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TERA 92.03 GM Commands

Mar 29, 2019
Reaction score
Here's the GM commands for TERA 92.03 Retail

Arbiter Server GM Commands

/@add_card_collection_point [point] //Add card book score
/@add_city_war_guild_ban [leagueId][guildDbId] //Add Battle Battle Guild Ven List
/@add_citywar_taxpot [taxId][taxMoney] //add tax
/@add_dungeon_abnormality [continentId] [abnormalId] [startTime] [endTime] //Add Dungeon Abnormality Event
/@add_event_system [Condition Minimum Level][Condition Maximum Level][Condition Class][Event Type][TargetTemplateId][Number of Achievements] //Add event system event
/@add_friend [userName] //add friend
/@add_friendship [userName] [point] //Increase friendship with the friend
/@add_friendship_party [point] //Add friendliness to friends among party members
/@add_guild_contribution_point [point] //Acquisition of guild contribution (weekly repayment cannot be exceeded)
/@add_guild_exp [exp] //Acquire Guild EXP
/@add_guild_money [coin] //Acquisition of guild funds
/@add_guild_point [point] //Get points
/@add_guild_quest [questTemplateId] //Add guild quest to the list
/@add_guild_this_week_play_time [guildName] [addTime(unit:sec)] //Add thisweekplaytime to a specific guild
/@add_item_period [itemTemplateId] [eventStartTime] [eventEndTime] [itemPeriodTime] //Add period item information
/@add_many_friends [count (1~50)] //Create multiple users and add friends
/@add_namepreempt_event [event class][time interval] //Add nickname preemption event
/@add_package [PackageId] [ExpireSecond] {[UserName]} //Account Trait Package setting
/@add_vip_game_exp [exp] //Vip system game experience
/@add_vip_pub_exp [exp] //Vip system publisher experience acquisition
/@number of add_vip_token //Increase VIP Token
/@addawakenchange [scrollTID] [scrollCount] [materialCount] //Add awakening transformation data (1 day)
/@addawakenenchant [scrollTID] [scrollCount] [materialCount] [enchantStep] [combatRank] [combatType(1,3,4,5)] //Added awakening enhancement data (1 day)
/@addstyleshop [itemTid] or [itemTid] [saleStart] [saleEnd] [previewStart] [previewString] [price] //Add style shop sale item
/@apply_party //party support
/@assign_floating_castle Floatability ID //Floating payment
/@assign_guild_emblem Emblem Type, Emblem Id //Giving Guild Emblem
/@auto_recalc_tb_avg [on/off] //Automatically calculate the average transaction price of the trading agency on/off
/@battlefield [battleFieldId other-username] //enter the battlefield
/@blocklist_max [count] //Change the number of users that can be blocked
/@BOT_check //
/@BOT_recvmsg //
/@calc_guild_level_ranking //recalculate guild level ranking status
/@card_collection_level [level] //Change card encyclopedia level
/@cc [Args..] //Client command (QA)
/@change_achievement_season [Season ID] //Change achievement season
/@change_date [date] //Change server date
/@change_deco_ui [decoUIId] //Change deco ui
/@change_guild_member_count [Guild name] [Number of guild members to change] //Adjust the number of guild members in a specific guild
/@change_loading_screen_status [Loading Screen Control Status] //Loading Screen Control
/@change_pr //Change PR text
/@change_shop_status //change shop status
/@change_time [time] // change server time
/@change_voice //
/@char_record character recording //character recording
/@char_record_end Stop character recording // Stop character recording
/@check_premium_slot_reset_time //Check premium slot reset time
/@check_simple_tip simpleTipId // Check with this simple tip
/@chnage_city_war_interestOnly [leagueId][on/off] //Stakeholder position setting function
/@chrono_debug [mode] //chronoscroll debug mode
/@clear_achievement_season //Initialize achievement season DB (requires server restart)
/@clear_all_item_period //Batch deletion of fixed-term item information
/@clear_all_pverank //PVE dungeon record and ranking are all reset
/@clear_all_pvprank //PVP battlefield record, reset all ranking
/@clear_all_serverachievement // Initialize all server achievements
/@clear_bf_cool //Clear all battlefield cooldown and entry count
/@clear_board //Climbing bulletin board writing [id] [content] [number]
/@clear_friend_request //reset friend request restrictions
/@clear_inven // clear all inventory
/@clear_level_reward Delete level event rewarded record //
/@clear_package {[UserName]} //Account Trait Package initialization
/@clear_parcel [character name] // empty the parcel of the target character
/@clear_pverank [continentId] //Remove all season records of the dungeon
/@clear_pverank_player [continentId] //Clear his dungeon record
/@clear_recipe // clear RECIPE
/@clear_saevent // Delete all cumulative attendance events
/@clear_serverachievement [id] // Initialize server achievement
/@clear_simple_tip //initialize simple tip check information
/@clear_tb_avg_price // Clear all average transaction price of the trading agency
/@clear_vip_reward_recv // Reset VIP reward information
/@clear_vip_token_recv // Reset VIP Token acquisition information
/@clear_vote_cool // Clear all voting cooldown
/@clear_wanted_writing // Completely initialize the guild request system (until each cooldown)
/@clientCommand [Args..] //Client command (QA)
/@collect_floating_castle Float ID //Float recovery
/@collect_guild_emblem Emblem Type, Emblem Id //Giving Guild Emblem
/@connection //close connection
/@consoleprint_commandlist // List all admin commands ConsoleLog output
/@crash_arbiter // crash the arbiter
/@create_bill_account // create account
/@create_guild [guild-name] [first-username] //Create a new guild
/@create_many_guilds [count:1~99] //Create a lot of guilds (Give basic guild membership conditions)
/@create_many_guilds_and_users [guild count:1~99] [user count:2~60] //Create a lot of guilds (randomly grant guild registration conditions) and randomize the number of users
/@create_many_guilds_for_invite_user_to_guild [count:1~20] // Create (many) guilds and send me guild invitations
/@create_many_guilds_random_condition [count:1~99] //Create a lot of guilds (random guild registration conditions)
/@create_many_users_and_apply_guild [count:1~20] //Create (many) users and apply to join the guild
/@create_many_users_for_guild_wanted_writing [count:1~20] //Creates (many) users and registers a guild wanted article
/@create_many_users_to_my_account [count] //Create a lot of users in my account
/@create_many_users_to_my_guild [count:1~50] //Join many users in my guild
/@create_user [username] // create a new character
