Recent content by Maximusss

  1. Maximusss

    Nova 3205 server file + client

    Could anyone tell me why when I open Auth.cmd it closes by itself?
  2. Maximusss

    How to Change Pearl Shop Main Page Image and Link

    Good night, I'll try to explain what's going on here: I followed all of Ladie's tutorial, I put the images on the website she indicated and everything was perfect.But in my house where the server is connected, the images do not appear, in another person's house connected to my server the image...
  3. Maximusss

    How to Edit Translation File for New Language?

    Good Morning. Thanks for answering, but my version 233 doesn't have those folders
  4. Maximusss

    How to Edit Translation File for New Language?

    Good morning, does anyone know how to edit and which file to edit to translate? Version 223 You must be registered for see element.
  5. Maximusss

    [Release] Guardian Version Server Files, Client and Source - Currently most corrected

    where is this patch: where is this patch:
  6. Maximusss

    [Release] Archer Version Server Files And Client - Stable Version

    Because when I activate an event I don't get the missions to do or the event items. EX: I activated the New Year event (Nothing appeared, only the decorations) EX: I activated the Christmas event (Nothing appeared, just the decorations)
  7. Maximusss

    [Release] Archer Version Server Files And Client - Stable Version

    I wanted to thank everyone who posted their doubts, I read all the pages and finally, I have the server here working perfect, I play, my wife and a son, everything working here. Ledie, Congratulations on your launch, Thank you Queria agradecer a todos que postaram suas duvidas, eu li todas as...
  8. Maximusss

    Nova 3205 server file + client

    Sorry, I sent it in Portuguese, I'm Brazilian. I made an image of all the open screens and when I try to enter after 10 minutes I create the last name and when I go to enter it says server in maintenance, I followed Ladie's video and I did correctly what she explains there...
  9. Maximusss

    Nova 3205 server file + client

    Fica dando na tela de conectar o servidor "Servidor em Manutenção"
  10. Maximusss

    Nova 3205 server file + client

    Olá, já revisei três vezes e continuo tendo esse problema, não consigo encontrar o que pode estar ---------------------------------------- -------------------- Agora está aparecendo, o que seria? You must be registered for see element.
  11. Maximusss

    Emulator/Tools Release Megathread

    Good afternoon, I've already made everything work correctly, I'm just not able to create a user, could someone help me? please someone who could answer me