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Recent content by Drew McAuley

  1. D

    [HELP] Need help making a retro

    I have made a R63 retro using Butterly emulator and BCStorm, got as far as to making my admin account and able to access the housekeeping but not sure what to do next. The guide I used was You must be registered for see element. I've done all steps up to step 11 and that's where I don't know...
  2. D

    [HELP] Need help making a retro

    Okay, so it basically explains itself a little in the thread title. I know most of you will find this slightly amusing but I've tried following various tutorials here to make a R63/R63B retro and still fail to do so. I've followed each step correctly (as far a I know) and checked over and over...
  3. D

    [TUT] How to make a r63b Retro!

    I'm wanting to set up a hotel for personal use, to get used to fixing bugs/errors etc first before going Public. Thanks for raising that concern though :)
  4. D

    [TUT] How to make a r63b Retro!

    Hey, I know I'm going to sound like a complete noob but I'm really not that great on computers when it comes to all this retro stuff. I'm looking for someone to assist me with making a Habbo retro and in return I'm more than happy to offer a payment via Paypal. I just can't seem to understand...