/@dailyevent [dayOfWeek] //Change the date of the day of the week (0:None 1:Sun 2:Mon ... 7:Sat)
/@dbg_break //debug-Force break point exception
/@del_city_war_guild_ban [leagueId][guildDbId] //Addition of Guild Ven List for Battle
/@del_city_war_rank [leagueId][SeasonId][guildDbId] //Delete ranking
/@delete_all_event_system //Event Remove all system events
/@delete_all_parcels // Delete all mail information from DB (requires server restart)
/@delete_friend [userName] //Delete friend
/@delete_friend_limit_off //Set unlimited friend deletion
/@delete_item_period [itemTemplateId] //Delete item information for a period
/@deleteawakenchange [eventId] // Delete awakening data
/@deleteawakenenchant [eventId] // Delete awakening data
/@dis // just disconnect the client test
/@dungeon_log [on/off] //Enable dungeon log
/@escape character name //Move to somewhere
/@friendlist_max [count] //Change the number of users who can register friends
/@fund_coin [Funding acmount] //Cash charge
/@gara_pub_exp [on/off] //Acquire publisher experience through fake in-game store
/@get_bf_result_resettime //find the last rating reset time
/@getplaytime //PC room access time Promotional access time information
/@give_guild_incentive [incentiveRate] //Guild rewards are paid by mail
/@gmevent_change_maxjoincount // Change the maximum number of GM events per day
/@gmevent_notice [Notice] //Notice of GM event operator
/@guild_cooltime on/off // Guild joining cooltime OnOff
/@guild_join_cooltime //Set the guild re-join cooltime
/@guild_level [level] //Change level
/@guild_quest_add_limit_time [addMin] //Increase or decrease the remaining time limit of the guild quest in progress
/@guild_quest_clear [questTemplateId] //Clear guild quest progress information
/@guild_quest_complete [questTemplateId] // Guild Quest Complete
/@guild_quest_start [questTemplateId] //Start guild quest
/@guild_quest_usable [on/off] //Guild mission available on/off, guild membership is modified
/@Guildaddmax [amount] //100 is the maximum number of guild members up to 100, 0 is the original
/@guildwar_cancel [Guild name] //Withdrawal of declaration of guild war
/@guildwar_cooltime [minute] //Proclamation, withdrawal, surrender cooltime applied
/@guildwar_declare [Guild Name] //Declaration of Guild Wars
/@guildwar_immediate //Start immediately with all guild wars waiting to be progressed
/@guildwar_surrender [guild name] // surrender in guild war
/@help [keyword] //Search QA command
/@huntingevent_add [type] [hz] [val] [duration] //Add hunter event
/@huntingevent_remove [event id] //remove hunter event
/@import_characters //
/@increase_guild_reward_point [point] // Update guild mission points
/@info_dungeon //Display the output contents of [Basic information]>[Indones]
/@init_awesomium // Initialize Awesomium
/@init_battlefield_season //Reset the battlefield season
/@init_dungeon_season //Dungeon season reset
/@init_guild_wanted_writing_rewrite_time //Remove re-registration time for guild wanted
/@init_limited_gacha [gachaId] //init LimitedGacha
/@insert_floating_castle_parts PartId //Add parts to parts inventory
/@join_guild [guildName] //Join a guild
/@limited_gacha_go_next_bucket [gachaId] [1/0] //go next bucket
/@load_gmevent // Load GM event datasheet
/@load_saevent // Add cumulative attendance event for test defined in datasheet
/@logout // logout test
/@lord_behavior [behavior-type-id] //Send lord achievement behavior test message
/@makeitem_mprate [luxury magnification] //Fix luxury magnification when using makeItem command
/@makeuser_pverank [ContinentId][StageLevel][UserCount:1~100] //Register dungeon ranking after creating user
/@makeuser_pvprank [UserCount:1~100][BattleFieldId] // Register battlefield ranking after user creation
/@masterpiece //
/@nexus_broadcast //
/@nexus_bypass //
/@observer_mode [on/off] //enable/disable observer mode
/@open_awesomium [URL] //Awesomium dialog open & navigate
/@open_identify [on/off] //Unconditionally unsealing when item is created
/@parcelreturn Parcel return time // Parcel return time
/@party [userName] //Create a party
/@pchannel_max [count] // Change the number of users who can enter the private chat channel
/@perfect_card_collection // collect all cards
/@phaselevel [continentId] [phaseLevel] //set dungeon phase level
/@pk_section [area id] [section id] [on/off] //Pk OnOff for each section
/@profile //Profiling
/@ps_activate_election //Activate the permanent system
/@ps_add_point [point] //Add competitive point
/@ps_calc_tax // Compulsory tax settlement / Permanent residents only
/@ps_candidacy_membercount [member-count] //Adjust the number of guild members required for candidate registration
/@ps_clear_election //initialize permanent residence and election information
/@ps_com_window [continent number] [0:voting 1: battlefield] //View the lord competition window
/@ps_go_next //Forcing the next permanent residence election stage
/@ps_guard_info [guardId] //View guard information
/@ps_guard_window //Open guard info window
/@ps_gw_point [Point] //Change the competition point for the permanent guild battle
/@ps_gw_reset //Reset the limit for acquiring competitive points in the permanent guild battle
/@ps_gw_time [Hour] //Change the reset time limit for acquiring competitive points in the permanent guild battle
/@ps_im_king [guardId] //Roman crowned
/@ps_maketax [value] // Change the total tax amount
/@ps_period_minute [minute] //Replace the permanent election period in minutes
/@ps_planet_vote on/off // 1 vote for 1 account on all servers
/@ps_policy_point [point] //Change policy point / Only permanent residents
/@ps_reg_window //Open the registration window for permanent residence candidates
/@ps_vote_count [count] //manipulate the number of votes
/@ps_vote_window //Open the voting window for permanent residence
/@ps_world_tick [sec] //Change world tick
/@publisher [publisher name] //Change publisher
/@purchase_prod [ProductID] //Purchase product
/@qatest on/off //
/@query_point //Search Cash point
/@raid [Raid number] //Organize a raid party
/@rank_next_season [dungeonId id] // Record Competition Pass the dungeon season
/@rank_sort //Calculate the ranking of the record competition immediately
/@refresh_inven //
/@reg_party //Register party match
/@reload_datasheet // reload data sheet
/@reload_ir //InputRestrictionData.xml Reload
/@reload_netm //NetModeratorConfig.xml Reload
/@reload_shop_data //Reload shop data
/@remove_package [PackageId] {[UserName]} //Account Trait Package setting
/@reserve_festival [EventId] [StartTime] [EndTime] //Reserve world event
/@reset_admin_reward // Reset admin reward record
