_id), m.from_player_id=IF(m.from_player_id=:id, NULL, m.from_player_id)", array(            'id' => $playerId        ));        db::query("UPDATE p_rpts r SET r.to_player_id=IF(r.to_player_id=:id, NULL, r.to_player_id), r.from_player_id=IF(r.from_player_id=:id, NULL, r.from_player_id)", array(            'id' => $playerId        ));        if (0 < intval($row['alliance_id'])) {            db::query("UPDATE p_alliances SET player_count=player_count-1 WHERE id=:id", array(                'id' => intval($row['alliance_id'])            ));            $_aRow = db::get_row("SELECT a.players_ids, a.player_count FROM p_alliances a WHERE a.id=:id", array(                'id' => intval($row['alliance_id'])            ));            if ($_aRow['player_count'] <= 0) {                db::query("DELETE FROM p_alliances WHERE id=:id", array(                    'id' => intval($row['alliance_id'])                ));            } else {                $aplayers_ids = $_aRow['players_ids'];                if (trim($aplayers_ids) != "") {                    $newPlayers_ids = "";                    $aplayers_idsArr = explode(",", $aplayers_ids);                    foreach ($aplayers_idsArr as $pid) {                        if ($pid == $playerId) {                            continue;                        }                        if ($newPlayers_ids != "") {                            $newPlayers_ids .= ",";                        }                        $newPlayers_ids .= $pid;                    }                    db::query("UPDATE p_alliances SET players_ids=:ids WHERE id=:id", array(                        'ids' => $newPlayers_ids,                        'id' => intval($row['alliance_id'])                    ));                }            }        }        db::query("DELETE FROM p_merchants WHERE player_id=:id", array(            'id' => $playerId        ));        db::query("UPDATE p_villages v  SET  v.tribe_id=IF(v.is_oasis=1, 4, 0), v.parent_id=NULL, v.player_id=NULL, v.alliance_id=NULL, v.player_name=NULL, v.village_name=NULL, v.alliance_name=NULL, v.is_capital=0, v.people_count=2, v.crop_consumption=2, v.time_consume_percent=100, v.offer_merchants_count=0, v.resources=IF(v.is_oasis=1, v.resources, NULL), v.cp=IF(v.is_oasis=1, '0 0', NULL), v.buildings=NULL, v.troops_training=NULL, v.child_villages_id=NULL, v.village_oases_id=NULL, v.troops_trapped_num=0, v.allegiance_percent=100, v.troops_num=IF(v.is_oasis=1, '-1:31 0,34 0,37 0', NULL), v.troops_out_num=NULL, v.troops_intrap_num=NULL, v.troops_out_intrap_num=NULL, v.creation_date=NOW() WHERE v.player_id=:id", array(            'id' => $playerId        ));        db::query("DELETE FROM p_players WHERE id=:id", array(            'id' => $playerId        ));        db::query("UPDATE g_summary  SET  players_count=players_count-1, active_players_count=active_players_count-:a, Arab_players_count=Arab_players_count-:b, Roman_players_count=Roman_players_count-:r, Teutonic_players_count=Teutonic_players_count-:t", array(            'a' => $row['is_active'] ? 1 : 0,            'b' => $row['tribe_id'] == 3 ? 1 : 0,            'r' => $row['tribe_id'] == 1 ? 1 : 0,            't' => $row['tribe_id'] == 2 ? 1 : 0        ));    }    public function captureOasis($oasisId, $playerId, $villageId, $capture = TRUE)    {        $villageRow = db::get_row("SELECT v.id, v.player_id, v.tribe_id, v.alliance_id, v.player_name, v.alliance_name, v.resources, v.cp, v.crop_consumption, v.village_oases_id, TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), v.last_update_date)) elapsedTimeInSeconds  FROM p_villages v WHERE v.id=:id", array(            'id' => intval($villageId)        ));        if (intval($villageRow['player_id']) == 0 || intval($villageRow['player_id']) != $playerId) {            return;        }        if ($capture) {            db::query("UPDATE p_villages v SET v.parent_id=:pa, v.tribe_id=:tid, v.player_id=:pid, v.alliance_id=:aid, v.player_name=:pname, v.alliance_name=:aname, v.troops_num=NULL, v.troops_out_num=NULL, v.troops_intrap_num=NULL, v.troops_out_intrap_num=NULL, v.allegiance_percent=100, v.creation_date=NOW(), v.last_update_date=NOW() WHERE v.id=:id", array(                'pa' => intval($villageId),                'tid' => intval($villageRow['tribe_id']),                'pid' => intval($villageRow['player_id']),                'aid' => 0 < intval($villageRow['alliance_id']) ? intval($villageRow['alliance_id']) : NULL,                'pname' => $villageRow['player_name'],                'aname' => $villageRow['alliance_name'],                'id' => intval($oasisId)            ));        } else {            db::query("UPDATE p_villages v  SET  v.tribe_id=4, v.parent_id=NULL, v.player_id=NULL, v.alliance_id=NULL, v.player_name=NULL, v.village_name=NULL, v.alliance_name=NULL, v.troops_num='-1:31 0,34 0,37 0', v.troops_out_num=NULL, v.troops_intrap_num=NULL, v.troops_out_intrap_num=NULL, v.allegiance_percent=100, v.creation_date=NOW() WHERE v.id=:id", array(                'id' => intval($oasisId)            ));        }        $village_oases_id = "";        if ($capture) {            $village_oases_id = trim($villageRow['village_oases_id']);            if ($village_oases_id != "") {                $village_oases_id .= ",";            }            $village_oases_id .= $oasisId;        } else if (trim($villageRow['village_oases_id']) != "") {            $village_oases_idArr = explode(",", $villageRow['village_oases_id']);            foreach ($village_oases_idArr as $oid) {                if ($oid == $oasisId) {                    continue;                }                if ($village_oases_id != "") {                    $village_oases_id .= ",";                }                $village_oases_id .= $oid;            }        }        $resultArr = $this->_getResourcesArray($villageRow, $villageRow['resources'], $villageRow['elapsedTimeInSeconds'], $villageRow['crop_consumption'], $villageRow['cp']);        $oasisIndex = db::get_field("SELECT v.image_num FROM p_villages v WHERE v.id=:id", array(            'id' => intval($oasisId)        ));        $oasisRes = $GLOBALS['SetupMetadata']['oasis'][$oasisIndex];        $factor = $capture ? 1 : 0 - 1;        foreach ($oasisRes as $k => $v) {            $resultArr['resources'][$k]['prod_rate_percentage'] += $v * $factor;            if ($resultArr['resources'][$k]['prod_rate_percentage'] < 0) {                $resultArr['resources'][$k]['prod_rate_percentage'] = 0;            }        }        db::query("UPDATE p_villages v  SET v.resources=:res, v.cp=:cp, v.village_oases_id=:vid, v.last_update_date=NOW() WHERE v.id=:id", array(            'res' => $this->_getResourcesString($resultArr['resources']),            'cp' => $resultArr['cp']['cpValue'] . " " . $resultArr['cp']['cpRate'],            'vid' => $village_oases_id,            'id' => intval($villageId)        ));    }    public function executeLeaveOasisTask($taskRow)    {        $this->captureOasis($taskRow['building_id'], $taskRow['player_id'], $taskRow['village_id'], FALSE);    }    public function executeMerchantTask($taskRow)    {        $villageRow = db::get_row("SELECT v.id, v.player_id, v.resources, v.cp, v.crop_consumption, TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), v.last_update_date)) elapsedTimeInSeconds  FROM p_villages v WHERE v.id=:id", array(            'id' => intval($taskRow['to_village_id'])        ));        if (0 < intval($villageRow['player_id'])) {            $resultArr = $this->_getResourcesArray($villageRow, $villageRow['resources'], $villageRow['elapsedTimeInSeconds'], $villageRow['crop_consumption'], $villageRow['cp']);            list($merchantNum, $resourcesStr) = explode('|', $taskRow['proc_params']);            $resources = explode(" ", $resourcesStr);            $i = 0;            foreach ($resources as $v) {                $resultArr['resources'][++$i]['current_value'] += $v;                if ($resultArr['resources'][$i]['store_max_limit'] < $resultArr['resources'][$i]['current_value']) {                    $resultArr['resources'][$i]['current_value'] = $resultArr['resources'][$i]['store_max_limit'];                }            }            db::query("UPDATE p_villages v  SET v.resources=:res, v.cp=:cp, v.last_update_date=NOW() WHERE v.id=:id", array(                'res' => $this->_getResourcesString($resultArr['resources']),                'cp' => $resultArr['cp']['cpValue'] . " " . $resultArr['cp']['cpRate'],                'id' => intval($taskRow['to_village_id'])            ));        }        if (intval(db::get_field("SELECT v.player_id FROM p_villages v WHERE v.id=:id", array(                'id' => intval($taskRow['village_id'])            ))) == 0) {            return FALSE;        }        db::query("UPDATE p_queue q  SET  q.proc_type=:typ, q.end_date=(q.end_date + INTERVAL q.execution_time SECOND) WHERE q.id=:id", array(            'typ' => QS_MERCHANT_BACK,            'id' => intval($taskRow['id'])        ));        $timeInSeconds = $taskRow['remainingTimeInSeconds'];        list($merchantsNum, $body) = explode('|', $taskRow['proc_params']);        $res = explode(" ", $body);        $maxValue = 0;        $maxIndex = 0 - 1;        $n = 0;        foreach ($res as $v) {            ++$n;            if ($maxValue < $v) {                $maxValue = $v;                $maxIndex = $n;            }        }        $reportResult = 10 + $maxIndex;        $this->load_model('Report', 'r');        $this->r->createReport($taskRow['player_id'], $taskRow['to_player_id'], $taskRow['village_id'], $taskRow['to_village_id'], 1, $reportResult, $body, $timeInSeconds);        return TRUE;    }    public function returnMerchantTask($taskRow)    {        $villageRow = db::get_row("SELECT v.id, v.resources, v.player_id, v.cp, v.crop_consumption, TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), v.last_update_date)) elapsedTimeInSeconds  FROM p_villages v WHERE v.id=:id", array(            'id' => intval($taskRow['village_id'])        ));        $resultArr = $this->_getResourcesArray($villageRow, $villageRow['resources'], $villageRow['elapsedTimeInSeconds'], $villageRow['crop_consumption'], $villageRow['cp']);        $this->load_model('Queue', 'queueModel');        $this->queueModel->page->data['selected_village_id'] = $taskRow['village_id'];        $this->queueModel->page->resources = $resultArr['resources'];        $this->queueModel->page->cpValue = $resultArr['cp']['cpValue'];        $this->queueModel->page->cpRate = $resultArr['cp']['cpRate'];        $this->queueModel->page->player = new stdClass();        $this->queueModel->page->player->playerId = $taskRow['player_id'];        $this->load_library('QueueTask', 'newTask',            array('taskType' => QS_MERCHANT_GO,                'playerId' => $taskRow['player_id'],                'executionTime' => $taskRow['execution_time']            )        );        $params = explode('|', $taskRow['proc_params']);        $merchantsNum = $params[0];        $body2 = isset($params[2]) ? $params[2] : $params[1];        $body = explode(' ', $body2);        $resources = array(            '1' => $body[0] > $resultArr['resources'][1]['current_value'] ? $resultArr['resources'][1]['current_value'] : $body[0],            '2' => $body[1] > $resultArr['resources'][2]['current_value'] ? $resultArr['resources'][2]['current_value'] : $body[1],            '3' => $body[2] > $resultArr['resources'][3]['current_value'] ? $resultArr['resources'][3]['current_value'] : $body[2],            '4' => $body[3] > $resultArr['resources'][4]['current_value'] ? ($resultArr['resources'][4]['current_value'] < 0 ? 0 : $resultArr['resources'][4]['current_value']) : $body[3]        );        $this->newTask->villageId = $taskRow['village_id'];        $this->newTask->toPlayerId = $taskRow['to_player_id'];        $this->newTask->toVillageId = $taskRow['to_village_id'];        $this->newTask->procParams = $merchantsNum . '|' . ($resources[1] . ' ' . $resources[2] . ' ' . $resources[3] . ' ' . $resources[4]) . '|' . $body2;        $this->newTask->tag = $resources;        $this->newTask->buildingId = $taskRow['building_id'] - 1;        $this->queueModel->addTask($this->newTask);    }    public function executeHeroTask($taskRow)    {        list($hero_troop_id, $hero_in_village_id) = explode(' ', $taskRow['proc_params']);        $playerRow = db::get_row("SELECT p.villages_id, p.selected_village_id FROM p_players p WHERE p.id=:id", array(            'id' => intval($taskRow['player_id'])        ));        if ($playerRow == NULL || trim($playerRow['villages_id']) == "") {            return;        }        $hasVillage = FALSE;        $villages_idArr = explode(",", trim($playerRow['villages_id']));        foreach ($villages_idArr as $pvid) {            if ($pvid == $hero_in_village_id) {                $hasVillage = TRUE;                break;            }        }        if (!$hasVillage) {            $hero_in_village_id = $playerRow['selected_village_id'];        }        db::query("UPDATE p_players p SET p.hero_name=p.name, p.hero_troop_id=:hid, p.hero_in_village_id=:vid WHERE p.id=:id", array(            'hid' => intval($hero_troop_id),            'vid' => intval($hero_in_village_id),            'id' => intval($taskRow['player_id'])        ));    }    public function executeTroopTrainingTask($taskRow)    {        $villageRow = db::get_row("SELECT v.id, v.player_id, v.resources, v.cp, v.crop_consumption, v.time_consume_percent, v.troops_num, TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), v.last_update_date)) elapsedTimeInSeconds  FROM p_villages v WHERE v.id=:id", array(            'id' => intval($taskRow['village_id'])        ));        if (intval($villageRow['player_id']) == 0 || intval($villageRow['player_id']) != $taskRow['player_id']) {            return;        }        $resultArr = $this->_getResourcesArray($villageRow, $villageRow['resources'], $villageRow['elapsedTimeInSeconds'], $villageRow['crop_consumption'], $villageRow['cp']);        $troopId = $taskRow['proc_params'];        $troopsNumber = $taskRow['threads_completed_num'];        $troops_crop_consumption = $troopsNumber * $GLOBALS['GameMetadata']['troops'][$troopId]['crop_consumption'];        $troopsArray = $this->_getTroopsArray($villageRow['troops_num']);        if (isset($troopsArray[0 - 1])) {            if (isset($troopsArray[0 - 1][$troopId])) {                $troopsArray[0 - 1][$troopId] += $troopsNumber;            } else if ($troopId == 99) {                $troopsArray[0 - 1][$troopId] = $troopsNumber;            }        }        $troopTrainingStr = $this->_getTroopsString($troopsArray);        db::query("UPDATE p_villages v SET v.resources=:res, v.cp=:cp, v.crop_consumption=v.crop_consumption+$troops_crop_consumption, v.troops_num=:tnum, v.last_update_date=NOW() WHERE v.id=:id", array(            'res' => $this->_getResourcesString($resultArr['resources']),            'cp' => $resultArr['cp']['cpValue'] . " " . $resultArr['cp']['cpRate'],            'tnum' => $troopTrainingStr,            'id' => intval($taskRow['village_id'])        ));    }    public function executeCelebrationTask($taskRow)    {        $villageRow = db::get_row("SELECT v.id, v.player_id, v.resources, v.cp, v.crop_consumption, TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), v.last_update_date)) elapsedTimeInSeconds  FROM p_villages v WHERE v.id=:id", array(            'id' => intval($taskRow['village_id'])        ));        if (intval($villageRow['player_id']) == 0) {            return;        }        $resultArr = $this->_getResourcesArray($villageRow, $villageRow['resources'], $villageRow['elapsedTimeInSeconds'], $villageRow['crop_consumption'], $villageRow['cp']);        $celebrationType = $taskRow['proc_params'] == 1 ? "small" : "large";        $resultArr['cp']['cpValue'] += $GLOBALS['GameMetadata']['items'][24]['celebrations'][$celebrationType]['value'];        db::query("UPDATE p_villages v  SET v.resources=:res, v.cp=:cp, v.last_update_date=NOW() WHERE v.id=:id", array(            'res' => $this->_getResourcesString($resultArr['resources']),            'cp' => $resultArr['cp']['cpValue'] . " " . $resultArr['cp']['cpRate'],            'id' => intval($taskRow['village_id'])        ));    }    public function executeTroopUpgradeTask($taskRow)    {        $villageRow = db::get_row("SELECT v.player_id, v.troops_training FROM p_villages v WHERE v.id=:id", array(            'id' => intval($taskRow['village_id'])        ));        if (intval($villageRow['player_id']) == 0 || intval($villageRow['player_id']) != $taskRow['player_id']) {            return;        }        $this->troopsUpgrade = array();        $_arr = explode(",", $villageRow['troops_training']);        foreach ($_arr as $troopStr) {            list($troopId, $researches_done, $defense_level, $attack_level) = explode(' ', $troopStr);            $this->troopsUpgrade[$troopId] = array(                "researches_done" => $researches_done,                "defense_level" => $defense_level,                "attack_level" => $attack_level            );        }        switch ($taskRow['proc_type']) {            case QS_TROOP_RESEARCH:                {                    $tid = $taskRow['proc_params'];                    if (isset($this->troopsUpgrade[$tid])) {                        $this->troopsUpgrade[$tid]['researches_done'] = 1;                    }                    break;                }            case QS_TROOP_UPGRADE_ATTACK:                {                    list($tid, $level) = explode(' ', $taskRow['proc_params']);                    if (isset($this->troopsUpgrade[$tid])) {                        $this->troopsUpgrade[$tid]['attack_level'] = $level;                    }                    break;                }            case QS_TROOP_UPGRADE_DEFENSE:                {                    list($tid, $level) = explode(' ', $taskRow['proc_params']);                    if (isset($this->troopsUpgrade[$tid])) {                        $this->troopsUpgrade[$tid]['defense_level'] = $level;                    }                }        }        $troopTrainingStr = "";        foreach ($this->troopsUpgrade as $k => $v) {            if ($troopTrainingStr != "") {                $troopTrainingStr .= ",";            }            $troopTrainingStr .= $k . " " . $v['researches_done'] . " " . $v['defense_level'] . " " . $v['attack_level'];        }        db::query("UPDATE p_villages v SET v.troops_training=:tr WHERE v.id=:id", array(            ':tr' => $troopTrainingStr,            ':id' => intval($taskRow['village_id'])        ));    }    public function executePlusTask($taskRow, $resource_id)    {        $villageRow = db::get_row("SELECT v.id, v.player_id, v.resources, v.cp, v.crop_consumption, TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), v.last_update_date)) elapsedTimeInSeconds  FROM p_villages v WHERE v.id=:id", array(            'id' => intval($taskRow['village_id'])        ));        if (intval($villageRow['player_id']) == 0) {            return;        }        $resultArr = $this->_getResourcesArray($villageRow, $villageRow['resources'], $villageRow['elapsedTimeInSeconds'], $villageRow['crop_consumption'], $villageRow['cp']);        $resultArr['resources'][$resource_id]['prod_rate_percentage'] -= 1000;        if ($resultArr['resources'][$resource_id]['prod_rate_percentage'] < 0) {            $resultArr['resources'][$resource_id]['prod_rate_percentage'] = 0;        }        db::query("UPDATE p_villages v  SET v.resources=:res, v.cp=:cp, v.last_update_date=NOW() WHERE v.id=:id", array(            'res' => $this->_getResourcesString($resultArr['resources']),            'cp' => $resultArr['cp']['cpValue'] . " " . $resultArr['cp']['cpRate'],            'id' => intval($taskRow['village_id'])        ));    }    public function executeBuildingTask($taskRow, $drop = FALSE)    {        return $this->upgradeBuilding($taskRow['village_id'], $taskRow['proc_params'], $taskRow['building_id'], $drop);    }    public function executeBuildingDropTask($taskRow)    {        return $this->executeBuildingTask($taskRow, TRUE);    }    public function executeWarTask($taskRow)    {        $this->load_model('Battle', 'm');        return $this->m->executeWarResult($taskRow);    }    public function upgradeBuilding($villageId, $bid, $itemId, $drop = FALSE)    {        $customAction = FALSE;        $GameMetadata = $GLOBALS['GameMetadata'];        $villageRow = db::get_row("SELECT v.id, v.player_id, v.alliance_id, v.buildings, v.resources, v.cp, v.crop_consumption, v.time_consume_percent, TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), v.last_update_date)) elapsedTimeInSeconds  FROM p_villages v WHERE v.id=:id", array(            'id' => intval($villageId)        ));        if (intval($villageRow['player_id']) == 0) {            return $customAction;        }        $buildings = $this->_getBuildingsArray($villageRow['buildings']);        $build = $buildings[$bid];        $buildingMetadata = $GameMetadata['items'][$itemId];        if ($build['item_id'] != $itemId) {            return $customAction;        }        if ($drop && $build['level'] <= 0) {            return $customAction;        }        $LevelOffset = $drop ? 0 - 1 : 1;        $_resFactor = $itemId <= 4 ? $GameMetadata['game_speed'] : 1;        $buildingLevel = $build['level'];        $oldValue = ($buildingLevel == 0 ? $itemId <= 4 ? 2 : 0 : $buildingMetadata['levels'][$buildingLevel - 1]['value']) * $_resFactor;        $oldCP = $buildingLevel == 0 ? 0 : $buildingMetadata['levels'][$buildingLevel - 1]['cp'];        $newBuildingLevel = $buildingLevel + $LevelOffset;        $newValue = ($newBuildingLevel == 0 ? $itemId <= 4 ? 2 : 0 : $buildingMetadata['levels'][$newBuildingLevel - 1]['value']) * $_resFactor;        $newCP = $newBuildingLevel == 0 ? 0 : $buildingMetadata['levels'][$newBuildingLevel - 1]['cp'];        $value_inc = $newValue - $oldValue;        $people_inc = $drop ? 0 - 1 * $buildingMetadata['levels'][$buildingLevel - 1]['people_inc'] : $buildingMetadata['levels'][$newBuildingLevel - 1]['people_inc'];        $resultArr = $this->_getResourcesArray($villageRow, $villageRow['resources'], $villageRow['elapsedTimeInSeconds'], $villageRow['crop_consumption'], $villageRow['cp']);        $resultArr['cp']['cpRate'] += $newCP - $oldCP;        $allegiance_percent_inc = 0;        switch ($itemId) {            case 1:            case 2:            case 3:            case 4:                $resultArr['resources'][$itemId]['prod_rate'] += $value_inc;                break;            case 5:            case 6:            case 7:            case 8:                $resultArr['resources'][$itemId - 4]['prod_rate_percentage'] += $value_inc;                break;            case 9:                $resultArr['resources'][4]['prod_rate_percentage'] += $value_inc;                break;            case 10:            case 38:                $newStorage = $resultArr['resources'][1]['store_max_limit'] == $resultArr['resources'][1]['store_init_limit'] ? 0 : $resultArr['resources'][1]['store_max_limit'];                $newStorage = $newStorage + $value_inc;                if ($newStorage < $resultArr['resources'][1]['store_init_limit']) {                    $newStorage = $resultArr['resources'][1]['store_init_limit'];                }                $resultArr['resources'][1]['store_max_limit'] = $resultArr['resources'][2]['store_max_limit'] = $resultArr['resources'][3]['store_max_limit'] = $newStorage;                break;            case 11:            case 39:                $newStorage = $resultArr['resources'][4]['store_max_limit'] == $resultArr['resources'][4]['store_init_limit'] ? 0 : $resultArr['resources'][4]['store_max_limit'];                $newStorage = $newStorage + $value_inc;                if ($newStorage < $resultArr['resources'][4]['store_init_limit']) {                    $newStorage = $resultArr['resources'][4]['store_init_limit'];                }                $resultArr['resources'][4]['store_max_limit'] = $newStorage;                break;            case 15:                $villageRow['time_consume_percent'] = $newValue == 0 ? 300 : $newValue;                break;            case 18:                if (0 < intval($villageRow['alliance_id']) && !$drop) {                    db::query("UPDATE p_alliances a SET a.max_player_count=:max WHERE a.id=:id AND a.creator_player_id=:pid AND a.max_player_count<:max", array(                        ':max' => $newValue,                        ':id' => intval($villageRow['alliance_id']),                        ':pid' => intval($villageRow['player_id'])                    ));                }                break;            case 25:            case 26:                if (!$drop) {                    $allegiance_percent_inc = 10;                }                break;            case 40:                global $gameConfig;                if (($newBuildingLevel == 25 && !$drop) || ($newBuildingLevel == 50 && !$drop) || ($newBuildingLevel == 75 && !$drop) || ($newBuildingLevel >= 90 && $newBuildingLevel < 100 && !$drop)) {                    $tatarId = db::get_row("SELECT p.id FROM  p_players p WHERE p.tribe_id=5");                    $tatarvilldgId = db::get_row("SELECT v.id FROM  p_villages v WHERE v.player_id=:id and v.is_capital=1", array('id' => $tatarId['id']));                    $troop_ids = array();                    foreach ($GLOBALS['GameMetadata']['troops'] as $k => $v) {                        if ($v['for_tribe_id'] == 5) {                            $troop_ids[] = $k;                        }                    }                    $troops_num = "";                    foreach ($troop_ids as $tid) {                        if ($troops_num != "") {                            $troops_num .= ",";                        }                        $trnum = explode(',', $gameConfig['troop']['tatarAtt']);                        $num = $tid == 49 || $tid == 50 ? 0 : mt_rand($trnum[0], $trnum[1]);                        if ($tid == 47 || $tid == 48) {                            $trmnum = explode(',', $gameConfig['troop']['tatarAttM']);                            $num = mt_rand($trmnum[0], $trmnum[1]);                        }                        $troops_num .= sprintf("%s %s", $tid, $num);                    }                    $troops_num .= '|0|0|2:40 0||||0';                    $this->load_model('Queue', 'queueModel');                    $this->load_library('QueueTask', 'newTask',                        array('taskType' => QS_WAR_ATTACK,                            'playerId' => $tatarId['id'],                            'executionTime' => 10                        ));                    $this->queueModel->page->data['selected_village_id'] = $villageId;                    $this->newTask->villageId = $tatarvilldgId['id'];                    $this->newTask->toPlayerId = $villageRow['player_id'];                    $this->newTask->toVillageId = $villageId;                    $this->newTask->procParams = $troops_num;                    $this->queueModel->addTask($this->newTask);                }                if ($newBuildingLevel == sizeof($buildingMetadata['levels'])) {                    $customAction = TRUE;                    db::query("DELETE FROM p_queue");                    $resetTime = $gameConfig['settings']['resetTime'] * 3600;                    $this->load_model('Queue', 'queueModel');                    $this->load_library('QueueTask', 'QueueTaskaddtask',                        array('taskType' => QS_SITE_RESET,                            'playerId' => 0,                            'executionTime' => $resetTime                        ));                    $this->queueModel->addTask($this->QueueTaskaddtask);                    db::query("UPDATE g_settings gs SET gs.game_over=1, gs.win_pid=:id", array(                        'id' => intval($villageRow['player_id'])                    ));                    db2::query("UPDATE p_players p SET p.gold_num=p.gold_num+:gold, p.gold_buy=p.gold_buy+:gold WHERE p.id=:id", array(                        'gold' => $gameConfig['settings']['wingold'],                        'id' => intval($villageRow['player_id'])                    ));                    $Allid = db::get_field("SELECT p.alliance_id FROM p_players p WHERE p.id=:id", array('id' => intval($villageRow['player_id'])));                    $allP = db::get_all("SELECT p.id FROM p_players p WHERE p.alliance_id=:id and p.id!=:pid AND p.total_people_count>10000", array('id' => $Allid, 'pid' => intval($villageRow['player_id'])));                    if ($allP != null) {                        $Ids2 = "";                        foreach ($allP as $Ids) {                            if ($Ids['id'] != $villageRow['player_id']) {                                $Ids2 .= ($Ids2 == "") ? $Ids['id'] : ',' . $Ids['id'];                            }                        }                        $Ids2 = "(" . $Ids2 . ")";                        db2::query("UPDATE p_players p SET p.gold_num=p.gold_num+:gold WHERE p.is_active=1 AND p.id IN $Ids2", array('gold' => $gameConfig['settings']['wingold'] / 10));                    }                }        }        $buildings[$bid]['level'] += $LevelOffset;        if (!$drop) {            --$buildings[$bid]['update_state'];        } else if ($buildings[$bid]['level'] <= 0 && $buildings[$bid]['update_state'] == 0 && 4 < $buildings[$bid]['item_id']) {            $buildings[$bid]['item_id'] = 0;        }        if ($buildings[$bid]['update_state'] < 0) {            $buildings[$bid]['update_state'] = 0;        }        $buildingsString = $this->_getBuildingString($buildings);        if ($drop and $itemId == 40) {            $b_arr = explode(',', $buildingsString);            $newbuilding = '';            foreach ($b_arr as $b_str) {                $b2_arr = explode(' ', $b_str);                if ($b2_arr[0] == 40 and $b2_arr[1] == 0) {                    $upstat = ($b2_arr[2] - 1);                    if ($upstat <= 0) {                        $upstat = 0;                    }                    if ($upstat == 0) {                        $b2_arr[0] = 0;                    }                    $b_str = $b2_arr[0] . ' ' . $b2_arr[1] . ' ' . $upstat;                }                if ($newbuilding != '') {                    $newbuilding .= ',';                }                $newbuilding .