/@reset_all_phaselevel Reset all user dungeon phase levels (Arbiter) //
/@reset_attendance_event_reward // Initialize the information received from the attendance check event
/@reset_bf_result //Reset Battleground Rating
/@reset_buymenu //Reset store purchase limit (World unit)
/@reset_buymenu_limit //Reset store purchase limit (by world)
/@reset_card_collection // reset card encyclopedia
/@reset_charsock // Initialize character socket extension
/@reset_dungeon //reset all indnes
/@reset_event_mail [event ID] //reset event mail
/@reset_floating_castle_parts_cooltime Reset floating parts cool time //Reset floating parts cool time
/@reset_guild_quest //Refresh daily quota and guild mission list
/@reset_guild_reward //Guild reward points and guild reward history reset
/@reset_guildwar_toggle_cool //Toggle Guild War Allowed Status Reset Cooldown
/@reset_invitecode //Initialize the number of in-game invitation codes used
/@reset_premium_slot //reset premium slot
/@reset_profile //reset profile data
/@reset_returnuser //Set as the first returning user (return customer guide only) (reconnect required)
/@reset_styleware //Initialize style warehouse slot expansion
/@reset_ware //reset warehouse
/@reset_ware_slot //Initialize warehouse slot expansion
/@reset_weekly_contribution_point // Reset weekly guild contribution
/@resetplaytimereward //Reset PC room access time promotion reward
/@resettime_saevent // Update reset time to current time
/@send_mass_parcel //For testing sending large mail to me
/@send_mass_parcel_n //For testing sending mail to me (n: specifying a number)
/@set_account_res_level [level] //Set the limit account level
/@set_admin_level character name level //for debug/admin commands
/@set_arbiter_worldparam [param-name] [param-value] //Modify WorldParam
/@set_awesomium_debug_mode [on/off] //Sets awsomium DebugMode
/@set_awesomium_web_url [url] //Set awsomium URL
/@set_bf_result [Battlefield ID] [Win] [D] [L] [Personal Rating] //
/@set_bf_result_resettime [yyyy] [mm] [dd] [h] //Set the last battlefield ranking initialization time (enter in utc)
/@set_board_clear_time //Set the reset time for the number of creations of the climbing board [hour/minute]
/@set_bypass on/off // turn off and on bypass
/@set_card_preset_amount [point] //Adjust the number of card presets
/@set_chat_ban [set_chat_ban] //set_chat_ban
/@set_city_war_open_time [leagueId][day][hour][playTime] //Change the battle open time
/@set_dg_result_resettime [yyyy] [mm] [dd] [h] //Set the last dungeon ranking initialization time (enter in utc)
/@set_dungeoncool [dungeonId] [minutes] //Set the dungeon cooldown
/@set_escrow_return_wait // Set the escrow return waiting time
/@set_floating_castle_coin Additional Points //Add Parts Shop Coin
/@set_go on/off //GO character set
/@set_guild_play_time_next_week //go over one week to calculate the logic for playtime (use for guild search)
/@set_guild_rec //Adjust the number of guild recommendations
/@set_logout_time character name year month day // designate logout time
/@set_max_recv_mail_cnt // Set the maximum number of inboxes
/@set_max_send_mail_cnt //Set the maximum number of sent mail
/@set_new_member [on/off] //Set whether a new user is
/@set_pcbang [on/off] //Set whether you are a pcbang user
/@set_play_limit limit //Maximum to create queue
/@set_referer [RefererName] [RefereeName] //Refer-A-Friend set inviter
/@set_returnuser //set as the first returning user (returning customer guide only) (reconnect required)
/@set_tax_config [taxId][tradeTax][storeTax][payRate][serverAdjust] //Set tax rate
/@set_tb_avg_price [tid] [enchant] [masterpiece] [avgPrice] //Set the average transaction price of a specific item at the trading agency
/@set_trade_broker_remain_hours //Set the remaining expiration time for items registered in the trading agency
/@set_vip_level [level] //Vip system level adjustment
/@setplaytime [Daily cumulative (minutes)] [Total cumulative (minutes)] //PC room access time Promotion access time setting
/@show_cand //View applicant list
/@show_friendship_info [on/off] // Display reason for acquiring friendship and score system message
/@show_guild_week_play_time [guildName] //Show the weekplaytime of a specific guild
/@show_party //View party match list
/@skill_cheater_arbiter [on/off] [termSeconds(int)] [countThreashold(int)] [kick/nokick] //Change skill cheater settings
/@start_festival [EventId] //start world event
/@start_rookie_event [continentId] [hour] [rewardItem] [amount] // Start mentoring event (time is added from the present and the end time is set)
/@sticktogether //
/@stop_festival [EventId] //World event ends
/@store_changeinfo_add random [amount] (buylist/buylistrange) 
[listid...] (item/itemrange) [templateId...] //add store item edits
/@store_changeinfo_arbiter [index] //Show changes to store item sales (ArbiterServer)
/@string [string name] [string ID] //display string
/@sub_parcel_days [days] [title] //Manipulate all parcels with the title @title back to the past as much as @[I][B][URL="https://forum.ragezone.com/members/262309.html"]day[/URL][/B][/I]s (requires server restart)
/@sysconfig [new config value] //change system configuration
/@tb_avg_price //Recalculate average transaction price of trading agency
/@test_off // End the program test
/@test_on Test type, other parameters // Start program test
/@testautomation_clear_allusers_completely //For test automation-Completely delete all users of the current account (non-recoverable)
/@testitem [testItem] //TestItem
/@toggle_guildwar_acceptable //Toggle guild war allowed status
/@toggle_onoff [id] [on/off] //Toggle content on/off
/@turn_ir [on|off] // Turn Input Restriction on and off
/@turn_netm [on|off] // Turn Net Moderator on and off
/@tutorial on/off // tutorial play
/@tutorialPlayer on/off // Forced setting to see if the guy needs to play the tutorial
/@unlock_all_movies // Unlock all videos
/@unreg_party // delete party match
/@update_bf_score [battleFieldId][gradeScore] //Set current battlefield score
/@update_pverank [continentId][level][time(ms)] //Current dungeon record setting
/@usage // IO related usage rate
/@use_style_warehouse on/off (omitted:on) // Whether to use style warehouse
/@versionInfoHide //
/@viptest [on/off] //Client's own Vip Test command on/off
/@ware_duration [time in seconds] //Adjust warehouse fee period
/@warehousegold_max [amount] //100 can be stored in the warehouse up to KRW 100 0 is the original
/@world_of_party_match //
/@write_board //Climbing bulletin board writing [id] [content] [number]