= $b_str;            }            $buildingsString = $newbuilding;        }        db::query("UPDATE p_villages v  SET v.buildings=:bu, v.resources=:res, v.cp=:cp, v.crop_consumption=v.crop_consumption+:po, v.people_count=v.people_count+:po, v.time_consume_percent=:ti, v.allegiance_percent=IF(v.allegiance_percent+:ap>=100, 100, v.allegiance_percent+:ap), v.last_update_date=NOW() WHERE v.id=:id", array(            'bu' => $buildingsString,            'res' => $this->_getResourcesString($resultArr['resources']),            'cp' => $resultArr['cp']['cpValue'] . " " . $resultArr['cp']['cpRate'],            'po' => $people_inc,            'ti' => $villageRow['time_consume_percent'],            'ap' => $allegiance_percent_inc,            'id' => intval($villageId)        ));        $devPoint = $people_inc;        db::query("UPDATE p_players p SET p.total_people_count=p.total_people_count+:to, p.week_dev_points=p.week_dev_points+:we WHERE p.id=:id", array(            'to' => $people_inc,            'we' => $devPoint,            'id' => intval($villageRow['player_id'])        ));        if (0 < intval($villageRow['alliance_id'])) {            db::query("UPDATE p_alliances a SET a.week_dev_points=a.week_dev_points+:we WHERE a.id=:id", array(                'we' => $devPoint,                'id' => intval($villageRow['alliance_id'])            ));        }        return $customAction;    }    public function _getTroopsString($troopsArray)    {        $result = "";        foreach ($troopsArray as $vid => $troopsNumArray) {            if ($result != "") {                $result .= "|";            }            $innerResult = "";            foreach ($troopsNumArray as $tid => $num) {                if ($innerResult != "") {                    $innerResult .= ",";                }                if ($tid == 0 - 1) {                    $innerResult .= $num . " " . $tid;                } else {                    $innerResult .= $tid . " " . $num;                }            }            $result .= $vid . ":" . $innerResult;        }        return $result;    }    public function _getTroopsArray($troops_num)    {        $troopsArray = array();        $t_arr = explode("|", $troops_num);        foreach ($t_arr as $t_str) {            $t2_arr = explode(":", $t_str);            $vid = $t2_arr[0];            $troopsArray[$vid] = array();            $t2_arr = explode(",", $t2_arr[1]);            foreach ($t2_arr as $t2_str) {                $t = explode(" ", $t2_str);                if ($t[1] == 0 - 1) {                    $troopsArray[$vid][$t[1]] = $t[0];                } else {                    $troopsArray[$vid][$t[0]] = $t[1];                }            }        }        return $troopsArray;    }    public function _getBuildingsArray($buildingsString)    {        $buildings = array();        $b_arr = explode(",", $buildingsString);        $indx = 0;        foreach ($b_arr as $b_str) {            ++$indx;            $b2 = explode(" ", $b_str);            $buildings[$indx] = array(                "index" => $indx,                "item_id" => $b2[0],                "level" => $b2[1],                "update_state" => $b2[2]            );        }        return $buildings;    }    public function _getResourcesArray($villageRow, $resourceString, $elapsedTimeInSeconds, $crop_consumption, $cp)    {        $this->load_model('Artefacts', 'A');        $crop = $this->A->CropAndRes($villageRow['player_id'], $villageRow['id'], 5);        $res = $this->A->CropAndRes($villageRow['player_id'], $villageRow['id'], 7);        $resources = array();        $r_arr = explode(",", $resourceString);        foreach ($r_arr as $r_str) {            $r2 = explode(" ", $r_str);            $prate = floor($r2[4] * (1 + ($r2[5] + $res) / 100)) - ($r2[0] == 4 ? floor($crop_consumption * $crop) : 0);            $current_value = floor($r2[1] + $elapsedTimeInSeconds * ($prate / 3600));            if ($r2[2] < $current_value) {                $current_value = $r2[2];            }            $resources[$r2[0]] = array(                "current_value" => $current_value,                "store_max_limit" => $r2[2],                "store_init_limit" => $r2[3],                "prod_rate" => $r2[4],                "prod_rate_percentage" => $r2[5]            );        }        list($cpValue, $cpRate) = explode(' ', $cp);        $cpValue += $elapsedTimeInSeconds * ($cpRate / 86400);        return array(            "resources" => $resources,            "cp" => array(                "cpValue" => round($cpValue, 4),                "cpRate" => $cpRate            )        );    }    public function _getResourcesString($resources)    {        $result = "";        foreach ($resources as $k => $v) {            if ($result != "") {                $result .= ",";            }            $result .= $k . " " . $v['current_value'] . " " . $v['store_max_limit'] . " " . $v['store_init_limit'] . " " . $v['prod_rate'] . " " . $v['prod_rate_percentage'];        }        return $result;    }    public function _getBuildingString($buildings)    {        $result = "";        foreach ($buildings as $build) {            if ($result != "") {                $result .= ",";            }            $result .= $build['item_id'] . " " . $build['level'] . " " . $build['update_state'];        }        return $result;    }}?>

battle :

<?phpclass Battle_Model extends Model{    public function executeWarResult($taskRow)    {        $taskRow['village_id'] = intval($taskRow['village_id']);        $fromVillageRow = $this->_getVillageInfo($taskRow['village_id']);        $toVillageRow = $this->_getVillageInfo($taskRow['to_village_id']);        $paramsArray = explode("|", $taskRow['proc_params']);        $troopsArrStr = explode(",", $paramsArray[0]);        $troopsArray = array(            "troops" => array(),            "onlyHero" => FALSE,            "heroTroopId" => 0,            "hasHero" => FALSE,            "hasKing" => FALSE,            "hasMostwten" => FALSE,            "hasWallDest" => FALSE,            "cropConsumption" => 0        );        $_onlyHero = TRUE;        foreach ($troopsArrStr as $_t) {            $temp = explode(" ", $_t);            $tid = $temp[0];            $tnum = $temp[1];            if ($tnum == -1) {                $troopsArray['hasHero'] = TRUE;                $troopsArray['heroTroopId'] = $tid;                $tnum = 1;            } else {                $troopsArray['troops'][$tid] = $tnum;                if (0 < $tnum) {                    $_onlyHero = FALSE;                } else {                    continue;                }                if ($tid == 9 || $tid == 19 || $tid == 29 || $tid == 108 || $tid == 59) {                    $troopsArray['hasKing'] = TRUE;                }                if ($tid == 10 || $tid == 20 || $tid == 30 || $tid == 109 || $tid == 60) {                    $troopsArray['hasMostwten'] = TRUE;                }                if ($tid == 7 || $tid == 17 || $tid == 27 || $tid == 106 || $tid == 57) {                    $troopsArray['hasWallDest'] = TRUE;                }            }            $troopsArray['cropConsumption'] += $GLOBALS['GameMetadata']['troops'][$tid]['crop_consumption'] * $tnum;        }        if ($_onlyHero && $troopsArray['hasHero']) {            $troopsArray['onlyHero'] = TRUE;        }        $procInfo = array(            "troopsArray" => $troopsArray,            "hasHero" => $paramsArray[1] == 1,            "spyAction" => $paramsArray[2],            "catapultTarget" => $paramsArray[3],            "harvestResources" => $paramsArray[4],            "spyInfo" => $paramsArray[5],            "catapultResult" => $paramsArray[6],            "troopBack" => $paramsArray[7] == 1        );        if ($taskRow['proc_type'] == QS_CREATEVILLAGE && ($toVillageRow['is_oasis'] || 0 < intval($toVillageRow['player_id']))) {            $taskRow['proc_type'] = QS_WAR_ATTACK_PLUNDER;        }        switch ($taskRow['proc_type']) {            case QS_WAR_REINFORCE:                $this->load_model('Battles_Reinforcementbattle', 'Battles_Reinforcementbattle');                return $this->Battles_Reinforcementbattle->handleReInforcement($taskRow, $toVillageRow, $fromVillageRow, $procInfo, $paramsArray[0]);            case QS_WAR_ATTACK:            case QS_WAR_ATTACK_PLUNDER:                $this->load_model('Battles_WarBattle', 'Warbattle');                return $this->Warbattle->handleWarAttack($taskRow, $toVillageRow, $fromVillageRow, $procInfo);            case QS_WAR_ATTACK_SPY:                $this->load_model('Battles_SpyBattle', 'spyModel');                return $this->spyModel->handleWarSpy($taskRow, $toVillageRow, $fromVillageRow, $procInfo);            case QS_CREATEVILLAGE:                $this->load_model('Battles_NewVillageBattle', 'Battles_Newvillagebattle');                return $this->Battles_Newvillagebattle->handleCreateNewVillage($taskRow, $toVillageRow, $fromVillageRow, $troopsArray['cropConsumption']);        }        return TRUE;    }    public function _getTroopWithPower($artPower, $troops, $troopsPower, $isAttacking, $heroLevel, $peopleCount, $wringerPower = 0, $wallPower = 0, $heroId = -1, $spyAction = FALSE)    {        $GameMetadata = $GLOBALS['GameMetadata'];        $returnTroops = array(            "troops" => array(),            "total_live_number" => 0,            "total_spy_live_number" => 0,            "total_power" => 0,            "total_defense_power" => 0,            "total_attack_power" => 0,            "total_attack_infantry" => 0,            "total_attack_cavalry" => 0,            "total_defense_infantry" => 0,            "total_defense_cavalry" => 0,            "total_carry_load" => 0,            "total_dead_consumption" => 0,            "total_dead_number" => 0,            "hasHero" => 0 - 1 < $heroId,            "heroTroopId" => $heroId        );        $powerFactor = !$spyAction ? ($peopleCount / 250) + $wringerPower + $artPower + ($heroLevel / 6) : 0;        $cavalry = array(4, 5, 6, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25, 26, 35, 36, 45, 46, 55, 56, 104, 105);        foreach ($troops as $tid => $tnum) {            if ($isAttacking) {                $tpower = $GameMetadata['troops'][$tid]['attack_value'];                $tpower = floor((isset($troopsPower[$tid]) ? ((((2 * $troopsPower[$tid]) * $tpower) / 100) + $tpower) : $tpower) + (($powerFactor * $tpower) / 100));            } else {                $tpower = $GameMetadata['troops'][$tid]['defense_infantry'];                $tpower2 = $GameMetadata['troops'][$tid]['defense_cavalry'];                $tpower = floor((isset($troopsPower[$tid]) ? ((((2 * $troopsPower[$tid]) * $tpower) / 100) + $tpower) : $tpower) + (($powerFactor * $tpower) / 100) + (($wallPower * $tpower) / 100));                $tpower2 = floor((isset($troopsPower[$tid]) ? ((((2 * $troopsPower[$tid]) * $tpower2) / 100) + $tpower2) : $tpower2) + (($powerFactor * $tpower2) / 100) + (($wallPower * $tpower2) / 100));            }            $tpower2 = isset($tpower2) ? $tpower2 : 0;            if ($spyAction) {                $tpower = $tid == 103 || $tid == 54 || $tid == 4 || $tid == 14 || $tid == 23 ? $artPower : 0;            }            $num = intval($tnum) > 0 ? intval($tnum) : 0;            if ($tid != 99) {                $returnTroops['total_live_number'] += $num;                if ($isAttacking) {                    if (in_array($tid, $cavalry)) {                        $returnTroops['total_attack_cavalry'] += ($tpower * $num);                    } else {                        $returnTroops['total_attack_infantry'] += ($tpower * $num);                    }                } else {                    $returnTroops['total_defense_infantry'] += ($tpower * $num);                    $returnTroops['total_defense_cavalry'] += ($tpower2 * $num);                }                $returnTroops['total_power'] += ($tpower * $num);                $returnTroops['total_carry_load'] += ($GameMetadata['troops'][$tid]['carry_load'] * $num);                if ($spyAction && ($tid == 103 || $tid == 54 || $tid == 4 || $tid == 14 || $tid == 23)) {                    $returnTroops['total_spy_live_number'] += $num;                }            }            $returnTroops['troops'][$tid] = array(                "number" => $num,                "live_number" => $num,                "single_consumption" => $GameMetadata['troops'][$tid]['crop_consumption'],                "single_carry_load" => $GameMetadata['troops'][$tid]['carry_load'],                "single_power" => $tpower,                "defense_cavalry" => $tpower2            );        }        $returnTroops['total_attack_power'] = ($returnTroops['total_attack_infantry'] + $returnTroops['total_attack_cavalry']);        return $returnTroops;    }    public function _getAttackTroopsForVillage($fromVillageRow, $troopsTrainingStr, $troopsArray, $heroLevel, $peopleCount, $wringerLevel, $spyAction)    {        $this->load_model('Artefacts', 'A');        $troopsPower = array();        $artPower = 0;        if (!$spyAction) {            $artLevel = $this->A->Artefacts($fromVillageRow['player_id'], $fromVillageRow['id'], 9);            $artPower = ($artLevel == 0) ? 0 : (($artLevel == 1) ? 75 : (($artLevel == 2) ? 50 : 100));            $_c = 0;            $troopsTrainingStr = trim($troopsTrainingStr);            if ($troopsTrainingStr != "") {                $_arr = explode(",", $troopsTrainingStr);                foreach ($_arr as $troopStr) {                    $_c++;                    list($troopId, $researches_done, $defense_level, $attack_level) = explode(" ", $troopStr);                    if ($troopId != 99 && $_c <= 8) {                        $troopsPower[$troopId] = $attack_level;                    }                }                $peopleCount = $_c;            }        } else {            $artLevel = $this->A->Artefacts($fromVillageRow['player_id'], $fromVillageRow['id'], 4);            $artPower = ($artLevel == 0) ? 1 : (($artLevel == 1) ? 5 : (($artLevel == 2) ? 3 : 10));        }        return $this->_getTroopWithPower($artPower, $troopsArray, $troopsPower, TRUE, $heroLevel, $peopleCount, $wringerLevel, 0, 0 - 1, $spyAction);    }    public function _getDefenseTroopsForVillage($vid, $troopsArray, $hasHero, $peopleCount, $wallPower, $spyAction)    {        $this->load_model('Artefacts', 'A');        $vrow = db::get_row("SELECT v.player_id, v.troops_training FROM p_villages v WHERE v.id=:id", array(            'id' => intval($vid)        ));        $heroLevel = 0;        $heroId = 0 - 1;        $troopsPower = array();        $artPower = 0;        if ($vrow != NULL) {            if ($hasHero) {                $_row = db::get_row("SELECT p.hero_level, p.hero_troop_id FROM p_players p WHERE p.id=:id", array(                    'id' => intval($vrow['player_id'])                ));                if ($_row != NULL) {                    $heroLevel = intval($_row['hero_level']);                    $heroId = intval($_row['hero_troop_id']);                }            }            if (!$spyAction) {                $artLevel = $this->A->Artefacts($vrow['player_id'], $vid, 1);                $artPower = ($artLevel == 0) ? 0 : (($artLevel == 1) ? 75 : (($artLevel == 2) ? 50 : 100));                $_c = 0;                $troopsTrainingStr = trim($vrow['troops_training']);                if ($troopsTrainingStr != "") {                    $_arr = explode(",", $troopsTrainingStr);                    foreach ($_arr as $troopStr) {                        $_c++;                        list($troopId, $researches_done, $defense_level, $attack_level) = explode(" ", $troopStr);                        if ($troopId != 99 && $_c <= 8) {                            $troopsPower[$troopId] = $defense_level;                        }                    }                    $peopleCount = $_c;                }            } else {                $artLevel = $this->A->Artefacts($vrow['player_id'], $vid, 4);                $artPower = ($artLevel == 0) ? 1 : (($artLevel == 1) ? 5 : (($artLevel == 2) ? 3 : 10));            }        }        return $this->_getTroopWithPower($artPower, $troopsArray, $troopsPower, FALSE, $heroLevel, $peopleCount, 0, $wallPower, $heroId, $spyAction);    }    public function _getNewTroops($troopsStr, $addTroopsArray, $fromVillageId, $isSamePlayer)    {        $newTroopsStr = "";        $heroAddCond = $addTroopsArray['hasHero'] && 0 - 1 < $fromVillageId && !$isSamePlayer;        $troopsStr = trim($troopsStr);        if ($troopsStr == "") {            foreach ($addTroopsArray['troops'] as $tid => $tnum) {                if ($newTroopsStr != "") {                    $newTroopsStr .= ",";                }                $newTroopsStr .= $tid . " " . $tnum;            }            if ($heroAddCond) {                if ($newTroopsStr != "") {                    $newTroopsStr .= ",";                }                $newTroopsStr .= $addTroopsArray['heroTroopId'] . " -1";            }            $newTroopsStr = $fromVillageId . ":" . $newTroopsStr;        } else {            $hasTroopsIn = FALSE;            $troopsStrArr = explode("|", $troopsStr);            foreach ($troopsStrArr as $tvStr) {                if ($newTroopsStr != "") {                    $newTroopsStr .= "|";                }                $vtroopsStr = explode(":", $tvStr);                $vid = explode(":", $tvStr);                list($vid, $vtroopsStr) = $vid;                if ($vid == $fromVillageId) {                    $hasTroopsIn = TRUE;                    $curTroopsStr = explode(",", $vtroopsStr);                    $curTroops = array();                    foreach ($curTroopsStr as $curTroopsStrItem) {                        $_tnum = explode(" ", $curTroopsStrItem);                        $_tid = explode(" ", $curTroopsStrItem);                        list($_tid, $_tnum) = $_tid;                        if ($_tnum == 0 - 1) {                            $curTroops[0 - 1] = $_tid;                        } else {                            $curTroops[$_tid] = $_tnum;                        }                    }                    $newtvStr = "";                    foreach ($addTroopsArray['troops'] as $tid => $tnum) {                        if ($newtvStr != "") {                            $newtvStr .= ",";                        }                        if (isset($curTroops[$tid])) {                            $tnum += $curTroops[$tid];                        }                        $newtvStr .= $tid . " " . $tnum;                    }                    if (isset($curTroops[99])) {                        if ($newtvStr != "") {                            $newtvStr .= ",";                        }                        $newtvStr .= "99 " . $curTroops[99];                    }                    if (isset($curTroops[0 - 1])) {                        if ($newtvStr != "") {                            $newtvStr .= ",";                        }                        $newtvStr .= $curTroops[0 - 1] . " -1";                    } else if ($heroAddCond) {                        if ($newtvStr != "") {                            $newtvStr .= ",";                        }                        $newtvStr .= $addTroopsArray['heroTroopId'] . " -1";                    }                    $newTroopsStr .= $vid . ":" . $newtvStr;                } else {                    $newTroopsStr .= $tvStr;                }            }            if (!$hasTroopsIn) {                $newTroopsStr = "";                foreach ($addTroopsArray['troops'] as $tid => $tnum) {                    if ($newTroopsStr != "") {                        $newTroopsStr .= ",";                    }                    $newTroopsStr .= $tid . " " . $tnum;                }                if ($heroAddCond) {                    if ($newTroopsStr != "") {                        $newTroopsStr .= ",";                    }                    $newTroopsStr .= $addTroopsArray['heroTroopId'] . " -1";                }                $newTroopsStr = $fromVillageId . ":" . $newTroopsStr;                if ($troopsStr != "") {                    $newTroopsStr = $troopsStr . "|" . $newTroopsStr;                }            }        }        return $newTroopsStr;    }    public function _updateVillageOutTroops($vid, $invid, $newTroopsStr, $heroKilled, $thisInforcementDied, $uid)    {        $pid = $uid;        $vid = intval($vid);        if (0 < $vid) {            $row = db::get_row("SELECT v.player_id, v.troops_out_num FROM p_villages v WHERE v.id=:id", array(                'id' => intval($vid)            ));            if ($row == NULL) {            } else {                $pid = $row['player_id'];                $troops_out_num = "";                $ts = trim($row['troops_out_num']);                if ($ts != "") {                    $tsArr = explode("|", $ts);                    foreach ($tsArr as $tsArrStr) {                        list($_vid, $_troops) = explode(":", $tsArrStr);                        if ($_vid == $invid) {                            if (!$thisInforcementDied) {                                if ($troops_out_num != "") {                                    $troops_out_num .= "|";                                }                                $troops_out_num .= $invid . ":" . $newTroopsStr;                            }                        } else {                            if ($troops_out_num != "") {                                $troops_out_num .= "|";                            }                            $troops_out_num .= $tsArrStr;                        }                    }                }                db::query("UPDATE p_villages v SET v.troops_out_num=:tr WHERE v.id=:id", array(                    'tr' => $troops_out_num,                    'id' => intval($vid)                ));            }        }        if ($heroKilled) {            db::query("UPDATE p_players p SET p.hero_troop_id=NULL, p.hero_in_village_id=NULL WHERE p.id=:id", array(                'id' => intval($pid)            ));        }    }    public function _updateVillage($villageRow, $reduceCropConsumption, $heroKilled)    {        $this->load_model('Artefacts', 'A');        $crop = $this->A->CropAndRes($villageRow['player_id'], $villageRow['id'], 5);        $res = $this->A->CropAndRes($villageRow['player_id'], $villageRow['id'], 7);        $elapsedTimeInSeconds = $villageRow['elapsedTimeInSeconds'];        $resources = array();        $r_arr = explode(",", $villageRow['resources']);        foreach ($r_arr as $r_str) {            $r2 = explode(" ", $r_str);            $prate = floor($r2[4] * (1 + ($r2[5] + $res) / 100)) - ($r2[0] == 4 ? floor($villageRow['crop_consumption'] * $crop) : 0);            $current_value = floor($r2[1] + $elapsedTimeInSeconds * ($prate / 3600));            if ($r2[2] < $current_value) {                $current_value = $r2[2];            }            $resources[$r2[0]] = array(                "current_value" => $current_value,                "store_max_limit" => $r2[2],                "store_init_limit" => $r2[3],                "prod_rate" => $r2[4],                "prod_rate_percentage" => $r2[5],                "calc_prod_rate" => $prate            );        }        list($cpValue, $cpRate) = explode(" ", $villageRow['cp']);        $cpValue = round($cpValue + $elapsedTimeInSeconds * ($cpRate / 86400), 4);        $resourcesStr = "";        foreach ($resources as $k => $v) {            if ($resourcesStr != "") {                $resourcesStr .= ",";            }            $resourcesStr .= sprintf("%s %s %s %s %s %s", $k, $v['current_value'], $v['store_max_limit'], $v['store_init_limit'], $v['prod_rate'], $v['prod_rate_percentage']);        }        $cp = $cpValue . " " . $cpRate;        db::query("UPDATE p_villages v  SET v.resources=:res, v.cp=:cp, v.crop_consumption=v.crop_consumption-:crop, v.last_update_date=NOW() WHERE  v.id=:id", array(            'res' => $resourcesStr,            'cp' => $cp,            'crop' => $reduceCropConsumption,            'id' => intval($villageRow['id'])        ));        if ($heroKilled) {            db::query("UPDATE p_players p SET p.hero_troop_id=NULL, p.hero_in_village_id=NULL WHERE p.id=:id", array(                'id' => intval($villageRow['player_id'])            ));        }    }    public function _getVillageInfo($villageId)    {        return db::get_row("SELECT  v.id, v.parent_id, v.tribe_id,  v.field_maps_id, v.rel_x, v.rel_y, v.crop_consumption,  v.player_id, v.alliance_id, v.village_oases_id,  v.village_name, v.player_name, v.alliance_name, v.is_capital, v.is_special_village, v.is_oasis, v.people_count, v.resources, v.buildings, v.cp, v.troops_training, v.troops_num, v.troops_out_num, v.troops_intrap_num, v.troops_out_intrap_num, v.allegiance_percent,  v.child_villages_id, TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), v.last_update_date)) elapsedTimeInSeconds, TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(NOW(), v.creation_date)) oasisElapsedTimeInSeconds FROM p_villages v  WHERE v.id=:id", array(            'id' => intval($villageId)        ));    }}?>

war :

<?phprequire_once MODELS_DIR . 'Battle.php';class Battles_Warbattle_Model extends Battle_Model{    public function handleWarAttack($taskRow, $toVillageRow, $fromVillageRow, $procInfo)    {        global $gameConfig;        $GameMetadata = $GLOBALS['GameMetadata'];        $SetupMetadata = $GLOBALS['SetupMetadata'];        if ((!$toVillageRow['is_oasis'] AND intval($toVillageRow['player_id']) == 0)) {            echo "<pre>";            print_r($toVillageRow);            echo "</pre>";            $paramsArray = explode('|', $taskRow['proc_params']);            $paramsArray[sizeof($paramsArray) - 1] = 1;            $newParams = implode('|', $paramsArray);            db::count('UPDATE p_queue q SET q.player_id=:a1, q.village_id=:a2, q.to_player_id=:a3, q.to_village_id=:a4, q.proc_type=:a5, q.proc_params=:a6, q.end_date=(q.end_date + INTERVAL q.execution_time SECOND) WHERE q.id=:a7', array(                'a1' => intval($taskRow['to_player_id']),                'a2' => intval($taskRow['to_village_id']),                'a3' => intval($taskRow['player_id']),                'a4' => intval($taskRow['village_id']),                'a5' => QS_WAR_REINFORCE,                'a6' => $newParams,                'a7' => intval($taskRow['id'])            ));            return TRUE;        }        $heroLevel = 0;        if ($procInfo['troopsArray']['hasHero']) {            $heroLevel = intval(db::get_field('SELECT p.hero_level FROM p_players p WHERE p.id=:id', array(                'id' => intval($fromVillageRow['player_id'])            )));        }        $heroBuildingLevel = 0;        $wringerLevel = 0;        $buildings = array();        $bStr = trim($fromVillageRow['buildings']);        if ($bStr != '') {            $bStrArr = explode(',', $bStr);            foreach ($bStrArr as $b2Str) {                list($item_id, $level) = explode(' ', $b2Str);                if ($item_id == 35) {                    $wringerLevel = $level;                    continue;                } else {                    if ($item_id == 37) {                        $heroBuildingLevel = $level;                        continue;                    }                    continue;                }            }        }        $attackTroops = $this->_getAttackTroopsForVillage($fromVillageRow, $fromVillageRow['troops_training'], $procInfo['troopsArray']['troops'], $heroLevel, $fromVillageRow['people_count'], $wringerLevel, FALSE);        $buildinStabilityFactor = 1;        $crannyTotalSize = 0;        $wallPower = 0;        $wallLevel = 0;        $wallBid = 0;        $wallItemId = 0;        $buildings = array();        $bStr = trim($toVillageRow['buildings']);        if ($bStr != '') {            $bStrArr = explode(',', $bStr);            $fcc = 0;            foreach ($bStrArr as $b2Str) {                ++$fcc;                list($item_id, $level) = explode(' ', $b2Str);                if ((($item_id == 31 OR $item_id == 32) OR $item_id == 33)) {                    $wallBid = $fcc;                    $wallItemId = $item_id;                    $wallLevel = $level;                    $wallPower = (0 < $level ? $GameMetadata['items'][$item_id]['levels'][$level - 1]['value'] : 0);                    continue;                } else {                    if (($item_id == 23 AND 0 < $level)) {                        /*$this->load_model('Artefacts', 'A');                        $artLevel = $this->A->Artefacts($toVillageRow['player_id'], $toVillageRow['id'], 8);                        $artPower = ($artLevel == 0) ? 1 : (($artLevel == 1) ? 200 : (($artLevel == 2) ? 100 : 500));*/                        $crannyTotalSize += $GameMetadata['items'][$item_id]['levels'][$level - 1]['value'] * $GameMetadata['items'][$item_id]['for_tribe_id'][$toVillageRow['tribe_id']]; //* $artPower;                        continue;                    } else {                        if (($item_id == 34 AND 0 < $level)) {                            $buildinStabilityFactor = $GameMetadata['items'][$item_id]['levels'][$level - 1]['value'] / 100;                            continue;                        }                        continue;                    }                    continue;                }            }        }        $crannyTotalSize = floor($crannyTotalSize * $GameMetadata['tribes'][$fromVillageRow['tribe_id']]['crannyFactor']);        $defenseTroops = array();        $defense_infantry = 0;        $defense_cavalry = 0;        $totalDefensePower = array(            "total_defense_infantry" => 0,            "total_defense_cavalry" => 0        );        $troops_num = trim($toVillageRow['troops_num']);        if ($troops_num != '') {            $vtroopsArr = explode('|', $troops_num);            foreach ($vtroopsArr as $vtroopsStr) {                 [USER=9367]List[/USER]($tvid, $tvtroopsStr) = explode(':', $vtroopsStr);                $incFactor = ((($toVillageRow['is_oasis'] AND intval($toVillageRow['player_id']) == 0) AND $tvid == 0 - 1) ? floor($toVillageRow['oasisElapsedTimeInSeconds'] / 86400) : 0);                $_hasHero = FALSE;                $vtroops = array();                $_arr = explode(',', $tvtroopsStr);                foreach ($_arr as $_arrStr) {                     [USER=9367]List[/USER]($_tid, $_tnum) = explode(' ', $_arrStr);                    if ($_tnum == 0 - 1) {                        $_hasHero = TRUE;                        continue;                    } else {                        $vtroops[$_tid] = $_tnum + $incFactor;                        continue;                    }                }                if ($tvid == 0 - 1) {                    $hero_in_village_id = intval(db::get_field('SELECT p.hero_in_village_id FROM p_players p WHERE p.id=:id', array(                        'id' => intval($toVillageRow['player_id'])                    )));                    if ((0 < $hero_in_village_id AND $hero_in_village_id == $toVillageRow['id'])) {                        $_hasHero = TRUE;                    }                }                $defenseTroops[$tvid] = $this->_getDefenseTroopsForVillage(($tvid == 0 - 1 ? $toVillageRow['id'] : $tvid), $vtroops, $_hasHero, $toVillageRow['people_count'], $wallPower, FALSE);                $defense_infantry += $defenseTroops[$tvid]['total_defense_infantry'];                $defense_cavalry += $defenseTroops[$tvid]['total_defense_cavalry'];                $totalDefensePower = array(                    "total_defense_infantry" => $defense_infantry,                    "total_defense_cavalry" => $defense_cavalry                );            }        }        $warResult = $this->getWarResult($attackTroops, $defenseTroops, $totalDefensePower, $taskRow['proc_type'] == QS_WAR_ATTACK_PLUNDER);        $harvestResources = '0 0 0 0';        $harvestInfoStruct = array(            'string' => $harvestResources,            'sum' => 0        );        if (!