World Server GM Commands

/@abnormality abnormal state ID //force abnormal state
/@abnormality_off abnormality ID //force abnormality
/@abnormality_show abnormality ID //force abnormality
/@abnormality_time [abnormality ID] [duration] //force abnormality by specifying duration
/@accept_revival // resurrect if resurrected
/@accomplish_achievement_rate //achieve achievements until the current season achievement rate is exceeded
/@add_actpoint [actPoint value] //Change coin of adventure
/@add_bf_score //Addition of battlefield control points [Score]
/@add_daily_clear_count [addBonusCount] //Increase the number of daily bonus quests completed in the Valkyon Order
/@add_ep [EpPoint] //Change EP Point
/@add_epexp [exp] //Change EP Exp
/@add_exp [EXP value] //Add experience value
/@add_hp [HP value] //Adjust HP value
/@add_mat_enchant [templateId] [enchantStep] [multiplier] //Acquire material for material enhancement item
/@add_mat_upgrade [templateId] [enchantStep] [masterpiece] [awakened] [multiplier] //Acquire material for equipment upgrade item
/@add_maxactpoint [maxActPoint value] //Change the max value of coins of adventure
/@add_mp [MP value] //Adjust MP value
/@add_npcguild [npcGuildId] //Reputation forces appear
/@add_partner [Partner registration certificate templateId] //Summon after creating a partner
/@add_partner_grade //[buff grade]
/@add_partner_level //[level]
/@add_pet_exp //[experience]
/@add_pet_level //[level]
/@add_route_epexp [route] [exp] //Change by specifying the trait XP acquisition route
/@add_servant_energy [how much] //Pet energy increase or decrease
/@add_skill_polishing_exp [exp] //Change skill polishing exp
/@add_st [ST value] //ST value adjustment
/@addpoint_gmevent point //Add GM event
/@adjust_bonfire [time] //Change the remaining time of the bonfire created by the user
/@aibehavior [on distance] or [off] //Collecting Ai information of neighboring Npc
/@aiskill [on distance] or [off] // Collect skill information of neighboring NPCs
/@allabnormality [on/off] //Unconditionally apply abnormal state caused by skill
/@allhit [on/off] //Ignore skill enemies and hit unconditionally
/@allow_teleport on/off // Whether to allow teleport in restricted area
/@allreaction [0/1/2] //When a skill is hit, a reaction occurs unconditionally (no 0, 1 mini, 2 default)
/@angry [range] // change to anger mode
/@aoi // number of world objects around
/@apm_add [id] //automatic party matching pool entry
/@apm_ask //automatic party matching allow popup
/@apm_reset //Initialize automatic party matching allowed status
/@apm_use [on/off] //Change the automatic party matching mode
/@assert // assert information test
/@atk_speed [attack rate] // All skill speeds increase according to the rate
/@attendance [YYYY] [MM] [DD] //Check attendance on that date
/@autorevivaltime [min] //adjust autorevivaltime
/@ban_guild Character name // Deported guild member
/@block_quest [questId] //Prevent quest from starting
/@bookmark bookmark_id //bookmark (server)
/@box_prob tid //View the probabilities of variance items
/@breakshield [skillId] //
/@buy_styleshop_item [itemTid] //Purchase style shop items (Recommended using TeraPuppet)
/@calc_battle_field_ranking_next_time // Create battlefield ranking at next server start
/@calc_battle_field_Season_next_time //Create a battlefield season at the next server start
/@calmdown [range] // Release anger mode
/@cancelaction [next action number] //Forcibly cancel the action
/@card_collection_max_cost [maxCost] //Set the maximum cost of the card encyclopedia
/@change_daily_quest_record_reset_hour [id] //Ilque clear time change
/@change_daily_quest_seed_reset_hour [id] //Change the ilque seed regeneration time
/@change_epresettime changeResetDay // Change EpReset date
/@change_eventgage [eventName] [value:0 ~ max] //Change the dungeon event gauge value
/@change_exp_gain_data [on/off] or [level, ratio, on/off] // Command to adjust the amount of world experience gained
/@change_guildchief character name //delegation of guild leader
/@change_interval_event_system_playtime [incSeconds] // Change the cumulative play time increase interval (60: 1 hour, 1: 1 minute)
/@change_npc_ai [range] [huntingZoneId] [npcid] [patternListId] //Adjust NpcAi
/@change_npc_stat [range] [ratio] [type] //Adjust NpcStat ratio
/@change_npc_to_user // Release user transformation mode
/@change_party_manager [planetId] [userDbId] //Change party leader
/@change_user [CLASS] [RACE] [GENDER] //Change class race gender
/@change_user_status [battle/peace] //Change peace/battle status
/@change_user_to_npc [huntingZoneId] [templateId] //User transformation mode
/@change_worldspawn_lifetime [WorldSpawnId] [SpawnTerritoryGroupId] [lifeTime] // In WorldSpawnData.xml, modify the lifeTime of SpawnTerritory groups belonging to SpawnTerritoryGroup whose id is SpawnTerritoryGroupId among sub-nodes of WorldSpawn whose id is WorldSpawnId.
/@changefatiguepoint // Forced setting of productivity
/@changenpc [Hunterid] [NpcInstanceId] // Spawn NPC replacement
/@changenpcangermode [on/off] // anger mode on/off
/@charin character name // character login test
/@charm charm ID // forced to add charm
/@charout character name // character logout test
/@check_guildname Guild name //Duplicate guild name check
/@checkcell // check cell (for server)
/@cl_reset // reset the battle log tool
/@clear_achievement // reset achievement
/@clear_aggro // Delete Aggro
/@clear_all_achievement // reset all achievements
/@clear_all_crest [Sentence point] //Release sentence application and apply sentence point. If there is no argument, only disable the sentence application
/@clear_all_skill // Delete all acquired skills
/@clear_all_social // Delete all socials learned
/@clear_bonfire [street] //Delete the bonfire created by the user
/@clear_build_object [distance] //Delete build object created by user
/@clear_cont channel cleaning // channel cleaning
/@clear_daily_quest_complete // Clear daily quest completion record
/@clear_drevent // Add unskilled dungeon matching event to datasheet
/@clear_dungeonwork //reset dungeon task
/@clear_guild_skill //Clear all guild skills acquired
/@clear_quest [questId] [all] //Clear the quest DB
/@clear_recipe_world //Delete RECIPE from worldServer
/@clear_seren_guide //
/@clear_withdrawer // clear coward state
/@clearallabnormality // clear all buffs (clear all buffs without deactivating them.
/@clearbuff // delete all buffs
/@clearcool // Reset all skill cool times
/@clearfieldpoint //initialize field score
/@clearfp //initialize field score
/@clearware warehouse cleaning // warehouse cleaning
/@combatlog [on/off] //Enable combat log
/@combatwork [combat Work Id] //Forcibly execute the combat status work ID of the selected target NPC
/@complete_all_quest //Complete all automatic order quests
/@crash [file name] //crash
/@create_channel world //create channel
/@crest [Sentence point] //Release sentence application and apply sentence point. If there is no argument, only disable the sentence application
/@crest_all //Learn all sentences
/@crest_window //open sentence window
/@critical on/off // critical on/off
/@cube_prob tid //View cube item probability information
/@damage //Damage nearby monsters
/@debugsend [on/off] //Send debug information
/@delete_Tcat_Product_Sale [Item ID] //Tcat product discount off
/@despawn_territory [Hunter ID] [TerritoryId] [Channel ID] //Dispones everything in the Territory
/@despawn_worldspawn [WorldSpawnId] //Despawn all spawn territories belonging to WorldSpawn whose id is WorldSpawnId in WorldSpawnData.xml, and the corresponding world spawn operates from the beginning as when the server was restarted.
/@despawnalleventnpc // despawn all event npc
/@despawnallnpc // despawn all npc
/@destroy_channel world channel instance // delete channel
/@destroy_guild // Destroy the guild
/@disable_citywar_enter_limit //Restrictions on admission to Guild Battles are canceled (you can enter unconditionally)
/@disable_license [License name] //Disable license
/@disconn_all_arbiter // Disconnect all arbiter server sessions
/@dont_ban_battle_field //Prevent chatter in the loom field
/@dr_available_count //Black gap quest order amount adjustment
/@dr_balancing_usercount [userCount] //Modify the BalancingUserCount of the black gap at the current location
/@dr_close [hzid] [dr_tid] //close black gap
/@dr_expand //Forcibly expand the black gap at the current location
/@dr_fold //Forcibly shrink the black gap at the current location
/@dr_goto [hzid] [dr_tid] //Move to the black gap
/@dr_here //Summon black gap to user location
/@dr_inspect // Output black gap information at current location
/@dr_list_reserve //Retrieve reserved black gap EventGroup information
/@dr_open [hzid] [dr_tid] //open black gap
/@dr_open_group [egid] //Forcibly open the black gap EventGroup
/@dr_report //Print all open black gap information
/@dr_rereserve_group //Initialize black gap EventGroup reservation information and rebook
/@dr_rightnow //Ignore Countdown of all black gaps and start right away
/@dr_set_abnormality [abnormalityId] // Fix the abnormal state of all black gaps
/@dr_set_npcgroup [step] [groupTemplateId] //Fix n-step Spawn Npc in all black gaps
/@dr_set_questtemplate [id1] [id2] [id3] //Fix the quest TemplateId of all black gaps
/@dr_spawnreport // Print a list of waiting lists for black gap summons
/@dr_start_quest //Start Black Rift Quest
/@dr_step [step] //skip the black gap
/@dr_time [sec] //Black gap defense time adjustment
/@dr_user_count //Change the number of people in the black gap quest
/@drop_all_items [on/off] //If you kill npc, drop all items
/@dropitem template_id amount // Drop the item
/@dump_performance_data //
/@dungeon_flag [flag-name] //Set the dungeon flag
/@dungeon_timer [timer-value] //Set the dungeon timer
/@enable_citywar_enter_limit //Use the guild war admission restrictions
/@enable_license [License name] //Acquire license
/@enable_ride_vehicle [on/off] //Can board the vehicle unconditionally
/@enchantitemsuccess [-1: always fail, 0: default state, 1: always succeed] //Will you always succeed when reinforcing items?
/@end_citywar //End of battle
/@end_gmevent gmEventId channelId // End of GM event (reward payment)
/@end_npc_arena // End NPC Arena
/@endfe [contId(all=all)] [eventId(0=contall)] //End field event
/@endfieldevent [contId(all=all)] [eventId(0=contall)] //End field event
/@enter_dungeon [contId] [enter-index] //Enter the dungeon
/@enter_dungeon_party [contId] [enter-index] //(All party members in the same world) Enter the dungeon
/@enter_dungeonwork [dungeonId] [randomMode] [workid] //Enter the task selection solo dungeon
/@enter_gmevent gmEventId // Enter GM event
/@epexp_allrev on/off //All correction values ​​OnOff
/@epexp_defaultrev on/off // Default correction value OnOff
/@epexp_extrabonus on/off // other correction value OnOff
/@epexp_tsrev on/off //TS correction value OnOff
/@exitclear_cool [1/0] //If it is 1, it is always possible to ignore the emergency escape time. If it is 0, as usual
/@expdiv [Value to divide EXP] // Obtained by dividing the experience value by the parameter value
/@extend_party [partyToRaid] //Change Party ↔ Raid
/@extractitemfail [If it is 1, it always fails if it is 0, as it is] //Will it always fail when extracting items?
/@extractitemsuccess [If 1, always succeed, 0 if original] //Will you always succeed when extracting items?
/@fail_quest //Quest failure handling
/@fast_box //gacha and eventSeed animation skip
/@fast_cube on / off //Open without cube material
/@ferotation [on/off] // turn field event rotation on and off
/@festival_end [festivalId] //Disable festival
/@festival_start [festivalId] //Activate the festival
/@fight_npc_arena //Start NPC Arena battle
/@finish_battle_field [win/lose] //Force end the battlefield
/@finish_battle_field_round // end round
/@finish_tutorial // finish the tutorial
/@flyspeed value // adjust flight speed
/@force_change_user_status [on/off] [userStatus/1=battle/0=normal/2=peace (old bonfire)] //user status change
/@force_do_ep_passive on/off // attribute passive 100% activation on/off
/@forget_guild_skill [skillTemplateId] [isActive] //Remove guild skill
/@forget_skill skillTemplateId isActive // ​​Delete skill
/@forget_social [socialMotionId] //Social delete
/@free_flight on/off //On or off whether to fly without using flight energy
/@freeze_condition // condition value fixed
/@fulldump [file name] //full dump
/@gamble_test // gambling test
/@get key [id/name] //Get property value
/@number of get_quests //get the quests
/@get_region_info //Display the current region information
/@get_return_user_reward //Get reward for returning user
/@ghost [on] or [off] //Get server coordinates of those spawned around
/@giveup_promotion // give up the promotion test
/@gopos [x] [y] [z] //move to a specific location
/@goto [other character name] //teleport to another character
/@goto_battle_field_round //start from a specific round
/@goto_least_entered_fe [onlyEmpty=1] //Move to the event with the fewest people
/@gotofe [contId] [eventId] //Move to the start position of the field event
/@guild_ware_range [startIndex] [endIndex] [itemDbId] //Create item in guild warehouse
/@guildwar_accept [opposite guild name] //let's fight! XXX Guild
/@guildwar_giveup [name of the opponent guild] //hang ha buck ha
/@guildwar_raise [opposite guild name] [additional bet tactical chip] //let's fight XXX Guild
/@guildwar_start [opposite guild name] [betting tactical chip] //let's fight! XXX Guild
/@holdabnormality_clear // clear all stored buffs
/@idle_social_stop idle social stop/start //
/@ignoreskilllos [on/off] // Whether to check los when hitting a skill
/@increaseinvensize [minimum 48 to 88] //Only increase the character inventory size
/@insert_item templateId itemCount //item acquisition
/@insert_Tcat_Product_Sale [Item ID] [Discount price], [Time (minutes)] //Register Tcat product discount
/@interest [on distance] or [off] //Gather debug information of nearby guys
/@invincible [on/off] // invincible state
/@invisible [on/off] //NPC is close
/@invite_guild character name //invite guild member
/@is_tutorial_user //Check if you are a tutorial user
/@item_add [userName] [itemTemplateId] [amount] //Add item
/@item_del [userName] [itemTemplateId] [amount] //Delete item
/@item_list [userName] //item listing
/@item_multidel //
/@item_trade //
/@itemlevel itemLevel / off // Change item level
/@join_party [planetId] [userDbId] //Add party
/@jump_task [questId] [taskId] //Jump to a specific task of the quest
/@jumpto [huntingZoneId] [templateId] //teleport to NPC
/@kick_party [planetId] [userDbId] // kick off the party
/@kill range UU // kill NPC within radius
/@kill_mypet // destroy pet
/@kill_summonee character name //invite guild members
/@killme // suicide
/@killme2 // Suicide while breaking crystal
/@learn_all_epperk //Learn all epPerk
/@learn_epperk [skillId] [level] //Learn Ep Perk(characteristics, effects)
/@learn_guild_skill [skillTemplateId] [isActive] //Guild skill acquisition
/@learn_recommended_ep //Apply the recommended characteristics of each class
/@learn_skill skillTemplateId isActive // ​​skill acquisition
/@learn_social [socialMotionId] //Social learning
/@leave_dungeon //Leave the dungeon
/@leave_dungeon_party //(All party members in the same world) Exit the dungeon
/@leave_party // leave the party
/@level new level // change level
/@limited_drop_reset_point [gauge id] //reset quantity control drop point
/@limited_drop_set_point [gauge id] [capacity point] //Quantity control Drop point adjustment
/@list key [id/name] //property listing