$warResult['all_attack_killed']) {            $harvestInfoStruct = $this->_harvestTroopsFrom($toVillageRow, $warResult['attackTroops']['total_carry_load'], $crannyTotalSize);            $harvestResources = $harvestInfoStruct['string'];        }        $reduceConsumption = $warResult['attackTroops']['total_dead_consumption'];        if (($warResult['all_attack_killed'] AND $procInfo['troopsArray']['hasHero'])) {            $reduceConsumption += $GameMetadata['troops'][$procInfo['troopsArray']['heroTroopId']]['crop_consumption'];        }        if (0 < $reduceConsumption) {            $this->_updateVillage($fromVillageRow, $reduceConsumption, ($warResult['all_attack_killed'] AND $procInfo['troopsArray']['hasHero']));        }        if (($procInfo['troopsArray']['hasHero'] AND 1 <= $warResult['defense_total_dead_number'])) {            $heroStatisticPoint = $warResult['defense_total_dead_number'];            db::query('UPDATE p_players p SET p.hero_points=p.hero_points+:ho, p.hero_level=IF(p.hero_level+floor(p.hero_points/(100*(p.hero_level+1)))>127,127,p.hero_level+floor(p.hero_points/(100*(p.hero_level+1)))) WHERE p.id=:id', array(                'ho' => $heroStatisticPoint,                'id' => intval($fromVillageRow['player_id'])            ));        }        $defenseTroopsStr = '';        $defenseReduceConsumption = 0;        $reportTroopTable = array();        $tribeId = 0;        foreach ($warResult['defenseTroops'] as $vid => $troopsTable) {            $defenseReduceConsumption += $troopsTable['total_dead_consumption'];            $newTroops = '';            $reportBody = '';            $reportDead = 0;            $thisInforcementDied = TRUE;            foreach ($troopsTable['troops'] as $tid => $tprop) {                if ($newTroops != '') {                    $newTroops .= ',';                }                $newTroops .= $tid . ' ' . $tprop['live_number'];                if ($reportBody != '') {                    $reportBody .= ',';                }                $reportBody .= $tid . ' ' . $tprop['number'] . ' ' . ($tprop['number'] - $tprop['live_number']);                $reportDead += $tprop['number'] - $tprop['live_number'];                if (0 < $tprop['live_number']) {                    $thisInforcementDied = FALSE;                }                $tribeId = $GameMetadata['troops'][$tid]['for_tribe_id'];                if (!isset($reportTroopTable[$tribeId])) {                    $reportTroopTable[$tribeId] = array(                        'troops' => array(),                        'hero' => array(                            'number' => 0,                            'dead_number' => 0                        )                    );                }                if ($tid != 99) {                    if (!isset($reportTroopTable[$tribeId]['troops'][$tid])) {                        $reportTroopTable[$tribeId]['troops'][$tid] = array(                            'number' => $tprop['number'],                            'dead_number' => $tprop['number'] - $tprop['live_number']                        );                        continue;                    } else {                        $reportTroopTable[$tribeId]['troops'][$tid]['number'] += $tprop['number'];                        $reportTroopTable[$tribeId]['troops'][$tid]['dead_number'] += $tprop['number'] - $tprop['live_number'];                        continue;                    }                    continue;                }            }            if ($troopsTable['hasHero']) {                ++$reportTroopTable[$tribeId]['hero']['number'];                if (0 < $troopsTable['total_live_number']) {                    $reportBody .= ',-1 1 0';                } else {                    $reportBody .= ',-1 1 1';                }            }            if ((0 < $troopsTable['total_live_number'] AND $troopsTable['hasHero'])) {                if ($vid != 0 - 1) {                    if ($newTroops != '') {                        $newTroops .= ',';                    }                    $newTroops .= $troopsTable['heroTroopId'] . ' -1';                }                if ((($vid == 0 - 1 AND !$toVillageRow['is_oasis']) AND $warResult['all_attack_killed'])) {                    $heroStatisticPoint = 1;                    db::query('UPDATE p_players p SET p.hero_points=p.hero_points+:ho, p.hero_level=IF(p.hero_level+floor(p.hero_points/(100*(p.hero_level+1)))>127,127,p.hero_level+floor(p.hero_points/(100*(p.hero_level+1)))) WHERE p.id=:id', array(                        'ho' => $heroStatisticPoint,                        'id' => intval($toVillageRow['player_id'])                    ));                }                $thisInforcementDied = FALSE;            }            if (($troopsTable['hasHero'] AND $troopsTable['total_live_number'] <= 0)) {                ++$reportTroopTable[$tribeId]['hero']['dead_number'];                $defenseReduceConsumption += $GameMetadata['troops'][$troopsTable['heroTroopId']]['crop_consumption'];            }            if ($vid != 0 - 1) {                if ($reportDead == 0) {                    $reportResult = 4;                } elseif ($troopsTable['total_live_number'] > 0 && $reportDead > 0) {                    $reportResult = 5;                } else {                    $reportResult = 6;                }                $timeInSeconds = $taskRow['remainingTimeInSeconds'];                $toPlayer_id = db::get_field('SELECT v.player_id FROM p_villages v WHERE v.id=:id', array(                    'id' => $vid                ));                $this->load_model('Report', 'r');                if ($fromVillageRow['player_id'] != $toPlayer_id and $toPlayer_id != 0 and $vid != 0) {                    $toVillageName = $this->r->getVillageName($toVillageRow['id']);                    $reportBody .= '|' . $toVillageName;                    $this->r->createReport(intval($fromVillageRow['player_id']), intval($toPlayer_id), intval($fromVillageRow['id']), intval($vid), 5, $reportResult, $reportBody, $timeInSeconds);                }            }            $this->_updateVillageOutTroops($vid, $toVillageRow['id'], $newTroops, ($troopsTable['hasHero'] AND $troopsTable['total_live_number'] <= 0), $thisInforcementDied, intval($toVillageRow['player_id']));            if (($vid == 0 - 1 AND $toVillageRow['is_oasis'])) {                db::query('UPDATE p_villages v SET v.creation_date=NOW() WHERE v.id=:id', array(                    'id' => intval($toVillageRow['id'])                ));            }            if ((!$thisInforcementDied OR $vid == 0 - 1)) {                if ($defenseTroopsStr != '') {                    $defenseTroopsStr .= '|';                }                $defenseTroopsStr .= $vid . ':' . $newTroops;                continue;            }        }        if ((($toVillageRow['is_oasis'] AND 0 < intval($toVillageRow['player_id'])) AND isset($reportTroopTable[4]))) {            unset($reportTroopTable[4]);        }        db::query('UPDATE p_villages v SET v.troops_num=:num WHERE v.id=:id', array(            'num' => $defenseTroopsStr,            'id' => $toVillageRow['id']        ));        if (!($toVillageRow['is_oasis'] AND intval($toVillageRow['player_id']) == 0)) {            $_tovid = ($toVillageRow['is_oasis'] ? intval($toVillageRow['parent_id']) : $toVillageRow['id']);            db::query('UPDATE p_villages v SET v.crop_consumption=v.crop_consumption-:crop WHERE v.id=:id', array(                'crop' => $defenseReduceConsumption,                'id' => intval($_tovid)            ));        }        $villageTotallyDestructed = FALSE;        $wallDestructionResult = '';        $catapultResult = '';        if (((!$toVillageRow['is_oasis'] AND !$warResult['all_attack_killed']) AND $taskRow['proc_type'] != QS_WAR_ATTACK_PLUNDER)) {            $wallDestrTroopsCount = 0;            $buildDestrTroopsCount = 0;            foreach ($warResult['attackTroops']['troops'] as $tid => $tprop) {                if (((((($tid == 7 OR $tid == 17) OR $tid == 27) OR $tid == 106) OR $tid == 57) OR $tid == 47)) {                    $wallDestrTroopsCount = $tprop['live_number'];                    continue;                } else {                    if (((((($tid == 8 OR $tid == 18) OR $tid == 28) OR $tid == 107) OR $tid == 58) OR $tid == 48)) {                        $buildDestrTroopsCount = $tprop['live_number'];                        continue;                    }                    continue;                }            }            if ($procInfo['troopsArray']['hasWallDest']) {                if (0 < $wallLevel) {                    $dropLevels = 0;                    if (2 * $wallPower < $wallDestrTroopsCount) {                        $dropLevels = floor($wallDestrTroopsCount / (2 * $wallPower));                        if ($wallLevel - $dropLevels < 0) {                            $dropLevels = $wallLevel;                        }                    }                    if (0 < $dropLevels) {                        $wallDestructionResult = $wallLevel . '-' . ($wallLevel - $dropLevels);                        $wallLevel -= $dropLevels;                        $this->load_model('Queuejob', 'mq');                        while (0 < $dropLevels--) {                            $this->mq->upgradeBuilding($toVillageRow['id'], $wallBid, $wallItemId, TRUE);                        }                    } else {                        $wallDestructionResult = '-';                    }                } else {                    $wallDestructionResult = '+';                }            }            $this->load_model('Global', 'G');            $serverstart = $this->G->getServerStartTime();            $artdate = ($gameConfig['settings']['Artefacts'] * 3600 * 24) - $serverstart['server_start_time'];            if (trim($procInfo['catapultTarget']) != '' AND $artdate < 0) {                $catapultTargetArr = explode(':', $procInfo['catapultTarget']);                $catapultTargetArr = explode(' ', $catapultTargetArr[1]);                $buildingsInfo = array();                $bStr = trim($toVillageRow['buildings']);                if ($bStr != '') {                    $bStrArr = explode(',', $bStr);                    $_i = 0;                    foreach ($bStrArr as $b2Str) {                        ++$_i;                        list($item_id, $level) = explode(' ', $b2Str);                        if ((($item_id == 31 OR $item_id == 32) OR $item_id == 33)) {                            continue;                        }                        if (0 < $level) {                            $buildingsInfo[] = array(                                'id' => $_i,                                'item_id' => $item_id,                                'level' => $level                            );                            continue;                        }                    }                }                $catapultTargetInfoArr = array();                if (0 < sizeof($buildingsInfo)) {                    foreach ($catapultTargetArr as $catapultTargetItemId) {                        $targetExists = FALSE;                        foreach ($buildingsInfo as $bInfo) {                            if ($catapultTargetItemId == $bInfo['item_id']) {                                $catapultTargetInfoArr[] = $bInfo;                                $targetExists = TRUE;                                break;                            }                        }                        if (!$targetExists) {                            $_randIndex = mt_rand(0, sizeof($buildingsInfo) - 1);                            $catapultTargetInfoArr[] = $buildingsInfo[$_randIndex];                            continue;                        }                    }                }                if (0 < sizeof($catapultTargetInfoArr)) {                    if (1 < sizeof($catapultTargetInfoArr)) {                        if ($catapultTargetInfoArr[0]['id'] == $catapultTargetInfoArr[1]['id']) {                            $tmp = $catapultTargetInfoArr[0];                            $catapultTargetInfoArr = array();                            $catapultTargetInfoArr[] = $tmp;                        }                    }                    $this->load_model('Artefacts', 'A');                    $artLevel = $this->A->Artefacts($taskRow['to_player_id'], $taskRow['to_village_id'], 2);                    $artPower = ($artLevel == 0) ? 1 : (($artLevel == 1) ? 4 : (($artLevel == 2) ? 3 : 5));                    $buildDestrTroopsCount = floor($buildDestrTroopsCount / sizeof($catapultTargetInfoArr));                    foreach ($catapultTargetInfoArr as $catapultTargetInfoItem) {                        if ($catapultResult != '') {                            $catapultResult .= '#';                        }                        $canDestructBuilding = $catapultTargetInfoItem['level'] * $buildinStabilityFactor * $artPower * 100 <= $buildDestrTroopsCount;                        if ($canDestructBuilding) {                            $dropBuildingLevels = floor($buildDestrTroopsCount / ($catapultTargetInfoItem['level'] * $buildinStabilityFactor * $artPower * 100));                            if ($catapultTargetInfoItem['level'] - $dropBuildingLevels < 0) {                                $dropBuildingLevels = $catapultTargetInfoItem['level'];                            }                            $catapultResult .= $catapultTargetInfoItem['item_id'] . ' ' . $catapultTargetInfoItem['level'] . ' ' . ($catapultTargetInfoItem['level'] - $dropBuildingLevels);                            $this->load_model('Queuejob', 'mq');                            while (0 < $dropBuildingLevels--) {                                $this->mq->upgradeBuilding($toVillageRow['id'], $catapultTargetInfoItem['id'], $catapultTargetInfoItem['item_id'], TRUE);                            }                            continue;                        }                        $catapultResult .= $catapultTargetInfoItem['item_id'] . ' ' . $catapultTargetInfoItem['level'] . ' -1';                    }                }                $this->load_model('Artefacts', 'A');                $haveArtefacts = $this->A->GetMyArtefacts($taskRow['to_village_id'], $taskRow['to_player_id']);                if (!