/@load_drevent // Add unskilled dungeon matching event to datasheet
/@login [class] [number of animals] //login test
/@lootitem [Acquisition Radius] //Route items within the acquisition radius, (range> 0: route as much as a range, range <= 0: do not route, omit range: route as much as 500)
/@make_me_second // change yourself to a second character
/@make_party [target username] // configure party
/@make_party2 [target userDbId] //party configuration
/@make_vehicle_skill_book //Get a boarding skill book
/@makeitem [Template ID] [Quantity] [Enhanced] [Luxury(1)/Awakening(2)] //Create item
/@makeitem_damage [Template ID] [Enhanced] [Quantity] //Create damaged equipment
/@makeitem_op [Template ID] [Quantity] [Enhanced] [Luxury (1)/Awakening (2)] //Create an item with a high option level
/@makeitem_range [tid_start] [tid_end] [Quantity] //Make various items
/@makeitems [Template ID] [Template ID] [Template ID] .... [Quantity] //Create various items
/@makematerial [production item id] [number] //Create production item material
/@makemoney [amount] // make money
/@makeplaytestitem [Phase] [Enhancement value] //Set equipment at once
/@makeqbitem [questId] [taskId] // Temporary implementation of retrieving items
/@maketestitem [enchant] //Create test equipment item
/@match_battle_field //Forcibly match two parties to the battlefield [Battlefield TID] [Relative ID]
/@memstat //
/@merge_item fromInvenPos toInvenPos //Merge item
/@minigame_skip [true/false] //skip fishing minigame
/@move_to_village //Move to the nearest grave in case of death
/@mpfull [on/off] //MP full mode
/@msg_dungeon //StrSheet_MonsterBehavior.xml message output
/@msg_monsterbehavior [MonsterBehaviorId] [range(1000)] //Print message of StrSheet_MonsterBehavior.xml
/@msg_system [readableId] // Output the message of StrSheet_SystemMessage.xml
/@next_quiz point //Proceed to next question of OX quiz
/@next_repequiz point // OX quiz loser resurrection progress
/@next_task [questId] //Proceed next task
/@nocool [on/off] // Infinite skill cooldown mode
/@nodie [on/off] //I get hit but I won't die
/@nomod [on/off] //Position correction off mode during skill
/@nonpk_list //Search the list of Sections set to NonPk in this world
/@nonrecovery_actpoint [on/off] //Apply Coin of Adventure Natural Recovery
/@nonrecovery_hp [on/off] //HP automatic recovery on/off
/@nonrecovery_mp [on/off] //MP automatic recovery on/off
/@nonrecovery_st [on/off] //ST automatic recovery on/off
/@open_all_box //Open all EventSeeds & Gachas in inventory
/@open_bfstore [Store menu ID] //Open store without npc
/@packettest //
/@parcel_fee //Pay parcel fee
/@parcel_recv //receive parcel
/@parcel_return // parcel return
/@parcel_send // send parcel
/@passive_off passive ID // turn off passive state
/@passive_on passive ID // turn on passive status
/@passive_see //Print on passive status screen
/@passive_show passive ID // turn off passive status
/@pausenpc range //stop NPC
/@pegasus pegasusId // pegasus
/@perfect_level new level // level change + skill acquisition
/@perfect_skillPolishing //Activate all skill polishing
/@petevolution_success //[-1 = forced failure, 0 = normal, 1 = forced success]
/@petmix_success //[-1 = forced failure, 0 = normal, 1 = forced success]
/@pkmodeoff // Force PK state off
/@pkmodeOn //PK
/@playtimereward [daily/total] [reward ID] //Cumulative access time reward payment
/@prisoner [on/off] //set the prison state
/@producefatiguepoint // set productivity
/@produceitemfail [If it is 1, it always fails, if it is 0, as it is] //Will you always fail when making an item?
/@prof_bug New skill level //Insect collection skill change
/@prof_energy New skill level //Changed skill level for gathering energy
/@prof_herb New skill level //Changed herb collection skill level
/@prof_mineral New skill level //Mineral collection skill change
/@profile_world //world server profiling
/@pullmonster // pull the monster to my location
/@qatest_world on/off //
/@randomfe // start one event at a random rotation specified in the function
/@rank_add_point [point] // Add record competition inden point
/@rank_add_private_point [point] //Add personal points in the record competition
/@rank_add_record // record competition in-done record 1~10000 points randomly added
/@rank_clear // Clear record competition indon
/@rank_log [on/off] // Clear record competition index
/@rank_start // Start counting the record competition index
/@rank_test // record competition record film creation
/@ranktimer // output rank timer progress time
/@ranktimer_reset // Initialize rank timer record
/@ranktimer_state [on/off] // Whether to print ranktimer start and end messages
/@re //resurrection
/@reaction [reaction motion number] //forced reaction
/@recalc_stat // recalculate stats
/@recv_all_parcel //Receive all mail (for server team test)
/@recv_daily_bonus //Forcibly Receive Valkyon Order Daily Bonus
/@recv_weekly_bonus //Forcibly Receive Valkyon Orders Weekly Bonus
/@register_card [cardTemplateId] [amount] //Register card
/@registerParts //
/@reload_critical_adjust_datasheet //critical adjust datasheet reload
/@reload_datasheet_world //reload all datasheets
/@reload_dr //reload black gap datasheet
/@reload_dungeon [Dungeon ID] [DungeonRetry Reload] //Reload only the specified dungeon
/@reload_flying //flight-related reload
/@reload_huntingzone [Hunting zone ID] // Reload only the designated hunting zone
/@reload_item // Reload ItemTemplate
/@reload_limited_drop_datasheet //limited drop data sheet reload
/@reload_masstige_datasheet // reload masstige datasheet
/@reload_quest //reload all quest data sheets
/@reload_rank [id] //Reload record competition index xml
/@reload_token_exchange_datasheet //token exchange data sheet reload
/@reload_userskill // reread user skills
/@remove_guildtower //Remove Guild Tower
/@remove_target_guildtower //Remove Guild Tower
/@reputation_time_init [npcGuildId] //Reset the reputation time limit
/@reset_add_compensation_count // this Vent matching TASK reset to not receiving all additional rewards
/@reset_all_phaselevel_world //Reset all users' dungeon phase information (world)
/@reset_all_user_vip_store //reset all users Vip store
/@reset_attendance // reset attendance check
/@reset_daily_epexp //Reset daily experience
/@reset_daily_event_quest //Reset daily play guide events
/@reset_daily_quest //Reset the daily quest seed
/@reset_delivery_list //reset delivery list
/@reset_dungeon_clearcount //reset all dungeon cooldowns
/@reset_dungeon_enter_count // Delete dungeon entry count record
/@reset_dungeonhistory //reset all dungeon cooldowns
/@reset_ep //Ep system reset
/@reset_epperk //Ep Perk (property, effect) reset
/@reset_masstige_status //Reset the target item for national enhancement
/@reset_profile_world //reset world server profile data
/@resumenpc range //replay NPC
/@resurrection // resurrect
/@rightbaseitem [RightID] [ItemTID] //Get RightBaseItem
/@rightnow_gmevent gmEventId // Immediately start waiting GM event
/@sealitemnow [if it is 1, if it is 0, it will be original] //When the item is attributed, it will be attribute immediately
/@send_ask_code_hash //Send code hash request
/@set key value [id/name] //set property value
/@set_achievement_accomplished //achieve achievement
/@set_achievement_cond_value //set achievement condition value
/@set_add_compensation_count [eventId] [acquireNum] //Event Matching TASK Additional Reward Acquisition Count Manipulation
/@set_all_achievement_accomplished //achieve all achievements
/@set_autowatingtime [millisecond] //Set the waiting time for self fishing
/@set_bitetime [millisecond] //Set bite quality waiting time
/@set_condition value //Set the user's condition value
/@set_custom_string //[itemDbid] [String] Change item custom name
/@set_dlm_delay min [max] //Random delay period when performing world-arbiter tasks (unit: ms)
/@set_dr_clear_each [RewardId] //Set a single compensation for the crack of the construction
/@set_dr_clear_fail [RewardId] //Set the compensation for the crack failure in the construction
/@set_dr_clear_general [RewardId] //Set the global compensation for the crack in the space
/@set_dr_clear_personal [RewardId] //Set personal reward for the crack of space
/@set_dr_hp [hpRate] // Set the initial Hp ratio of the crack object in construction
/@set_dungeon_clear //Set dungeon clear
/@set_dungeon_reset_time //Set the time to delete the number of dungeon entries
/@set_dungeon_user_count //Adjust the number of users in the dungeon for testing
/@set_dungeonwork_value [hit/combo/timer] [value] //Set the test dungeon task value
/@set_equipexp [Proficiency exp] //Change equipment proficiency experience
/@set_exp [EXP value] //Set experience value
/@set_fishing_reward_table [tableId] //Set reward table id
/@set_gamble_master //Become a bastard
/@set_gamble_property // set the property
/@set_hurryup_gmevent [hurryUpRatio] [hurryUpCounts(csv)] //Set variable for GM event imminent deadline
/@set_login_day [period] [loginDay] //Daily play guide attendance check
/@set_minigamelevel [level] //Set the minigame level
/@set_money [amount] // set money
/@set_npcguild_exp [npcGuildId] [grade] [exp] //Set the reputation faction experience
/@set_npcguild_point [npcGuildId] [point] //Set reputation point
/@set_on_dungeon_event // Start all dungeon events
/@set_on_field_event // Start all EventGroups of field events
/@set_pc_level character name level // set character level
/@set_pc_loc Character name location string // Set character location
/@set_petdur [dur] //changing pet-dur temporarily
/@set_petprof [Proficiency] //Change Pet Proficiency
/@set_pkpoint [pkPoint] //Change pK point
/@set_promotion // achieve promotion
/@set_round_pve_kill_point //PveKill_Point[point]
/@set_round_pve_skill_point //PveSkill_Point[point]
/@set_skill_prof skillId skillProf // set skill proficiency
/@set_temper_ratio Enchant Probability //Fix Enchant Probability
/@set_token_exchange_point [tokenExchangeId] [point] //Token score adjustment
/@set_tutorial_user [on/off] //Set whether to be a tutorial user
/@set_walk_speed //set walking speed
/@set_world_worldparam [param-name] [param-value] //Modify WorldParam
/@setfeprogress [contId] [eventId] [setvalue] //Set field event progress
/@setfieldeventprogress [contId] [eventId] [setvalue] //Set field event progress
/@setmoney [name] [money] //set money
/@setrestbonus rest_bonus //
/@show_bonfire_info //Show current user's bonfire information
/@show_chapter //View meetinghouse
/@show_condition //View user's condition value
/@show_FinalConditionalSkillProb //Check the final probability of the partner skill (use after skill activation)
/@show_incubator //Open Pet Incubator
/@show_items [tabIdx] [beginIdx] [endIdx] //Check inventory item information
/@show_limited_drop_info [gauge id] //Show quantity control gauge information
/@show_petmanager //Open Pet Manager
/@show_phaselevel_world //My phase information
/@show_skill_learn huntingZoneId npcId //Show skill acquisition window
/@show_social_learn //Show learned social
/@show_temper_window //hanga~
/@show_time //Show current time
/@show_user_status //View user status
/@show_vs //Print the vehicle's speed
/@showfei [on/off] // field event status information text output
/@showfeinfo [on/off] // field event status information text output
/@showfep // show the internal value of the currently participating fieldEvent
/@showfeprogress // show the internal value of the currently participating fieldEvent
/@showinven //
/@showpos [x] [y] [z] [showTime] //Show vector location for debugging
/@shuttle [on/off] shuttleId // turn dynamic geo (shuttle) on and off
/@skill_cheater_world [on/off] [termSeconds(int)] [countThreashold(int)] [kick/nokick] //Change skill cheater settings
/@skill_miss_limit // When the monster fails to hit the target a number of times due to height difference, etc.
/@skillLog // Leave server file log
/@sm [system message number] //system message
/@social [socialMotionId] //social
/@spawn_bonfire typeid //Summon Bonfire
/@spawn_territory [HunterId] [TerritoryId] [Channel ID] // Spawn everything in the territory
/@spawn_worldspawn [WorldSpawnId] [SpawnTerritoryGroupId] // In WorldSpawnData.xml, change the current spawn territory group of WorldSpawn whose id is WorldSpawnId to SpawnTerritoryGroup whose id is SpawnTerritoryGroupId.
/@spawnalleventnpc // spawn all event npc
/@spawnallnpc // spawn all npc
/@spawncollection // Respawn all collections in user channel
/@spawnnpc [Hunting AreaId] [NpcTemplateId] [Count] // Let's spawn it
/@spawnworkobject [huntingZoneId] [templateId] // Spawn Work Object
/@speed multiplier // increase moving speed
/@speed_hack_check //spec check [on/off]
/@start_battle //start the battlefield immediately
/@start_citywar // start of battle
/@start_eventgroup [id] // Forced start of the dungeon event group
/@start_gmevent gmEventId // Add GM event
/@start_npc_arena // Start NPC Arena
/@start_promotion // start the promotion test
/@start_quest Quest ID // Start Quest
/@start_seren_guide [type, id] //Start Seren Guide
/@startfe [contId] [eventId] //start field event
/@startfieldevent [contId] [eventId] //start field event
/@startnpcskill skill_template_id //Run NPC skill
/@stfull [on/off] //ST full mode
/@stopFloatingCastleUserCheck //
/@store_changeinfo [index] //Show changes to store item sales (WorldServer)
/@stwork [combat Work Id] //Forcibly execute the combat status work ID of the selected target NPC
/@style_ware_range [startIndex] [endIndex] [itemDbId] //Create item in style warehouse
/@summonParty //Summon all party members to my location
/@swap_party [slotIndex1] [slotIndex2] //Change raid slot
/@sysconfig_world //
/@task_goal [questId] [taskIdx] [flag] //Set task goal
/@teleport [worldId] [x] [y] [z] //teletoby
/@teleport_channel //
/@temper_item temperItemSlot materialItemSlot // Item Smelting
/@test_parts_store //
/@testoff // end program test
/@teston Test type, other parameters // Start program test
/@this // Force the position of the characters in my account to the current character position
/@toggle_epInfo // Characteristics Info
/@track_dynamic // Tracks only one NPC currently held as a target in the track list
/@track_target //Add the selected target NPC to the tracking list
/@trade_accept //
/@trade_additem //
/@trade_request //
/@unidentifysuccess //Sewing unconditionally successful [on/off]
/@unRegisterParts //
/@untrack_target //Remove selected target NPC from tracking list
/@use_exp_gain_data [on/off] //
/@userawake [grade] //[0 = taste 1 = awake
/@vaporize // true transparency
/@vehicle_avatar [huntingZoneId] [templateId] // ride Kumas (avatar)
/@vehicle_clear_cooltime //Initialize the vehicle skill cooltime
/@vehicle_dettach //Kumas/Tank forced off
/@vehicle_killself //Destruction of the vehicle on board
/@vehicle_nocool [on/off] //Remove the skill cooldown of the vehicle.
/@view_channel // view channel
/@virtual_latency [min] [max] //Virtual latency
/@visit_all_sections //Visit all regions
/@vm_buy [vm inventory#,count] [...] //buy
/@vm_edit_buy [vm inventory #, user inventory #, tempId, number of lives, number of collections, price] [...] //Set the purchase machine
/@vm_edit_sell [collection amount] [vm inventory #, user inventory #, tempId, number of eight, number of collections, price] [...] //Vending machine setting
/@vm_sell [vm inventory#,count] [...] //sell
/@vm_show_buy //View purchase list
/@vm_show_sell //View sales list
/@ware_list //View warehouse
/@ware_range [startIndex] [endIndex] [itemDbId] //Create item in account warehouse
/@win_battle_field //force to win the battlefield
/@write_gcfunctions //
/@부활 // Resurrection