$toVillageRow['is_special_village'] && !$haveArtefacts) {                    $checkToVillageRow = $this->_getVillageInfo($taskRow['to_village_id']);                    $villageTotallyDestructed = TRUE;                    $bStr = trim($checkToVillageRow['buildings']);                    if ($bStr != '') {                        $bStrArr = explode(',', $bStr);                        $_i = 0;                        foreach ($bStrArr as $b2Str) {                            ++$_i;                            list($item_id, $level) = explode(' ', $b2Str);                            if (0 < $level) {                                $villageTotallyDestructed = FALSE;                                break;                            }                        }                    }                    if ($villageTotallyDestructed) {                        $leave = TRUE;                        if ($toVillageRow['is_capital']) {                            $playerdata = db::get_row('SELECT p.villages_count FROM p_players p WHERE p.id=:id', array(                                'id' => $checkToVillageRow['player_id']                            ));                            if ($playerdata['villages_count'] >= 2) {                                $capitlVill = db::get_row('SELECT v.id FROM p_villages v WHERE v.player_id=:pid AND v.id!=:id ORDER BY v.people_count DESC LIMIT 0,1', array(                                    'id' => $checkToVillageRow['id'],                                    'pid' => $checkToVillageRow['player_id']                                ));                                db::query('UPDATE p_villages v SET v.is_capital=1 WHERE v.id=:id AND v.player_id=:pid', array(                                    'id' => $capitlVill['id'],                                    'pid' => $checkToVillageRow['player_id']                                ));                                db::query('UPDATE p_villages v SET v.is_capital=0 WHERE v.id=:id AND v.player_id=:pid', array(                                    'id' => $checkToVillageRow['id'],                                    'pid' => $checkToVillageRow['player_id']                                ));                            } else {                                $this->DeleteTroopOut($toVillageRow);                                $leave = FALSE;                            }                        }                        if ($leave) {                            $catapultResult = '+';                            $this->DeleteTroopOut($toVillageRow);                            $this->leaveVillage($toVillageRow['id'], $toVillageRow['player_id'], 0, $toVillageRow['parent_id']);                        }                    }                }            }        }        if (!$toVillageRow['is_oasis'] AND !$warResult['all_attack_killed'] AND $taskRow['proc_type'] != QS_WAR_ATTACK_PLUNDER AND $procInfo['troopsArray']['hasHero']) {            $this->load_model('Artefacts', 'A');            $DhaveArtefacts = $this->A->GetMyArtefacts($taskRow['to_village_id'], $taskRow['to_player_id']);            if ($DhaveArtefacts) {                if ($this->A->GetArtefactsNum($taskRow['player_id']) < 3 || $taskRow['to_player_id'] == $taskRow['player_id']) {                    $havepig = FALSE;                    if ($DhaveArtefacts['size'] > 1) {                        $havepig = ($this->A->GetArtefactsNumPig($taskRow['player_id']) > 0);                    }                    if (!$havepig || $taskRow['to_player_id'] == $taskRow['player_id']) {                        $AhaveArtefacts = $this->A->GetMyArtefacts($taskRow['village_id'], $taskRow['player_id']);                        if (!$AhaveArtefacts) {                            $checkToVillageRow = $this->_getVillageInfo($taskRow['to_village_id']);                            $b27_exists = FALSE;                            $bStr = trim($checkToVillageRow['buildings']);                            if ($bStr != '') {                                $bStrArr = explode(',', $bStr);                                foreach ($bStrArr as $b2Str) {                                    list($item_id, $level) = explode(' ', $b2Str);                                    if (0 < $level AND $item_id == 27) {                                        $b27_exists = TRUE;                                        break;                                        continue;                                    }                                }                            }                            if (!$b27_exists) {                                $checkFromVillageRow = $this->_getVillageInfo($taskRow['village_id']);                                $bStr = trim($checkFromVillageRow['buildings']);                                $b27_level = 0;                                if ($bStr != '') {                                    $bStrArr = explode(',', $bStr);                                    foreach ($bStrArr as $b2Str) {                                         [USER=9367]List[/USER]($item_id, $level) = explode(' ', $b2Str);                                        if ($item_id == 27) {                                            $b27_level = $level;                                            break;                                            continue;                                        }                                    }                                }                                if (($b27_level >= 10 AND $DhaveArtefacts['size'] == 1) || ($b27_level == 20 AND $DhaveArtefacts['size'] > 1)) {                                    $this->A->captureArtefacts($taskRow['to_village_id'], $taskRow['to_player_id'], $taskRow['village_id'], $taskRow['player_id']);                                }                            }                        }                    }                }            }        }        $doTroopsBack = TRUE;        $villageCaptured = FALSE;        $captureResult = '';        if (((((((($procInfo['troopsArray']['hasKing'] AND !$toVillageRow['is_oasis']) AND !$warResult['all_attack_killed']) AND $taskRow['proc_type'] != QS_WAR_ATTACK_PLUNDER) AND !$toVillageRow['is_capital']) AND !$villageTotallyDestructed) AND $warResult['all_defense_killed']) AND $toVillageRow['player_id'] != $fromVillageRow['player_id'])) {            $checkToVillageRow = $this->_getVillageInfo($taskRow['to_village_id']);            $b25_26_exists = FALSE;            $bStr = trim($checkToVillageRow['buildings']);            if ($bStr != '') {                $bStrArr = explode(',', $bStr);                foreach ($bStrArr as $b2Str) {                     [USER=9367]List[/USER]($item_id, $level) = explode(' ', $b2Str);                    if ((0 < $level AND ($item_id == 25 OR $item_id == 26))) {                        $b25_26_exists = TRUE;                        break;                        continue;                    }                }            }            $kingIsLive = FALSE;            foreach ($warResult['attackTroops']['troops'] as $tid => $tprop) {                if ((((($tid == 9 OR $tid == 19) OR $tid == 29) OR $tid == 108) OR $tid == 59)) {                    $kingIsLive = 0 < $tprop['live_number'];                    break;                }            }            if (($kingIsLive AND !$b25_26_exists)) {                $allegiance_percent = $toVillageRow['allegiance_percent'];                $allegiance_percent -= mt_rand(17, 25) * $tprop['live_number'];                if (0 < $allegiance_percent) {                    db::query('UPDATE p_villages v SET v.allegiance_percent=:ap WHERE v.id=:id', array(                        'ap' => $allegiance_percent,                        'id' => intval($toVillageRow['id'])                    ));                    $captureResult = $toVillageRow['allegiance_percent'] . '-' . $allegiance_percent;                } else {                    $allegiance_percent = 0;                    $captureResult = '+';                }                if ($allegiance_percent == 0) {                    $villageCaptured = TRUE;                    $kingCropConumption = 0;                    $doTroopsBack = FALSE;                    foreach ($warResult['attackTroops']['troops'] as $tid => $tprop) {                        if ((((($tid == 9 OR $tid == 19) OR $tid == 29) OR $tid == 108) OR $tid == 59)) {                            $kingCropConumption = $GLOBALS['GameMetadata']['troops'][$tid]['crop_consumption'];                            break;                        }                        if (0 < $tprop['live_number']) {                            $doTroopsBack = TRUE;                            continue;                        }                    }                    if ($doTroopsBack == FALSE && $procInfo['troopsArray']['hasHero']) {                        db::query("UPDATE p_players p SET p.hero_troop_id=NULL, p.hero_in_village_id=NULL WHERE p.id=:id", array(                            'id' => intval($fromVillageRow['player_id'])                        ));                    }                    $this->load_model('Artefacts', 'A');                    $DhaveArtefacts = $this->A->GetMyArtefacts($taskRow['to_village_id'], $taskRow['to_player_id']);                    if ($DhaveArtefacts) {                        $this->A->captureArtefacts($taskRow['to_village_id'], $taskRow['to_player_id'], $taskRow['to_village_id'], $taskRow['player_id']);                    }                    $this->DeleteTroopOut($toVillageRow);                    $this->leaveVillage($toVillageRow['id'], $toVillageRow['player_id'], $toVillageRow['people_count'], $toVillageRow['parent_id'], FALSE);                    $this->captureVillage($toVillageRow, $fromVillageRow, $kingCropConumption);                }            }        }        $oasisResult = '';        if (((((($procInfo['troopsArray']['hasHero'] AND $toVillageRow['is_oasis']) AND !$warResult['all_attack_killed']) AND $warResult['all_defense_killed']) AND $toVillageRow['player_id'] != $fromVillageRow['player_id']) AND 10 <= $heroBuildingLevel)) {            $canCaptureOasis = FALSE;            $numberOfOwnedOases = (trim($fromVillageRow['village_oases_id']) == '' ? 0 : sizeof(explode(',', $fromVillageRow['village_oases_id'])));            if ($heroBuildingLevel == 20) {                $canCaptureOasis = $numberOfOwnedOases < 9;            } else {                if (15 <= $heroBuildingLevel) {                    $canCaptureOasis = $numberOfOwnedOases < 6;                } else {                    if (1 <= $heroBuildingLevel) {                        $canCaptureOasis = $numberOfOwnedOases < 3;                    }                }            }            $oasisInRang = TRUE;            $rang = 3;            $map_size = $SetupMetadata['map_size'];            $x = $fromVillageRow['rel_x'];            $y = $fromVillageRow['rel_y'];            $mi = 0 - $rang;            while ($mi <= $rang) {                if ($oasisInRang) {                    break;                }                $mj = 0 - $rang;                while ($mj <= $rang) {                    if ($toVillageRow['id'] == $this->__getVillageId($map_size, $this->__getCoordInRange($map_size, $x + $mi), $this->__getCoordInRange($map_size, $y + $mj))) {                        $oasisInRang = TRUE;                        break;                    }                    ++$mj;                }                ++$mi;            }            if (($canCaptureOasis AND $oasisInRang)) {                $this->load_model('Queuejob', 'qm');                if (intval($toVillageRow['player_id']) == 0) {                    $oasisResult = '+';                    $this->qm->captureOasis($toVillageRow['id'], $fromVillageRow['player_id'], $fromVillageRow['id'], TRUE);                } else {                    $allegiance_percent = $toVillageRow['allegiance_percent'];                    $allegiance_percent -= 25;                    if (0 < $allegiance_percent) {                        $oasisResult = $toVillageRow['allegiance_percent'] . '-' . $allegiance_percent;                        db::query('UPDATE p_villages v SET v.allegiance_percent=:ap WHERE v.id=:id', array(                            'ap' => $allegiance_percent,                            'id' => intval($toVillageRow['id'])                        ));                    } else {                        $allegiance_percent = 0;                        $oasisResult = '+';                    }                    if ($allegiance_percent == 0) {                        $this->qm->captureOasis($toVillageRow['id'], $toVillageRow['player_id'], $toVillageRow['parent_id'], FALSE);                        $this->qm->captureOasis($toVillageRow['id'], $fromVillageRow['player_id'], $fromVillageRow['id'], TRUE);                    }                }            }        }        $newTroops = '';        foreach ($warResult['attackTroops']['troops'] as $tid => $tprop) {            if ($newTroops != '') {                $newTroops .= ',';            }            $newTroops .= $tid . ' ' . $tprop['number'] . ' ' . ($tprop['number'] - $tprop['live_number']);        }        if ($procInfo['troopsArray']['hasHero']) {            if ($newTroops != '') {                $newTroops .= ',';            }            $newTroops .= 0 - 1 . ' ' . 1 . ' ' . ($warResult['all_attack_killed'] ? 1 : 0);        }        $attackReportTroops = $newTroops;        $defenseReportTroops = '';        foreach ($reportTroopTable as $tribeId => $defTroops) {            $defenseReportTroops1 = '';            if ($tribeId == 4) {                $monsterTroops = array();                foreach ($GLOBALS['GameMetadata']['troops'] as $t4k => $t4v) {                    if ($t4v['for_tribe_id'] == 4) {                        $monsterTroops[$t4k] = array(                            'number' => (isset($defTroops['troops'][$t4k]) ? $defTroops['troops'][$t4k]['number'] : 0),                            'dead_number' => (isset($defTroops['troops'][$t4k]) ? $defTroops['troops'][$t4k]['dead_number'] : 0)                        );                        continue;                    }                }                $defTroops['troops'] = $monsterTroops;            }            foreach ($defTroops['troops'] as $tid => $tArr) {                if ($defenseReportTroops1 != '') {                    $defenseReportTroops1 .= ',';                }                $defenseReportTroops1 .= $tid . ' ' . $tArr['number'] . ' ' . $tArr['dead_number'];            }            if (0 < $defTroops['hero']['number']) {                if ($defenseReportTroops1 != '') {                    $defenseReportTroops1 .= ',';                }                $defenseReportTroops1 .= 0 - 1 . ' ' . $defTroops['hero']['number'] . ' ' . $defTroops['hero']['dead_number'];            }            if ($defenseReportTroops1 != '') {                if ($defenseReportTroops != '') {                    $defenseReportTroops .= '#';                }                $defenseReportTroops .= $defenseReportTroops1;                continue;            }        }        $timeInSeconds = $taskRow['remainingTimeInSeconds'];        $attackDigit = 0;        $defenseDigit = 0;        if ($warResult['all_attack_killed']) {            $attackDigit = 3;            $defenseDigit = (0 < $warResult['defense_total_dead_number'] ? 