TIP: For the Items ID's its better to use Tera Lore

Useful Tutorials

Enable Vanilla GM
Add Shalted Encryption
Enable Operator Mode
Last edited:
Sep 21, 2013
Reaction score
Yes it worked... Thanks!!

Archgeus - TERA 92.03 GM Commands - RaGEZONE Forums
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 26, 2019
Reaction score
Has someone figured out how to use /@change_user_to_npc [huntingZoneId] [templateId] //User transformation mode command? Can we morph into Bosses or NPC's?
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 18, 2011
Reaction score
it is also possible to use the command "/@set_go on" ... this enables the "Operator Mode" you are invisible, if you right click on a player you can see a button "review user information" or something like this, click on it and its open a "Operator Panel". click at this panel at the blue invisible button this make you visible and you got "automatically" the [GM] Tag at your charactername(visible for other players) so you don't need to add a GM Tag at the Database.
But some Functions at the "Operator Panel" are broken and will crash your client.
To disable the "Operator Mode" enter "/@set_go off" so you are not more visible as GM and you are looking like a normal player.

yeah argeus99 you can add this to your first post :thumbup1:

So have fun :cool:
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 5, 2015
Reaction score
it is also possible to use the command "/@set_go on" ... this enables the "Operator Mode" you are invisible, if you right click on a player you can see a button "review user information" or something like this, click on it and its open a "Operator Panel". click at this panel at the blue invisible button this make you visible and you got "automatically" the [GM] Tag at your charactername(visible for other players) so you don't need to add a GM Tag at the Database.
But some Functions at the "Operator Panel" are broken and will crash your client.
To disable the "Operator Mode" enter "/@set_go off" so you are not more visible as GM and you are looking like a normal player.

yeah @argeus99 you can add this to your first post :thumbup1:

So have fun :cool:
The shortcut "ALT + A" also display the Game Operator panel if you have the right, better than right clicking on an user ^_^
Newbie Spellweaver
Jul 26, 2019
Reaction score
Has someone figured out how to use /@change_user_to_npc [huntingZoneId] [templateId] //User transformation mode command? Can we morph into Bosses or NPC's?

Again, has someone tested this command?
Initiate Mage
Nov 20, 2014
Reaction score

Hello. Nice to meet you everyone.
For GM commands, each command can be executed even if the "adminLevel" of the character currently being created is "0".Is there a way to prevent these?

# The "adminLevel" you are checking is "PlanetDB_2800.Users.adminLevel".

What I tried:
In order to control the initial value of the corresponding column, the initial value of the "adminLevel" column of the "Users" table in "GameDatabaseDefinition.xml" has been changed from "0" to "99".However, even if the "adminLevel" of the newly registered character changed, it did not affect the character's command usage.

I'm relying on Google Translate for some, so I'm sorry if there are any strange sentences.

Maybe the "admin Level" itself is a reward level and is there any other level for GM command exercise?

sorry..I found Enable vanilla GM system.
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Newbie Spellweaver
Sep 9, 2020
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what are the commands to get different tiers of laurel, I was hoping that using the achievement commands to retrieve all of its achievements would hopefully get me to Champion/Diamond laurel but sadly it didn't get me anywhere, any idea?
Initiate Mage
Aug 31, 2021
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Does anyone know what command to add a pet? I tried /@makeitem or /@item_add but both doesn't work
Junior Spellweaver
Dec 5, 2015
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Does anyone know what command to add a pet? I tried /@makeitem or /@item_add but both doesn't work

You can use the "/@makeitem" command to add the pet manual. I think you can use the "/@add_partner" command
Initiate Mage
Aug 31, 2021
Reaction score
oh I see. I thought it was pet ID. Now I can add a pet with a skill book with /@makeitem"command. Thanks :)
Initiate Mage
Dec 28, 2021
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How do you add stuff that says it isn't meant for you like gigantic versions of pets?
Junior Spellweaver
Jan 22, 2021
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How do you add stuff that says it isn't meant for you like gigantic versions of pets?

Depending which pet you talking about, it prob means its not implemented in the server, thus you can't spawn it.