5 : 4);        } else {            $attackDigit = (0 < $warResult['attackTroops']['total_dead_number'] ? 2 : 1);            $defenseDigit = (0 < $warResult['defense_total_dead_number'] ? 6 : 7);        }        $reportResult = $defenseDigit * 10 + $attackDigit;        $reportCategory = 3;        $reportBody = $attackReportTroops . '|' . $defenseReportTroops . '|' . $warResult['attackTroops']['total_carry_load'] . '|' . $harvestResources . '|' . $wallDestructionResult . '|' . $catapultResult . '|' . $oasisResult . '|' . $captureResult;        $this->load_model('Report', 'r');        $this->r->createReport(intval($fromVillageRow['player_id']), intval($toVillageRow['player_id']), intval($fromVillageRow['id']), intval($toVillageRow['id']), $reportCategory, $reportResult, $reportBody, $timeInSeconds);        if (intval($toVillageRow['player_id']) != intval($fromVillageRow['player_id'])) {            $statisticPoint = 0;            $harvestPoint = $harvestInfoStruct['sum'];            if ((0 < intval($toVillageRow['player_id']) AND intval($toVillageRow['tribe_id']) != 5)) {                $statisticPoint = $warResult['defense_statisticPoint'] / 10;                db::query('UPDATE p_players p SET p.defense_points=p.defense_points+:a, p.week_defense_points=p.week_defense_points+:w WHERE p.id=:id', array(                    'a' => $statisticPoint,                    'w' => $statisticPoint,                    'id' => intval($toVillageRow['player_id'])                ));            }            if ((0 < intval($fromVillageRow['player_id']) AND intval($fromVillageRow['tribe_id']) != 5)) {                $statisticPoint = $warResult['attack_statisticPoint'] / 10;                db::query('UPDATE p_players p SET p.attack_points=p.attack_points+:a, p.week_attack_points=p.week_attack_points+:wa, p.week_thief_points=p.week_thief_points+:wt WHERE p.id=:id', array(                    'a' => $statisticPoint,                    'wa' => $statisticPoint,                    'wt' => $harvestPoint,                    'id' => intval($fromVillageRow['player_id'])                ));            }            if (0 < intval($toVillageRow['alliance_id'])) {                $statisticPoint = $warResult['defense_statisticPoint'] / 10;                $allianceRate = ($warResult['all_attack_killed'] ? 1 : 0);                db::query('UPDATE p_alliances p SET p.rating=p.rating+:r, p.defense_points=p.defense_points+:d, p.week_defense_points=p.week_defense_points+:w WHERE p.id=:id', array(                    'r' => $allianceRate,                    'd' => $statisticPoint,                    'w' => $statisticPoint,                    'id' => intval($toVillageRow['alliance_id'])                ));            }            if (0 < intval($fromVillageRow['alliance_id'])) {                $statisticPoint = $warResult['attack_statisticPoint'] / 10;                $allianceRate = ((!$warResult['all_attack_killed'] AND 0 < $statisticPoint) ? 1 : 0);                db::query('UPDATE p_alliances p SET p.rating=p.rating+:r, p.attack_points=p.attack_points+:a, p.week_attack_points=p.week_attack_points+:wa, p.week_thief_points=p.week_thief_points+:wt WHERE p.id=:id', array(                    'r' => $allianceRate,                    'a' => $statisticPoint,                    'wa' => $statisticPoint,                    'wt' => $harvestPoint,                    'id' => intval($fromVillageRow['alliance_id'])                ));            }        }        if ((!$warResult['all_attack_killed'] AND $doTroopsBack)) {            $paramsArray = explode('|', $taskRow['proc_params']);            $paramsArray[sizeof($paramsArray) - 1] = 1;            $newTroops = '';            foreach ($warResult['attackTroops']['troops'] as $tid => $tprop) {                if ($newTroops != '') {                    $newTroops .= ',';                }                if (($villageCaptured AND (((($tid == 9 OR $tid == 19) OR $tid == 29) OR $tid == 108) OR $tid == 59))) {                    $tprop['live_number'] -= 1;                }                if($tprop['live_number'] <= 0){ $tprop['live_number'] = 0;}                $newTroops .= $tid . ' ' . $tprop['live_number'];            }            if ((!$warResult['all_attack_killed'] AND $procInfo['troopsArray']['hasHero'])) {                if ($newTroops != '') {                    $newTroops .= ',';                }                $newTroops .= $procInfo['troopsArray']['heroTroopId'] . ' -1';            }            $paramsArray[0] = $newTroops;            $paramsArray[4] = $harvestResources;            $newParams = implode('|', $paramsArray);            db::query('UPDATE p_queue q        SET          q.player_id=:a1,          q.village_id=:a2,          q.to_player_id=:a3,          q.to_village_id=:a4,          q.proc_type=:a5,          q.proc_params=:a6,          q.end_date=(q.end_date + INTERVAL q.execution_time SECOND)        WHERE q.id=:a7', array(                'a1' => intval($taskRow['to_player_id']),                'a2' => intval($taskRow['to_village_id']),                'a3' => intval($taskRow['player_id']),                'a4' => intval($taskRow['village_id']),                'a5' => QS_WAR_REINFORCE,                'a6' => $newParams,                'a7' => intval($taskRow['id'])            ));            return TRUE;        }        return FALSE;    }    //War result function    public function getWarResult($attackTroops, $defenseTroops, $totalDefensePower, $isPlunderAttack)    {        $warResult = array(            'all_attack_killed' => FALSE,            'all_defense_killed' => TRUE,            'defense_total_dead_number' => 0,            'attack_statisticPoint' => 0,            'defense_statisticPoint' => 0        );        $attack_infantry = $attackTroops['total_attack_infantry']; // Total Forsan Attack Power        $attack_cavalry = $attackTroops['total_attack_cavalry']; // Total Moshah Attack Power        $totalAttackPower = $attackTroops['total_attack_power']; // All Attack power after edite        $totalLiveNumber = array();        $defense_infantry = $total_defense = $defense_cavalry = 0;        // get all defense live number and defense power        foreach ($defenseTroops as $vid => $troopsTable) {            $total_defense += $defenseTroops[$vid]['total_live_number']; // All defense live number            $defense_infantry += $defenseTroops[$vid]['total_defense_infantry']; // All moshah defense power            $defense_cavalry += $defenseTroops[$vid]['total_defense_cavalry']; // All forsan defense power            $defense_infantry_v = $defenseTroops[$vid]['total_defense_infantry']; // this village moshah defense power            $defense_cavalry_v = $defenseTroops[$vid]['total_defense_cavalry']; // this village forsan defense power            $totalLiveNumber[$vid] = $defenseTroops[$vid]['total_live_number']; // this village all live number            // Get all defense power for this village            if ($totalAttackPower == 0) {                $defenseTroops[$vid]['total_defense_power'] = $defense_cavalry_v;            } else {                // all defense power = this village moshah defense power x Total Moshah Attack Power /  All Troop Attack Power                // + this village moshah defense power x Total Forsan Attack Power / All Troop Attack Power                // to get the medle defense betwene moshah defense and forsan defense                $defenseTroops[$vid]['total_defense_power'] = ($defense_infantry_v * ($attack_infantry / $totalAttackPower)) + ($defense_cavalry_v * ($attack_cavalry / $totalAttackPower));            }        }        // Get all village defense power        if ($totalAttackPower == 0) {            $totalDefensePower2 = $defense_cavalry;        } else {            // all defense power = All moshah defense power x Total Moshah Attack Power /  All Troop Attack Power            // + All moshah defense power x Total Forsan Attack Power / All Troop Attack Power            // to get the medle defense betwene moshah defense and forsan defense            $totalDefensePower2 = ($defense_infantry * ($attack_infantry / $totalAttackPower)) + ($defense_cavalry * ($attack_cavalry / $totalAttackPower));        }        if ($totalAttackPower == $totalDefensePower2) {            $totalDefensePower2 += 1;        }        $allTroopNum = $total_defense + $attackTroops['total_live_number'];        if ($allTroopNum >= 1000) {            $Mfactor = 2 * (1.8592 - pow($allTroopNum, 0.015));        } else {            $Mfactor = 1.5;        }        if ($Mfactor < 1.25778) {            $Mfactor = 1.25778;        } elseif ($Mfactor > 1.5) {            $Mfactor = 1.5;        }        $attackWin = ($totalAttackPower > $totalDefensePower2);        if ($isPlunderAttack) {            $holder = ($attackWin) ? pow(($totalDefensePower2 / $totalAttackPower), $Mfactor) : pow(($totalAttackPower / $totalDefensePower2), $Mfactor);            $holder = $holder / (1 + $holder);            $attack_casualties = ($attackWin) ? $holder : 1 - $holder;            $defense_casualties = ($attackWin) ? 1 - $holder : $holder;        } else {            $attack_casualties = ($attackWin) ? pow(($totalDefensePower2 / $totalAttackPower), $Mfactor) : 1;            $defense_casualties = ($attackWin) ? 1 : pow(($totalAttackPower / $totalDefensePower2), $Mfactor);        }        // Get attack troop dead number        foreach ($attackTroops['troops'] as $tid => $tProp) {            $tdeadNum = round($attack_casualties * $tProp['live_number']); // soldier dead number            if ($tdeadNum > $tProp['live_number']) {                $tdeadNum = $tProp['live_number'];            }            $warResult['defense_statisticPoint'] += $tdeadNum * $tProp['single_power'];            $attackTroops['total_attack_power'] -= $tdeadNum * $tProp['single_power']; // all attack power - soldier dead power            $attackTroops['total_carry_load'] -= $tdeadNum * $tProp['single_carry_load'];            $attackTroops['total_dead_consumption'] += $tdeadNum * $tProp['single_consumption'];            $attackTroops['total_dead_number'] += $tdeadNum; // all dead soldier number - soldier dead number            $attackTroops['total_live_number'] -= $tdeadNum; // all live soldier number - soldier dead number            $attackTroops['troops'][$tid]['live_number'] -= $tdeadNum; // soldier number - soldier dead number        }        if ($attackTroops['total_live_number'] <= 0) {            $warResult['all_attack_killed'] = TRUE;        }        // Get defense troop dead number like attack        foreach ($defenseTroops as $vid => $troopsTable) {            foreach ($troopsTable['troops'] as $tid => $tProp) {                if ($totalAttackPower == 0) {                    $sPower = $tProp['defense_cavalry'];                } else {                    $sPower = ($tProp['single_power'] * ($attack_infantry / $totalAttackPower)) + ($tProp['defense_cavalry'] * ($attack_cavalry / $totalAttackPower));                }                $tdeadNum = round($defense_casualties * $tProp['live_number']);                if ($tdeadNum > $tProp['live_number']) {                    $tdeadNum = $tProp['live_number'];                }                $warResult['attack_statisticPoint'] += $tdeadNum * $tProp['single_power'];                $warResult['defense_total_dead_number'] += $tdeadNum;                $defenseTroops[$vid]['total_dead_consumption'] += $tdeadNum * $tProp['single_consumption'];                $defenseTroops[$vid]['total_dead_number'] += $tdeadNum;                $defenseTroops[$vid]['total_live_number'] -= $tdeadNum;                $defenseTroops[$vid]['troops'][$tid]['live_number'] -= $tdeadNum;            }        }        $warResult['all_defense_killed'] = $total_defense <= $warResult['defense_total_dead_number'];        $warResult['attackTroops'] = $attackTroops;        $warResult['defenseTroops'] = $defenseTroops;        return $warResult;    }    public function captureVillage($toVillageRow, $fromVillageRow, $kingCropConumption)    {        $GameMetadata = $GLOBALS['GameMetadata'];        $SetupMetadata = $GLOBALS['SetupMetadata'];        $troops_training = '';        $troops_num = '';        foreach ($GameMetadata['troops'] as $k => $v) {            if (($v['for_tribe_id'] == 0 - 1 OR $v['for_tribe_id'] == $fromVillageRow['tribe_id'])) {                if ($troops_training != '') {                    $troops_training .= ',';                }                $researching_done = ($v['research_time_consume'] == 0 ? 1 : 0);                $troops_training .= $k . ' ' . $researching_done . ' 0 0';                if ($troops_num != '') {                    $troops_num .= ',';                }                $troops_num .= $k . ' 0';                continue;            }        }        $troops_num = '-1:' . $troops_num;        $buildings = '';        $bStr = trim($toVillageRow['buildings']);        if ($bStr != '') {            $bStrArr = explode(',', $bStr);            $this->load_model('Queuejob', 'mq');            $ccb = 0;            foreach ($bStrArr as $b2Str) {                ++$ccb;                if ($buildings != '') {                    $buildings .= ',';                }                list($item_id, $level, $update_state) = explode(' ', $b2Str);                if (!isset($GameMetadata['items'][$item_id]['for_tribe_id'][$fromVillageRow['tribe_id']])) {                    while (0 < $level--) {                        $this->mq->upgradeBuilding($toVillageRow['id'], $ccb, $item_id, TRUE);                    }                    $item_id = $level = $update_state = 0;                }                $buildings .= $item_id . ' ' . $level . ' ' . $update_state;            }        }        db::query('UPDATE p_queue q SET q.player_id=:pid WHERE q.player_id=:id AND q.village_id=:vid', array(            'id' => intval($toVillageRow['player_id']),            'vid' => intval($toVillageRow['id']),            'pid' => intval($fromVillageRow['player_id'])        ));        db::query('UPDATE p_queue q SET q.to_player_id=:pid WHERE q.to_player_id=:id AND q.to_village_id=:vid', array(            'id' => intval($toVillageRow['player_id']),            'vid' => intval($toVillageRow['id']),            'pid' => intval($fromVillageRow['player_id'])        ));        $oasis = explode(',', $toVillageRow['village_oases_id']);        foreach ($oasis as $oasisId) {            db::query('UPDATE p_queue q SET q.to_player_id=:pid WHERE q.to_player_id=:id AND q.to_village_id=:vid', array(                'id' => intval($toVillageRow['player_id']),                'vid' => intval($oasisId),                'pid' => intval($fromVillageRow['player_id'])            ));        }        db::query('UPDATE p_villages v        SET          v.parent_id=:a1,          v.tribe_id=:a2,          v.player_id=:a3,          v.alliance_id=:a4,          v.player_name=:a5,          v.alliance_name=:a6,          v.is_capital=0,          v.buildings=:a7,          v.troops_training=:a8,          v.troops_num=:a9,          v.child_villages_id=NULL,          v.allegiance_percent=100,          v.troops_out_num=NULL,          v.troops_out_intrap_num=NULL,          v.creation_date=NOW(),          v.last_update_date=NOW()        WHERE v.id=:a10', array(            'a1' => intval($fromVillageRow['id']),            'a2' => intval($fromVillageRow['tribe_id']),            'a3' => intval($fromVillageRow['player_id']),            'a4' => (0 < intval($fromVillageRow['alliance_id']) ? intval($fromVillageRow['alliance_id']) : NULL),            'a5' => $fromVillageRow['player_name'],            'a6' => $fromVillageRow['alliance_name'],            'a7' => $buildings,            'a8' => $troops_training,            'a9' => $troops_num,            'a10' => intval($toVillageRow['id'])        ));        db::query('UPDATE p_villages v        SET          v.tribe_id=:a1,          v.player_id=:a2,          v.alliance_id=:a3,          v.player_name=:a4,          v.alliance_name=:a5,          v.troops_num=NULL,          v.troops_out_num=NULL,          v.troops_out_intrap_num=NULL        WHERE v.parent_id=:a6 AND v.is_oasis=1', array(            'a1' => intval($fromVillageRow['tribe_id']),            'a2' => intval($fromVillageRow['player_id']),            'a3' => (0 < intval($fromVillageRow['alliance_id']) ? intval($fromVillageRow['alliance_id']) : NULL),            'a4' => $fromVillageRow['player_name'],            'a5' => $fromVillageRow['alliance_name'],            'a6' => intval($toVillageRow['id'])        ));        $child_villages_id = trim($fromVillageRow['child_villages_id']);        if ($child_villages_id != '') {            $child_villages_id .= ',';        }        $child_villages_id .= $toVillageRow['id'];        db::query('UPDATE p_villages v SET v.crop_consumption=v.crop_consumption-:crop, v.child_villages_id=:vid WHERE v.id=:id', array(            'crop' => $kingCropConumption,            'vid' => $child_villages_id,            'id' => intval($fromVillageRow['id'])        ));        $prow = db::get_row('SELECT p.villages_id, p.villages_data FROM p_players p WHERE p.id=:id', array(            'id' => intval($fromVillageRow['player_id'])        ));        $villages_id = trim($prow['villages_id']);        if ($villages_id != '') {            $villages_id .= ',';        }        $villages_id .= $toVillageRow['id'];        $villages_data = trim($prow['villages_data']);        if ($villages_data != '') {            $villages_data .= "\n";        }        $villages_data .= $toVillageRow['id'] . ' ' . $toVillageRow['rel_x'] . ' ' . $toVillageRow['rel_y'] . ' ' . $toVillageRow['village_name'];        db::query('UPDATE p_players p        SET          p.total_people_count=p.total_people_count+:pe,          p.villages_count=p.villages_count+1,          p.selected_village_id=:svi,          p.villages_id=:vid,          p.villages_data=:vda        WHERE          p.id=:id', array(            'pe' => intval($toVillageRow['people_count']),            'svi' => intval($toVillageRow['id']),            'vid' => $villages_id,            'vda' => $villages_data,            'id' => intval($fromVillageRow['player_id'])        ));    }    public function leaveVillage($villageId, $playerId, $village_people_count, $parent_id, $doReset = TRUE)    {        $selected_village_id = intval(db::get_field('SELECT v.id FROM p_villages v WHERE v.player_id=:pid AND v.is_capital=1', array(            'pid' => intval($playerId)        )));        $prow = db::get_row('SELECT p.villages_data, p.villages_id FROM p_players p WHERE p.id=:id', array(            'id' => intval($playerId)        ));        $villages_id = trim($prow['villages_id']);        if ($villages_id != '') {            $villages_idArr = explode(',', $villages_id);            $villages_id = '';            foreach ($villages_idArr as $villages_idArrItem) {                if ($villages_idArrItem == $villageId) {                    continue;                }                if ($villages_id != '') {                    $villages_id .= ',';                }                $villages_id .= $villages_idArrItem;            }        }        $villages_data = trim($prow['villages_data']);        if ($villages_data != '') {            $villages_dataArr = explode("\n", $villages_data);            $villages_data = '';            foreach ($villages_dataArr as $villages_dataArrItem) {                $_varr = explode(' ', $villages_dataArrItem);                if ($_varr[0] == $villageId) {                    continue;                }                if ($villages_data != '') {                    $villages_data .= "\n";                }                $villages_data .= implode(' ', $_varr);            }        }        db::query('DELETE FROM p_merchants WHERE village_id=:id', array(            'id' => intval($villageId)        ));        if (trim($parent_id) != '') {            $prow = db::get_row('SELECT v.child_villages_id FROM p_villages v WHERE v.id=:id', array(                'id' => intval($parent_id)            ));            $child_villages_id = trim($prow['child_villages_id']);            if ($child_villages_id != '') {                $villages_idArr = explode(',', $child_villages_id);                $child_villages_id = '';                foreach ($villages_idArr as $villages_idArrItem) {                    if ($villages_idArrItem == $villageId) {                        continue;                    }                    if ($child_villages_id != '') {                        $child_villages_id .= ',';                    }                    $child_villages_id .= $villages_idArrItem;                }            }            db::query('UPDATE p_villages v        SET          v.child_villages_id=:vid        WHERE v.id=:id', array(                'vid' => $child_villages_id,                'id' => intval($parent_id)            ));        }        if ($doReset) {            db::query('UPDATE p_villages v        SET          v.tribe_id=IF(v.is_oasis=1, 4, 0),          v.parent_id=NULL,          v.player_id=NULL,          v.alliance_id=NULL,          v.player_name=NULL,          v.village_name=NULL,          v.alliance_name=NULL,          v.is_capital=0,          v.people_count=2,          v.crop_consumption=2,          v.time_consume_percent=100,          v.offer_merchants_count=0,          v.resources=IF(v.is_oasis=1, v.resources, NULL),          v.cp=IF(v.is_oasis=1, \'0 0\', NULL),          v.buildings=NULL,          v.troops_training=NULL,          v.child_villages_id=NULL,          v.village_oases_id=NULL,          v.troops_trapped_num=0,          v.allegiance_percent=100,          v.troops_num=IF(v.is_oasis=1, \'-1:31 0,34 0,37 0\', NULL),          v.troops_out_num=NULL,          v.troops_intrap_num=NULL,          v.troops_out_intrap_num=NULL,          v.creation_date=NOW()        WHERE v.id=:id OR (v.parent_id=:pid AND v.is_oasis=1)', array(                'id' => intval($villageId),                'pid' => intval($villageId)            ));        }        db::query('UPDATE p_villages v SET v.parent_id=NULL WHERE v.parent_id=:id AND v.is_oasis=0', array(            'id' => intval($villageId)        ));        db::query('UPDATE p_players p      SET        p.total_people_count=IF(p.total_people_count-:a1<0, 0, p.total_people_count-:a1),        p.villages_count=IF(p.villages_count-1<1, 1, p.villages_count-1),        p.selected_village_id=:a3,        p.villages_id=:a4,        p.villages_data=:a5      WHERE p.id=:a6', array(            'a1' => intval($village_people_count),            'a3' => intval($selected_village_id),            'a4' => $villages_id,            'a5' => $villages_data,            'a6' => intval($playerId)        ));    }    public function DeleteTroopOut($toVillageRow)    {        $ty = QS_BUILD_CREATEUPGRADE . ',' . QS_BUILD_DROP . ',' . QS_TROOP_RESEARCH . ',' . QS_TROOP_UPGRADE_ATTACK . ',' . QS_TROOP_UPGRADE_DEFENSE . ',' . QS_TROOP_TRAINING . ',' . QS_TROOP_TRAINING_HERO . ',' . QS_WAR_ATTACK . ',' . QS_WAR_ATTACK_PLUNDER . ',' . QS_WAR_ATTACK_SPY . ',' . QS_CREATEVILLAGE;        db::query("DELETE FROM p_queue WHERE player_id=:id AND village_id=:vid AND proc_type IN ($ty)", array(            'id' => intval($toVillageRow['player_id']),            'vid' => intval($toVillageRow['id'])        ));        $chekre = db::get_all("SELECT * FROM p_queue WHERE player_id=:id AND village_id=:vid AND proc_type=:ty ", array(            'id' => intval($toVillageRow['player_id']),            'vid' => intval($toVillageRow['id']),            'ty' => QS_WAR_REINFORCE        ));        foreach ($chekre as $chekreRow) {            $_arrt = explode("|", $chekreRow['proc_params']);            $ReinBack = $_arrt[sizeof($_arrt) - 1] == 1;            if (!$ReinBack) {                db::query('DELETE FROM p_queue WHERE id=:id ', array(                    'id' => $chekreRow['id']                ));            }        }        unset($chekre);        $chekre2 = db::get_all("SELECT * FROM p_queue WHERE to_player_id=:id AND to_village_id=:vid AND proc_type=:ty ", array(            'id' => intval($toVillageRow['player_id']),            'vid' => intval($toVillageRow['id']),            'ty' => QS_WAR_REINFORCE        ));        foreach ($chekre2 as $chekre2Row) {            $_arrt = explode("|", $chekre2Row['proc_params']);            $ReinBack = $_arrt[sizeof($_arrt) - 1] == 1;            if ($ReinBack) {                db::query('DELETE FROM p_queue WHERE id=:id ', array(                    'id' => $chekre2Row['id']                ));            }        }        unset($chekre2);        if ($toVillageRow['troops_out_num'] != "") {            $t_arr = explode('|', $toVillageRow['troops_out_num']);            foreach ($t_arr as $t_str) {                list($_vid1, $_troops1) = explode(":", $t_str);                $vrow = db::get_row("SELECT v.troops_num FROM p_villages v WHERE v.id=:id", array(                    'id' => intval($_vid1)                ));                if ($vrow != null) {                    $m_arr = explode('|', $vrow['troops_num']);                    $new_troops_num = '';                    foreach ($m_arr as $m_str) {                        list($_vid2, $_troops2) = explode(":", $m_str);                        if ($_vid2 != $toVillageRow['id']) {                            if ($new_troops_num != "") {                                $new_troops_num .= '|';                            }                            $new_troops_num .= $m_str;                        }                        $consume = 0;                        if ($_vid2 == $toVillageRow['id']) {                            $n_arr = explode(",", $_troops2);                            foreach ($n_arr as $n_str) {                                list($tid, $tnum) = explode(" ", $n_str);                                if ($tnum == 0 - 1) {                                    db::query("UPDATE p_players p SET p.hero_in_village_id=NULL, p.hero_troop_id=NULL WHERE p.id=:id", array(                                        'id' => $toVillageRow['player_id']                                    ));                                    $consume += $GLOBALS['GameMetadata']['troops'][$tid]['crop_consumption'];                                } else {                                    $consume += $GLOBALS['GameMetadata']['troops'][$tid]['crop_consumption'] * $tnum;                                }                            }                        }                    }                    db::query("UPDATE p_villages v SET v.troops_num=:num, v.crop_consumption=v.crop_consumption-:crop WHERE v.id=:id", array(                        'num' => $new_troops_num,                        'crop' => $consume,                        'id' => intval($_vid1)                    ));                }            }        }    }    public function _harvestTroopsFrom($villageRow, $maxCarryLoad, $crannyTotalSize)    {        $this->load_model('Artefacts', 'A');        $crop = $this->A->CropAndRes($villageRow['player_id'], $villageRow['id'], 5);        $res = $this->A->CropAndRes($villageRow['player_id'], $villageRow['id'], 7);        if ($maxCarryLoad <= 0) {            return array(                'string' => '0 0 0 0',                'sum' => 0            );        }        $totalresources = 0;        $resources = array();        $r_arr = explode(',', $villageRow['resources']);        foreach ($r_arr as $r_str) {            $r2 = explode(' ', $r_str);            $prate = floor($r2[4] * (1 + ($r2[5] + $res) / 100)) - ($r2[0] == 4 ? floor($villageRow['crop_consumption'] * $crop) : 0);            $current_value = floor($r2[1] + $villageRow['elapsedTimeInSeconds'] * ($prate / 3600));            if ($r2[2] < $current_value) {                $current_value = $r2[2];            }            $resources[$r2[0]] = array(                'current_value' => $current_value - $crannyTotalSize,                'store_max_limit' => $r2[2],                'store_init_limit' => $r2[3],                'prod_rate' => $r2[4],                'prod_rate_percentage' => $r2[5]            );            $totalresources += $resources[$r2[0]]['current_value'] < 0 ? 0 : $resources[$r2[0]]['current_value'];        }        $harvest = array(0, 0, 0, 0);        $sum = 0;        $curTotalRes = 0;        $m = 0;        foreach ($resources as $k => $rdata) {            $v = $rdata['current_value'];            if ($maxCarryLoad >= $totalresources) {                $take = $resources[$k]['current_value'];            } else {                $takerat = $totalresources / ($totalresources - $maxCarryLoad);                $take = $resources[$k]['current_value'] - round($resources[$k]['current_value'] / $takerat);            }            if (0 < $v) {                $resources[$k]['current_value'] -= $take;                $harvest[$m] += $take;                $sum += $take;                $curTotalRes += $resources[$k]['current_value'];            }            ++$m;        }        $resourcesStr = '';        foreach ($resources as $k => $v) {            if ($resourcesStr != '') {                $resourcesStr .= ',';            }            $resourcesStr .= sprintf('%s %s %s %s %s %s', $k, $v['current_value'] + $crannyTotalSize, $v['store_max_limit'], $v['store_init_limit'], $v['prod_rate'], $v['prod_rate_percentage']);        }        $elapsedTimeInSeconds = $villageRow['elapsedTimeInSeconds'];        $cps = explode(' ', $villageRow['cp']);        $cpValue = $cps[0];        $cpRate = isset($cps[1]) ? $cps[1] : 0;        $cpValue = round($cpValue + $elapsedTimeInSeconds * ($cpRate / 86400), 4);        $cp = $cpValue . ' ' . $cpRate;        db::query('UPDATE p_villages v      SET        v.resources=:res,        v.cp=:cp,        v.last_update_date=NOW()      WHERE        v.id=:id', array(            'res' => $resourcesStr,            'cp' => $cp,            'id' => intval($villageRow['id'])        ));        return array(            'string' => implode(' ', $harvest),            'sum' => $sum        );    }    public function __getCoordInRange($map_size, $x)    {        if ($map_size <= $x) {            $x -= $map_size;        } else {            if ($x < 0) {                $x = $map_size + $x;            }        }        return $x;    }    public function __getVillageId($map_size, $x, $y)    {        return $x * $map_size + ($y + 1);    }}?>
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Initiate Mage
Apr 6, 2021
Reaction score
My script has the same problem. The troops sent out occasionally return twice, causing double troops.

My version is:

Developed by: Brainiac & Wolfcruel #### License: Travian-Hell Project #### Copyright: Travian-Hell (c) 2011-2014. Skype brainiac.brainiac
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